HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit - Sanitary SewerAPPLICATION FOR SANITARY SEWER
STATE FORM 53159 (R3 / 9-15)
1. This form must be filled out completely.
Indiana Department of Environmental Management
Office of Water Quality — Mail Code 65-42
Facilities Construction Section
100 North Senate Avenue, Room N1255
Indianapolis, IN 46204-2251
2. Additional pages (attachments following this form) are part of this application form and must be filled out completely.
3. Submission of plans and specifications is part of the application.
4. Submit the application form, additional pages, plans and specifications to the above address.
5. If you have any questions regarding this application, call IDEM's Office of Water Quality at (317) 232-5579.
Tim Berry
David J. Stoeppelwerth
Name of organization BC Gramercy II, LLC by Platinum Properties
Name of company
Management Co., LLC its manager
Stoeppelwerth & Associates, Inc.
Address (number and street, city, state, and ZIP code)
Address (number and street, city, state, and ZIP code)
9757 Westpoint Drive, Suite 600
7965 East 106th Street
Address (number and street, city, state, and ZIP code)
Indianapolis, Indiana 46256
Address (number and street, city, state, and ZIP code)
Fishers, Indiana 46038
Telephone number
Telephone number
( 317 ) 863-2062
( 317 ) 849-5935
• • • -•-•
W-111 lillf-1wo hV11:40 11 groin I:(@] N
Gramercy West, Sections 2, 3 & 4
A. Sanitary Sewer Design Summary Form: V Yes
Location (Referenced to two existing streets)
South side of 126th Street approximately 1,600' West of
B. Capacity Certification/Allocation Letter: Yes
Keystone Parkway.
C. Certification of Registered Engineer or Land Surveyor
Letter: pj Yes
D. Plans and Specifications: [,Yes
E. Identification of Potentially Affected Persons
(see note below): [vTYes
F. Mailing Labels for Potentially Affected Persons: [Yes
Note Regarding item (E) above:
Fully identify all persons, by name and address, who may
be potentially affected by the issuance of this permit, such
as adjoining landowners, persons with a propriety interest,
and/or persons who have expressed concern or interest in
the proposed facility. Under IC 4-21.5-3-5, IDEM is
required to notify potentially affected persons of its
permit decision.
apply)(Check all that
A. Municipal Collection Facility: ❑Yes SRF Funding: ❑Yes [ZNo
B. Semipublic Collection Facility: ❑Yes
C. New facility: ❑Yes
D. Expansion or modification of existing facility: V( Yes
Application is hereby made for a Permit to authorize the activities described herein. I certify that I am familiar with the
information contained in this application and to the best of my knowledge and belief such information is true, complete
and accurate.
Printed name of person signing
David J. Stoeppelwerth
Professional Engineer
Signature of applicant
Date signed(month, day, year)
March 20, 2019
*Please efer to /C 13-30-10 for penalties of submission of false information*
Part of State Form 53159 {R3 i 9-15)
Dear Applicant:
To complete your construction application, you must submit all of the necessary items. If your
application materials are incomplete, you will be sent a deficiency notice, and your application will be
retained for 60 days. If the information is not received within the 60 day period your application will be
denied due to incompleteness. You can get a copy of this application package on the Internet at:
http://www.in.qov/idem/cleanwater/2430.htm. Please complete the following steps (only one copy of the
requested documents needs to be submitted):
• Request that the utility to which you will be connecting your gravity sewer or force main complete
the attached Capacity Certification/Allocation Letter.
• A completed Certification of Registered Professional Engineer or Land Surveyor Letter must
be completed by the professional engineer or land surveyor who designed and stamped the plans.
A copy of this letter is attached.
• Complete all the information on the sewer design summary and certify it with a professional
engineer's stamp (or land surveyor's stamp for gravity sewer projects), signature and date.
• Sign and date the application form and fill it out completely. Municipal projects must be signed by an
authorized official. Others, such as private projects, can be signed by the owner or a representative.
• Submit one set of plans with profiles and bedding details. Every page must be stamped and signed
by a professional engineer (or land surveyor for gravity sewer projects).
• List all potentially affected parties. This list should include: officials of affected counties, cities or
towns; adjacent property owners; and all other potentially affected parties, their names and mailing
addresses. A competed set of mailing labels with the mailing code of 65-42FC listed above each
party on each label is required. A copy of the mailing labels with one set of mailing labels will need
to be submitted.
