HomeMy WebLinkAboutWarranty Deed 2018011167 WD $25.00 DULY ENTERED FOR TAXATION 03/20/2018 10:54:59AM 2 PGS Subject to final acceptanceoftransfer Jennifer Hayden 201hday ofMarch 2018-CRH Hamilton County Recorder IN trAjgo 9� �• &Ha°Mallon Co* III�III�(!l8111111�IIN11�1�1f1dIIfe1�8lII�II(INIII� Parcel#18-10-28.00-08-020.001) WARRANTY DEED THIS INDENTURE WITNESSETH,That GERY P.GIANNINI and APRIL R.GIANNINI, Husband and Wife ("Grantors") of Hamilton County in the State of Indiana, CONVEY AND WARRANT to GERY P. GIANNINI AND APRIL R. GIANNINI, TRUSTEES, UNDER THE GERY P.AND APRIL R.GIANNINI LIVING TRUST,DATED MARCH 19,2018,whose address is 5961 Heaton Pass, Cannel Indiana 46033, as a gift and without consideration, the following described real estate commonly known as 5961 Heaton Pass, Cannel, Indiana 46033, located in Hamilton County, Indiana: Lot No. 87 in Chapman's Claim at Prairie View, Section 2A, a subdivision in Hamilton County, Indiana, as per plat thereof, recorded on November 19, 1999 as Instrument No. 199909967431 in the Office of the Recorder of Hamilton County, Indiana. Parcel Number: 16-10-26-00-08-020.000 Subject to mortgages, liens, encumbrances, easements, other matters of record, and taxes assessed and unpaid. The Grantees herein,as Grantors of the Gery P. and April R. Giannini Living Trust, Dated March 19,2018,and as may thereafter be amended,hereby elect to treat the real property described in this instrument as matrimonial property under Indiana Code§30-4-3-35. IN WITNESS WHEREOF,the Grantors have executed this Deed on March 19,2018. 6./fAiP 12"• M.A. ER ► ANNINI APR*L R.GIANNINI EXEMPT FROM SALES DISCLOSURES PE STATE OF INDIANA ) )SS: COUNTY OF HAMILTON ) Before me,a•Notaty Public in and for said County and State,personally appeared GERY P. GIANNINI and APRIL R. GIANNINI,who acknowledged the execution of the foregoing Warranty Deed,and who,having been duly sworn,stated that any representations therein contained arc true. Witness my hand and official seal on I h 19,2018. jo DASA M.HENSEL,Notary Put& `, lU_LILA, 1 ��' My commission expires Juna 3,2OO2Ii Darn M.Hensel,Notate Pubh My commission expires:6/3/2020 My county of residence:llamilton I affirm, under the penalties for peijuty, that I have taken reasonable care to redact each Social Security number in this document,unless required by law. REBECCA W.GEYER This Instrument Prepared By:Rebecca W. Geyer,Attorney at Law. Return deed to: Rebecca W.Geyer,Rebecca W. Geyer&Associates,PC, 11550 N.Meridian Street,Ste.200, Carmel,IN 46032 Send tax bills to: Gery P.Giannini and April R. Giannini,Trustees,5961 Heaton Pass,Carmel, Indiana 46033.