HomeMy WebLinkAboutPublic Notice REVISED JN 1/84 PETITIONER'S AFFIDAVIT OF NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING CARMEL PLAN COMMISSION and BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS I060 Terrence L. Brookie, Attorney for Petitioner DO HEREBY CERrIFY THAT NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING OF THE Special Exception for John Kirk Enterprises, WILL CONSIDER Docket Number S 6-87Inc. was registered and mailed at least ten (10) days prior to the date of the Public Hearing to the below listed adja- cent property owners: OWNERS' NAME ADDRESS Ervie & Leatha Gerber 401 Cool Ridge Dr. , Carmel, IN 46032 John Kirk & Kenneth Kirk 12345 N. Meridian St., Carmel, IN 46032 Carmel Science & Technology Park Limited Partnership 9333 N. Meridian St. , #300, Indianapolis, IN 46260 Karen D. Wilson 12315 N. Penn Road, Carmel, IN 46032 Lester Hinshaw 230 W. Main St. , Carmel, IN 46032 Peter C. Spoolstra I$29-N. Meridian St. , Indianapolis, IN 46202 Leonard Cornwell & Joyce C. Spannan R. R. 3, Carmel, IN 46032 Clifford Fiscus, Sr. 4044 Devon Drive, Indianapolis, IN 46226 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * STATE OF INDIANA HAt'[IT PON OOUNTI, SS: The undersigna.1 having been duly sworn, upon oath, says that the above informa- tion is true and correct and he is informed and believes. Signature of Ftelsidliamer Attorney for Petitioner SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO BEFORE ME THIS DAY OF ( 4�,!,C.O/Al 19 7 U ebvL, Notary Public MY COISSION EXPIRES: Lisa K. Butcher * * * * * * * * * * * ** * *a**/*�** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * SIGNATURE OF ADJACENT PROPm OWNERS MUST BE SUBMITTED ON THIS AFFIDAVIT. PROOF OF PUBLICATION State of Indiana, ss: County of Hamilton, Before me, a Notary Public in and for e C ty of H Ilton and State of Indianarsonall appeared who being Pe Y duly sworn upon his oath, deposes and says, that she is General Manager of the Noblesville Daily NOTICE OF Ledger, a newspaper of general circulation in PUBLIC HEARING BEFORE THE CARMEL BOARD OF Hamilton County,State of Indiana, printed in the ZONING APPEALS English language and printed and published Docket 6-87daily in the city of Noblesville, Hamilton County, g Notice is herebyeby givennthat the Carmel Board of Zoning Appeals meeting on the 26th day of Janu- �State of Indiana and that said Noblesville Daily y ary,1987 at 7:00 p.m.,in the City Ledger has been published continuously for Meeting Hall, 15 First Avenue, N.E.,Carmel,Indiana 46032 will more than five years last past, in said county and hold a Public Hearing upon a Special Exception application for state; that the Notice of publication, a true copy John Kirk Enterprises,Inc.for the construction of a block building on of which is hereto annexed was duly published in the property of John Kirk Enter- Th�e�ap l cations said newspaper,for. . . . weeky(insertionp',sue— Docket No.S6-841Thereal estate ees ly) which publications were made as affected by said application more commonly known as,12345 N. follows: Meridian Street,Carmel,Indiana p" 46032 is described as follows: 1 < O LEGAL DESCRIPTION .. • • • • • . . . . • ' /.! . . . " PARCEL 26: A part of the ftlortheast Quarter of Section 35, Township 18 North,Range 3 East, di ecrlbed as follows: begin at an iron stake 760.8 feet South of the northeast corner of the West Halt of the Northeast Quarter of Section 35,Township 18 North, Range 3 East; run And that all of said publications were thence West parallel with the North line of said Northeast Quar- made in full pliaC i e law. ter 1143.0U.S. igh feetyto#31;thcenterline of South.Highwaythence South 36 degrees 08 minutes West along this centerline 174.6 feet to a point;thence East parallel to the Subscribed and sworn to before me this North line of this tract 1245.91 feet to an•iron stake; thence North / [XQ3 5 day of, . , - 19. s'. .7.. 