HomeMy WebLinkAboutEngineeringPlanCertification 01-16-19Specifications and Guidelines for Plan Design
Department of Engineering
City of Carmel
Mike McBride, City Engineer
Project Name: The Amenity Area at The Legacy
Site Address: Northwest corner of Larson Drive and Cherry Creek Boulevard
Applicant: Platinum Properties Management Company, LLC
Telephone: 317-216-8636
Cover Sheet
Project name or title, site location map, soils map, and index.
Engineering firm's name, address, phone, fax, and e-inail address. Project Manager, Architect, and
Surveyor. Developer's name, address, phone, fax, and e-mail address.
Legal description of site, zone district, setback distances, list units and number of bedrooms per unit.
Calculated building coverage ratio.
Professional Engineer's or Registered Land Surveyor's stamp.
Design speed included on cover sheet.
Plat Design
Engineering drawings are drawn at a scale of no less than 1" = 50'.
Right-of-way lines and dimensions noted. Street widths and building pad elevations noted.
Internal easement conflicts with the plat are eliminated.
Common areas do not exist within the right-of-way.
Markings placed indicating monuments at the external corners of the subdivision.
Tree preservation easements are not lying within other easements.
No overlapping of external/crossing easements.
Private streets are labeled.
North arrow, scale, topographic information, lot numbers, lot dimensions, and street and road names are all
Location of existing utilities with top of curb and invert elevations, pipe sizes, and direction noted.
Subsurface drains shown on development plan.
Location of existing easements and proposed easements shown,
All sanitary and storm structures numbered.
City of Carmel Department of F,ngineering
Specifications and Guidelines for Plan Desigm
g culvert pipes under the roadway are shown indicating size, type, and invert elevations.
ent Landowners and the location of any Section Corners are noted on the plan.
are Stamped "Approval Pending Not for Construction"
Development Plan
Platted lots do not have access to mainline roads.
There are no common areas within the right-of-way.
Exact location and principal dimensions for all buildings, set backs from all property lines, and internal
property lines are dimensioned.
The widths of all internal drives, drive aisles, alleys, and streets are labeled.
The rights-of-way of all existing and proposed intericr and exterior streets are labeled.
All turning radii are appropriate and adequate for fire trucks and moving vans.
Proposed off-site easements have been labeled.
All unnecessary easements have been vacated.
The secondary plat entrance matches that from the primary plat.
There is street, asphalt path, and sidewalk continuity between sections.
Any new drives crossing existing sidewalks or asphalt paths have been made compliant with ADA
Private streets have been designed to the City of Carmel standards.
Sidewalks are shown on both sides of all interior streets.
All interior streets intersect at 75 -degree or greater angles. Entrances intersect perimeter roads at 90 -
degree angles.
There are commercial type drive entrances for amenity areas.
Street Standards
Right-of-way width of each interior street is a minimum of 50 feet.
Pavement width of each interior street is 30 feet.
Complete horizontal curve data for all horizontal curves has been included.
The radius of each horizontal curve is a minimum of 150 feet.
The corner intersection sight distance is a minimum of 300 feet. (350 feet for collector streets and 400 feet
for all other street classifications).
Curb return radius of each interior street is a minimum of 20 feet. (30 feet for collector streets and 40 feet for
all other street classifications).
City of Carnncl Department of Engineering
Specifications and Guidelines for Plan Design
There is no cul-de-sac greater than 600 feet in length.
The diameter of the cul-de-sac terminal end pavement is a minimum of 76 feet.
The radius of each cul-de-sac terminal end right-of-way is a minimum of 50 feet.
Intersections of interior streets area minimum of 150 feet apart.
Sanitary and storm sewer frames and castings are not present in the pavement, curbs, or sidewalks. This
does not pertain storm sewer curb inlets.
All sanitary and storm sewer runs cross streets perpendicularly,
Subsurface drains are included on both sides of all streets.
Streets are not too wide for subsurface drains to be effective.
Proposed curb cuts are at existing locations, or approval for new or modified curb has been requested of the
Board of Public Works and Safety.
Street cuts have been delineated on the plan for saw cut, removal, and replacement.
Curb is indicated for all interior parking areas.
