HomeMy WebLinkAboutCorrespondence ELECTRONICALLY FILE YOUR PROJECT WITH STATE OF INDIANA at http://www.in.gov/dhs/2650.htm. This on-line filing is through a secure site,you can use it to submit your project information, pay the fees and upload your project plans. Use Internet Browser to View this report, other browsers are not compatible to view this report Project number Release date CONSTRUCTION DESIGN RELEASE �°� 403658 11/19/18 State Form 41191 (R9/5.98) Z Construction type Occupancy classification ju Report Printed on: November 19,2018 II-B, SPK R-1, REM /aiya Scope of release Indiana Department of Homeland Security INDIANA 021 ARCH ELEC FDN MECH DIVISION OF FIRE&BUILDING SAFETY F 0000STR PLAN REVIEW DIVISION • c Type o of release 402 W.Washington St., Room E245 Indianapolis,IN 46204 ____HOOSIER SAFE, Standard Available At Your Local Licence Branch Project name To: Owner/Architect/Engineer SUPPORT HOOSIER SAFETY Hampton Inn Hamilton Crossing PIP Renovation BGKT Architects, PLLC John Arthur Killebrew AR11700178 f Street address 2028 Buffalo Terrace 12197 N Meridian St Houston TX 77019 City County Fax&e-mail: 7139425820,akillebrew@bgktarchitects.com CARMEL HAMILTON The plans,specifications and application submitted for the above referenced project have been reviewed for compliance with the applicable rules of the Fire Prevention and Building Safety Commission.The project is released for construction subject to,but not necessarily limited to,the conditions listed below.THIS IS NOT A BUILDING PERMIT.All required local permits and licenses must be obtained prior to beginning construction work.All construction work must be in full compliance with all applicable State rules.Any changes in the released plans and/or specifications must be filed with and released by this Office before any work is altered.This release may be suspended or revoked if it is determined to be issued in error,in violation of any rules of the Commission or if it is based on incorrect or insufficient information.This release shall expire by limitation,and become null and void,if the work authorized is not commenced within one(1)year from the above date. CONDITIONS: Note:(A1A&Al B):In accordance with the affidavit sworn under penalties of perjury in the application for construction design release the plans and specifications filed in conjunction with this project shall comply with all of the applicable rules and laws of Fire Prevention and Building Safety Commission.Providing false information constitutes an act of perjury,which is a Class D felony punishable by a prison term and a fine up to$10,000. In accordance with Section 19 of the General Administrative Rules(675 IAC 12-6-19)a complete set of plans and specifications that conform exactly to the design that was released by the office of the state building commissioner shall be maintained on the construction jobsite as well as a copy of the design release. This project has been reviewed under the 2014 Indiana Building Code, 2014 Indiana Fire Code, 2009 Indiana Electrical Code, 2012 Indiana Plumbing Code, 2014 Indiana Mechanical Code, 2014 Indiana Fuel Gas Code, 2010 Indiana Accessibility Chapter 11 (ICC A117.1 2009), and the 2010 Indiana Energy Conservation Code (ASHRAE 90.1 2007) This project does not include any: POOL 4G0412AE The proposed building, addition, or remodel shall not put the existing building in noncompliance or into further noncompliance in accordance with 675 IAC 12-4-12. 4G0603AP This release does not include pool installations in accordance with 675 IAC 12-6-7(19) and 8(a)(b). 4G0607AN Plans and specifications for the kitchen exhaust hood shall be submitted in accordance with 675 IAC 12-6-7-(b). 1460707310A One or more fire barriers or horizontal assemblies are being provided for the purpose of separating a single occupancy into different fire areas in accordance with Section 707.3.10, IBC (675 IAC 13- 2.6). 14607037 Fire walls and vertical fire barriers shall be effectively and permanently identified with signs or stenciling. Such identification shall: 1. Be located in accessible concealed floor, floor-ceiling or attic spaces; 2. Be located within 15 feet of the end of each wall and at intervals not exceeding 30 feet measured horizontally along the wall or partition; and 3. Include lettering not less than 3 inches in height with a minimum 3/8 inch stroke in a contrasting color incorporating the suggested wording, "FIRE WALL or FIRE BARRIER PROTECT ALL OPENINGS" or similar wording in accordance with Section 703.7, IBC (675 IAC 13-2.6). 