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CARMEL BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS VARIANCE APPLICATION FILING FEES: Single Family (Primary Residence) $350.00 for the first variance, plus $105.00 for each additional section of the ordinance being varied. All Other $1,394.00 for the first variance, plus $657.00 for each additional section of the ordinance being varied. (Or see Hearing Officer option & Fees.) DOCKET NO. 1) Applicant: Address: Office Use Only DATE RECEIVED: Jonathan Grant Morris 147 Chadwick Ct. Carmel, IN. 46033 2) Project Name: Morris Detached Garage Phone: Engineer/Architect: The garage plan shop Phone: 3) 4) 5) 6) Attorney: N/A Phone: Contact Person: Jonathan Grant Morris Phone: Gmorris@midambev.com (765) 412-2307 Applicant's Status: (Check the appropriate response) W1(a) The applicant's name is on the deed to the property ❑ (b) The applicant is the contract purchaser of the property. (c) Other: If Item 3) (c) is checked, please complete the following: Owner of the property involved: Owner's address: Record of Ownership: Deed Book No./Instrument Page: Purchase date: 9/21 /2017 Common address of the property involved: Legal Description: Tax Parcel ID No. 147 Chadwick Ct. Carmel, IN. 46033 Acreage .00 Section 5, Township 17, Range 4 THE WOODLANDS Section 2 Lot 147 Irregular Shape 16-14-05-03-05-021.000 7) Explanation of requested Development Standards Variance: (State what you want to do and cite the section number(s) of the Unified Development Ordinance that applies and/or creates the need for this request.) Per section 5.02 3-3b (detached garage may equal the maximum dimensions of 24'00') Requesting a variance to increase the building footprint to 34' x 30'. 3) Reasons supporting why the BZA should grant the Development Standards Variance: (Additionally, complete the attached question sheet entitled "Findings of Fact -Development Standards Variance"). Total permanent stmclure square footage equals 30% of total green space (including pmposed detached garage). All easements, setbacks & property lines are well within zoning nx,o cements. Height falls within zoning resNotions (less than 18') and in good faith, smmunding residences have been notified of imposed plans before proceeding further. Page 1 of 12 Filename: development standards variance application & instructions 2019 Revised 01/10/19 Zoning district classification of property: S2/Residence Overlay Zone of property (if applicable): N /A Size of IoUparcel in question: 0.574 acres 124,994 SQ FT. Present use of property: Homestead 12) Describe proposed use of property: Homestead with additional vehicle parking 13) Is the property: Owner occupied J L—_ Renter occupied El Other ft. 14) Are there any restrictions, laws, covenants, variances, special uses, or appeals filed in connection with this property that would relate or affect its use for the specific purpose of this application? If yes, give date and docket number, instrument no., decision rendered and pertinent explanation. N/A 15) 16) Has work for which this application is being filed already started? If answer is yes, give details: Building Permit Number: N/A Builder: N/A If proposed appeal is granted, when will the work commence? ASAP 17) If the proposed variance is granted, who will operate and/or use the proposed improvement for which this application has been filed? Owner NOTE: Three modes of public notice are required. LEGAL NOTICE shall be published in the NEWSPAPER according to the Chart on page 5 MANDATORY 20 days prior to the public hearing date. The certified "Proof of Publication" affidavit for the newspaper must be available for inspection by the night of the hearing. LEGAL NOTICE to all adjoining and abutting property owners is also MANDATORY; two methods of notice are recommended: 1) FIRST CLASS MAIL with CERTIFICATE OF MAILING sent to adjoining property owners. (The white receipt should be stamped by the Post Office at least 20 days prior to the public hearing date), OR 2) HAND DELIVERED to adjoining and abutting property owners (A receipt signed by the adjoining and abutting property owner acknowledging the 20 day prior notice should be kept for verification that the notice was completed) LEGAL NOTICE via a Notice of Public Hearing SIGN posted on the property is also required; see page 8. THE BURDEN OF PROOF FOR ALL NOTICES IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE APPLICANT. Applicant Signature: h C� At, Date: 6/22/19 The applicant certifies by signing this application that he/she has been advised that all representations of the Department of Community Services are advisory only and that the applicant should rely on appropriate Unified Development Ordinance and/or the legal advice of his/her attorney. Page 2 of 12 Filename: development standards variance application & instructions 2019 Revised 01/10/19 AFFIDAVIT I hereby swear that I am the owner/contract purchaser of property involved in this application and that the foregoing signatures, statements, and answers herein contained and the information herewith submitted are in all respects true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. I, the