140.3 feet to the place of / beginning. GC✓--¢.J • , , , PARCEL 25: A part of the Northeast Quarter of Section 35, �Tz Notary Public.i Township 18 North,Range 3 East, �/gA-1� C C. cit_ described as follows: (Seal.) p Begin at an iron stake 901.1 //—J — feet South of the Northeast corner My commission expiresof 7 the WestfHali of the Northeast ip �O, 7�Crry Quarter8of Sectionan35,Township Publisher's Fee, 18 North, Range 3 East; run l h `‘,�,� `_ LIST OF ADJACENT PROPERTY OWNERS Carmel Science & Technology Park Limited Partnership 9333 N. Meridian St. , Suite 300 Indianapolis, Indiana 46260 Leonard Cornwell Joyce C. Spannan R. 3 Carmel, Indiana 46032 Clifford Fiscus, Sr. 4044 Devon Drive Indianapolis, Indiana 46226 Peter C. Spoolstra 1829 N. Meridian Street Indianapolis, Indiana 46202 Lester Hinshaw 230 W. Main Street Carmel, Indiana 46032 Karen D. Wilson 12315 N. Penn Road Carmel, Indiana 46032 John Kirk Kenneth Kirk 12345 N. Meridian Street Carmel, Indiana 46032 Ervie and Leatha Gerber 401 Cool Ridge Drive Carmel, Indiana 46032 Exhibit B ��1DER Complete items 1,2,3 and 4 t ut your address in the"RETURN TO"spat.v Dr,the averse side.Failure to do this will prevent this card from sing returned to you.The return receipt tee will provide ou the name of the person delivered to and the date of elivery. For additional fees the following cervices ere vailable.Consult postmaster for fees end check box les) or service(s)requested. to 1. u snow to wnom,aete and aaaress or aenvew g 2 ❑ Restricted Delivery V trt 3 Article Addressed to Clifford Fiscus, Sr. 4044 Devon Drive Indianapolis, IN 46226 4. Type of Service Article Number ❑ Registered 0 Insured ® Certified ❑ COD P 422 121 770 ❑ Express Mail Always obtain signature of addresseesiLapent and DATE DELIVERED. 5. • tun—.Addressee S X fi~ fb'lI4 � 3 Signeturd- nt ` 13 7. Date of Delivery M c /zl`� 7D 8 Add essee's Addr (ONLY if requested and fee paid) z x m o m v UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE 1 11 11 I 41 OFFICIAL BUSINESS SENDER INSTRUCTIONS Print your name,address,and ZIP Code In the ( ImillimiT.® space below. • Complete Items 1,2,3,and 4 on the reverse. • Attach to front of article N space permits, PENALTY FOR PRIVATE otherwise aff be to back of maids. USE. poo • Endorse article"Return Receipt Requested" adjacent to number. RETURN - TO Terrence L. Brookie, Atty. 7� .� (Name of Sender) 1i.jL4\'...a �1i F4 x_.11550 N. Meridian Street, i;,211) (No.and Street,Apt,Suite,P.O.Box or R.D.No.) JAE : 1987 Carmel, IN 46032 ,LOCKS, R EY N O L _.... (City,State,and Z I P Code) r „ -, . liVELSELL I 314/7342 .jIEL • .II.° 422 121 7?0 RECEIPT FOR CERTIFIED MAIL NO INSURANCE COVERAGE PROVIDED NOT FOR INTERNATIONAL MAIL (See Reverse) o+ Sento o _ • F!