HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes PC 12-18-18 seem like the other projects we've seen come through here. I'm with Josh here, 1 don't know what exactly to do but it
doesn't look good to me.
Brad: I think we have struggled with new projects along Michigan Road. The overlay is here for us and the petitioner.
IWe have to look at the designs and not to have every building looking like from 1990's. Something needs to break up
that expanse of the rear of the building. I don't see any of the architecture standards. This isn't it right now.
A motion made by Josh Kirsh and seconded by Susan Westermeier to send Docket No. 18100014 DP/ADLS to
Commercial Committee on January 3,2019,but comes back to full PC for final voting authority.
Motion passes 7-0,2 absent Casati,Kegley
4. Docket No. 18100015 DP/ADLS: Aloft&Element Hotels
5. Docket No. 18100016 V : UDO Section 2.40 MC—Minimum Front Yard Setback(to US 31): 50' required,
24' proposed
6. Docket No. 18100017 V: UDO Section 5.39.E.6.—Sign proposed to be installed above cornice line,which is
not allowed per the UDO
7. Docket No. 18100018 V: UDO Section 5.07.C.2.—60% Clear glazing required on the ground floor façade,
less than 60% requested
8. Docket No. 18100019 V: UDO Section 5.07.D.3.—Lots greater than 300'wide shall have at least 2 principal
bldgs.covering 75% of the lot's width,one building proposed covering 17.95% of the lot width (784.54')
9. Docket No. 18110003 V: UDO Section 5.07.E.1.—Along US 31,any façade greater than 5 stories shall be
stepped back at or below the 6th story,no Stepback proposed
10. Docket No. 18110004 V:UDO Section 5.39.I.2.b.—Wall sign requirements for Multi-tenant,Multi-Level
Office Building proposed,Single Tenant Building classification required
The applicant seeks site plan and design approval for a new dual branded hotel on 5.35 acres.It will be 6
stories/70' tall with 230 rooms combined. The site is located at 10101 N. Meridian Street(the previous Cadillac
dealership site,new address to be assigned for this use).The site is zoned MC/Meridian Corridor and is not
located within any overlay zone. Filed by Jim Shinaver and Jon Dobosiewicz of Nelson&Frankenberger,LLC
on behalf of Ascent Hospitality Management Co.,LLC.
Petitioner: Jon Dobosiewicz:
• With me tonight,Nash Patel—Ascent Hospitality,Mark Eriksson—Project Architect,Rusty Spiars—Project
Engineer,and Jim Shinaver-Attorney
• Presented an aerial map of the site, shown in Tab 2 of the info packet
• The applicant has worked the past several months with DOCS in regarding zoning requirements and building
• The Cadillac dealership existed here prior to the US 31 enhancements
• Surrounding this site is the Comfort Inn to the north,Methodist Medical Plaza to the southeast,and Pennsylvania
Pkwy to the east
• Presented the proposed site plan
• Access to the site will be provided at Pennsylvania Pkwy,with a right in,right out
• Existing trees along Pennsylvania Pkwy will provide buffers for the site
• Storm water management will be provided underground in the parking lot
• Presented three building perspectives, shown in Tab 5
• The Element Hotelis located on the east side,and Aloft Hotel will be on the west side of the building. Each has
a separate entrance canopy on the south side of the building.
• 6 stories for each hotel, 120 guestrooms in Aloft,and 112 guestrooms in Element
• Tab 6 includes the exterior building materials and we will bring in material examples to the Committee meeting
• Wall sign details and locations are shown in renderings in Tab 6
• A ground sign will be along Pennsylvania Pkwy
• The applicant will continue to work with Staff on the signage plan and will come back to Committee with other
alternate sign options
• Landscaping, lighting,and sign details are located in the info packet
• We believe this building will be an enhancement to the Meridian Street Corridor
Plan Commission Meeting Minutes 12-18-18
Public Comments: None
Department Report: Rachel Keesling:
• Two hotels brands will be located in one full service hotel building
• The petitioner requested the Plan Commission to act as a combination committee for the approval of the
development plan,ADLS,and six variance requests
• There are 232 rooms with 245 parking spaces. That meets the parking requirements per the UDO
• Will have an artistic rooftop element with a rainbow effect
• We do not support the variance request for the signage. Signage can be used on the canopy versus additional
signs at the top of the building
• We have some details we need to work through and believe we can do this at the Committee
• We recommend this to go to the Jan. 3 Commercial Committee and then come back to the Plan Commission for a
final vote
Committee Comments:
Nick: Do they meet the requirement for meeting room space? Rachel: Yes.40 sq. ft. of meeting room space per room
and they exceed that requirement Jon Dobosiewicz: 9912 sq.ft. Rachel: This full service hotel meets all the
requirements,which includes 24 hour receptionist,24 hour restaurant,and conference space.
Susan: What's the difference between the two hotels? Jon Dobosiewicz: There are two brands,and they are not
represented in the Indy market today. They share the first floor. They will have two separate check-in desks and elevator
banks. You will be in a separate hotel once you are above the first floor. Susan: Is one hotel noticeably more expensive
than the other? Nash Patel: Both are at the same price point. Aloft is more known as a transient property,where
Element has larger rooms,and is known for longer stays for families,or groups of people.
Susan: Can you see the rooftop and mechanical equipment of the hotel from 465? Jon Dobosiewicz: The short answer
is yes but the distance is in the thousands of feet and the grade is 30'-35' lower than the interstate.