• Please be advised that if your project will disturb one (1) or more acres of land area, coverage under
327 IAC 15-5 (Rule 5) is required. Rule 5 is the General Permit for Storm Water Runoff Associated
with Construction Activity. You can review the Storm Water web site for information at:
http://www.in..qov/idem/stormwater and/or contact the Permits Coordinator at 317/233-1864 for
more information.
Please send construction applications to:
Indiana Department of Environmental Management
Office of Water Quality- Mail Code 65-42
100 North Senate Avenue, Rm N1255
Indianapolis, IN 46204-2251
Attention: Facility Construction and Engineering Support Section
Telephone: 317/232-5579
327 IAC 3.5.5 Wastewater Construction Permit Fees
(There are currently no fees required for Sewer Projects, either private or public).
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Part of State Form 53159 (R3 / 9-15)
Design Flow
Lift Station
(wet/dry, submersible, wet -well mounted, etc.)
Number of units
Capacity of pumps
1 bedroom apartments
200 gpd/unit
Average wet -well detention time
2 bedroom apartments
300 gpd/unit
feet of -inch (type)
Single family homes
310 gpd/unit
Commercial lots
Wastewater treatment will be provided by
I Carmel Wastewater Treatment Plant
1 Swimming Pool Bathhouse 60 Swimmers
Total average flow
Peaking factor 14.29
Peak flow
2,829 ft. 8 -inch SDR -35 PVC (sewer type)
ft. 10 -inch
2,829 ft. Total length of sewer
The new sewer will be connected to an existing 8" -inch diameter
sanitary sewer approximately 1,350'(referenced to two existing streets)
West of Keystone Avenue & approxima ely 1,435' South of 126th Street. Also:
ly -.
-c1,p STATE OF ' q
A401 �`C' -
(P.E. or L.6
stamp,signature and date)
Inspection / Maintenance
Inspection during construction will be provided by City of Carmel
Maintenance after completion will be provided by City of Carmel
1,375' South of 126th Street. Also: Approximately 1,690' West of Keystone Avenue & approximately
700' South of 126th Street.
Page 3 of 9
Lift Station
(wet/dry, submersible, wet -well mounted, etc.)
Number of pumps
Capacity of pumps
Back-up power source or pumping
❑ Yes ❑ No
Average wet -well detention time
Audio/visual alarm with self-contained power supply or telemetry system
Force Main
feet of -inch (type)
Force main discharge elevation
Wastewater Treatment
Wastewater treatment will be provided by
I Carmel Wastewater Treatment Plant
Inspection / Maintenance
Inspection during construction will be provided by City of Carmel
Maintenance after completion will be provided by City of Carmel
1,375' South of 126th Street. Also: Approximately 1,690' West of Keystone Avenue & approximately
700' South of 126th Street.
Page 3 of 9
Part of State Form 53159 (R3 / 9-15)
This form must be filled -out in its entirety.
Name of applicant BC Gramercy II, LLC by Platinum Properties Management Co., LLC its manager
Name of applicant representative Tim Berry
Name of project Gramercy West, Sections 2, 3 & 4
, representing the
(Name of individual)
(Name of municipality or utility)
, in my capacity
as have the authority to act on behalf of the
(Title) (Name of municipality or utility)
certify that I have reviewed and understand the requirements of 327 IAC 3 and that the sanitary collection
system proposed, with the submission of this application, plans and specifications, meets all requirements
of 327 IAC 3. 1 certify that the daily flow generated in the area that will be collected by the project system
will not cause overflowing or bypassing in the collection system other than NPDES authorized discharge
points and that there is sufficient capacity in the receiving water pollution treatment/control facility to treat
the additional daily flow and remain in compliance with applicable NPDES permit effluent limitations. I
certify that the proposed average flow will not result in hydraulic or organic overload. I certify that the
proposed collection system does not include new combined sewers or a combined sewer extension to
existing combined sewers. I certify that the ability for this collection system to comply with 327 IAC 3 is
not contingent on water pollution/control facility construction that has not been completed and put into
operation. I certify that the project meets all local rules or laws, regulations and ordinances. The
information submitted is true, accurate, and complete, to the best of my knowledge and belief. I am aware
that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fine and
Gallons per day (Total Average Flow for Project) 45,550
Wastewater treatment plant (Name of WWTP) Carmel Wastewater Treatment Plant
Sewers (Owners of sewers) City of Carmel
Date signed (month, day, year)
(Please refer to IC 13-30-10 for penalties of submission of false information.)
Page 4 of 9
Past of State Form 53159 3 / 9-15)
This form must be filled -out in its entirety.