`SCU�, us Street and . co P O�� Stta�te an ZIP Code 6.i Postage Certified Fee Special Delivery Fee Restricted Delivery Fee Return Receipt showing to whom and.Date Delivered u� rn Return Receipt showing to whom. Date,and Address of Delivery j TOTAL Postage and Fees 0 Post ark or Date 113/ �i�ll��ya ' to: • SENDER: Complete items 1,2,3 and 4. ,1r Pur your address in the-RETURN TO"specs ori tha reverse side. Failure to do this will prevent this card from being returned to you.The return receipt fee will provide ..+ you the name of the person delivered to and the date of delivery. 7 Jr additional fees the following services ere s' available.Consult postmaster for fees end check Whiles c x .7 for service(s)requested t9 w u Snow to wnom,nate ana aaarsss of thievery. A 2 0 Restricted Delivery m3 Article Addressed to Leonard Cornwell Joyce C. Spannan R. R. 3 Carmel, IN 46032 4 Type of Service Article Number ❑ Registered 0 Insured 12 Certified ❑ COD P 422 121 769 ❑ Express Mail Always obtain signature of addressee,fir agent ano DATE DELIVERED. 5 Si tura--Addressee X y 6 Signature - Agent 5 X t7 xi 7 Date of Delivery m C Z s Addressee's dress 0 \ ested and fee paid) n --4_ v1) n _J UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE 111111 44k • OFFICIAL BUSINESS SENDER INSTRUCTIONS 11."111.7. Print your name,address,and ZIP Code in the space below.• • Attach wfront of article i�space the permits,srse. toPENALTY FOR PRIVATE otherwise affix to back of article. USE.$300 • Endorse article"Return Receipt Requested" adjacent to number. _ RETURN 0, TO 'T'arrPnrP T._ Rrnoki atty (Name of Sender) 11550 N. Meridian Street, #210 (No.end Street,Apt.,Suite,P.O.Box or R.O.No.) Carmel, IN 46032 (City,State,end ZIP Code) 314/7342 • P 422 121 769 • RECEIPT FOR CERTIFIED MAIL NO INSURANCE COVERAGE PROVIDED NOT FOR INTERNATIONAL MAIL (See S -0-1seversee 4 oSe) 1:1)if c. 5 .a.r`• Stra3 03 m 6 P 0 ate aP C dz. N l 1 7(,03-2 a nd ZI Postage S V1 6 * Certified Fee Special Delivery Fee Restricted Delivery Fee Return Receipt showing to whom and Date Delivered N rn Return Receipt showing to whom. Date.and Address of Delivery ry TOTAL Postage and Fees S o Postmark or Date co -1--t_a u. 1/13/g-t : Complete items 1,2,3 and 4. ut your address in the"RETURN TO"space on the reverse side.Failure to do this will prevent this card from Set being returned to you.The return receipt fee will provide .+ you the nams of the person delivered to and the date of ." delivery.For additional fees the following services are available.Consult postmaster for fees and check boxla) for servicels)requested. t0 !. ❑ Show to wnom,date and aooress OT delivery A 2. ❑ Restricted Delivery t3 Article Addressed to: Ervie and Leatha Gerber 401 Cool Ridge Drive Carmel, IN 46032 4 Type of Service' Article Number 0 Registered 0 Insured CA Certified ❑ COD P 422 121 775 ❑ Express Mail Always obtain signature of addressee agent and DATE DELIVERED. 5 Signature—Addressee s 5 X eA; "7i/-V1.9'.7.41/41, �i�Signature—Agent n X 9 7. Date of Delivery � 1V C u� z 8. Addressee's Address 4WOW *PAW m J � �h UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE 111111 OFFICIAL BUSINESS SENDER INSTRUCTIONS Print your name,address,and ZIP Code In the space below.• _ • AttachC to fmut of arrticle11 s If space4 the rnIts,reverse. othii i alio to book of err nits, PENALTYPRIVATE • Endorse ar N,"Return Receipt Requested" USE$300 adlaaw1t to number. [1o) RETURN TO `Cprr 'nr p L. PrnnkiP, Ati-fir_ (Name of Sender) 1987 11550 N. Meridian Street, # 210 (No.and Street,Apt.,Suite,P.O.Box or R.D.No.) :, i-,.