HomeMy WebLinkAbout332543 11/21/18 a°�-c,Ab �`/ fG CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA VENDOR: 372935 ONE CIVIC SQUARE MARK LAWLER CHECK AMOUNT: $*******100.00* 9� ,�a; CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 11586 WESTBURY PLACE DR CHECK NUMBER: 332543 .y�TON�°' CARMEL IN 46032 CHECK DATE: 11/21/18 DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT PO NUMBER INVOICE NUMBER AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 250 4350900 100.00 OTHER CONT SERVICES VOUCHER NO. WARRANT NO. Prescribed by State Board of Accounts City Form No.201 (Rev.1995) Vendor# 372935 ALLOWED 20 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER MARK LAWLER IN SUM OF$ CITY OF CARMEL 11586 WESTBURY PLACE DR An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show:kind of service,where performed,dates service rendered,by whom,rates per day,number of hours,rate per hour,number of units,price per unit,etc. CARMEL, IN 46032 Payee $100.00 ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR Purchase Order# Engineering Terms Date Due PO# ACCT# DATE INVOICE# DESCRIPTION DEPT# INVOICE# Fund# AMOUNT Board Members DEPT# FUND# (or note attached invoice(s)or bill(s)) AMOUNT 0 43-509.00 $100.00 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or 11/16/18 0 Residential Cost Share-Rain Barrel $100.00 2200 250 2200 250 bill(s)is(are)true and correct and that the materials or services itemized thereon for which charge is made were ordered and received except Friday, November 16, 2018 Jeremy Kashman Director I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s),or bill(s), is(are)true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5-11-10-1.6 , 20 Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid motor vehicle highway fund. Clerk-Treasurer RESIDENTIAL COST-SHARE APPLICATION •• ®4 Cay K6 1 CITY OF CARMEL STORM WATER USER FEE .'r'► RESIDENTIAL COST-SHARE APPLICATION APPLICATION TYPE: _Initial Application _Installation Verification APPLICANT NAME: APPLICANT PHONE NUMBER: /11,4,29 I-A,40 44�r,,'L— 31 7 Lt 3 0 — r z 05- APPLICANT 5APPLICANT EMAIL ADDRESS: APPLICANT MAILING ADDRESS: /4�,,4k 6,'1 //4IL. c;�c'I r'-Mc"; PROPERTY ADDRESS: PROPERTY UTILITY ACCOUNT NUMBER: PROPERTY PARCEL NUMBER: ' �7 / 3 Z /001 ( 7 —13 —C)L( eo - 02 -007 , 0'(/—V COST-SHARE APPLYING FOR: Rain Barrel V'Rain Garden _Permeable Surface _Other approved BMP's RIGHT OF ENTRY Upon approval of this application,the applicant agrees to give the City of Carmel and authorized representatives the right to enter the premises without hindrances,and inspect any practice being installed,or that has been installed,to receive a storm water utility credit. Denial of this right will result in the loss of the storm water credit. Applicant's Initials APPLICANT SIGNATURE: DATE: f lC% (3C (c � 21 Submit application and attachments to: City of Carmel Engineering Department Attn: Department of Storm water Management One Civic Square Carmel, IN 46032 stormwater@carmeLin.gov Required attachments for the Residential Cost-share Incentive INITIAL APPLICATION ATTACHMENTS �( INSTALLATION VERIFICATION ATTACHMENTS —Sketch of Site and Location of BMP(s) !/\ Photos of Installation Photos of Site t�Receipts Application Fee For Department of Storm water Management Use APPLICANT NAME: PROPERTY ADDRESS: DATE RECEIVED: RECEIVED BY: J A/1 TARGET AREA: �APPROVED COOL CREEK WA TERSHED 2CCOST-SHARE AMOUNT REIMBURSEMENT SENT DENIED(Reason) STAFF SIGNATU DATE: � � / ^ 22 INVOICE Greenscape Geeks LLC 121 Penway Indianapolis, Indiana 46205 GREENSCAPE United States GEEKS 317.801.5833 www.greenscapegeeks.com BALL TO Invoice Number: 151 Mark Lawler Mark Lawler Invoice Date: October 24,2018 11586 Westbury Place Drive Carmel, 46032 Payment Due: October 24,2018 317.430.1205 Amount Due(USD): $0.00 mark.e.lawler@gmail.com mountItems Quantity Price A Rain Garden Construction 1 $1,200.00 $1,200.00 Excavate area for rain garden, install drainage, mixed sand/soil, and re-use gravel already on site. Red Twig Dogwood 7 $45.00 $315.00 3 gal. Switch Grass 9 $29.00 $261.00 1 gal. Sea Oats 11 $23.00 $253.00 1 gal. Palm Sedge 7 $24.00 $168.00 1 gal. Liatris 13 $99.00 $1,287.00 Quart size. 10/case Fox Sedge 5 $24.00 $120.00 1 gal. Culvers Root(Speedwell) 1 $99.00 $99.00 Quart 10/case. Servicebenry 1 $365.00 $365.00 20 Gal. Butterfly Weed 5 $24.00 $120.00 1 gal. Cinderella Butterfly Weed 5 $24.00 $120.00 1 gal. Page :.fir _ ci In%,oic� =1.