HomeMy WebLinkAbout5THIS INSTRUMENT WAS PREPARED BY EDWARD D. GIACOLETTI REGISTERED LAND SURVEYOR -INDIANA IS0560 S'CHNEIDER ENGINEERING CORPORATION 3020 NORTH POST ROAD INDIANAPOLIS, INDIANA 46226 TELEPHONE (317) 898-8282 Z5U I I UN FLAUt, SECTION i SECONDARY PLAT PART OF THE N.W.1/4 SECTION 4 -17N -3E HAMILTON COUNTY, INDIANA WSMITTED JUNE 19.19$0 REVISED JAY 9v 1950 LAND DE CRIPTION I IIEREBY CERTI: Y TIIAT 'fl' : WITHIN PLAT IS A 1•IL'I%V .'ENTAT1ON OF TIIE LANDS SU104YED, SUBDIVIDED APD PLATTED t; NDLR M.' 11+1REC'I' SUPERVISION AND CON l k0L AND TIIAT IT IS TRUE AND CODUi:('I' TO "'HE UES'l' OF MY KNOWLEDGE, AND HVI IEF: Part of the North►ccst Quarter or Sec'ion 4, Town.hip 17 Nurili, liange 3 East lu Il.►willull County diana, more part'cular'y dr:;cribed as fu''ows: Cout►tteucing at It a N„rtl ,”. t ?oraer of .*be Not*' ►:•est Qt.:srtcr of aiJ Section 4 (said curuer hears North 0 ',.,rees '4 jain rtes 2.1 seconds Fast (A ssu;ncit 2478.39 feet fruw t!►e Suutltwe_' c . r of `c Southeast Qi aricr of Sec,'.. 32, 1'ownsl►ip 18 Nurth, Range 3 Last); thc►►ce 1"t rtl, 1.9 it, revs 48 minutes _24 seconds E&st alwil; the N, Ili line of the Nortwest Quarter .:f sajJ F -.tioi 4 ,: di ­inc • of 181.81 fCel to the S4AI',►u.1 corner of the Soutteust Q.,icle- of ,aid Sec'iun 32; 'hence SLuth 89 d -grecs 59 ritinules 07 se,ui..ls East aluul; the North ' iue j .' r Nur 1,►►est Quarter cf ;aid Section "4 a di..Iance of 1292.:10 fccl to the West line of ♦'nuc' .J tick E•'a,cs, Section "`•► ' the plat of which Is recorded in 11ouk 5, Pages 152-154 iu (l,e Of -ice of the Recorder of Hall %tt.a -7)unty, Indiana (axid point bears North 89 degrees 59 niiau,es 07 seconds Vest 1368.42 Joel from the Southeast curuer of the Southwest Quarter of Section 33, Towus:•',i 18 North, Vu- gc 3 East a•ti Suuth ( 0 J.grees 24 utiuutes 53 seconds West :.35 feet from the •;i.rthwest corner of said plat); thence South 00 deuces 24 iniuutcs 58 seconds West aloin; the West line -f said plat a distance of 1211.`'' 'cet to the Beginning Yoitlt; th:nce cclitiuving South 00 ,._greys 24 miautes 54 sceconds Wcst along the !Fest title of said plat and at()!).. tite West line of Crooked Sti' k Estales. Sectiucl '1'i,ree, the plat ur ►vltich is recorde.' i., Buok 5, Pages 155 thru 157 In the said Decor,'. is Office, a distance of feet IQ the South line of said Northwest i • ''•'_r section; Itictice Ninth 89 degrees 58 wiuules la !"�•cuods West aloii_ Me sai,: Sorth line a distance of 147•...; feet to the Suutt►west curuer of the be id Northwest quer, ;r section; thence North 00 degrees 24 t:inutes 58 seconds East #lung (lie W :st line of the s.i,' Northwest quarter section a distance of 1505.22 feet; thence North 90 dcgrecs 1`11 minutes Of' :.►ands East a distance of 271.68 feet; thence South 00 degrees 00 minutes t; OC veconds We t a 's'ance of 12.1; feet; thence North 90 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds East a di lance of 14.13 ft:. t; thence North 22 degrees 05 wiuutes 31 seconds East a distance of 116.38 fe t; thence South 8E degrees 23 minutes 14 seconds East a distance of 290.99 feet; thence Nurth 60 degrees 03 51 seconds East a distance of 172.88 feel; thence South 50 degrees 0.1 m:uutes 36 seconds Fast a distance of 200.67 feet; thence South 02 degrees 02 minutes 04 seconds West a distance of _:.39 feet; thence North 90 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds East a distance of 2+d'.50 feet; thence S, alb 00 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds West a distance ,.f 60.30 feet; theiice N ,rth 90 degrees 00 t• inutes 00 seconds East a distance of 183.51 feet to the Reg►iauiug point, containing 51.106 acrvr, more or less. 