=YNOLDaarmel, IN 46032 .,, , & liVEISELUi (City,State,and ZIP Code) .:ARNIE(; 314/7342 11111111,477121 775 RECEIPT FOR CERTIFIED MAIL NO INSURANCE COVERAGE PROVIDED NOT FOR INTERNATIONAL MAIL (See Reverse) co Stree and j c _ p a P O.. ate and ZIP Co.,- a: o.a /U Iv3D- O Postage S vi 6 Certified Fee Special Delivery Fee Restricted Delivery Fee Return Receipt showing to whom and Date Delivered ami Return Receipt showing to whom. Date.and Address of Delivery d j TOTAL Postage and Fees c O Postmark or Date E 3 I Lit 1 3 l/Z LL. 1131 � 1 R: Complete items'1,2,3 and 4 a• ut your address in the"RETURN TO"space on.the- averse side.Failure to do this will prevent this card.frorri is being returned*you.The return receipt tee will provide r you the name of the person delivered to and the date of delivery.For additional fees the following services are c available.Consult postmaster for fees end check box Corsi < for servicels)requested. • r. u snow to venom,oats end address oT deuvery t 2. 0 Restricted Delivery Lyi 3 Article Addressed to John Kirk Kenneth Kirk 12345 N. Meridian Street L'armP1 r TN 46032 4. Type of Service: Article Number Registered [3 Certified InsuredDP 422 121 774 ❑ Express Mail Alway obtain signature of addresseegagent and DAT DELIVERED. 5. S' A... . Signature—Agent 5 x ./ 53 7. Date of Delivery - Z 8 Addressee's Address(ONLY if request&and fee paid) -171 m � _. ulk4 '; AMER1CAt. :MMES UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE 4,i 1131/ . OFFICIAL BUSINESS AT) rA �, SENDER INSTRUCTIONS i . 2'g � Print your name,address,and ZIP Code In the --V—^�—y I space below. ` • Complete Items 1,2.3,and 4 on the reverse. • Attach to front of article If space permits, PENALTY FOR PRIVATE otherwise ornate uSE.$300 • E article Rectum k R��Requested" adjacent to number. RETURN TOT Ill l - Terrence L. Brookie, Atty. (Name of Sender) 11550 N. Meridian Street, 1,'210. 1987 (No.and Street,Apt.,Suite,P.O.Box or R.D.No.) _C�. :r: ;:'EYNOLDtarmel, IN 46032 (City,State,and ZIP Code) R0111) P, WEISELL ,AEL; 314/7342 2 121 774 RECEIPT FOR CERTIFIED MAIL NO INSURANCE COVERAGE PROVIDED NOT FOR INTERNATIONAL MAIL (See Reverse) John Kirk co Kenneth Kirk co .12345 N. Meridian -Street o. Carmel Z"1N 46032 Postage # Certified Fee Special Delivery Fee Restricted Delivery Fee Return Receipt showing to whom and Date Delivered rn Return Receipt showing to whom. Date.and Address of Delivery a) z TOTAL Postage and Fees S O Postmark or Date a0 E 314/7342 TLB 1/13/87 : Complete items 1,2,3 end 4. t your address in the"RE-TURN TO"space ort tha worse side.Failure to do this will prevent this card from Ing returned to you.The return receipt fee will provide you the name of the parson delivered to and the date of 41 delivery.For additional fees the following services are r' available.Consult postmaster for fees and check boxes' c 1111111111111W- .7 for servicels)requested Wi. u Show to whom,date and address of delivery. A 2. ❑ Restricted Delivery. V F3 Article Addressed to Carmel Science & Technology Park Limited Partnership 9333 N. Meridian Street, Suite 300_ Indianapolis, IN 46260 4 Type of Service: Article Number ❑ Registered ❑ Insured P 422 121 768 l$Certified ❑ COD 0 Express Mail Always obtain signature of addressee .agent and DATE DELIVER 7 s. QG 5 Si.,. /— r.,( /,- // 3 X / , 1 6. Signa e—Agent 5 X m 7. Date of Delivery / f .Le t/ -i C z 8 Addressee's Address(ONLY if requested and fee paid) m m A m 5 .