All lots adjacent to side yard easements are wide enough to accommodate the anticipated house and any
planned driveways such that there is no encroachment into the easements.
Registered Land Surveyor's stamp is on secondary plat.
Legal description, north arrow, and scale are on secondary plat.
Lot dimensions, easements, and the point of beginning are on secondary plat.
Location of drainage detention 1 retention is shown.
Size and location of all existing and proposed fire hydrants within the development or within 300 feet of the
proposed development are shown.
The locations of all electrical power vaults, transformers, power lines, gas lines, television cable, and
telephone lines are shown.
Construction limits are clearly marked on all plans.
Entrance Alignment YES
There is a minimum separation of 500 feet between entrances and existing or proposed intersections.
Entrance is a maximum of 46 feet wide. Median, if applicable, in entrance is a maximum of 10 feet wide and
travel lane on each side of median is a maximum of 18 feet wide.
A separate Entrance Plan is included.
Mainline Right-of-way YES
Any additional right-of-way required by the Department of Community Services has been provided.
The rights-of-way of all interior and exterior streets have been shown.
City of Carmel Department of Engineering
Specifications and Guidelines for Plan Design
Right-of-way width required by 20 -Year Thoroughfare Plan has been provided.
If the development is at a perimeter road intersection, additional 120 -foot radius right-of-way has been
for roundabout.
Internal Street Profiles YES
Street grades do not exceed maximums set forth in the City Subdivision Ordinance (6.03.17) Arterial streets
do not exceed 6%, feeder or residential streets do not exceed 8%, and cul-de-sacs do not exceed 3%.
Vertical curves and complete vertical curve data are provided.
Complete elevations are shown on Plan -Profile Sheets.
Subsurface drains at street crossings are shown on all profiles.
City of Carmel standard minimum cover requirements are on each Plan -Profile Sheet.
There are no general notes related to backfill on Internal Street Plan -Profile Sheets. This information is
included on Details and Utility Profiles.
Water main, sanitary sewer, and storm sewer crossings are included on all profiles
Entrance Plan YES
Auxiliary lanes (acceleration and deceleration) are provided.
Dimensions of auxiliary lanes are correct based upon City standards and functional classification of road.
Passing blister provided in design.
Dimensions of passing blister are correct based upon City standards and functional classification of road.
Widening to the 15 -foot travel lane policy has been provided.
Road cross-section shows the correct widening distance.
1 inch milling and 1.5 inch resurfacing of entire mainline across frontage or to limits of auxiliary lanes are
provided for in the plans.
10 -foot asphalt path is provided and follows the guidelines of being one foot inside the right-of-way line and
parallel to the road.
Saw cut existing pavement edge for auxiliary lanes and widening is noted.
Detention volume for the fully developed Thoroughfare Plan right-of-way for the perimeter road frontage is
provided, Adequately sized pipes to carry water from the road to the proposed ponds are provided.
All pavement markings (center lines, edge lines, and lane lines) are shown.
There is a separate pavement marking plan and there is a note on the plans stating that all pavement
markings are to be thermoplastic.
New pavement construction and widening are shown with hatching.
For any paving or widening on perimeter roads, the pavement section is the following: 1.5 inches HMA #11
surface on 2 inches HMA #8 binder on 3 inches HMA #5D base on 7 inches #53 stone on 4 inches #2 stone.
This cross-section is shown on the plans.
City standard curbs, sidewalks, and pavements are delineated on right-of-way installations.
City of Carmel Department of Engineering
Specifications and Guidelines for Plan Design
All existing main road improvements (curbs, sidewalks, pavements, etc.) are indicated on the plans.
Saw cut and removal of mainline pavement for new entrance are shown.
Depressed curb is shown for new proposed entrances with existing chair back curb.
Depressed curb for existing drives is shown where new curb is installed in right-of-way
In cases without curbs, a 3 -foot #73 stone shoulder is provided along the auxiliary lanes and along any
pavement widening. The stone is a minimum depth of 6 inches.
Subsurface drains are shown under the 3 -foot wide #73 stone shoulder.
Each curb return radius at each entrance is 40 feet.
