HomeMy WebLinkAboutApplication DP ADLSDEVELOPMENT PI AN / DP AMEND FNT APPLI ATION Fee*: $1,099 plus $144 per acre DATE: DOCKET (Check all that apply) ❑✓ DP ❑ DP Amend �✓ ADLS/ADLS AMEND Attached Name of Project: Take 5 Quick Lube Project Address: 9799 N. Michigan Road Project Tax Parcel ID #: 17-13-07-04-02-001.000 Legal Description: (Please use separate sheet and attach) Name of Applicant: Baldwin Capital Partners Applicant Address: 10884 Gresham Pl. Noblesville, IN 46060 Contact Person: Elliot Smith Phone. 574-612-9998 Email:elliot.smith@baldwincapitalpartners.com Eplan Review Contact: Elliot Smith Email: elliot.sm Phone: 574-612-9998 dwincapitalpartners.com .5 Name of Landowner: �H isle !E /s/ Phone: Landowner Address: Parcel Size: 0.66 Ac Zoning District S1 OverlayZone: US 421 Overlay Present Use of Property: Proposed Use Commercial/Office Quick Oil Change *Note that required fees are due after the application has received a docket number, and not at the time of application submittal. Page I Filename: Development Plan (and DP .Amend) Application 2019.docx Rev. 2:1/19 OWNERS AFFIDAM The undersigned agrees that any construction, reconstruction, enlargement, relocation or alteration of structures, or any change in the use of land or structures requested by this application will comply with and conform to all applicable laws of the State of Indiana and the Unified Development Ordinance of Carmel, Indiana, adopted under the authority of Acts of 1979, Public Law 178, Sec. 1, et seq., General Assembly of the State of Indiana, and all Acts amendatory thereto. Signed: v caner (Typed/Printed) STATE OF INDIANA SS: Agent (TYp ted) The undersigned, having been duly sworn upon h says pt thermation is true and correct and he is informed and believes. /1(Signah •e of County of '�L C- �-t 1" � �'�' Before me the undersigned, gn d a Notary Public (County in which notarization takes place) for a- VVL--( I +9V�, County, State of Indiana, personally appeared (Notary Public's county of residence) and acknowledge the execution of the foregoing roperty Owner, AMY ower ofAttomey) instrument this I L day of VV' - w 1 20 (day) (month) (year) Notary Public --Signature LL66-- L6b-t--, . Yvu) 4 .Notary Public—Printed/Typed Name My commissionexpires: 1 ` I �-41 i Page 2 Filename: Development Plan (and DP Amend) Application 2019.doex Rc. J I /19 ADLS / ADLS Amendment Application (ARCHITECTURE, DESIGN, LIGHTING/LANDSCAPING, and SIGNAGE) ADLS Fee: $1,099 (plus $144/acre when not accompanied by a Development Plan App.) ADLS Amend Fees: Sign only. $112, plus $27.50/sign Building/Site: $730, plus $69/acre (Fees are due after the docket number is assigned.) Date: 5/15/2019 DocketNo. ADLS ❑ ADLS Amend �❑✓ _ DP Attached Previous DP? YesJJNo ✓❑ Name of Project: Take 5 Quick Lube TypeofProject:Commercial, Quick Oil Change :9799 N Michigan Road Project Tax Parcel ID #: 17-13-07-04-02-001.000 Legal Description: (Please use separate sheet and attach) Name of Applicant: Baldwin Capital Partners Applicant Address: 10884 Gresham PI. Noblesville, IN 46060 Contact person: Elliot Smith Phone: 574-612-9998 Contact Email:elliot.smith@baidwincapitalpartners.com Eplan Review Contact Person.. Elliot Smith Phone: 574-612-9998 Email: elliot.smith@baldwincapitalpartners.com C'i/1�� �!/Vffat/Cj/fL ci�7�✓/CL" Landowner Name:4 t�i�( AAC-1' Email: /1 ifJs�P_SGI�J/YI� S� 40�� 'L /At 7 Plot size: 0.66 Ac ZoningClassification: S 1 `� US421 Overlay Zone: Present Use of Property: Commercial/Office Proposed Use of Property: C ommercial, Quick oil change New Construction? Yes X No_ New/Revised Sign? Yes X No Remodeled Construction?: Yes—No X New Parking? Yes X No New Landscaping? Yes X No_ (If Yes, an engineered and to -scale Landscape Plan must be submitted, see below.) Revised: 1/7/2019 Filename: ADLS & ADLS Amcnd 2019 1 Review PARKING No. of Spaces Provided: 8 No. Spaces Required: 6 DESIGN INFORMATION Type of Building: wood Frame with Masonry Facade 1 No. of Buildings: Square Footage: approx. 1,500 Height: 31.9 ft No, of Stories 1 Exterior Materials:brick, EIFS cornice ExteriorColors:tan, brown, red Maximum No. of Tenants. Type of Land Uses:Commercial, Quick Oil Change Water by: Carmel Water Sewer by: TriCo Reg. Sewer LIGHTING Type of Fixture:Pole Light Height ofFixture:20 feet No. of Fixtures: 2 Additional Lighting: wall packs * Plans to be submitted showing Foot-candle spreads at property lines, per the ordinance. LANDSCAPING * To -scale engineered Landscape Plans to be attached/submitted showing plant types, sizes, and locations. 2 SIGNAGE 1 wall 1 monument No. of Signs: Type of Signs: Location(s): monument sign to be located at SW corner of 98th & Michigan Dimensions of eachsiQn:monument = 6'x13', wall = 6'x39.3' Square Footage of each sign:monument = 78 sf, Total Height of each sign: Monument = 6 ft, wall = wall = 82.5 sf Colors of each multiple colors, red, black, tan, yellow, brown (all to match bldg) Revised: 111/2019 f"ileuame: ADLS & ADLS Amend 2019 2 AFFIDAVIT I the undersigned, to the best of y knowledge and belief, submit the above information as true and correct. Signature of Applicant: Title: or^ ✓ w 4� E-( (( 0+ 4 ,.... , -4-v� Date: 571, (Printed Name) sxx*ssxxsx**s*xxx*x*sxsss*sx*sxsss*s***s*ss**x**xa:��**sxxx**x*x**xx*xx*sx**�**x*srxa� STATE OF INDIANA SS: The undersigned, having been duly swam upon oa says tha thjab ve ' tion is tote and correct and he is informed and believes. (SignatureofPetitioner) County of 44 6L 6'0-( l +Uy\- Before me the undersigned, a No I '' (County in which notarization takes place) gnrY Public for 'l County, State of Indiana, personally appeared (Notary Public's county of residence) and acknowledge the execution of the foregoing petty Owner, y, or Power of Attorney) q /� instrument this I day of Vvt- o 20 I I (day) (month (year) Notary Public --Signature LISA LOUISE MOTZ i L V7?� U -L`2'C y'yL s County of Res: Hamilton Notary Public—Please Print My Comm. Expires 1-242021 Comm. No. 641496 My commissislnSeXpire Revised: 0212019 Filename: ADLS & ADLS Amend 2019