�1 INVOICE Greenscape Geeks LLC 121 Penway ® Indianapolis, Indiana 46205 GREENSC United States GEEKS 317.801.5833 www.greenscapegeeks.com Items Quantity . Downy Phlox:Blue Moon 3 $24.00 $72.00 1 gal Deposit 1 ($1,000.00) ($1,000.00) Payment 1 ($3,380.00) ($3,380.00) Total: $0.00 Amount Due(USD): $0.00 J3GB -f 2 for Invoice ''51 f V � t S 1 ''h�e�i - • r C { �� t��r y� r ..t •< rj 'MIS } � �' -•S k" - gto ilk j ��{ F . FF � w • ! wP g t 3 n � r • r3 yF i,r r�� xj +a�4t'�� �ri'i,�.r�� I M Pi f'r s x n t h l.fi� �f N'i13''r ,�r���F 4 S P'•� V fks���-s t �`r*� � l :t x J1.=�� lrler,�1,t•,i�e�i A �,-�-�.m'r-s�''.tf_r:.�fd1�:P`.�':�iY�F r.�`!: CONTENTS ConservationPlan.........................................................................................................................................................2 LandownerObjectives and Goals.............................................................................................................................2 Pre-Planning RecommendedPractices..........................................................................................................................................2 Bioswa le................................................................................................................................................................2 RainGarden................................................... ...............2 ........................................................................................ Nativeplants.........................................................................................................................................................6 Map...............................................................................................................................................................................6 CostShare Program......................................................................................................................................................8 11586 Westbury Place Dr.Carmel, IN 46032 CONSERVATION PLAN LANDOWNER OBJECTIVES AND GOALS Manage excess water PRE-PLANNING Be sure to check local and HOA codes and ordinances regarding signage, land disturbance, and other aspects of land management before beginning your project. Hamilton County:www.co.hamilton.in.us Carmel:www.carmel.in.gov If your property or communities drainage is regulated by the county(regulated drains)you MUST get permission from the Hamilton County Surveyor's Office before beginning any work. More information including permit applications can be found on their website, http://www.hamiltoncountV.in.gov/department/index.php?structureid=33,or contact their office via phone at (317)776-8495. Always check for utilities and easements prior to undertaking a project.To identify underground utilities call 1.800.382.5544 or visit http://indiana8ll.org/. RECOMMENDED PRACTICES BIOSWALE You could excavate to help the water more easily reach the swale area and drain toward the front of your property.Creating a bioswale to help reduce maintenance and soak up water in perpetually wet areas. . Create your bioswale by adding native plants with deep roots to help water soak into the ground. Perennial flowers and grasses as well as shrubs will add habitat value, beauty,and be low maintenance once established. Buttonbush, oakleaf hydrangea,arrowwood viburnum,and other shrubs listed on the planting plans I shared with you would be good options. RAIN GARDEN Consider adding a 75 sq.ft. (10 ft.x 8ft.x 6 in) rain garden to your