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City of Carmel Technical Advisory Committee January 16, 2019
Date: Wednesday, January 16, 2019
Place: Dept. of Community Services Conference Room, 3rd Floor, Carmel City Hall.
Time: 9:00 a.m. (Approximate start times for each item are listed below)
9:00 a.m. Docket No. 18100010 Z: 421 Crossing – Rezone.
The applicant seeks approval to rezone approximately 0.76 acres to the B-2/Business zoning district. The
site is currently zoned I-1/Industrial and is within the US 421 Overlay. It is located at the northwest
corner of 96th St. & US 421 – 9884 N. Michigan Rd. and 4306 W. 96th St. Filed by Joseph D. Calderon
of Barnes & Thornburg LLP on behalf of the owner, Bill Estes Realty LLC.
Docket No. 18100011 PPA: 421 Crossing –Primary Plat Amendment.
The applicant seeks primary plat amendment approval to form a 3 lot commercial subdivision on
approximately 2.35 acres. The site is currently zoned both I-1/Industrial and B-2/Business (pending a
rezone to only B-2) and is within the US 421 Overlay. It is located at the northwest corner of 96th St. &
US 421 – 9884 N. Michigan Road and 4306 W. 96th Street. Filed by Aaron Reynolds of Thompson
Thrift Development on behalf of the owner, Bill Estes Realty LLC.
Aaron Reynolds with Thompson Thrift, Mike Timko with Kimley-Horn, and Joe Calderon with Barnes
& Thornburg presented the project. Mr. Calderon said part of the project which was filed a few months
ago included a daycare operation on the west end. The daycare is no longer part of the project.
Greg Hoyes – Hamilton County Surveyor’s Office
- Letter sent. No further comments.
Ryan Hartman – TriCo Regional Sewer Utility
- No issues with the rezone. Mr. Hartman said comments have been sent based on Lake City Bank
and the easements that were tied into that project. These will need to be included on future plans.
Regarding the primary plat, TriCo does not have any issues but they will need to see specifics on how
the lots will be serviced.
Daren Mindham – City of Carmel Urban Forestry
- No comments on the rezone. There are trees at Lake City Bank that will need tree preservation
around them. Mr. Mindham said if the building on the west side of the property is preserved,
depending on the perimeter buffer yard along 96th Street, a variance may be required.
Chris Ellison – City of Carmel Fire Department
- No comments at this time.
Dave McCoy – City of Carmel Addressing Coordinator
- Mr. McCoy said the street number of 9884 will not work as it is too high of a number. He said he
would prefer something in the 9600 range. Mr. McCoy added that he will work with the developers
to come up with the proper address.
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City of Carmel Technical Advisory Committee January 16, 2019
David Littlejohn – City of Carmel Alternative Transportation
- Plans have been reviewed and the comment letter was distributed. There were no comments on the
rezone, but there were several issues to consider when the development plan is created.
Nick Mishler – City of Carmel Building Permits
- No comments.
Rachel Keesling – City of Carmel Planning & Zoning
- Ms. Keesling said the biggest concern is making sure all easements are shown on the development
plans. There was also some confusion on the Lake City Bank building. Ms. Keesling said the plan
shows four lots, and she added if the plan is for three lots that is fine, but the Department will need an
updated plat. There is also a cross access easement that will need to be added back to the plan. Ms.
Keesling said the Department is fine with the rezone and she is glad to see the project continuing to
move forward even though the daycare is not a part of the plan. Mr. Calderon said the plan is to put
this project in front of Plan Commission in February, so notices will be going out within the next few
weeks. Mr. Timko said they are working with Lake City Bank, but asked what will happen in the
event that they cannot get the bank to sign the plat. Ms. Keesling said the petitioners should finalize
their portion of the plat, and if the bank is not removed or identified as another lot will be fine.
Angie Conn – City of Carmel Planning & Zoning
- Ms. Conn said regarding Lake City Bank signing the plat, she said it would benefit the bank to sign
onto the petitioner’s plan because they wouldn’t need to go through the public notice process.
9:10 a.m. Docket No. 18120015 ADLS: Vine Health Care (submitted in ProjectDox)
Docket No. 18120016 V: UDO Section 5.28.E.2 – Reduction of required curbs
Docket No. 18120017 V: UDO Section 3.62.A.1.c.ii. – Lot Coverage: 70% allowed, 80% requested
Docket No. 18120018 V: UDO Section 3.62.C.1.b. – Max. Building Width: 45’ allowed, 48’
The applicant seeks site plan and design approval with 3 variances for a new, 2 story (28’4” tall) medical
office building totaling about 7,000 sq. ft. on 0.25 acres. The site is located at 40 N. Range Line Road. It
is zoned B-2/Business and is within the Old Town Overlay District, Historical Range Line sub-area.
Filed by Adam DeHart of Keeler Webb on behalf of the owner, Vine Real Estate Holdings, LLC.
Adam DeHart with Keeler-Webb Associates, Chad Apple with Meyer & Najem, and owner Scott
Antoine presented the project. Mr. DeHart said Vine Health Care provides specialized medicine and
more of a natural option than normal medicine. He added that the business would like to stay in Carmel
but they need additional space so they will move out of their current location temporarily while a larger
two-story building is completed. Mr. DeHart said the southeast corner of the building will feature a
juice bar with a patio area for outdoor seating.
Greg Hoyes – Hamilton County Surveyor’s Office
- Letter sent. Mr. Hoyes said since there is no runoff increase, nothing will be required.
Ryan Hartman – TriCo Regional Sewer Utility
- This project is outside of TriCo service territory.
Daren Mindham – City of Carmel Urban Forestry
- Comments sent on Project Dox. Most comments involved getting the right trees in the right spots.