Name of applicant BC Gramercy II, LLC by Platinum Properties Management Co., LLC its manager
Name of applicant representative Tim Berry
Name of project Gramercy West, Sections 2, 3 & 4
David J. Stoeppelwerth representing the project applicant, in my capacity as a registered
(Name of individual)
professional Engineer 19358 certify the
(Engineer or Land Surveyor) (Indiana registration number)
following under penalty of law: The design of this project has been performed under my direction or
supervision to assure conformance with 327 IAC 3 and the plans and specifications require the
construction of said project to be performed in conformance with 327 IAC 3-6. The peak daily flow rates,
in accordance with 327 IAC 3-6-11 generated from within the specific area that will be collected by the
proposed collection system that is the subject of the application, plans, and specifications (when
functioning as designed and properly installed), will not cause overflowing or bypassing in the same
specific area serviced by the proposed collection system other than from NPDES authorized discharge
points. The proposed collection system does not include new combined sewers (serving new areas) or a
combined sewer extension to existing combined sewers. The sewer at the point of connection is
physically in existence and operational. Based upon information provided by the owner of the Wastewater
System, the ability for this collection system to comply with 327 IAC 3 is not contingent on downstream
water pollution/control facility construction that has not been completed and put into operation. The
design of the proposed project meets applicable local rules or laws, regulations and ordinances. The
information submitted is true, accurate, and complete, to the best of my knowledge and belief. I am aware
that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fine and
Gallons per day (Total Average Flow for Project)
Wastewater treatment plant (Name of WWTP)
Carmel Wastewater Treatment Plant
Sewers (Owners of sewers)
City of Carmel
Signature /}�
Date signed (month, day, year)
March 120, 2019
(Please refer to IC 13-30-10 for penalties of submission of false information.)
Page 5 of 9
Part of State Form 53159 (R3 / 9-'i 5)
1. Application (Only one copy of these documents needs to be submitted.)
Check here
A. Applicant's name and address
B. Applicant's Engineer: company name, engineer's name, address, telephone
C. Name and location of proposed sanitary sewer
D. Type of collection facility the project will connect to (municipal or semipublic)
E. Signature of applicant or authorized agent including date signed
2. Sanitary Sewer Design Summary
Check here
A. Design flow
1. Multiply number of units by recommended average flow for that type of unit. Refer to 327 IAC 3-6-11
design flow rate requirements for collection systems and water pollution treatment/control facilities. This is a
section of the Article 3 Administrative Code and is available on the internet at
2. Total all average flow and enter total average flow
3. Enter peaking factor. If peaking factor and factor is unknown, a factor of 4 is usually sufficient, however, an
exact factor may be calculated from the following equation:
Peaking factor = 18 + (Square root of P) Where P is the population in thousands:
4+ S uare root of P
4. Multiply total average flow by peaking factor and enter product as peak flow
B. Gravity sewer length and type. Please include the length, diameter, and type of sewer pipe with applicable
SDR and ASTM / AWWA specifications, and type of bedding.
C. Certifier's seal. Sanitary Sewer Design Summary should be sealed and signed by a registered professional
engineer or a land surveyor if no lift station is involved.
D. Connection Point
1. Diameter of existing sewer at connection point (unless connection point is at a lift station)
2. Location of connection point relative to an intersection of two (2) streets, i.e. so many feet west and so
so many feet north of the intersection of street A and street B
E. Lift station: enter all proposed lift station information, or enter N/A if no lift station is involved. (If an existing
lift station is being directly affected, enter existing lift station information and specify that it is an existing lift
station and include its current load).
1. Number and capacity of pumps.
2. Provide design calculations for TDH and wet -well detention time.
3. Provide pump and system curves.
4. Specify highest elevation in the force main.
5. Specify force main length, diameter and material (ASTM / AWWA and SDR), and bedding.
6. Specify an audio and visual alarm with self contained power supply and telemetry.
7. Specify nature of back-up power source or pumping for lift station, if any.
F. Waste treatment: enter the name of semipublic or municipal treatment facility which the project will be
connecting to. If there is more than one treatment facility in the municipality or sanitary district, please specify
which one.
G. Inspection/Maintenance: please specify name of company, individual or party responsible for inspection
during the construction of the project and maintenance of the project after construction is complete.
3. Capacity certification/allocation letter
Check here
This certification must be filled out in its entirety by the municipality or utility which conveys and treats the flow.
4. Plans and specifications
Check here
A. Every page of the plans should be signed and sealed, as well as the cover page for any specifications.]
1. Professional engineers who are registered within the state of Indiana are eligible to certify plans and
s ecifications for all types of projects.