-4_ ZT7L/I7TE 1-13S11Ni ''e , OAO8 'SQ1ONA3J '3>1001(0p03 dIZ Pus'ele1S'/4!O) ZEO9I7 NI 'Taunt D 186L !ir ('D►J'Q'!lJOxog'p'd'ellfl3'3dV'lee4SPue'°N) �; r�, OTZ# '4aa.z.1.s I TPT. ow •N OSSTT C�� _ ��epue��o eweN L- -2c�-+tf e,•7o8•zg Z a.,ua.L.�ad, 401 Ndf113a •Jegwnu o;;iwae pe — „pe;sonbea;dlo0611 WIR•tl.,epaJn• ioPU3 • •(Ives len 'ewe W PMI C4 XWI•WANNito 31VAIFid 8Od A1lVN3d 'sljuued seeds moms jo;YOJJ 04 q lf • •esiMeei eq;uo tr pue'8 Z'L mew S$dwo3mom�• it eta up epoJ dupue'sseJppe'eweu A 3ulld �,l SNOLL3nt1iSNI U3GN3s S33NIsns 1Vgdd0 1 H 0 1 3yU1113S 1d1SOd mos G311Nf1 ,,,,PPM7 121 768 RECEIPT FOR CERTIFIED MAIL NO INSURANCE COVERAGE PROVIDED NOT FOR INTERNATIONAL MAIL (See Reverse) Sent to 0 Cauv»rnd • Street and No 333 ti. /832 , S*., 3o • P OState an ZIP Code • 4,/r'oa 6. Postage S 6 * Certified Fee Special Delivery Fee Restricted Delivery Fee Return Receipt showing to whom and Date Delivered ami Return Receipt showing to whom. v- Date.and Address of Delivery TOTAL Postage and Fees S 0 Postmark or Date ER: Complete items 1,2,3 and 4. ut your address in the"RETURN TO"specs on tha avers*side.Failure to do this will prevent this card from being returned to you.The return receipt fee will provide you the name of the person delivered to and the date of delivers.7.jr additional fees the following services are c available.Consult postmaster f and check box(es. c • for service(s)requested. Wi. u Snow to wnom,oats ana aaaress of delivery. A 2 0 Restricted Delivery V in 3 Article Addressed to Karen D. Wilson 12315 N. Penn goad Carmel, TN 46032 4 Type of Service• Article Number ❑ Registered 0 Insured P 422 1 2 1 773 ( Certified ❑ COO ❑ Express Mail Always obtain signature of addressew.gr agent ann DATE DELIVERED. 5. Signe,re—Addresse9 y 6. Signature -Agent -1 5 x 23 7. Date of Delivery ; R, CX Z 8 Addressee's Address(ONLY if andJae � 1 m 1rm ' UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE 0 0 I OFFICIAL BUSINESS SENDER INSTRUCTIONS Print your name,address,and 2IP Code in the _ nimmin space below. • Complete Items 1,2,3,and 4 on the reverse. • Attach to front of article if space permits, PENALTY FOR PRIVATE • Endorsearticle" e back to of article. � USE.s300 Receipt Requested" adjacent to number. RETURN TOIL Terrence L. Brookie, Atty. (Name of Sender) Jy, 1 7 11550 N. Meridian Street, 0210 LOCKS, ; (No.and Street,Apt.,Suite,P.O.Box or R.D.No.) BOYD & !, • C`'a.rmei , IN 46032 _ � (City,State,and ZIP Code) CARMEL 314/7342 1111111111717122 121 773 . RECEIPT FOR CERTIFIED MAIL NO INSURANCE COVERAGE PROVIDED NOT FOR INTERNATIONAL MAIL (See Reverse) EA Sie ' Karen D. Wilson 12315 N. Penn Road barmel, IN 46032 y .,. a„ 4` Certified Fee Special Delivery Fee Restricted Delivery Fee Return Receipt showing to whom and Date Delivered N rn Return Receipt showing to whom. Date.and Address of Delivery a) TOTAL Postage and Fees S o Postmark or Date ao E 314/7342 8 TLB u. ' 1/13/87 .a WS NDER: Complete items 1,2,3 and 4. preut your address in the"RETURN TO"space on the verse side.Failure to do this will prevent this card from being returned to you.The return receipt fee will provide -. you the nems of the person delivered to and the date of smi delivery.For additional fees the following services are e available.Consult postmaster for fees end check boxles) .Z for servicels)requested. l0 1. ❑ Show to wnom,oats ano waren of delivery t 2. 