HomeMy WebLinkAboutRieth-Riley/Eng/CO #7/-356,269.67/Veterans Way – Project #17-ENG-01 City of Carmel Project 17-ENG-01 Veterans Way Construction CHANGE ORDER#7 Change order represents final items for Veterans Way and adjusts quantities to finalize and close PO 100472. Contract Price prior to this Change Order $7,407,846.72 Contract Price will be decreased by this Change Order ($356,269.67) New Contract Price including this Change Order $7,051,577.05 4th and Range Line/Veterans Way Contract Summary PO# PO-100472 PO-100473 PO-100473 P0-100473 PO-100474 Adjusted Contract Price th 4thSW West Community Project Veterans Way Rt.&4 RAB 6th Street of Monon Crossing Fund Original Contract 52,797,315.57 $654,132.69 $501,298.89 $1,000,030.00 $425,662.78 $5,378,409.93 Change Order 1 $1,605,251.69 $6,983,661.62 Change Order 2 $51,52L68 $7,035,183.30 Change Order 3 $52,244.51 $7,087,427.81 Change Order 4 $556,312.82 $7,643,740.63 Change Order 5 $61,754.48 57,705,495.11 Change Order 6 .v�i: " >�a� 2.' 1,1 $7,407,846.72 Change Order 7 ($356,269.67; 57,051,577.05 Adjusted Amount „654,132.09 $715,730.93 256,051.25 $1,000 000.00 $425 662.78 $7,05 577.05 Amount Remaining $0,00 $0.00 $0.00 $D.00 $0.00 $0,00 CITY OF CARMEL TO:Rieth Rile%Coasttuction Co.Inc. CONTRACT CHANGE ORDER NO.. ' 1751 West Minnesota Street DATE:January 7.2019 Indianapolis.IN 4622! PROJECT NAME: 17-ENG-O l CITY REQ NO.: CITY PO NO.: 100473 CITY PO DATE:6 l 2O1? 001,— I. You are directed to make the following chain_,;in this Contract: bc-ik Adjust quantities to close out PO-100472. 'SCHEDULED ADJUSTMENT ITEM .-t\-iOL\T i+t OR i- i DAY "Sec detail of,te.1..,,.r.t sot:ire x} .,,:1:tttged costs in attached Tali. TOTAL OF C H ANC/[ORDER ITEMS -S356.264.i' 0 Days II. The tollowing rc1erenced Documents further describe the changes outlined in Paragraph 1. and are to be considered a part of this Change Order.R.F.P.: ma W.D.C.NO.: ma Other: Adiusted amities to close PO 100473. The changes result in the following adjustment of Contract Price and Contract Time: Contract Price prior to this Change Order S7.407.846.72 Contract Price will be increased by this Change Order New Contract Price including this Change Order S7.051.577.05 Contract Time prior to this Change Order 150 Days 10'1:2017 Completion Date Net increased resulting from this Change Order 6 I Days Current Contract Time including this Change Order 6`19.,2018 Completion Date This Change Order is for full and final settlement of all direct.indirect.impact costs and time extensions incurred at any time resulting front the performance of the changed work. The Above Changes Are Recommended The Above Changes Are Accepted :1ppr:,e cd CROSSROAD ENGINEERS Rieth-Riley Construction Co.Inc. fez. ainard. yot ENGINEER CONTRACTOR 3417 Sherman Drive 1751 West Minnesota Street Jere ,,! /. Address Address ' . isv Beech Grove.IN 46107 Indianavolis.IN 46221 Ma :Anc Burk-1 embe- City'State:Zip City/StateZip ��/% Lo pr`` . Member / By: iaiterithr"". BY: .tri 4114' '°r1 a/4 Phone: 317-780-1555 Phone: 574-8 .-5183 C istine S.P ey L •rk- J� Date: //7//i i Date: 1 I) 1511 Date: a 6/// 6tCOS S 6t79£5 - S ; _ atwf'S 5 0 =1P°4'.'. .. . IC SI:.4 S;tL IS1 i1 '5LC'rt S 911: 1-5 al Sj _5 :c_y, - ..-.:,.. 5iI ass: s ItI:t i. `'JL 5 99L r.;(It t Slt _ t rctn:!' 5 :'f:i Sao t:6 Sr_- a•; _ c[t 97;.I I t s 4•""- -- - 1i 1 95E1 __.._... :.SE .S elf S L u,tri.venves 11;1153. ;-anent paisedu.163 (9C titLI i St 5 'S£ t!ES ._. u.eiC Vtt:usg .1d.S1 t C 08:'0! S r t I:: .9.. S i i ft ei:' i aQnj•alpu:: .rrS ---_ c fr 917 >_ S * ¢. _ an18'1i{aayS tuau:a s - ..•c - 11 j OJ 051 _ yaK auaarnul'omisetdet.- -..tpu;a S 7• SUgttz,unftana -1•!34.l: .__._ - 'ur+1 91 - S 1.371 au'Pt - -'4S PlaiS a41. "�1C su ar - - L chill S. ltl <.s C uuaul aJ-I x:d) S . . S In •;8`P9' 0. 