HomeMy WebLinkAboutApplication ADLS Revised: 1/2/2019 Filename: ADLS & ADLS Amend 2019 1 ADLS / ADLS Amendment Application (ARCHITECTURE, DESIGN, LIGHTING/LANDSCAPING, and SIGNAGE) ADLS Fee: $1,099 (plus $144/acre when not accompanied by a Development Plan App.) ADLS Amend Fees: Sign only: $112, plus $27.50/sign Building/Site: $730, plus $69/acre (Fees are due after the docket number is assigned.) Date: _________________ Docket No.______________________ _______ ADLS _______ ADLS Amend _______ DP Attached Previous DP? Yes______No______ Name of Project:_______________________________________________________________________ Type of Project:___________________________________________________________________________ Project Address:__________________________________________________________________________ Project Tax Parcel ID #: __ __ - __ __ - __ __ - __ __ - __ __ - __ __ __ . __ __ __ Legal Description: (Please use separate sheet and attach) Name of Applicant: ______________________________________________________________________ Applicant Address: _______________________________________________________________________ Contact Person: ______________________________________________Phone: _____________________ Contact Email: ______________________________________________________________________ Eplan Review Contact Person:____________________________________ Phone: _____________________ Email: _____________________________________________________________________ Landowner Name: _________________________________ Email: _________________________________ Plot Size: ___________________ Zoning Classification: _______________ Overlay Zone: ____________ Present Use of Property :___________________________________________________________________ Proposed Use of Property:_______________________________________________________________ New Construction? Yes_____No_____ New/Revised Sign? Yes_____No_____ Remodeled Construction?: Yes_____No_____ New Parking? Yes_____No_____ New Landscaping? Yes_____No_____ (If Yes, an engineered and to-scale Landscape Plan must be submitted; see below.) Revised: 1/2/2019 Filename: ADLS & ADLS Amend 2019 2 Review PARKING No. of Spaces Provided:___________ No. Spaces Required:__________ DESIGN INFORMATION Type of Building:___________________________________ No. of Buildings:_______________________ Square Footage:______________________ Height:___________________ No. of Stories______________ Exterior Materials:____________________________ Exterior Colors:______________________________ Maximum No. of Tenants:________________ Type of Land Uses:_________________________________ Water by:__________________ Sewer by:__________________ LIGHTING Type of Fixture:_____________________________ Height of Fixture:_____________________________ No. of Fixtures:_____________________________ Additional Lighting:_____________________________ * Plans to be submitted showing Foot-candle spreads at property lines, per the ordinance. LANDSCAPING * To-scale engineered Landscape Plans to be attached/submitted showing plant types, sizes, and locations. SIGNAGE No. of Signs:__________________________ Type of Signs:_________________________ Location(s):_____________________________________________________________________________ Dimensions of each sign:___________________________________________________________________ Square Footage of each sign:_______________________________________________________________ Total Height of each sign:________________________________________________________________ Colors of each sign:____________________________________________________________________ Revised: 1/2/2019 Filename: ADLS & ADLS Amend 2019 3 AFFIDAVIT I the undersigned, to the best of my knowledge and belief, submit the above information as true and correct. Signature of Applicant:_______________________________ Title:____________________________________ ________________________________________ Date:_____________________________________ (Printed Name) ************************************************************************************* STATE OF INDIANA SS: The undersigned, having been duly sworn upon oath says that the above information is true and correct and he is informed and believes. ______________________________________ (Signature of Petitioner) County of _______________________________________Before me the undersigned, a Notary Public (County in which notarization takes place) for __________________________________________ County, State of Indiana, personally appeared (Notary Public's county of residence) ____________________________________________ and acknowledge the execution of the foregoing (Property Owner, Attorney, or Power of Attorney) instrument this ____________ day of ___________________________________, 20_________. (day) (month) (year) _______________________________________ Notary Public--Signature (SEAL) ________________________________________ Notary Public--Please Print My commission expires: ____________________________________________ ************************************************************************************* Revised: 1/2/2019 Filename: ADLS & ADLS Amend 2019 4 Review/Approval Procedure For ADLS / ADLS Amendment Petitions 1. Allow plenty of time for review and approval process (approximately 2-4 months). Discuss proposed project with DOCS staff (please call for an appointment to discuss review procedure and appropriate dates). The first week of the month works the best to begin a project. 