HomeMy WebLinkAboutCorrespondence Shestak, Joe From:Leach, Mark R. <Mark.Leach@FaegreBD.com> Sent:Tuesday, December 18, 2018 12:52 PM To:Conn, Angelina V Cc:Shestak, Joe Subject:RE: Riverview variance Thank you, Angie. I’ll bring them. See you tonight. Respectfully, Mark R. Leach Land Use Planner mark.leach@FaegreBD.com Download vCard D: +1 317 569 4851 | F: +1 317 569 4800 Faegre Baker Daniels LLP 600 E. 96th Street | Suite 600 | Indianapolis, IN 46240, USA From: Conn, Angelina V <Aconn@carmel.in.gov> Sent: Tuesday, December 18, 2018 10:05 AM To: Leach, Mark R. <mark.leach@FaegreBD.com> Cc: Shestak, Joe <jshestak@carmel.in.gov> Subject: Riverview variance Hi Mark, I received your voicemail message. To answer your questions: 1.) no we have not received any public comment or remonstrance that I am aware of, and 2.) please bring one paper copy of the filled out ballot sheet (name and docket only) and one paper copy of the filled out findings of fact (finish each of the 3 statements) sheet to the meeting. See you tonight! Angie Conn, AICP Carmel Planning & Zoning Dept. rd 1 Civic Sq. 3 Flr., Carmel, IN 46032 P: 317-571-2417 | W: www.carmeldocs.com Email secured by Check Point 1 Conn, Angelina V From: Leach, Mark R. <Mark.Leach@FaegreBD.com> Sent: Friday, November 30, 2018 3:05 PM To: Conn, Angelina V Cc: 'Anthony Zerrer' Subject: FW: Docket No.Assignment: Riverview Health Urgent Care & ER(#18110011 V) Attachments: D4.0&CN Calculations.pdf Good afternoon, Angie. I wanted to send you some further information from our project team on items#9 and #10, below. v/ Item#9: What is the current lot cover percent of this lot,and what is the proposed lot cover percent? Is the net amount of green space decreasing? The lot area is 1.899 acres. Existing green space is 0.761 acres. Lot cover percent is 60% Proposed green space is 0.939 acres. Lot cover percent is 51% We are increasing the net amount of green space on the lot. Additionally, even though we are adding more hard surface offsite(the two connecting drives and row of parking offsite east), there will still be a net increase of green space, overall. Net existing green space is 0.911 acres Net proposed green space is 1.011 acres The C&CN calculations sheet from the drainage report are attached for reference. The Wooded Area added with the Pervious Area columns equals the green space. /Item#10: Please make sure to list out the true practical difficulties and hardships associated with having to comply with the zoning ordinance. Most of the spaces have code required minimums.... The emergency medical facility is governed by the 2001 Ed. FGI Guidelines for Design and Construction of Hospital and Healthcare Facilities. In order to be a licensed facility, this mandates that many of the spaces are required to be provided as well as setting minimum clear area requirements for many of the required rooms. For example, exam rooms are required 120 sf clear floor area exclusive of millwork and other built-in elements, the urgent care/fast track exams are required 100 sf clear area. The Trauma room is required to have 250 sf clear area, the CT Scan room and Xray(Rad) rooms require space for fixed medical imaging equipment as well as working clearances around the equipment. Corridors and areas that may be used for stretcher traffic are required to have an 8'-0"minimum clear dimension and various spaces are required to be connected by such corridors.Ancillary and support spaces such as equipment and supply rooms are required to have a certain ratio of square footage per exam room, as well as space and clearance for equipment necessary for the function of the practice such as medication dispensing systems, medical refrigerators, blanket warmers, portable equipment, etc. The electrical and mechanical systems are more redundant and more robust than other types of uses and required extra equipment and space such as segregated normal/emergency electrical rooms and storage space for medical gas bottles. The majority of the spaces are at, or close to, the code minimums to the greatest extent possible. Is this answer to Item#10 helpful? Do you need me to incorporate this into the findings of fact,etc.,or is this answer here satisfactory for your needs? Are there any other questions that you need answered at this time?Thanks and have a great weekend! Runoff Coefficient and Runoff Curve Number Calculation Job Information Description: INTUITIVE HEALTH CARMEL Entity: CITY OF CARMEL Job#: 2018.00290 Date: Runoff Runoff Curvbe' Coefficient Number Roof 0.90 Wooded 0.20 83 Grass 0.25 84 Pavement 0.85 98 Weighted Weighted Curve Basin Structure Roof Area Wooded Area Pervious Area Pavement Area Total Area Runoff Number _ Coefficient (acres) (acres) (acres) (acres) (acres) C CN EX ONSITE EX ONSITE 0.154 0.220 0.541 D.58= 1.899 0.61 92 DEV ONSITE DEV ONSITE 0.290 0.220 0.719 0.671 1.899 0.56 91 EX OFFSITE EX OFFSITE 0.000 0.000 0.150 0.000 0.150 0.25 84 DEV OFFSITE DEV OFFSITE 0.000 0.000 0.072 0.078 0.150 0.56 91 EX TOTAL EX TOTAL 0.154 0.220 0.691 0.985 2.049 0.58 92 DEV TOTAL DEV TOTAL 0.290 0.220 0.791 0.749 2.049 0.56 91 DISTURBED DISTURBED 0.290 0.715 0.57 1.576 0.59 92 C-"z C i