NOV. 26,2018
(V) Freddy's Frozen Custard & Steakburgers.
The applicant seeks the following development standards variance approvals:
2. Docket No. 18100003 V UDO Section 3.91.A Min. 30' wide greenbelt required along US 421,
19' width proposed.
3. Docket No. 18100004 V UDO Section 3.95.F Drive-Thru location at rear of tract required,
North side of building proposed.
The site is located at 9701-9703 N. Michigan Rd., on North Augusta Subdivision Lots 8 &9. The site is
zoned B2/Business and US 421 Michigan Rd. Corridor. Filed by Rick Lawrence of Nelson&
Frankenberger on behalf of ICT, LLC.
General Info &Analysis:
The Petitioner seeks approval to construct a restaurant with drive-thru. To the north of this site is Holiday Inn
Express hotel, to the south of this site is office and retail uses, to the west of this site is the future Belle Tire auto
maintenance &tire store, and to the east of this site is land zoned single family residential and 421 Overlay
Zone. Please see the Petitioner's informational packet for more detail on the variance requests.
The Petitioner can meet all development standards required by the UDO for the site, except for two:
1. Greenbelt Width: The Unified Development Ordinance(UDO) requires sites along Michigan Rd. to have at
least a 30-ft wide greenbelt buffer along their frontages. For this site, however, the US 421 street right of
way boundary `jogs' into the site as it gets closer to 97th Street. This creates a parcel shape that makes it
hard to have a continuous 30' wide greenbelt along Michigan Rd., while still being able to provide the
required parking spaces,building footprint, etc. The petitioner provides as much greenbelt width as they
can,but in some areas it needs to taper down to be around 19' wide. Regardless, the total number of
required plantings will still be provided in the overall greenbelt area.
2. Drive Thru Location: The Unified Development Ordinance (UDO) requires that"Stacking for drive-thru
lanes shall be confined to the rear of the tract or parcel with outlet from such lines also being to the rear of
the building. Lines for drive-thru facilities shall not be permitted along the front and sides of structures
within the Overlay District..." The site is located at the intersection of 97th Street and Michigan Rd., and
since it is a Corner Lot, it has two front yards. The placement of a drive thru window on the building, as
well as a drive thru stacking area for vehicle becomes challenging. The drive thru pickup window will be
placed along the north side of the building, and the stacked cars will wrap around that side of the building
back to the rear of the site.
The Planning Dept. supports these variance requests.
Petitioner's Findings of Fact:
Please refer to the petitioner's Findings of Facts included in their info packet.
After all comments and concerns are addressed, the Dept. of Community Services recommends positive
consideration of Docket Nos. 18100003-4 V.