2. NEW: As of January 1, 2019, electronic-only submittals are accepted. Plans are to be submitted electronically through ProjectDox, Carmel’s ePlan review software. Please see the Electronic Plan Review handout for more information on the process and what needs to be submitted. (Initially, only the filled out application needs to be emailed to DOCS.) 3. INFORMATION NEEDED for formal DOCS staff and Plan Commission review: a. Electronic copy of formal application with required information submitted by email. b. Legal description c. Location map showing location of subject site, zoning and existing land uses of all adjacent properties. d. A detailed site development plan (Submitted electronically through ProjectDox) showing: 1) Drainage: Detailed drainage plan with drainage calculations. If project is in Clay Township, take to Kent Ward, County Surveyor’s Office (776-8495). If project is in City of Carmel, discuss with John Thomas, Storm Water Administrator (571-2441). 1a) The Hamilton County Surveyor’s Office requires all Erosion Control Plans be labeled as “Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plans”, aka SWPPP Plan. 2) Lighting plan - Footcandle limits - Type of fixture - Size of fixture - Images of fixtures 3) Landscaping plan (showing easements, setbacks, and bufferyards) - Location of plantings - Type and sizes of plantings - Planting legend - City standard planting details - Mounding locations and details 4) Signage plan and details: Size and location, Materials and colors 5) Parking plan: show disabled parking spaces, total spaces needed per zone, spaces proposed, and also show/label the Bicycle Parking areas. 6) Site plan, to-scale, with: - Side, rear and front yard setbacks - Perimeter drainage and utility easements - Sewer and water line locations - Special setbacks or greenbelts - Building square footage - Dimensions of building - Location of mechanical equipment, gas/electric meters, and trash receptacle with - Pavement and curbing details - Proposed road improvements - Sidewalks - Loading and dock areas - Fire hydrant and siamese locations Revised: 1/2/2019 Filename: ADLS & ADLS Amend 2019 5 7) Soils map and Floodplain information e. Building Elevations: (show all sides, and be to-scale) - Dimensions - Materials and colors - Bring Samples of materials to the Plan Commission meeting - Signage location(s) f. Prepare an estimated construction cost to comply with the Thoroughfare Plan & Alternative Transportation Plan per UDO Section 1.07. (Contact the Carmel Engineering Dept. for more detail; 571-2441.) g. Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) correspondence, if received outside of ProjectDox. h. If public hearing is required, list of adjacent property owners two properties deep or 660 feet, whichever is less, to be obtained from Hamilton County Transfer & Mapping Dept. 4. Once the application is emailed to DOCS, a docket number will be released and you will receive an email from ePlans ProjectDox to upload the site plans and other drawings. The filing fee and info packets are due by noon at least 10 days prior to the meeting, at which time the item will be placed on the meeting agenda. The following is list of items that should be included in each Plan Commission Member’s info packet: 1. Cover page 4. Legible plans (site, landscaping, elevations, etc.) 2. Brief description of the project 5. Site plan laid over aerial view of property 3. Location Map 6. Any other supporting information 5. Petitioner or representative must appear at the Carmel Plan Commission meeting and give a presentation. The presentation may include information relative to the project and may be presented on a poster board so that it can be seen from 20 feet. However, an opaque projector is available, if the meeting takes place in the Council Chambers. 6. Petitioner or representative must attend the Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) meeting, which occurs several weeks prior to the Plan Commission meeting. 7. Petitioner or representative must attend the Special Studies Subcommittee to further review all pertinent information (when applicable). 