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S 1 a J:1 ''1u .. __ :alunglwuraF ns ., OC ; - 1s8. i 0.)JS:: S rii' +' 'JCL.; ,I9' I' -' -'91 E: ___.. 7::9':0£ S _vir.. - .5 ,r, -... .r..' ----- --- ---- —— _ —----- - - 0,,;t1 - . gi :;Ss:.-) • • _a11 fig t,L 0)I31:1)IO 39tiVIL) U(lryipilJJ5 Ur..)00 x 1 i U RJiIa,%-ja-7na-(i 17-ENG-01-Veteran's War Construction ('RANGE ORDER#7 TARL.E hem I t f Hat \o Uescr,ptrw . r�ro Yrnalrodmw r . .1,Pn; .t 4 . n . Frna; Nilowr . Char L•nou ,7t;anur oaaus} ':3 ,iate 1'al,e i 3.05.: _ , e 1IC:: 3 S 4.io3 30 S 3,05S in ".ate 1'al,e - - S -,I l 341 S 1 319 Inecno rs ... S •++5 8:1 _.,,.,ions _ 5 `70 i91 S r, - S z.. 5 :: 1 ne - . Lmt• ., _ S - 5 t3.141--1 _ ,. is-. • S S ,•1 ---I 1 " S • S I S I - _ -- t :9 7_) _utbtu,Ur.Jua dan1. 3 3;3,=:a 90 _ r .:3-:41 I Sondult Spot Rcpar j I0MC,4 S jr _rnsav Arloean on . , 2 ' • ,111.%8::1:I ,sisalks Change Otaer'i _ _ _ 2+,1p 00 ., ,.,4ddtnanal Coat 3 ;..;o op5 — canon-anal • .^8 1 4113 TOT-Si.OF i HANG! 313$Jt:1P.\t-, (-/5'.}.1\AL COV1 0' E ORDER- ,�—•'.,:" 11t,FD''la\GE ORDERS I7.E\G-0I-1'ETERA\'S WAN'CONSTRUCTION' EXHIBIT A You have been directed to make the following changes in this Contract: lien ` \o Description j Reason For Change '1lobtheatjan and Demobilization .adjusted auantiues to balance oeistinal contract quantities sersus the a:suet quantities used for each gent Field Office Adjusted quantities to balance original contract quantities versus the actual quantities ivied for each item 4', Office Equipment Adjusted quantities to balance original c>itract quantities sersus the actual quantities used for each item 6' Clearing of Right of Way .,adjusted quantities to balance orignal- .react quantities sersus the actual quantities used for each nem 7s Excavation,Corcmon �Adjusted yuamines to balance;r i.--! ._e.'lies versus the actual galantines lied for each item. 91 SWQCP Preparation and implementation Level: adjusted quantities to balance _ sersus the actual 1uantides used for each item. for Storm Water Quality Management Budget Adtuied ac.,r:. - .. Ott:nci serves me actual attannties used for each item 11: Sobered,Treatment,e,' Adjusted qcm: 'cats quantities versus the actual,uanttnes used fat'each item. 12 Sabgrade Treatment,I-9 _ Adjusted quantities jo a ac.-c-e tutu .detract quantities sersus the actual quantities used for each item. 131 Subg•ade Treatment Type'i Adjusted t quantities to balance arjuinil contract quantities versus the actual quantities used for each dun 141. Structural Sacffitl,Type 1 .Adjusted duantittes to balance original contract quantities _r,us the actual quantities used for each item 131, Compacted Aggregate No.S3 Stone Adusted quantities to balance ommnal contract guantiuc. .s the actual quantities used for each gem. 18( 0„schatt Milling,1.5' 'Adjusted quantities to balance anginal contract auantjtic. ,.. !he actual quantities used for each item. 23 HMA Surface,Type B-,9.5 tear, Altusted quantities to balance original contras quiltuit,: .scant quantities used for each item 24 -iMA intermediate,Type 8',19.0 man Adjusted quantities to balance.srilenal contract quantities,cisus:tie actual quantities used for each item. 25 rMA lase,Type'3',25.0 man Adjusted quantities to balance orj„nnal contract quantities versus the actual tuattities used for each item 26 Asphalt for Tack Coat :Adtustcd quantities to balance oriennal contract auantities versus the actual luorrie..es used for each item 26 Sidewalk,Concrete .adjusted auantjties to balance ortcinal contract ettatitities sersus the actual quantities used fur each item 29 Curb Same.Concrete,Includes Detectable Warning elements Adjusted quantities to balance ongetal contract quantities sersus the actual quantities used for each item. 3C Concrete Curb,earner Adjusted quantities to balance original cmtuact guantiltes versus the actual