Maintenance of Traffic Plan YES
Maintenance of Traffic Plan is provided. V
Traffic Control Plan YES
The following note is on the traffic control plan: "ALL SIGNS ARE INSTALLED BY THE CITY AND
Details YES
The local street pavement section is the following: 1.5 inches HMA #11 surface on 2 inches HMA #8 binder
on 3 inches HMA #51) base on 7 inches #53 stone. This cross-section is shown on the plans.
The following note is on the plans in the vicinity of the local street pavement section: "ALL PAVING IS TO
The asphalt path section is the following: i inch HMA #11 surface on 2 inches 48 binder on 5 inches #53
stone. This cross-section is shown on the plans.
Typical Cross Section (including the subsurface drain, the asphalt path shown 1 foot inside the right-of-way
line, etc.) is included in the plans.
City of Carmel standard chair back curb detail is provided.
City of Carmel standard roll curb detail is provided.
City of Carmel standard sidewalk detail is provided.
City of Carmel standard subsurface drain detail is provided.
All subsurface drain is double wall Hancor Hi -Q or equivalent,
The following City of Carmel standard sidewalk notes are provided: The standard width of the sidewalk is 5
feet. The spacing of transverse control joints is to be no greater that 1.25 times the width (6.25 feet). The
minimum thickness of the sidewalk is 4 inches. Joints are tooled or sawed joints one-fourth the thickness of
the sidewalk. Sidewalk built with driveways shall have a minimum thickness of 6 inches or thickness of
driveway, whichever is greater.
The standard City of Carmel backfill requirements are incorporated into the Sanitary Trench Detail.
The standard City of Carmel backfill requirements are incorporated into the Reinforced Concrete Pipe
Trench Detail
The standard City of Carmel backfill requirements are incorporated into the Water Main Trench Detail.
City of Carmel Department of Engineering
Specifications and Guidelines for Plan Design
City of Carmel standard Street Cut Patch Detail is included for street cuts.
Depressed Curb Detail is provided.
Maximum spacing of concrete curb control joints is 10 feet on tangents and 5 feet on radii. Maximum
spacing of concrete curb expansion joints is 50 feet.
General YES
Drainage report and calculations have been submitted.
Plan and profile drawings for the storm sewer system are included in the plans.
A grading and drainage plan are included in the plans.
Erosion control plan is included in the plans.
Plans are provided on 24" by 36" sheets.
Traffic study to be conducted if in congested area or if high traffic volume is expected from site.
Details Of Traffic Study
Projected number of motor vehicle trips to enter and leave the site estimated for daily peak hour traffic
The projected traffic flow pattern including vehicular movements at all major intersections likely to be
affected by the proposed use of the site.
The impact of this traffic upon existing abutting public and private ways in relation to existing road capacities.
Existing and proposed daily and peak hour traffic levels, as well as road capacity levels also shall be given.
City of Carmel Department of Engineering
Specifications and Guidelines for Plan Design
By affixing my seal below, I, the applicant and duly appointed representative of the owner, hereafter referred to as the
petitioner, indicate that all the above requirements listed on the preceding six pages have been met, or, in the case of
a non -applicable response or in the case of answering "no" to any of the above statements, have attached a letter and
proper documentation stating the reason for not complying with the above said requirements. Submitting plans along
with this stamped and signed document obligates me, the petitioner, to agree to the following requests by the
Department of Engineering hereafter referred to as the reviewer. The petitioner will notify the reviewer in the event of
any changes to the submitted plans and is required to submit revised drawings for approval that highlight those
changes from the petitioner's previously submitted plans. The reviewer reserves the right to request that changes be
made to the plans at any point in the petitioner's design process. In the event that any of the requirements are not
found fulfilled by the petitioner as guaranteed by this agreement, the reviewer reserves the right to return the plans
and delay reviewing and approval until all requirements are met, or are eliminated by the reviewer depending on their
applicability to the project. The reviewer also stipulates that the petitioner wait to submit revised drawings and
responses to the reviewer's comments until they have included revisions based on comments from Crossroad
Engineers' review of the drainage report and calculations. It is also understood with the submittal, that upon approval
by the reviewer, the Board of Public Works and Safety and the other approval entities that exist will not in tum
automatically approve the petitioner's plans.
�.IAW96 _ January 16, 2019
Enginee Date
David J. Stoeppelwerth
City of Carmel Department of Engineering