8. Petitioner or representative must attend the second Plan Commission meeting (when applicable) for final vote (questions may need to be answered). 9. Once Plan Commission has voted on the project, and a Letter of Grant is issued, it is up to the petitioner to work with the Building Permits Dept. staff to obtain proper building/sign permits. CONTACT INFO: PLANNING/ZONING DIVISION, DEPT. OF COMMUNITY SERVICES (DOCS), 1 Civic Square, Carmel, IN 46032. Phone: (317) 571-2417 Fax: (317) 571-242 Web: www.carmeldocs.com EXHIBIT `B" NAPLETON'S APPLICANT CONSENT TO AND JOINDER IN APPLICATION The undersigned, Napleton Carmel Imports, LLC dba Napleton ICia of Carmel ("Napleton"), is the Applicant as it relates to a parcel of real estate that is identified per the records of the Hamilton County, Indiana Auditor's Office as Tax Parcel Identification Number 16-14-08-00-05-004.000 (the "Real Estate"), in the filing of applications pertaining to the Real Estate with the City of Carmel Plan Commission for Development Plan and Architectural Design, Lighting, Landscaping and Signage approval and the City of Carmel Board of Zoning Appeals for Commitment Amendment approval (collectively, the "Application"). In addition, if Napleton determines that any other approvals may be required or deemed necessary (collectively the "Other Approvals"), the foregoing Consent and Joinder in Application shall apply to any Other Approvals sought by Napleton pertaining to the development of the Real Estate. Further, Napleton authorizes its employees, engineers, land planners, attorneys, attorneys' employees and agents, as follows: To file Application with respect to the Real Estate; 2. To pursue the approval of the Application and Other Approvals, as such may be required; and, 3. . To act on behalf of the Napleton with regard to the Application and Other Approvals "Applicant" Napleton Carmel Imports, LLC dba Napleton Kia of Carmel By: Name: Title: WmI4, (V Date: `5 UOCA STATE OF C "w PFJ ) COUNTY OF SS: OFFICIAL SEAL DEW J ZAYED NOTARY PUBLIC - STATE OF ILLINOIS MY COMMISSION EXPIRES:030121 Before Te the undersigned, a Notary Public, in and for said County and State, personally appeared F-6,44 ,16 n(w Qrafv,\ (name), as , ecu, (title) on behalf of Nap el ton Carmel Imports, LLC dba Napleton Kia of Carmel, as the App icant and acknowledged the execution of the foregoing Applicant's Consent and Joinder in Applications. WITNESS my hand and Notarial Seal this day of CLC ry 2019 ok_& A (1- .n ,. Notary Public v e My Commission Expires: � )-a 1 3n�? t batyi 2a,41 e� �� �. Printed Name County of Residence: lhx-% EXHIBIT "C" DYC REALTY LLC's OWNER'S CONSENT TO AND JOINDER IN APPLICATION The undersigned, DYC Realty, LLC ("DYC") is the Owner as it relates to the parcel of real estate that is identified per the records of the Hamilton County, Indiana Auditor's Office as Tax Parcel Identification Number 16-14- 08-00-05-004.000 (the "Real Estate"), and it hereby consents to, authorizes and joins in the filing of applications by Napleton Carmel Imports, LLC dba Napleton Kia of Carmel ("Napleton") with the City of Carmel Plan Commission for Development Plan and Architectural Design, Lighting, Landscaping and Signage approval and the City of Carmel Board of Zoning Appeals for Commitment Amendment approval pertaining to the Real Est�te (collectively, the "Application"). In addition, if Napleton determines that other approvals may be required or deeme necessary (collectively the "Other Approvals"), the foregoing Consent and Joinder in Application shall apply to the Application and for any Other Approvals sought by Napleton pertaining to the development of the Real Estate. DYC."also authorizes Napleton and Napleton's employees, engineers, land planners, attorneys, attorneys' employees and agents, as follows: To file with the Application with respect to the Real Estate; 2. To pursue the approval of the Application and Other Approvals, as such may be determined by Napleton; and, 3. To act on behalf of DYC with regard to the Application and Other Approvals. "Owner" Title: �7.�-P h@ r Q, 1 11: (' r Date: -5 1 /7( V _ KYLE PAUL WHITESELL STATE OF A b 1 i9 A9 Notary Public - Seal State of Indiana POA-) ) SS: Marion County COUNTY OF )`� 6A-) ) My Commission Expires Dec 3, 2021 Before me the undersigned, a Notary Public, in and for said County and State, personally appeared (name), as 6Z4-�a.P (title) on behalf of DYC Realty, LLC as the Owner of the Real Estate identified above, and acknowledged the execution of the foregoing Owner's Consent and Joinder in Applications. WITNESS my hand and Notarial Seal this day of"7ry.,Public 0 ,z z M Commission Expires: e C O� 2Oz l Pao x�k ese U PrinteName County of Residence: 2.f xk)