DEC. 18,2018
(V) Sprunger Residence/Pool Setback.
The applicant seeks the following development standards variance approval:
2. Docket No. 18110001 V UDO Section 2.04 Minimum 10-ft side yard setback required;
Crossing 20-ft over side property line proposed.The site is located at 2198 Steffee Dr. It is zoned
Sl/Residence and located on Lots 8 &9 of Towne Oak Estates Subdivision. Filed by Steve Moed of
SLM Homes, LLC on behalf of Jason&Sarah Sprunger.
General Info&Analysis:
The Petitioner owns the two platted lots. Lot 8 is 30,671 sq. ft. in area, and Lot 9 is 35,532 sq. ft. The lots are
unique in shape and could be considered 'flag' lots where they are narrow at the cul-de-sac right of way and
then flare out wide as they extend north east. The Petitioner seeks approval to construct a home and a swimming
pool near to or across the shared property line of those two platted lots. A minimum 10-ft side yard setback is
required for structures in the S1 zoning district. The house will sit around 2-ft from the shared side property
line, and the pool decking will cross 20-ft over the shared property line. The site is surrounded by single family
detached homes and common area. Please see the Petitioner's informational packet for more detail on the
variance request.
While the petitioner considered submitting an administrative Replat to combine both lots into one large 1.5-acre
lot,they opted instead to go through the public hearing variance process.
The Planning Dept supports this variance request.
Petitioner's Findings of Fact:
Please refer to the petitioner's Findings of Facts included in their info packet.
After all comments and concerns are addressed,the Dept. of Community Services recommends positive
consideration of Docket No. 18110001 V.