yard. Rain gardens are shallow, bowl-like depressions in,your yard planted with native flowers and grasses. Stormwater is directed to your rain garden from impervious surfaces,usually via your gutter downspouts. The rain garden captures a portion of water off your roof, holding it for<48 hours,allowing it time to infiltrate back into the ground instead of running directly into storm drains and then our lakes, rivers,and streams. These systems help limit flooding and runoff pollution by decreasing the input of untreated water into our stormwater systems. Allowing rainwater to filter into the ground also allows for the recharge of our groundwater table. Rain gardens are created by digging a shallow bowl and using the displaced dirt to build a small berm on the opposite side of the"bowl." Plants that thrive in moist and occasionally inundated environments are planted in the bottom of the bowl and plants that require less water are planted higher in the garden and along the outer edge. Maintenance is straightforward and includes occasional weeding and watering in the first season until the native plants are established. 11586 Westbury Place Dr.Carmel, IN 46032 To increase infiltration,over excavate by 4-6 inches and break up the "bottom"soil. Mix back in a mixture of sand, compost,and topsoil to the desired depth of 6 inches. The advantage of the rain garden is that you are capturing and holding the water near the discharge point and allowing it to infiltrate.This should limit the amount of water overflowing to the swale and therefore that area should be much drier. The planting scheme below is appropriate for most sunny sites. Each numbered section lists a selection of plants that would be appropriate in that section of a rain garden. When selecting rain garden plants, it is important to consider soil moisture requirements and plant height as well as selecting a variety of bloom times so that your rain garden has visual interest and blooms throughout the season. Potential sources of native plants are listed on the SWCD's Native Plant Vendor List. Additionally,some vendors offer rain garden "kits"consisting of pre- selected plants and a planting guide. 11586 Westbury Place Dr.Carmel, IN 46032 \ :�\ \ 2 »2e1 ° . w�> . , � « / � \sac » :. . - . . . . , , . , ,■ Sunny Rain Gardens Common Name Scientific Name Sun tolerance Bloom time Height Bloom Color #1 Prairie Blazing Star Liatris pycnostachya Sun July-August 3-5 ft Purple Common Milkweed Asclepias syriaca Sun -May-August 2=4 ft Pink Bottle Gentian .Gentiona andrewsii Sun-Psun Sept=October 1-2 ft Blue Blue Mist.Flower fupatorium coelesfinum Psun August-Sept 1=2 ft Blue Wild Lupine Lupinus perennis Sun-Pshade April-July 1'-2' Blue/Violet #2 airie Blazrng Star, _ ,. _Lrastns pycnostachyo Sun _ 3 _ JWy¢ug; 3 5 ft Purple Ox Eye Sunflower If-hopss helianthordes Sun'_ urte Sept :3 Eft Ye(low "toneflower f .R_ Opcea purpurea Sun Psun July Sept 3 4 ft Purple ergamot Manvrdo fistulo#o _„ ,_ Sun Psun' ,?r 4.` luly Sep41- 5 2 5ft Lavender ' „ CupplanY_y_, :_- , �;,Slphrum perfohdtvm .,_, : _ Sun Psun' s _luly Sept 3:10 ft` Yel(ow .° #3 ,Black', y d-Susanl '.Rudtied�r hrrra., Sun :' June-Sept ".+, "13 ft ; Yellow ButterflyVI!eed :Asclepiastuberoso , Sun PShaie• neSept k 1'3 Orange EuIISun 1%Vdd stonecrop_ seifuin'rematum,a pshade= °l�prthWay fWFuYe ;Pycnanthemum Mountain; t ,;°, vrrginnivnum Sun July August f 12 ft , *Whete 4 Golden Alexaniiers Z¢itraurea Sirr-shade [Nay June, r3 2 ft_ Yellow, #4 Prairie Dro;se Spnrobolus,hete olepis Sun August-sept 1 2,ft' 8rorm Lytle Bluestein 5ch¢nchyriumscapanum: :Snn ;July-August Browne; ;Corex annectans.var relay June 1.2 ft Brown Yellow Fox Sedge : rantiiocarpa S"un Psun ,f fronweed Vernam fasaculaia Sun', Ai Sept 4 6 ft Purple RiverbankTussockSedge i`irtexe►noryt Sun-PsunMay-lune 2 ft- Green Smooth Penstpmon t7enstemon dgitalrs, :SuncPsun.