2. A land surveyor who is registered within the state of Indiana may certify plans and specifications for gravity
t e sanitary sewers only, and may not certify plans andspecifications involving lift stations and force mains.
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Part of State Form 53159 (R3 / 9-15)
4. Plans and specifications (continued)
Check here
B. The following items are usually necessary for proper technical review of sanitary sewers and lift stations:
1. Plan view of the sewers including minimum ten foot horizontal separations of sewer and water mains, and
point of the proposed sanitarysewer. Location of all drinkingwater wells to be shown.
2. Profile view of the sewers including: slope, invert elevations, existing grade, proposed grade, distances from
manhole to manhole, existence of special features, and a minimum of 18 -inch vertical separation of sewer
water mains.
3. Where applicable, details of all appurtenances including manholes, drop manholes, inverted siphons, etc.
4. Bedding details for installation of Sanitary Sewer/Force Main:
a. Rigid pipe: should be class A, B or C as described in ASTM C 12.
b. Flexible pipe: should be class I, ll, or III as described in ASTM D 2321
5. Minimum three foot cover depth above the crown of the sanitary sewer force main.
6. Automatic Air Relief valves to be placed at all relative high points in the force main to prevent air locking.
7. Mechanical joints should be specified for all aerial, river or lake crossings.
Note: construction within a floodway (river, lake, etc.) must receive approval from Indiana
Department of Natural Resources, Division of Water.
5. A list of names and addresses of all persons or parties who may be potentially affected by the issuance
of this project.
Check here
A. The applicant must take full responsibility for proper identification of all potentially affected persons or parties.
B. The following are the minimum recommendations made as to who should be included in
this list:
1. All landowners adjacent to the property where the proposed construction is to occur.
2. All persons with a substantial and direct proprietary interest in the issuance of this permit, such as, nearby
businesses that could have their business in some way affected by the issuance of this Construction Permit.
3. Anyone who is known to have expressed concern or an interest in this particular project or projects in this
specific area.
4. Anyone else whom the applicant may feel that might be potentially affected by the issuance of this permit.
6. The Application form must be signed and dated by the applicant or a duly authorized agent.
Please note that this checklist is only designed to expedite the review process by assisting the applicant in
submission for sanitary sewer construction permits, and in no way is intended to replace the technical review
process, nor is it a substitute for the actual Construction Permit.
Page 7 of 9
Part of State Form 53159 (P3 / 9-15)
Please list any and all persons whom you have reason to believe have a substantial or proprietary
interest in this matter, or could otherwise be considered to be potentially affected under law. Failure to
notify a person who is later determined to be potentially affected could result in voiding our decision on
procedural grounds. To ensure conformance with Administrative Orders and Procedures Act (AOPA),
please list all such parties. The letter on the opposite side of this form will further explain the
requirements under the AOPA. Attach additional names and addresses on a separate sheet of paper, as
Please see attached list.
Address (number and street)
ZIP code
Address (number and street)
ZIP code
Address (number and street)
ZIP code
Address (number and street)
ZIP code
Address (number and street)
ZIP code
Address (number and street)
ZIP code
Address (number and street)
ZIP code
Address (number and street)
ZIP code
I certify that to the best of my knowledge I have listed all potentially affected parties, as defined by
IC 4-21.5-3-5.
Proposed facility name
Gramercy, Sections 2, 3 & 4
Printed name of person signing
Count y
David J. Stoeppelwerth
Signature 'OlDate
(month, day, year)
Marco 20, 2p19
Page 8 of 9
Part of State Form 53159 (R3 / 9-15)
To: Applicant
Subject: Identification of Potentially Affected Persons
The Administrative Orders and Procedures Act (AOPA), IC 4-21.5-3-5, requires that the Indiana
Department of Environmental Management (IDEM) give notice of its decision on your application
to the following persons:
Each person to whom the decision is specifically directed,
Each person to whom a law requires notice be given.
IC 13-15-3-1 requires IDEM to provide notice of receipt of a permit application to the
1. The county executive of a county affected by a permit application,
2. The executive of a city affected by a permit application,
3. The executive of a town council of a town affected by a permit application.
Under IC 13-15-3-1 (b) IDEM is requesting information necessary to provide such notice to the
appropriate officials.
Since June 17, 1999, mailing labels are required to be submitted with your project. Having these
labels with your application is helpful to you as well as our office. These mailing labels need to
have the names and addresses of the affected parties along with our mailing code (which is 65-
42FC) listed above each affected party listing.
For Example: 65-42FC
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