'fills subdivision ona•'.is of 77 Juts-, numbered l through 77, together hitt► streets, cown►un areas, eitseireats and • 'iri.: : ays as sh. sy j on tale within p4it. The size of lots and aress and widtlas of streets and easem.,uts are showu lu figures debuting feet a:Id d, it parts t'-errof. WITNESS MY SIC"' URE THIS -9V---- DAY OF T*jU*( , 1990. EDWARD D. GIAC 4..ETT1 71f� ��0 3 �'� (�'�►i lit'(" ,TERED L.>:.i) 1'(::':)LZ V INDIANA- #S056V ` • 'tr J� 5►AEc,f i testa 01 TINDIANA) )SS routl,ry OF MAR' I c 1. ) Befure ni,-, ,i Not'ai,y 11,,1,1 i in .,11,1 cur :: , r ,•, ;Ill � ,ori :;t .,tc:, Inc :;unalay adal t1he e\i,'llt ion lit the: It ,joil)-j it'St 11116 •ht l:; til, tl „11111( � t!hu use Mid 1711 ';..,se [ l.i I �: i 11 �:_:i:re ;s, cl. WI I."i1':iS u,;' :ikj ,tttt'.r 1',i:S :'.`..ttt c:al• of A i "\� R Y p��6, Sii4J►lattire : 4A' <r'tr PIr111ted: 1L.k; 4_LIV11111E NOLar I Ptll,lic r :idill ill cotint T �h�,ASyP Ma, con rn i s a i on ;, i r --- 10.2 DEVELOPER: 1. LAND INNOVATORS � 234 SOUtH IRANKLIN R'C)A D ` IND IANAPOUS.ltd IAN 46 l9 { PH -ONE: Plan Commission: Uneer authority pro'tridect b Title ?6, Acts if 1981, P.L. 309 enac ed by the tj;t Tara! A smtvk ly t f tht. Ste - Indiana, and all acts am, andatary. or sluptple�Tletlta,ry thereto. r >iJ on ordinance adopted by the CAmM90 tcoui`mi'l of the Carmel, Indiana. this I l� t i 'aa, app„x��� b� r.h9 r Carmel, as fellows: Adopted by the Carmel Pko C9 I#Wan of p mwirz, >>• 4`x'0, Carmel/Clay Plan Comm'l��Jp By: Wesley G. Bucher, Director Department of Community Dowelopme:nt Carmel, Ind anb Under authority provided by Title 36, A-s0of 1991,.P,I,,. 309' 904-eted by the General Assembly of the Stato of 1!14,�l0�i, a1�A ail acts ametnalalory or suppletneu Cary thereto, this plat w*s C'vctu bjp#rttvgl by tiro 4,q#rd of Cow.rniss'ou.err# of County of Hmpilton at a mvtet1ag 4ej-ti -- • 1991. BOA ttp Or COMM1SS ONE? Of CQVNTY 4F PAMILTON Steve Hult S;e re frith,►ger Attest:t--d .� . T u:t y Pea► c , Cc• . y Aud•`.or WIT";F.;;S Wli'?1tL:UF`, 111 Of Lha par'.na Of E.E.S. PARR, I lilp have _,j the t 11 :,(Iil:.3 oil 1.:,.2 l.li clay of A1, ,1 1991. E. F. S . PAR'. VEE -111' B y : _C_, .- + a�l .� , _ James M. FrancO General Parttiti' Tho iil ai S 'J--. Sp ]_,C General Fan"tli�:r / CT Lay tun Ellic;Lt , Gerler,l Partner SHEET 5 of 5 OF PLAT SUTTON 1?_ '' CE ECTION I T' a urtders iclnc ,l , I'NFII ,-"P, Li- Indian r chip is c nc r c r clic Rt,,ii Fskute c.'.:., !' il. 1 „I I ' ' uL ,cit i Jac at, T, does 1 lay off, P1 at and 1,W)kii i 1:1 t ,ll,c i,, ei<.col:1'�ta tat and an desc.t. il.,tio.i. Sit t c,rl 1' I.,. t ;,:, ► T c ol�tai .c if 7 7, til; 1_csl.'_ I 1 ' 1 7',, both inc lusi,.'e, t< <jt,tlt.. t t. i t i, :;� 1 :t .tv0 I etre sa, �y�S�r,l t olti' flub) i:. Ways shu.. 1 on the Wil.11 11 I,1c►l.. WIT";F.;;S Wli'?1tL:UF`, 111 Of Lha par'.na Of E.E.S. PARR, I lilp have _,j the t 11 :,(Iil:.3 oil 1.:,.2 l.li clay of A1, ,1 1991. E. F. S . PAR'. VEE -111' B y : _C_, .- + a�l .� , _ James M. FrancO General Parttiti' Tho iil ai S 'J--. Sp ]_,C General Fan"tli�:r / CT Lay tun Ellic;Lt , Gerler,l Partner SHEET 5 of 5