14W0503 Fire apparatus access roads shall be provided in accordance with Section 503, IFC (675 IAC 22- 2.5). Page 1/2 ELECTRONICALLY FILE YOUR PROJECT WITH STATE OF INDIANA at http://www.in.gov/dhs/2650.htm. This on-line filing is through a secure site,you can use it to submit your project information,pay the fees and upload your project plans. Use Internet Browser to View this report,other browsers are not compatible to view this report 9E11026A Access and working space shall be provided and maintained about all electric equipment in accordance with Section 110.26, IEC (675 IAC 17-1.8). Penetrations in Rated Assemblies shall be effectively protected as set forth in section 714 IBC (675 IAC 13-2.6) AREL Pursuant to 675 IAC 12-6-21, the issuance of a design release does not relieve the owner from required compliance with all applicable rules of the commission, even if noncompliant conditions appear in the plans and specifications that have been filed with the division. The owner is responsible for correcting any and all areas of noncompliance even if they are discovered subsequent to the issuing of this design release. Please be advised that if an administrative review of this action is desired,a written petition for review must be filed at the above address with the Fire Prevention and Building Safety Commission identifying the matter for which a review is sought no later than eighteen(18)days from the above- stated date,unless the eighteenth day falls on a Saturday,a Sunday,a legal holiday under State statute,or a day in which the Department of Fire and Building Services is closed during normal business hours. In the latter case,the filing deadline will be the first working day thereafter. If you choose to petition,and the before-mentioned procedures are followed,your petition for review will be granted,and an administrative proceeding will be conducted by an administrative law judge of the Fire Prevention and Building Safety Commission. If a petition for review is not filed,this Order will be final,and you must comply with its requirements. Code review official REX MAYS rmays@dhs.in.gov Director,Division of Fire and Building Safety Address(name,title of local official,street,city,state and ZIP code DEPT OF COMMUNITY SERVICE JIM BLANCHARD ONE CIVIC SQUARE CARMEL, IN 46032 Fax&e-mail: 3175712499,jblanchard@carmel.in.gov__ Page 2/2 Shestak, Joe From:Greg Schahet <greg@schahethotels.com> Sent:Friday, February 15, 2019 4:08 PM To:Keesling, Rachel M; Blanchard, Jim E; Chavez, Nathan; Conn, Angelina V; Hall, Willie; Haney, Douglas C; Hollibaugh, Mike P; John Molitor; Jordan, Alex; Kashman, Jeremy M; Kass, Joslyn; Keeling, Adrienne M; Krueskamp, Theresa A; Littlejohn, David W; Lopez, Alexia K; Lux, Pamela K; Maki, Sue; Martin, Candy; McCoy, David W; Mindham, Daren; Mishler, Nicholas F; Motz, Lisa; Musunuri, Varunima; Pauley, Christine; Shestak, Joe; Speth, Nichole M; Thomas, John G; Warner, Caleb; Worrell, Jeff Cc:Hardin, Steven D.; Art Killebrew; Phyllis Infanzon; Andy Vannice; Jeffrey Brown Subject:RE: Docket No. Assignment: Hampton Inn - Hotel Renovations (#19010001 ADLS Amend) Attachments:2019-02-13 Responses to City of Carmel.pdf Follow Up Flag:Follow up Flag Status:Flagged **** This is an EXTERNAL email. Please exercise caution and Do Not open attachments or click links from unknown senders or unexpected email. **** Attached is our response to the review comments for the renovation of the Hampton Inn Carmel. Physical samples have been requested and I’ll forward as soon as I receive. We will also work with David Littlejohn on both bicycle parking and sidewalk access and will make sure our landscaper keeps everything in alignment with original design. Thank you all, and just let me know if you need anything else, Greg Schahet Schahet Hotels, LLC 9333 N. Meridian St. #203 Indianapolis, IN 46260 317.848.9000 greg@schahethotels.com From: Keesling, Rachel M <rkeesling@carmel.in.gov> Sent: Wednesday, January 23, 2019 4:40 PM To: Blanchard, Jim E <JBlanchard@carmel.in.gov>; Chavez, Nathan <nchavez@carmel.in.gov>; Conn, Angelina V <Aconn@carmel.in.gov>; Hall, Willie <whall@crossroadengineers.com>; Haney, Douglas C <DHaney@carmel.in.gov>; Hollibaugh, Mike P <MHollibaugh@carmel.in.gov>; John Molitor <jmolitor@prodigy.net>; Jordan, Alex <ajordan@carmel.in.gov>; Kashman, Jeremy M <jkashman@carmel.in.gov>; Kass, Joslyn <jkass@carmel.in.gov>; Keeling, Adrienne M <AKeeling@carmel.in.gov>; Keesling, Rachel M <rkeesling@carmel.in.gov>; Krueskamp, Theresa A <TKrueskamp@carmel.in.gov>; Littlejohn, David W <dlittlejohn@carmel.in.gov>; Lopez, Alexia K <alopez@carmel.in.gov>; Lux, Pamela K <plux@carmel.in.gov>; Maki, Sue <smaki@carmel.in.gov>; Martin, Candy <cmartin@carmel.in.gov>; McCoy, David W <DMcCoy@carmel.in.gov>; Mindham, Daren <dmindham@carmel.in.gov>; Mishler, Nicholas F <nmishler@carmel.in.gov>; Motz, Lisa <lmotz@carmel.in.gov>; Musunuri, Varunima <vmusunuri@carmel.in.gov>; Pauley, Christine <cpauley@carmel.in.gov>; Shestak, Joe <jshestak@carmel.in.gov>; Speth, Nichole M <nspeth@carmel.in.gov>; Thomas, John G <jthomas@carmel.in.gov>; Warner, Caleb <cwarner@carmel.in.gov>; Worrell, Jeff <jworrell@carmel.in.gov> 1