HomeMy WebLinkAboutDepartment Report 12-04-18 Carmel Plan Commission COMMERCIAL COMMITTEE December 4,2018 Department Report 1. Docket No. 18090015 DP/ADLS: Onyx Office Suites The applicant seeks site plan and design approval for a new,two story office building,totaling 31,808 sq.ft. It will be about 30' tall with 132 parking spaces provided.The site is located at 10439 Commerce Drive.It is zoned B-5/Business and is not located within any overlay zone.Filed by David Klain of D.B. Klain. *Updates to the Department Report are noted in blue text. Project Overview: The Petitioner proposes to construct a new building that will complete the Coastal Corporate Center office development. Within that development are four one-story buildings to the north of this site,also zoned B-5/Business.To the east and south surrounding this site(beyond the water detention ponds)is the Ashbrooke residential subdivision,zoned S-2/Single Family Residential.To the west is the West Carmel Marketplace where stores such as Marshalls and Best Buy are located. It is zoned B-3/Business.Please see the Petitioner's Information packet for more details. Unified Development Ordinance(UDO)Standards this project MEETS: B-5/Business: • Permitted Use: Office • Minimum Lot Area: 10,000 sq. ft.required,2.73 acres(118,918 sq. ft.)provided • Minimum Lot width: 100' required,400' provided • Maximum Building Height: 45' allowed,35'6"proposed at tower element, 30'4"at remainder of building • Front Yard Setback:minimum 15'required,about 145' proposed • Side Yard Setback: minimum 5' required,about 95' on north&about 80' on south proposed • Rear Yard Setback:minimum 15' required,61.58' proposed • Maximum Lot Coverage: 75%allowed, 56.4%proposed • Minimum Ground Floor Area: 900 sq.ft.required,31,808 sq.ft. proposed • Vehicular parking: 106 spaces required, 132 spaces proposed • Bicycle parking:4 spaces required, 8 spaces proposed • Lighting • Landscaping • Signage Unified Development Ordinance(UDO) Standards NOT MET,therefore Variances are required: • None Site Plan,Parkin!and Engineering: The subject parcel was originally planned(in 2005)to be a Phase II continuation of the Coastal Corporate Center office project just to the north,with additional office buildings that would have matched the scale and appearance of the existing buildings. Currently,there is asphalt paving along that shared property line,which will be adjusted to have a landscape buffer between the existing parking and the new parking for this project.A vehicular connection will be provided to the existing office center along the west side of the property,in line with the existing drive aisle.There will be one curb cut onto Commerce Drive for this project,which will line up with the(back)vehicular entrance to the West Carmel Marketplace shopping center. Parking required for this building is calculated under the Professional Office category,which requires one space for every 300 sq.ft.of floor area.There is 31,808 sq. ft. of floor area,so that would require 106 parking spaces. 132 spaces are provided,six of which are ADA accessible.The parking is located around the building to the west and north.Regarding detention and stormwater,there is a large pond to the east and south of this building that this project will tie into.The Petitioner is working with the City Engineer's office on addressing their review comments. Active Transportation: There is an existing multi-use path on Commerce Drive that ends right where this parcel begins.The Petitioner will complete the path to the edge of their property. It will be 10' wide and constructed of asphalt.A 5' wide sidewalk will be constructed to connect the new building to the path. Sidewalks will be provided around the new building on the north, west and east,and will have individual connections leading up to each of the suite entrances.Bike parking is located at the northwest corner of the building,adjacent to the main entrance.4 racks will be installed,which will provide 8 spaces total. Architectural Design: The building will have a modern feel,with stone,brick,and a mix of horizontal siding,as well as board and batten siding. The roof lines will be angled across the primary(west)façade of the building to give visual interest.The other elevations will also have small portions that have an angled roof,however,not as many as the west façade.The building materials will be laid out in a vertical fashion,to show that each part of the building is a different unit.However,on the rear(east) façade,it will all be brick for a cohesive design.The dumpster enclosure will be constructed of brick to match the building design,and the gates will be steel frame with cedar planks. Lighting: Site lighting is proposed through five parking lot pole lights.They will be LED lights with 90 degree cut off lenses at 25' tall.The photometric plan meets the requirements for 0.3 footcandles at the north,west,and south property lines;and the 0.1 footcandle requirement at the east property line.There will also be building accent lighting across the west face of the building. Landscaping: Building base,street trees,parking lot perimeter,and site perimeter landscaping will be provided.The Urban Forester has reviewed and approved the proposed landscape plan. Signage: One ground sign is proposed at the vehicular entrance to the site.It will be 6' tall and about 45 sq. ft.Up to 75 sq. ft. would be allowed per the sign ordinance.The sign will be constructed of brick and stone to match the building design.A second sign is proposed,which would be located on the awning of the building. It will be 22.5 sq. ft.Together with the ground sign;the two make up 67.5 sq. ft.,which is less than the total signage allowed.The sign ordinance allows for awning signs to"use up"remaining square footage from the main sign type chosen.A few adjustments may be needed to make sure this awning sign meets height requirements,but Staff can work with the Petitioner on these details. November 20 Plan Commission meeting recap: The Petitioner presented the plan for the new office building.One neighbor spoke in favor of the project,commenting on the landscape plan and that they had no issues with the proposed building or overall plan. Plan Commission members had questions regarding the number of tenant units in the building(100), if covered bike parking was/could be provided,and clarifications regarding drainage and the pond surrounding the property.The Petitioner said they would work on providing covered bike parking and that they would write up an agreement that they will participate in the maintenance of the pond. The Plan Commission voted to send this to the Commercial Committee with final authority. DOCS Remaining Comments/Concerns: The only remaining item to discuss is the design of the building as it relates to the window design.As proposed,there are multiple shapes and designs of window panes.The Dept. would like to see this further simplified, in order to provide a cohesive and less busy façade design. There are a few locations with different window patterns,which are the west and south elevations. Recommendation: After all comments and concerns are addressed,the Department of Community Services recommends the Commercial Committee votes to approve this item this evening.