HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes HO 10-22-18 (V) Reasner Garage.
The applicant seeks variance approvals for size and setback of a proposed detached garage:
2. Docket No. 18090003 V UDO Section 5.02.B.1: Garage Location. Garage setback 25-ft behind house
face required,52-ft in front of house proposed.And,garage to straddle side lot line.
3. Docket No. 18090004 V UDO Section 5.02.B.3: Garage Floor Area.Max.24' x 30' size required,26'
x 32' proposed. The site is located at 1966 E. 110th Street, on Lots 1 &2 in Woodland Golf Club Subdivision. It
is zoned S2/Residence. Filed by David Reasner,owner.
Petitioner: David Reasner
• Unable to locate the garage in the rear yard due to the natural drainage that comes off of Woodland Country Club
and a structure in the rear yard wouldn't allow access to this drainage easement
• There are other homes in this area that have car garages in their front yard
• The garage will be built by the same designer of the existing home and use the same materials and colors
• We will keep the existing trees and will not affect any drainage
• I have received letters of support from the neighbors
Public Comments:None
Department Report: Angie Conn:
• The garage will be place approximately 25' in the front of the front face of the house
• A lot of the homes on this street have front yard and side loading garages
• They provided a photo the flooding that takes in the rear yard, and this is why they didn't want to place it there
• Staff recommends positive recommendation of the two variances
Board Comments:
Jim Hawkins: Can you verify you are at least 35' from the street ROW? David Reasner: We are 29' from the ROW
Angie Conn: We wanted clarification of the site plan; it shows a setback from the easement. We weren't sure if the
measurement from the easement or the actual street ROW.
Approved 1-0
(V) Barbour Garage Setback.
The applicant seeks variance approval for an existing detached garage front yard building setback:
4. Docket No. 18090006 V UDO Section 5.03.B: 25-ft setback required behind principal building,50-ft
in front of house proposed. The site is located at 2028 E. 106th Street. It is zoned S2/Residence. Filed by
Gradison Design Build on behalf of John& Gloria Barbour, owners.
Petitioner: Adam Mears,Gradison Building Corp.
• The detached garage has been here since the late 60's
• The new home was constructed directly behind the existing older home
• We are demolishing the older home,and the detached garage will remain out in front of the newly built home
Public Comments:
Robert Doster,lives at 2023 E 106th St.: I'm in favor. I understand why it's required to have strict zoning requirements,
but I don't understand why this wasn't handled administratively when the existing garage has been there for 60 years.
Department Report: Angie Conn:
• This is a unique situation
• The front yard setback is over 300'
• Staff is in support of this variance
Board Comments:None
Approved 1-0
BZA Hearing Officer Minutes 10-22-18