Josh: Can you get a perspective(photo)shot from the 465 ramp and from the Comfort Inn? Jon Dobosiewicz: Yes
Josh: I want to make sure the Commercial Committee is aware the hotel's awning has a blue lit light to it.
Jon Dobosiewicz: We were asked by Staff to provide additional details about the lit awning. This area is a reflective
surface and is not internally illuminated. It will not be seen like a neon light,but it will have a soft glow to it. Josh: I
think it looks nice,and I don't have a negative opinion of the light. The north and south elevations are complementary of
each other. Jon Dobosiewicz: The north side is very heavily wooded and the north facade won't be visible from any
other adjacent site. The north facade will be buffered from people traveling on US 31
Alan: What's the vacancy rate of this particular product? Jon Dobosiewicz: I can present that to you at the Commercial
Alan: What are the common areas for both hotels? Jon Dobosiewicz: Presented the l'floor plan. The first floor has
separate entrances,check-ins and elevator banks. The common areas include the bar/restaurant amenities,conference
meeting rooms,and outdoor dining. Alan: Is there enough parking to accommodate the full service restaurant,bar,
conference rooms,and two full hotels? Nash Patel: We operate 32 hotels and the majority of the hotel restaurants are
geared towards the customers staying at the hotels. There are a very small percentage of people from the community that
would use the restaurant as a non-guest. I believe the restaurant is particularly for the hotel guests.
John Adams: Does the hotel restaurant offer a variety of selections for all meals of the day or just specific selections?
Nash Patel: Both of the restaurants do cook-to-orders meals throughout the day and for room service.
Laura: I think this is a good fit for this parcel. I like the north and south elevations but the west and east seem kind of
bland. Is this typical for this type of brand? Or just for this area? Nash Patel: This is typical for this type of brand. We
have worked with Staff to try to enhance it the best we can. If Staff or the PC has any other suggestions to improve the
building,we will incorporate it. I want to deliver the best product I can.
Brad Grabow:
• Can you provide some parking numbers of other hotels in this area with the same amenities? It would be
Plan Commission Meeting Minutes 12-18-18
interesting to see the different parking capacities of these properties. Jon: We can provide that at Committee.
• I agree with Laura to add more to the east and west elevations
• I believe out of town visitors need to be able to identify their destination and having an identity sign on the west
façade(facing 465/31)would help this.
• I believe the majority of exiting traffic would be trying to get back to US 31 and also head north towards Carmel.
There's only a right out onto Pennsylvania Pkwy, it's a divided boulevard,and you would have to make an
immediate U-turn at the entrance at Methodist Medical Plaza. With only one lane going out, if we proposed two
lanes going out;one lane directing traffic to make the U-turn to the north,and one lane directing traffic to stay to
the right to continue eastbound,would that simplify the morning exit from the hotels? The north entrance seems
like an unnecessary access point,except if it's there from a public safety standpoint. Jon: The north entrance
allows for a coach bus to access and exit the site. It also allows access to the dumpster enclosure that is located
nearby. We will have additional dialogue with the City about signage in the street ROW to direct them back to
US 31. We will consider those items you brought up.
Josh: The City understands parking requirements as it pertains to UBER and Lyft. What does your Hotel use as a
guideline for parking requirements? Seems to me more people would be getting dropped off then parking a rented car.
This could help us validate our parking concerns.
Alan: What's the distance of the north end of the building to the north property line? Jon: Between 15-20'. It meets the
setback. Rachel: The ordinance requires a 20' setback for the trash enclosure
A motion made by Susan Westermeier and seconded by Josh Kirsh to send Aloft&Element Hotels to Commercial
Committee on January 3,2019 and have it return to full Plan Commission with final voting authority.
Motion passes 7-0,2 absent Casati,Kegley
Old Business
1. Docket No. 18070015 Z: 2724 E 136th St.PUD Rezone
The applicant seeks approval to rezone 59 acres to PUD/Planned Unit Development in order to develop
approximately 100 single-family dwellings and 100 condominiums/townhomes. The site is located at the NE
corner of Keystone Parkway and 136th Street. It is zoned R-1/Residential within the Keystone Parkway Overlay
Zone. Filed by Justin Moffett of Old Town Design Companies LLC.
Petitioner: Justin Moffett:
• Passed out packets to members of the Plan Commission
• We will explain what has changed since the last hearing
• We filed as a PUD because there wasn't an underlying zoning classification that met all the product types we are
proposing in this development
• Our original filing had 235 residential units and now been reduced to 200 units to meet the requests of Staff and
adjacent neighbors for park space and additional bufferyards.
• Presented the current site plan
• We had five meetings with neighborhood groups to discuss their concerns
• We would have to go through the ADLS process for architecture and design standards
• We wanted to show what 100 multi-family units would look like
• All proposed condo structures will be located west of the main boulevard
• The townhomes are 3 stories,22' by 40',with parking located underneath
• The townhome is similar to a single family cottage home,except it's 4 units that are attached to each other
• The townhome and condos are low maintenance products
• We want to attract an older demographic for this development
• Presented topography of the site.The condos would be a similar height to the adjacent single family homes and
will not sit above the nearby residential homes.
• Presented an open space map. 47%of the site is open space,driven by the creek,the historic home,park space
and bufferyards.
• Presented site plan for signage location and trail access points
• We need approval from the DNR to cross the creek with a path/trail
• Presented a site plan for tree preservation areas and best efforts to preserve trees
Plan Commission Meeting Minutes 12-18-18