quantities used for each item. 23 Curb and Gutter,Concrete,Type-I Adjusted quantities to balance original contract quantities versus the actual quantities used for each item. 3.3 CCCP for Apo:caches,Residenth,,6" Adjusted quantities to balance orjainel contract quantities torsos the actual quantities used for each item 3,7 PCCP for Approaches,Commercial, 9' Adjusted quantities to balance unpile contract quantities versus the actual quartbtt S used tier each item. 3t Topsnd(Assume 5'Thick) _4d1usted quantities to balance anainaf contract quantities.ersus the actual.tuatwues used for each item 4,3 Sooting,Nursery Adjusted quantities re balance original contract quantities sersus the actuai quantities used for each item .. Pipe,Tape 2,Circular,127 Adjusted quantities to balance original contract quantities sersus the actuals i guantiues used for each item. ! 45 Pipe.Type 2,Circular,:5" _ .hdiussed tAlaruittea le balance original contract quantities census the actual quantities used for each item. 46 Pipe.Type 2,Circular,A" Adjusted gtantjnes to balance original contract quantities versus the actual quantities used for each item. 47 Pipe,Type 2,Circular.21' Adjus:ed quantities to balance original contract quantities sersus the actua'quantities used for each item. a9 15"Pipe End Section Adjusted auantjties to balance oriainet contract quantities terms the aetuat q_uattuurs used for each item Mechanical Plug For RCP Pipe .Adjusted quaatitics to,aala:a ericinal contact luantitjes sersus the actual quantities used far each item. 51 Pipe,Type 4,Circuiar,5" 4dtasted quantities to balance original contrast quantities versus the actual quantities used for each item Aggregate for Unlerdrain :Adjusted quantities to balance arlinai contract quantities s ersus the actual quantities used for each item ie Geoteniie for tinderdrain Adjusted auantjties to balance original contra.' -sus the actual quantities used for each item 57 Inlet,1.10 Adjusted uuaretjties to balance original contra._ . .:s the actual quanttities used for each item. 59 islet,I oath casting RJ329C-, .adjusted quantities to balance original contract 4051;c c r. acttaai quantities used for each item. 52 Nyloptast Inlet ;Adjusted quantities to baiaace original contract quantitie, actual quantities used for each item. 53i Manhole,C4 .Adjusted,;uantities to balance original contract quantities%er555 Coe actual quantities used for each item. Gil Replace Casting and Adiust to Grade Adjusted guanuttes to balance menial contract quantities sersus the actual quantities used for each nem. 70i Sign Post,haunt,Type 1,time One.Base Adjusted quantities to balance original contract quantities versus the actual duantities used for each item 711 Relocate fouling Sign Adjusted quantities to balance anginal contract quantities sersus the actual quantities used for each item 71 Decorative Street Sign Assembly .sdjuste l quantities to balance orginal contract quantities sersus the actual quantities used for each item. 73' Sign,Shear,with legend 0.080' Adjusted quantities to balance original contract quantities AetSUu the actual quantities used for each item. 79 f♦andbole,netting Adjusted quantities to balance oriental contract quantities versus the actual quantities used for each item. 79i Wire.as Copper!n plastic Ouet in Trench,41.JC Adjusted quantities to balance original contract quantities sersus the actual quantities used for each item. aoi Conduit,Steel,Galvanized,2" Adjusted quantities to batauce original contract quantities sersus the actual quantities used for cash dent. 81, Wire.e4 Copper in Plastic Duct,4 1/C Adjusted quantities to balance onional contract quantities versus the actual quantities used fan each item 82- lighting Foundation,18"Diameter,Concrete,with Ground .Adjusted quantities to balance original eoniraet quantities team the actual quantities used for each;tern 83 tight Pole,15'Height,Ornamental Adjusted quantities to balance animal contract atantities versus the actual quantities used for each gem 96 sfandhole,Communication Adjusted annuities to balance original contract quantities versus the actual quantities used for each liens. 