HomeMy WebLinkAbout332576 11/21/18 CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA VENDOR: 364049 • ONE CIVIC SQUARE R E I REAL ESTATE SERVICES LLC CHECK AMOUNT: $*****4,159.81* CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 11711 N.PENNSYLVANIA,SUITE 200 CHECK NUMBER: 332576 CARMEL IN 46032 'CHECK DATE: 11/21/18 ETON� DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT PO NUMBER INVOICE NUMBER AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 1208 4350900 CCCill 4,159.81 OTHER CONT SERVICES ' VOUCHER NO. WARRANT NO. Prescribed by State Board of Accounts City Form No.201(Rev.1995) Vendor# 364049 ALLOWED 20 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER R E I REAL ESTATE SERVICES LLC IN SUM OF$ CITY OF CARMEL 11711 N. PENNSYLVANIA, SUITE 200 An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show:kind of service,where performed,dates service rendered,by whom,rates per day,number of hours,rate per hour,number of units,price per unit,etc. CARMEL, IN 46032 Payee $4,159.81 Purchase Order# ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR Building Operations Terms Date Due PO# ACCT# DATE INVOICE# DESCRIPTION DEPT# INVOICE# Fund# AMOUNT Board Members DEPT# FUND# (or note attached invoice(s)or bill(s)) AMOUNT CCC111 43-509.00 $4,159.81 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s),or 10/31/18 CCC111 Tarkington and Studio Events Oct 2018 $4,159.81 1208 101 1208 101 bill(s)is(are)true and correct and that the materials or services itemized thereon for which charge is made were ordered and received except Tuesday, November 20,2018 L�"C �Q Crider,James Administration I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s),or bill(s),is(are)true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5-11-10-1.6 ,20— Cost 20Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid motor vehicle highway fund. Clerk-Treasurer 1 N V 0 1 C E Department of Administration i SOLD Attn: Director TO One Civic Square Carmel, IN 46032 r INVOICE#: CCC111 -- DATE: 1013112018- -ARO--610010$3,797.12,•`610011 $362.69 RE: Tarkington and Studio Event Operating Expenses for the period 10/1/18- 10131118 Date Cost October 2018 Tarkington Event Operating Expenses • 10/11/18 "Anything Goes" $320.80 • 10/12/18 "Anything Goes" $320.80 • 10/13/18. "Anything Goes" $410.23 • 10/14/18 "Anything Goes" $320.80 • 10/18/18 "Anything Goes" $320.80 • 10/19/18 "Anything Goes" $320.80 •. 10/20/18 "Anything Goes" $387.87 • 10/21/18 "Anything Goes" $387.87 • 10/25/18 "Anything Goes" $298.44 • 10/26/18 "Anything Goes" $343.16 • 10/27/18 "Anything Goes" $365.52 $3,797.12 October 2018 Studio Event Operating Expenses • 10/6/18 Indiana Wind Symphony $270.77 • 10/25/18 YPO $91.92 $362.69 Total Due: $4,159.81 Please indicate above invoice number on remittance and send to: REI Real Estate Services, LLC 11711 N. Pennsylvania,St.,Ste.200 !Carmel, IN 46032 TERMS: NET 30 DAYS q ' •&Ilk/i.. ....•'ii .'1 � � lINp1; ;i NOV 2 0 2018 w E_ ',r �N c�r7'T�-� c N Database: REIMRI General Ledger Page: 2 f ENTITY: 610011 4.5 Production Date: 11/15/2018 CCCCDC(STUDIO EVENT) Time: 10:21 AM Accrual 10/18-10/18 Report inr,ludes an open period. Entries are not final. i Account Entry Site Job i Entity Period Date Src Reference Id Code Dept Description Debit Credit Balance i 1 54350-0000 Janitorial Svcs Balance Forward 20,572.88 610011 } 610011 Balance Forward 20,572.88 I 610011 10/18 10/18/2018 AP 086907 @ 5765 STUDIO EVENT 1,009.38 0.00 21,582.26 MARQUIS COMMERCIAL SOLUTIONS INC 610011 10/18 10/18/2018 AP 086907 @ 5766 STUDIO EVENT 1,363.71 0.00 22,945.97 MARQUIS COMMERCIAL SOLUTIONS INC 610011 10/18 10/30/2018 AP 087247 @ 5777 STUDIO EVENT 268.27 0.00 23,214.24 MARQUIS COMMERCIAL SOLUTIONS INC 610011 10/18 9/30/2018 CW 024664 @ ACC MARQUIS 5765 0.00 1,009.38 22,204.86 610011 10/18 9/30/2018 CW 024664 @ ACC MARQUIS 5766 0.00 1,363.71 20,841.15 610011 10/18 10/31/2018 CW 024827 @ ACC MARQUIS 5782 89.42 0.00 20,930.57 i 610011 Account Totals: 2,730.78 2,373.09 20,930.57 **Accou�t Totals 2,730.78 2,373.09 20,930.57 54400-0000 Janitorial Supplies Balance Forward 210.00 610011 610011 Balance Forward 210.00 610011 10/18 10/18/2018 AP 086907 @ 14172182 JANITORIAL SUPPLIES HP 45.00 0.00 255.00 PRODUCTS 610011 10/18 10/25/2018 AP 087080 @ 14173390 TOWELS,FUEL HP 5.00 0.00 260.00 PRODUCTS 610011 10/18 9/30/2018 CW 024664 @ ACC HP PROD 14172182 0.00 45.00 215.00 610 11 Account Totals: 50.00 45.00 215.00 **Accou t Totals 50.00 45.00 215.00 **Grand Totals 2,780.78 2,418.09 Database: REIMRI General Ledger Page: 1r' ENTITY: 610010 4.5 Production Date: 11/15/2018 ICCCCDC(TARKINGTON EVENT) Time: 10:21 AM j Accrual 10/18-10/18 Re ort includes an open Period. Entries are not final. Account Entry Site Job Entity Period Date Src Reference Id Code Dept Description Debit Credit Balance 54350-0000 Janitorial Svcs Balance Forward i 17,463.14 610010 610010 Balance Forward . 17,463.14 610010 10/18 10/18/2018 AP 086906 @ 5765 TARK EVENT 447.12 0.00 17,910.26 MARQUIS COMMERCIAL SOLUTIONS INC 610010 10/18 10/30/2018 AP 087246 @ 5778 TARK EVENT 1,341.35 0.00 19,251.61 MARQUIS COMMERCIAL SOLUTIONS INC 610010 10/18 9/30/2018 CW 024664 @ ACC MARQUIS 5765 0.00 447.12 18,804.49 610010 10/18 10/31/2018 CW 024827 @ ACC MARQUIS 5781 1,386.06 0.00 20,190.55 610010 10/18 10/31/2018 CW 024827 @ ACC MARQUIS 5782 983.66 0.00 21,174.21 610010 Account Totals: 4,158.19 447.12 21,174.21 *"Account Totals 4,158.19 447.12 21,174.21 54400-0000 Janitorial Supplies Balance Forward 777.75 610010 610010 Balance Forward 777.75 610010 10/18 10/18/2018 AP 086906 @ 14172182 JANITORIAL SUPPLIES HP 54.90 0.00 832.65 PRODUCTS 610010 10/18 10/25/2018 AP 087079 @ 14173390 TOWELS,FUEL HP 86.05 0.00 918.70 PRODUCTS 610010 10/18 9/30/2018 CW 024664 @ ACC HP PROD 14172182 0.00 54.90 863.80 610 10 Account Totals: 140.95 54.90 863.80 i 1 **Accou t Totals 140.95 54.90 863.80 **Grand Totals 4,299.14 502.02