0 Restricted Delivery. V g3 Article Addressed to: Peter C. Spoolstra 1829 N. Ueridian Street Indianapolis, IN 46202 4 Type of Service: Article Number [3CrfeO Certified Insured P 422 121 771 0 Express Mail Always obtain signature of addressee,QLagent and DATE DELIVERED. 0 5 Signature-Addressee -,:.1 1 x DI 6. S' ature-' 't n A i1 �p� CA--)-1.7%,--,..- 37 7. Date of Delivery M /— /V- 77 Z 8 Addressee's Address(ONLY if requested and fee paid) 9 m A m 5 UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE 111111 OFFICIAL BUSINESS 8th NSTRUcnOMs Print your nano,address,and ZIP Code in the [1.) spas below.• Complete_ • At toxo front of arrtiole(11 If 4 e the remorse. srse. otherrrb)rsRbito book d iperrn)ts, PENALTY$�NATE • Weiss alydch "Return Receipt Requested" adf aaNlt to number. RETURN r* TO Terrence L. Brookie, Atty. (Name of Sender) 1.1550 N. Meridian Street, #210 `, „ 19i: ' (No.end Street,Apt.,Suite,P.O.Box or R.O.No.) ffj--LLOYD REQ, C4rme1, ::N 46032 f• ri,L�YQ (City,State,and ZIP Code) i. . 314/7342 i P 422 121 771 *RECEIPT FOR CERTIFIED MAIL NO INSURANCE COVERAGE PROVIDED NOT FOR INTERNATIONAL MAIL (See Reverse) Sen - _ (J I co i /�L�CS a, Street and No g isaq N. O PO. St to and ZI Code y 4, Z Z ate• Postage (11 5 vi Certified Fee Special Delivery Fee Restricted Delivery Fee Return Receipt showing to whom and Date Delivered U, rn Return Receipt showing to whom. Date.and Address of Delivery j TOTAL Postage and Fees 0 Postmark pr Date "' 3/q/ 34/c1 o N Ii31g1 tue•SENDER: Complete items 1,2,S end 4. t your address in the"RF(URN TO'specs on the verse side.Failure to do this will prevent this:.ard from Ing returned to you.The return receipt fee will provide u the name of theperson delivered to and the deie of • livery. For additional fees the following services era ailable.Consult postmaster for fees and check box les r servkels)requested Wi. u Show to whom,date and address of delivery A 2 0 Restricted Delivery A v F3 Article Addressed to Lester Hinshaw 230 W. Main Street Carmel , IN 46032 4 Type of Service Article Number ❑ Registereo ❑ Insured p 422 121 772 L8 Certified ❑ COD 0 Express Mail Alw. q,tai . i!n.tu a of add dseeQr ag• lana ° . / 3 y 6. Signature - Agent —1 A X 37 7. Date of Delivery m C • 8 Addressee's Address(ONLY if requested and fee paid) z m n m v UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE OFFICIAL BUSINESS SENDER INSTRUCTIONS =moms I. Print your name,address,and ZIP Code in the �*1sx� space below. • Complete items 1,Z,d,and 4 on the reverse. • Attach to front of article If space permits, PENALTY FOR PRIVATE otherwise affix to baric of enols. USE,$3B) • Endorse article"Return Receipt Requested" _ adjacent to number. RETURN 110 TO Terrence L. Brookie, Atty. (Name of Sender) d ED, 11550 N. Meridian Street, #210 ���� (No.and Street,Apt,Suite,P.O.Box or R.D.NC.) Carmel, IN 46032 OCKE, REYNOLDS (City,State,and ZIP Code) BOYD & WEISELIUi CARMEL '.1 4 /7 d ) • P 422 121 772 RECEIPT FOR CERTIFIED MAIL NO INSURANCE COVERAGE PROVIDED NOT FOR INTERNATIONAL MAIL (See Reverse) ▪ Sear/ 41/1/7LA2icatut) 0 N Street and No co a. 30 (1).r aL' o P 0010,�Yt CodeJ te8 3 a 6y Postage S Certified Fee Special Delivery Fee Restricted Delivery Fee Return Receipt showing to whom and Date Delivered U, Return Receipt showing to whom. Date.and Address of Delivery z TOTAL Postage and Fees o Postmark or Date co 3M/ /31/1 N I )3/Si