8ai d'd'ud',Split Communications Sox Adtustcd quantities to balance original contract quantities versus the actual quantities used for each item. "e9i Communccation Duct Sank Adjusted quantities to balance orjamal convect gttanlrties serails the actual quantities:cst I'm each item. 90l a"Innerrduct with 3 s 1-1/2"innerdacts Wuwted quantities to taten:c tnsaraul:urines!asaruines•ersua the actual,iuimtnics geed for sash motto `-•t 4'PVC,Schedule 80 Mtusted taaatttice to tWancc i-rnlartes conned 4Usleanue,.emu the actual quauuttes used for each dent 32. Trans.Mr;Thermo,solid White,Crosswalk,White,24" \dtur:ed olWrntnes to pseud ice Crigtuat;,merest qualities,stasis the actual quaanitees geed fat each:tern 93: Trans.Mrk,Thermo,Stop Par,24" kdiusied quantities:,:balance..rii,9nal contract quantities vetot,the runlet quantities used for Cash Item 94' Line,Thermo,Solid,Yellow,4' lilt 'sod quantities:o batasicc onsunat contract aaanune.vertu.tic actual quantities used fw each aeon 95: L,ne,Thermo,Solid White,a' Adtu.ted ui,aomles lc Salanit angnal connast grlarrttues sctsus the actual quanmtes jell fee each dens sal;i tin,Thermo,Solid,Blue,4" Ai-tinned quantities tel tsalance i5iispnal comma drannties sersus tic aqua+auuammtec used far each tern 99+ line,Thermo,Dotted,White,4" Adtustcd auantines tq balance atonal.atttra.t gnantmes sews,:IN actual,ii.a.nuts used tar each dim .Ott Trans.Mrk,Thereto Yield.White,3',Shark Teeth,Tied Line t4ii s:est quantities in adlan.c Into canna,:gsaatuues salts*die astuu:quaniuies used fon cash arms 102, Transverse Marking,Thermoplastic,Pedestrian Crossing hdltasted quantities to betan:s wiunnal:ent:1, W adaniiiKi sensate did:KOMI iludnutiea nerd foe each item 1c3 Lane indication Arrow,White,Thermoolastinc,Transverse Marking Adjusted quantities to balance oriental contract quantities versus the actual auantties used for each item 3061 Snowplowable Raised Pavement Marker,Blue Adrysted quantities to balance original contract quantities versus the actual quantities used for each item. 109! Sanna,y Sewer Manhole,Type; Adjusted quantities to balut:e metals!contract quantities versus the actual quantities used for each item. 1104 15'°VC'SOR-26 Sanitary Main Aljuitcl quantities to balance original contract quantities%Mimi the actual quantities used foe each item,. 1:11 CPrrtpactee Aggregate Backfil,sentare Main i hiiusruA quantities to balance original contract quantities versus the actual quantifies used for each item. 114, 5"PVC Sanitary Lateral f.idpe z'J quaunties to 1Nlaiae icisonal,uutuaer auantiliea iersus the actual auantjties used for each item. 115i 8'PVC Sanitary Lateral ,Adjusted quantities to balance anginal contract quantifies versus the actual quantities used for each item. :161 Compacted Aggregate Backfill,Sanitary Sewer Lateral Adige:ed quantities to balance original contract quantities versus the actual quantities used for each item i17+ original Sanitary er Cleanout,Type tl Adjusted quantities to balance orival contract quartirtec versus die actual quantities used for each item. ise{{ 12-C.I.Water Main Adjusted quantities to balance omm ed�al,man quantities Versus the actual quantities ased for each item. leaf Compacted.Aggregate Backfill,Warema.- Adjusted quanrtucs t.