HomeMy WebLinkAboutSec 1B_3NOTE; DECLARATION OF 00%CNANTS AND RESTRICTIONS FOR KINGS MILL SECTION ONE AS RECOROED N NSTRIIMENT No. 9444814 N THE OFFICE OF THE RECORDER OF HAMILTON C"TY, NO ANA SHALL PERTAIN TO KINGS WILL SECTION ONE B. COUNTY COMWSSI INERS CERTIFICATE UNDER AUTHORITY PROVIDED BY INDIANA CODE 36-7-3, THIS PLAT WAS GIVEN APPROVAL BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF THE COUNTY OF HAMILTON. INDIANA. AT A MEETI G HELD ___Z_!tl 199 _ STEVEN C. DILLINGER- Mem do Q 4 -- STEVEN A. HOLT-Member WILLIAM KARNS— !n dt", 7n J:�t* (ATTEST) OGLE—Auditor The undersigned, Kings Mill Corp. by Steven A. Nilson, owner of red estate described in the plot of Kings Mill, Section One, does hereby loyoff, plot and subdivide the some in occordonce with the foregoing plot of the Kings Mill. Section One B. This subdivision shall be known do designated as "Kings Mill, Section One B." All streets shown and not heretofore dedi- cated ore hereby dedicated to the public for its use. Witness y--�gnoture this _�_'_'r _ day of _ � 1994. ow - STEVEN A. WILSON KINGS MILL CORP. Before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for said County and State, appeared Steven A. Wilson, of Kings Mill Corp., who acknowledged the foregoing instrument as his voluntary act and deed for the use and purposes therein expressed and offixed his signature thereto. Witness, my hand and Notarial Seol this _ doy of �1994. Notary Public County of Residence: My Commission Expires.- PLAT xpires: MIQ4CLk Y SPURGEON NOTARY PUSLK STATE OF MDtANA MARION COUNTY MY COMMISSION EV OCT 1.19% PLAT APPROVED: A -W• 1 161'T BY: DAVE CUNNI AM Deportmen of Community Development Carmel, In iono KINGS Section MILL One B Submission Date: Oct. 12, 1994 Source of Title: Deed Record 266, Pigs. 435-436 I. the uhdersign:d, a ragisterod land surveyor in the Stroke of a wilm a, hereby certify that the within plot represents u survey and subdivision of the following described rad estate located in the West Half of the Southeast quarter of Section 5. Township 17 North. Range 3 East in Cloy Township. Hamilton County, Indiana: COMMENCING at the Southwest corner of the Southeast Ouorter of Section S, Township 17 North. Range 3 East; thence North 89 degrees 08 minutes 37 seconds East (assumed bearing) an the South line M sold Soutl+eaet Ouarter 1353.55 feet to the Southeast corner of the rest Half of sold Southeast Ouarter; thence North 00 degrees 11 minutes 58 seconds East on the East line of said Wast Hoff 441.63 Net to the Northeasta iy caner of LOT 7 in KNCS MILL. SECTION ONE. a subdivision in HamKen County. Marano. the secondary Mot of whialn is recorded at. Instrument 9444813 on Slide No. 482 of Met Cabinet No. t In Mat Office of the Recorder of Hamilton County. Indiana. said corner being also the MACE OF BEGINNING of the within described subdivision; thence North 49 degrees 40 minutes 00 seconds West on the Northerly tine of said KINGS MILL subdivision 167.94 hot to the Northerrwnost corner of LOT 6 in said subdivision; Mance South 54 degrees 33 minutes 52 seconds West an a Northerly line M sold LOT IL a distance of 162.94 feet to the Northeasterly corner of LOT 9 in said subdivision; thence North 37 degrees 37 minutes 17 seconds West an Bae Northeasterly line of said LOT 9 and the Northwesterly prolongation thereof, a total distance of 273.01 het to the Southwesterly corner of BLOCK 0 in said subdivision, said corner being on a non -tangent curve. the radius point of which lies 475.00 feet North 37 degrees 37 minutes 17 seconds West from said corner; Mance Northeasterly. curving to the left an sad curve and the Westerly liar of said BLOCK 0, on arc "a" of 395.55 Bost to a point that al 475.0 feat South 85 degrees 20 minutes 02 second East of the radius point of sold curve. said point being also the point of curvature of a curve to Me left. the radius point of whid Nes 650.00 Met North 85 degreas 20 minutes 02 seconds rest tram soil point; Mance Northerly. curving to the left an Me Westerly lima of said BLOCK 0. an arc distance of 53.21 Met to MI point of tangency, of sold curve et a point that ins 650.00 feet North 89 degrees 58 minutes 33 second East of the radius point of said curve; thence North 00 degrees 01 minute 27 seconds West on the Westerly Nae of said BLOC( 0. a distance N 71.90 hot to the Northeasterly corner of BLOC( C in said KINGS MILL, SECTION ONE. Menu Nash 83 dogross 49 minutes 06 seconds West an the Northerly tine of sold BLOCK C. a distance of 161.06 het; thence North 13 degrees 58 minutes 52 seconds East 210.87 fart; thence North 10 ingress 20 minutes 33 second West 50.00 hot; thence North 79 degrees 39 minutes 27 seconds East 103.26 Met to the point of aswture of a a sw to the fight, the radius point of which Nes 725.00 feet South 10 degrees 20 minutes 33 seconds East of sold point, said radius point being also congruent with the radius point of a curve on the Northerly fine of the aforesaid BLOCK 0 that is designoterd curve C-21" and also congruent with a curve designated curve "C-24" an Mia plot of soW KINGS MILL.. SECD'TN ONE; thence Northeasterly. curving to the runt on said curve. a portion of which curve Is the Southerly lime of a 25 foot drainage and utility easement located on said BLOCK 0. a total distance of 133.39 feet to the point of tongency of said curve of a point that is 725.00 foot North 00 degrees 11 minutes 58 seconds E03t of the common radius point of said curves; thence South 89 degrees 46 minutes 02 seconds East on the Southerly line of said Drainage and Utility Easement 129.19 hot to the East fine of the West Half of said Southeast Ouarter; thence South 00 degrees 11 minutes 58 seconds West on the East line of said West Half 994.13 foot to the plata of beginning, containing 7.029 acres, more or loss, total. This incudes 0.788 aures previously Flottad as a portion of BLOCK 0 in KINGS MILL, SECTION ONE. Subject to �n easement granted In Indiana Gas Transmission Cnrporotion as recorded on page 223 on Miscello neoc.s Record 32 as Instrument 3873 in the Office of the Recorder of Hamilton County, Indiana. This subdivision consists of eight lots, numbered 11 through 17 and 64, together with streets, all as shown on the within irlot. The size of the lots and the width of the street rights-of-woy Is shown in figures denoting THIS INSTRUMENT PREPARED BY: ALLAN H. WEIHE, President - Weihe Engineers, Inc. SHEET 3 OF 3