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332777 11/26/18
w.c�q CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA VENDOR: 371006 • ONE CIVIC SQUARE RPM PIZZA MIDWEST LLC CHECK AMOUNT: $*******108.00* CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 15384 FIFTH STREET CHECK NUMBER: 332777 M,�TON GULFPORT MS 39503 CHECK DATE: 11/26/18 DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT PO NUMBER INVOICE NUMBER AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 1081 4239039 2532181105 108.00 GENERAL PROGRAM SUPPL ACCOUNTS PAYABLE.VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL'.; VOUCHER NO. . . WARRANT NO.'. An invoice of bill to be properly:itemiied must show;kind of service;where performed,dates service rendered;by Vendor# 371006 Allowed. '20 whom;.rates per day,number of hours,rateper hour;.number of'units,price'per unit,etc. RPM Pizza Midwest, LLC dba Domino's. - ;Payee . 15384 Fifth"Street. . . . Gulfport; MS'39503 In Sum of$ Purchase Order# . . 374006: "RPM:Pizza•"Midwest;•LLC•dba.Domino's. . rams: ', $ 108:00 15384 Fifth Street bate bate pue Gulfport, M.S.39503. ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR 108-ESE Fund PO#or _ nvoice'. Description. : : . . . _ . . INVOICE NO.. ACCT#rriTLE .AMOUNT Dept# In4ofce.Date Number . (or note attached.invoice(s)or.bill(s))" PO# Amount'- 1081-5 . _ 2532181105. 4239039 : $: 108.00 Board Members 11/9/18 : 25321811.05" Pizza for PN0.11/9/18 " . xx7606 $ 108.00 6. "hereby certify that the attached invoice(s),or " bill(s)is(are)true:and correctand:that the materials or services itemized thereon for - 'which charge is.made were ordered and' received except. . . . $. . : 108.00: . Total. $. . : . 108.00 November.19,'2018 Thereby certify that the attached invoice(s),'or bill(s)'is'(are)true and correct and.l have audited same in accordance'. with 16 5-1 _tyyLj,;t IUCost distribution,ledger classification if. claim'paid motor vehicle highway fund Signature.: 20_ Accounts Payable Coordinator. . .Clerk-Treasurer. . Title. . s - • RPM lZZA MIDIMEST LLC d/b/a DOMINO'S. - wu OIGE# ® 2532 1811'05 .EGA!, 384 Fifth Street • lf ort, MS 395©3 .DATE '..11/ 912018 UE DATE .- .1.1/0912018 - TOTAL AMOUNT: $110.99 -TOTAL DUE $1110.99 Bill to: Carmel Clay Parks..&Recreation Attn: Carmel Clay Parks&Recreation:: 1411 E.'416th St: . Carmel,.IN 46032. : United States Purch Ordmade' Recv-11/09/18.-Mohawk Trails Elementary $110,99 RECEIVED By pschlemmer at 4:51 pm, Nov 14, 2018 Do.not'pay delivery fee per.agreement. Deduct per'email'on:9%2:0/16;from.: - Kylie-a.Walker TOTAL AMOUNT: $110.99 Auditing Analyst. : Les "Delivery fee . LESS-1 Pizza,LLC 3 MR WON .. RPM PIZZA.MIDWEST, LLC d/b/a.DOMINO'S -15384 Fifth Street. . Gulfport;IVIS 39503- United 9503 _ .. United'States - . TOTAL DUE: . , $1.1.0:99 Customer 1d: .2532-002 .. . AMOUNT.ENC LOSED: Invoice#:2532'181105 Carmel Cla Parks.&:Recreation Blll.to: Y. • Attni Carmel Clay-Parks&:Recreation - 1411 E. 116th St. ST, LLC d/b/a:DOMINO'S Carmel, IN 46032. IZ Remit to:: . 15394-FIFTH SPM ZA IDR ET .. United States. GULFRQRT, MS 39503: Unit ed:States- . „ . - Questions: Contact ky1iea.walker@r0mpi2za.com (228):832-4000 DATE: 11/09/2018 TERMS: DUE DATE: -11/09/2018 .. PAGE 1