%lutau rr,e1 meal cuntra:t.paeliicts ertuathen..Mat quantities aced(or each item. 17-ENG-01-VETERAN'S\\ Al CONSTRUCTION EXHIBIT A Vou have been directed to make the fallowing changes in this Contract: Item 1 No. Description Reason For Change 121 `"rapping Valve end Saddle ;Adjusted quantities to balance original contract auantihes versus the actual*gamines used for each item. 123 12"Gate Valve (Adjusted au/unities to balance original enntract quantities serous the actual quantities used for each item 124 3'Gate Valve Adjusted quantities to balance original contract quantities versus the actual quantities used for each item 126 12"Connections (Adjusted quantities to balance original contract quantities versus the actual.5uantides used for:Itch item. 127, 8-Zannectlens IAd listed quantities to balance original contract quantities c ersus the actual quantities used for each item. 129i :onside Services I Adjusted quantities to balance original contract quantities crrsus the actual quantities used far each item. 311 2"Blow Off Assamaly 'Adivaed quantities to balance original contract quantities versus the actual quantities used for cc: 133! line Stop 12"(Undistributed! 'Adjusted quantities to balance anginal contract dnantities versus the dental quantities used for: 1341 _ tine Stop a"(Undistributed) 'Adjusted quantities to babmce original contract quantities versus the actual quantities used for_-_ - 135i tine Stop 6"(Undistributed) A4tosied quantities to balance original contract quantities serous the actual.manuties used fo•. • 136i Team nuerta iea:va 12"[Undistributed) I Adjusted Quantities to balance original contract quantities tarsus the actual quantities used for 1371 Team Inaerta Valve 8"(undistnbutedl !Adiuged quantities to balance original contract quantities versus the actual quantities used for i 138 Team Inserta Valve 6"('Undistributed! Adjusted quantities to balance original contract quantities versus the actual quantities used for cacA.. . 1 139 Valve Retirement Ai listed quantities to balance anginal convac:quantities versus the actual quantities used for each i., 1a0! hydrant Retirement .Adjusted annotates to balance original cuntta:t quantities s ersus the actual quantities used for each neon. 145i Doke Energy oistribtuion Duct Bank !Adiusted quantities to balance original contract gnantipes versus the actual quantities used for each item. :46t Cured-In-place Conduit Spot Repair !Adjusted quantities to balance original contract quantities versus the actual quantities used for each item. 149. Archway Relocation Adjusted quantities to balance avnainal convac[quantities senses the actual quantities used for each nem :51.A Lighted Crosswalks,Change Croe-*1 Adjusted quantities to balance original contract quantities tents the actual quantities used for each item. :60 Rare Line RA8 Archway Additional Cost Ad'tasted quantities to balance Vriauul turmact quantities versus the actual taggititiea uteri for each Hem 162 Veterans Way Contamination-Final .Item Ma.added IV faaluc se/mamma.cntautfaattar wart:omu:eted on Veterans Wart 155 Veterans Way Bond Revision Item Maf added is adfiifr VciCfana\l as Bond:cstafon ter.antamjnati.m wort 167 Additional Canstrumon engineering Iran was added uu.ifmpcnaatc horse,Tech to.addsuonjd:anYtn.4tat sta4ine its:to design changes. Ica'' veterans Way TaM Iltem Mas added for Tdt of are►so:tins lase the\atoms%qv addnicmat wuel. 169-, MIS Coining and Mandating'Conduits was added to include:leaning and inandrtitaa.ff Duke Dom-Mutton.cuidufts CITY OF CARMEL ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT Memo To: Doug Haney, Corporation Counsel From: Lisa Scott CC: Jeremy Kashman Date: 02/13/18 Re: C.O.#7 Veterans Way Construction Project#17-ENG-01 Doug, please find attached 1 original of same change order for project #17-ENG-01 Veterans Way Construction. Please review&initial for the next BPW Meeting. Change Order #7 - Original Contract Amount: $2,797,315.57 Decrease: $17,713.44 New Contract Amount: $4,654,132.09 Thank you, Lisa Scott • Page 1