HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes HO 12-18-18 (V) Sprunger Residence/Pool Setback.
The applicant seeks the following development standards variance approval:
2. Docket No. 18110001 V UDO Section 2.04 Minimum 10-ft side yard setback required;Crossing 20-ft
over side property line proposed. The site is located at 2198 Steffee Dr.It is zoned S1/Residence and located on
Lots 8&9 of Towne Oak Estates Subdivision.Filed by Steve Moed of SLM Homes,LLC on behalf of Jason&Sarah
Petitioner: Steve Moed:
• The Sprungers have purchased lots 8&9 in Towne Oak Estates Subdivision
• They want to build one house on both lots
• We have received approval from the HOA and subdivision
• They initially bought one lot but it's an awkward shaped lot, so they bought the adjacent lot
• Showed the aerial map of both lots
• We discussed with Staff and we have no problem in providing a commitment of stating it would never be divided
into two lots. We can attach and record this to the title. It will always be one house on two lots.
Public Comments: None
Department Report: Angie Conn:
• The petitioner is seeking this variance for the side yard setback
• The pool and decking will cross 20' over the shared property line of the 2nd lot.
• The owner is doing this process instead of a replat which would combine both lots into one
• We have asked the petitioner to come up with a set of draft commitments
• If were ever to be amended, it would have to come back for a public hearing through the full BZA
• We asked the petitioner to show a tree preservation area and try to keep as many as possible
• The utility company may have to clear out the wooded area if they would need access to the drainage easements
• We recommend positive consideration for the variance with the commitments being signed,recorded,and filed
with Staff within 30 days of this filing
Board Comments:
Brad: The location of the driveway could provide a shared access drive if a separate house ever were built on the lot to
the east. Is the commitment specific to having only one primary residence on the combined lots? Angie Conn: They are
committed to only constructing one single family house on the two lots.
Brad: Do the Sprungers plan on building any pool house near the pool? Steve Moed:Not that I'm aware of. The HOA
would have to approve it. Brad: Could the accessory building be placed on the eastern lot,because the primary structure
is on the other lot? Angie: If they would want to build a pool house on the eastern lot,they would need a variance.
John Molitor: It would require a new variance and a public meeting if they would build an accessory building.
Brad: The BZA would make the decision then.
Approved 1-0 with the condition that Petitioners provide the executed and recorded Commitments as they were
submitted at the meeting,within 30 days(by January 18,2019)
(V)Riverview Health Urgent Care&ER.
The applicant seeks the following development standards variance approval:
3. Docket No. 18110011 V PUD Ordinance Z-410-03,Section 6.6 Maximum 8,000 sq.ft. building
allowed; 11,266±sq.ft.proposed. The site is located at 14585 Hazel Dell Pkwy and is located on Riverview
Medical Park Subdivision,Lot 3. It is zoned PUD/Planned Unit Development. Filed by Mark Leach of Faegre
Baker&Daniels LLP.
Petitioner: Steve Hardin,Faegre Baker Daniels LLP:
• Mark Leach,Anthony Zerrer,and Jarod Stark
• Presented an aerial map
BZA Hearing Officer Minutes 12-18-18
• Current vacant bank branch sits in this location and we plan to redeveloped this area
• Presented the proposed elevations
• We have to be complementary to the existing architecture and design of the buildings in this area
• 11,500 sq.ft. is the footprint of our building
• The overall site is a medical campus
• We will provide connectivity and parking internally within the campus
• We will provide more greenspace than what exists today
• The existing building will be demolish,and a new building will be built
Public Comments: None
Department Report: Angie Conn:
• The variance request is to have a slightly larger building than what the PUD ordinance allows
• The PUD includes the lot coverage and building materials used in which the petitioner meets these
• We recommend positive consideration for the variance
Board Comments:
Brad: Can you point out the enhancements that will be made to the access points to this campus?
Steve Hardin: Referring to the new site plan,there was no connectivity here,and we will have access here and common
shared parking field here.
Brad: This will be reviewed in ADLS,but the colors showed in the elevations look darker than the adjacent buildings
and the church to the south. Anthony Zerrer: The comments we received from the Commercial Committee are that we
must match the colors to the existing buildings' colors.
IBrad: Is Riverview a non-for-profit? Has there been discussion between the City and Riverview about a Payment In
Lieu of Taxes(PILOT)? Steve Hardin: This property will be owned by a joint venture, for-profit entity.
Approved 1-0
Meeti, . Adjou ned at 5:53 p.m.
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Brad Grabo T Hearing Off er Jo hestak—Recording Secretary
BZA Hearing Officer Minutes 12-18-18