HomeMy WebLinkAbout332765 11/26/18 �Coq �4�� �f� CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA VENDOR: 365624 ONE CIVIC SQUARE HIS CONSTRUCTORS INC CHECK AMOUNT: $***157,134.82* 9 ��� CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 5150 E 65TH STREET SUITE B CHECK NUMBER: 332765 M,�roN��. INDIANAPOLIS IN 46220-4817 CHECK DATE: 11/26/18 DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT PO NUMBER INVOICE NUMBER AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 902 4460805 101858 18000704 157,134.82 KENT SITE WORK VOUCHER. NO. WARRANT NO. Prescribed byState Board of Accounts City Form No.20)(Rev.1995) ALLOWED 20 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER Vendor# 365624. IN SUM OF'$ CITY OF.CARMEL HIS CONSTRUCTORS INC. . . . 5150 E.65TH.STREET:SUITE B An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show:•kind ofservice,where performed,dates service um number rendered;_by whom,rates per day,number of hours,rate'per hour,.n ber f units,price per unit,etc... . INDIANAPOLIS, IN 46220-481.7 . Payee: $157,134.82 . . Purchase Order# ON ACCOUNT OF,APPROPRIATION FOR. Terms Redevelopment Commission . Date Due PO# ACCT#- DATE; INVOICE#; DESCRIPTION, DEPT# INVOICE# Fund AMOUNT Board Members : DEPT# . FUND# (or note attached irtvoice(s)or bill(s)) AMOUNT 101858 18000704 44=608.05. .$157,134.82I;hereby certify that,the attached invoice(s),or 10/25/18.. .18000704 The Kent Site Work, $157134.82 902 902 902 . . 902 . bill(s)is(are)true and correct and,that the materials or services itemiZed:thereon'for which charge is,made-were ordered and received except Wednesday.:November 21,2018 Henry_Mestetsky I hereby certify that,the attached invoice(s),or bill(s),is:(are)true and correct and 1 have - - .6 . .' audited same in accordance With.IC 5-11 20. Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid motor vehicle highway fund. Clerk-TreaSUrer. . APPLICATION AND CERTIFICATE FOR PAYMENT 1uootce#: 180007*04 To Owner. City Of Carund ProJeet: 180007-THE KENT SITE WORK Application No.• 4 Distribution to 135 N.Pennsylvania Street,Suite 2800 Owner Architect Indianapolis,IN 46204 Period To. Contractor From Contractor: HIS Constructors,Inc. 1liaArchitect 5150 E.65th St.,Suite B Project Nos: Indianapolis,IN 46220 Contact For. Contract Date: CONTRACTOR'S APPLICATION FOR PAYMENT The undersigned Contractor certifles that to the best of the Contractor's knowledge, information,and belief,the work covered by this Application for Payment has been Application Is made for payment,as shown below,in connection wits,the contract completed in accordance with the Contract Documents.That all amounts have been paid by Continuation sneer is attaches. the Contractor for Work for whichrevious Certificates for Payment yment were issued and payments received from the Owner,and that current payment shown herein is now�N101itI ��V K. 1.OriOriginal Contract Sum ......................... �� P r;' F g $900,000.00 ti i\o co'•. F 2.Net Change By Change Order .................... $0.00CONTRACTOR: HIS Constructors,Inc. oraRYP 41.'F ' 3.Contract Sum To Date900,000.DO.......................... Comrn. 6255992 t — ��/ �OrARYSEAL•• 4.Total Completed and Stored To Date...... ._.... $5681353.53 By..;;; � CDate: 5.Retention: �•'�` F Ol= It�l����``��\ EL 9.69% of Completed Work State of: ZDW17 'tA County of. $56,835'35 Subscribed and sworn to before me thin day of f8 b. 0.00°k of Stored Material $0.00 Notary Public: Beate My Commission exp , Total Retention ............................. $56,835.35 Ap,/� /9 6.Total Earned Less Retention ...................... $511,518.18 ARCHITECT'S CERTIFICATE FOR PAYMENT In accordance with the Contract Documents,based on on-site observations and the data 7.Less Previous Certificates For Payments...._.. comprising the above application,the Architect certifies to the Owner that to the best of the ••••• $354,383.35 Archltecfs knowledge,information,and belief,the Work has progressed as indicated, 8.Current Payment Due ........................:.. $157,134.82 the quality of ft Work is in accordance with the Contract Documents,and the Contractor Is entitled to payment of the AMOUNT CERTIFIED. 9.Balance To Finish,Plus Retention ................. $331,646.47 AMOUNTCERTIFIED $157,134.82 (Attach axplenedon if amount c&t ted d5m hom the amount applied.IntW all figures on thlsApplkatkn and on the Continuation Sheet that are Chang to conform wlih the amount cartltted) CHANGE ORDER SUMMARY Additions Deductions Total changes approved In previous months by Owner $44,911.42 $0.00 ARCH Total Approved this Month $0.00 $0.00 By: Date: TOTALS $44,911.42 $p,40 This C6 to is of negotiable.The AMOUNT CERTI I D is payable only to the Contractor n herein.Issuance,payment,and ac ce of payment are without Net Changes By Change Order $44,911.42 prejudice to any rights of the Owner or Contractor under this ContracL CONTINUATION SWEET Page 2of2 Application and Certification for Payment,containing Application No.: 3 Contractor's signed certification is attached. Application Date• 09/25/18 In tabulations below,amounts are stated to the nearest dollar. Use Column I on Contracts where variable retention for line items may apply. To: Architect's Project No.: Invoice#: 180007*03 Contract: 180007-THE KENT SITE WORK A B C D E F G H Item Description of Work Scheduled Work Completed Materials Total % Balance No. Value From Previous This Period Presently Completed (G 1 C) To Finish Application In Place Stored and Stored (C-G) (D+E) To Date (Not in D or E) (D+E+F) MOBILIZATION 7,033.89 3,516.51 0.00 0.00 3,516.51 49.99% 3,516.51 DEMO&REMOVALS 90,911.10 90,910.60 0.00 0.00 90,910.60 100.00% 0.50 WATER 80,450.13 0.00 80,450.13 0.00 80,450.13 100.00% 0.00 STORM 198,516.06 158,813.35 39,702.71 0.00 198,516.06 100.00% 0.00 SANITARY 6,234.35 5,922.63 311.72 0.00 6,234.35 100.00% 0.00 EXC.GRADE&SEED 122,27026 91,702.70 6,113.51 0.00 97,816.21 0.80% 24,454.05 BORROW 62,371.53 14,355.36 48,016.17 0.00 62,371.53 1.00% 0.00 ASPHALT PAVING 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0100% 0.00 CONCRETE WORK 272,820.55 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00% 272,820.50 CONTINGENCY 59,393.00 28,538.14 0.00 0.00 28,538.14 0.48% 30,854.86 Grand Totals 900,000.00 393,759.92 174,594.24 0.00 568,353.53 31.98% 331,645.92