° lune-luly 3'ft' :1Nhrte SneezeweedHeleniurn avtum #5 Hale Sun` luly Nov j.3-5 ft ;. ,Yellow CommonTussocfcSedge Carexstncta ;Sun' May=July 2`3' "Green CulversRoot, VerdriicastrumVrginicum Sun-Psun.. July=August <34tE = ".White New England Aster Asternovae-angliae - Sun: ._Sept-Oct =3-Oft' Bfue-White'`` 1Nild Columbine:-: Aquifegia canadens►s Sun Shade, April July Red%Yellow Euparorlum macu/awn or, < Weed fstulpsnm Qept #6 JoePya 4Tft- Pink San_ Blue Flaglns lns`verslcalor ., `Sun:= :. Iune;July 2-aft` PprEs(e Cardinal Flower Loheliarardinali5 Sun" ;Jufy-Sept 2=5ft Red Monkeyfl9w,er ' JNitnu/us'rrngerrs'"T Sun Psun - Ju[y August :2-0 ft. Lav„ender. -Bo' le'brushSedge: Carec lundn Sun Mayaune Z`3` Green #7 8rome Huri►niocicSedge`, ,Carex6ramoides: s: Sun Shade” May lune. Sft Green . Plains Oval Sedge'` Carex;brevrar Su_rShade n'N1ay-tune -Z 2 Gieera Pavers. Stones - 11586 Westbury Place Dr.Carmel, IN 46032 NATIVE PLAINTS Consider adding native plants to existing garden beds or expanding some garden beds with natives. For example, you could extend a garden bed around your back porch area under your trees.This shady area does not support good grass growth and a nice native groundcover such as wild ginger,or wild stonecrop may reduce maintenance and improve this area. If you would like to view photos of specific native plants or learn more about their characteristics,the Missouri Botanical Garden and Ladybird Johnson Wildflower Center both have helpful websites where you can search by plant name. Additionally, both sites have useful plant finder databases where you can enter characteristics such as sunlight and soil moisture conditions, habit, bloom time or color,wildlife value,etc.to find more plants that are suitable for your yard. Missouri Botanical Garden Plant Finder: http://www.missouribotanicalgarden.org/gardens-gardening/your- garden/plant-finder.aspx Ladybird Johnson Wildflower Center:www.wildflower.org Native Plant Database: http://wildflower.org/plants/ MAP 11586 Westbury Place Dr.Carmel, IN 46032 r v +r ' t Legend Property gardenRain County • —regulated drain Westbury11586 46032 J COST SHARE PROGRAM The Hamilton County Soil and Water Conservation District's Backyard Conservation Cost Share Program is an incentive program intended to defray landowner costs for implementing conservation practices that benefit soil and water quality and wildlife habitat on private land.The goal of this program is to help landowners practice better environmental stewardship by providing financial assistance for the implementation of conservation practices that would not otherwise be implemented without financial assistance. This competitive program matches property owner contributions up to 50%of the total project cost. The maximum amount of cost-share a participant is eligible to receive is$1,000 per application. Labor provided by the landowner can be considered as in-kind donation at$10.00/per hour of work. Practices required as result of a court order,compliance with local permit requirements,or associated with mitigation are ineligible.A full description of cost share policies, additional info,and an application are available at the SWCD office,via email by request,and on our website: http://www.hamiltonswcd.org/bvc-cost-share.htm] How do I apply for cost share? 1. Obtain a cost share application (available at office,via email,or online). 2. Fill out Section A.(contact information).Your SWCD representative will complete Section B. based on the cost estimate in this conservation plan. What is the timeline for cost-share approval? Applications are reviewed by the SWCD Board twice a year—typically in April and August. Please visit the cost share page to learn more about this, and other, cost share programs. Do not hesitate to contact the SWCD with questions. http://www.hamiltonswcd.org/bvc-cost-share.htmI 11586 Westbury Place Dr.Carmel,IN 46032 4 ` s t 1� C � V�f ai'' r47i 4� — •. x �� '-- _ '.tea '�• �ln�r �i- `'fir - .mss-�-.• . ItF• .. j,•.s3� �„ �',`'4�4 + :ry.�+•i~-+ ar' .. "� °tib: L'�+^ r_��. $ lc�h� '�-? 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