undersigned, authorize the applicant to act on my behalf with regard to this application and subsequent hearings and testimony. STATE OF INDIANA SS: Signed Name: = � �"_ (Property Owner, Attorney, or Power of Attorney) Printed Name: Jonathan Grant Morris County of I�4�11 l +N Before me the undersigned, a Notary Public (County in which notarization takes place) for FIAAAI l \ OA County, State of Indiana, personally appeared (Notary Public's county of residence) and acknowledge the execution of the foregoing instrument (Property Owner, Attorney, or Power of Attorney) this A j� `k day of 7V% e- , 20 _ (SEAL) 1�RI Poe JOSEPH SHESTAK Zo 66A6`� County of Res: Hamilton • --^ * My Comm. Expires 10-21-2026 �NDIPNP Comm. No. NP0716427 o ry Public --Signature S°s�p� S�nese's,� NotaryPublic—Printed Name My commission expires: 1�-2►-�02�v Page 3 of 12 Filename: development standards variance application & instructions 2019 Revised 01/10/19 Click to enlarge, views may vary slightly from working drawings. Refer to floor plan for actual layout. ADD TO CART '10— (/009G-0005.PHP#ORDER) MODIFY PLAN 0 (/90/CONTENT/HOW-TO-MODIFY-YOUR-GARAGE-PLAN-.PHP) ADD TO FAVORITES • (MY-PLANS.PHP?GO=FAVORITE.ADD&ID=10414) MORE BY THIS DESIGNER O (HOUSE-PLANS.PHP?DESIGNER_ID=14&TYPE=G) Click large image to zoom. Heated Sq. Ft. Tota I Unheated Sq. Ft. Garage Dimensions Width Depth Approx. Height Plan Details 0 sq. ft. wit. }jp7 o .92-F-sq. ft. 3� -44 ft. Din. 3 c 'ice ft. 0 in. 18ft. 3in. ±O �Toti� https://www.thegarageplanshop-com/009g-OOO6.php 6/12/19, 10:13 PM Page 2 of 7 Ceiling Heights First Floor Roof Pitch 6/10 Main Garage Door Size(s) In' x 'a` CI ) Roof Framing Truss Exterior Wall 2x6 Foundation Plan Features There are no features for this plan. Order Plan 10ft. 0 in. 5 Sets $600.00 The basic garage plan package needed for construction of your new garage. O CAD File $900.00 Complete construction drawing (excludes commercial plans) in electronic format for use by design professionals to make substantial changes to the blueprint. Comes with a copyright release granting legal permission to change the designer's original copyrighted house plan and reproduce it for construction. You must have CAD software to open a CAD file. Some CAD files can be emailed, while others must be shipped on a CD. Note: Some of our designers require customers to sign and return a licensing agreement before the plans are emailed or shipped. O PDF File (Best Value) $500.00 Electronic file of the construction drawing delivered by email to the customer usually within 24-48 hours of purchasing (during regular business hours.) Includes a copyright release to print the blueprints needed for construction. Copies can be printed on 81 /2" x 11" sheets https://www.thegaragepIanshap.com/009g-0005.php 6/12/19, 10:13 PM Page 3 of 7 the A Garage Plan Shop Plan Modification Request Form You can receive a free modification estimate within two business days for any garage plan on our site. To request your modification quote, please select one of the following options: A. Complete the form below. Save and email it to: customize*-theoaraceolanshoo com. B. Print and fax the completed form below to 314-439-5328. (Please type your information into the orm or write legibly so it can be read after the form is faxed.) **Note: Please be sure to keep a copy of the completed form for your records.** First Name: Grant Last Name: Morris Address: 147 Chadwick Ct City: Carmel State: Indiana,— Zip: 46033 Country: USA Phone (Daytime): (765) 412-2307. Fax: E-mail address: Gmorris@midambev.com Plan Number: 009G-0006 Please list your requested Plan modifications below (please be as specific as possible) I would like to try and modify this plan for the following: Eliminate the car port on the right hand side of the garage completely. Change from a Monolithic slab to a block Tooter with slab. Shrink the overall width to 34' (to fit framework) and increase the depth to 30' on the right side (28' on the left). I would like the garage doors to all be 10' wide x 8' tall. Inside the garage, add an L shaped 36" stairwell on the back wall leading up to the loft area for extra storage. I would like to have at least a 6' tall storage area upstairs, so you can modify the pitch and truss design accordingly. For any questions, please feel free to reach out at any time (765) 412-2307. © Copyright 2006 The HousePlanShop, LLC. All Rights Reserved. .7-lY-V J-JVJ-VG 1.VVV-V 10 ADMINISTRATIVE INFORMATION PARCEL NUMBER 29-14-05-305-021.000-018 Parent Parcel Humber Property Address 147 Chadwick a Neighborhood 219500 THE MODLANDS - OFF WATER Property Class 510 Res 1 fan dwelling platted lot TAXING DISTRICT INFORMATION Jurisdiction 29 Area 017 CLAY Corporation N District 018 Carmel 1V1VL11Jp JUllatllml V L,4 / %_11UUW1U& %. L OWNERSHIP Tax ID 1614050305021000 Printed 04/22/2018 Card No. 1 of 1 Morris, Jonathan G TRANSFER OF OWNERSHIP 147 Chadwick Ct Date Carmel, IN 46033 Acreage .00, Section 51 Township 17, Range 4, THE WOODLANDS, Section 2, Lot 147, Irregular Shape site Description Topography: Level Public Utilities: All Street or Road: Paved, Sidewalk Neighborhood: Static Land Type Zoning: 1 HOMESITE Legal Acres: 0.0000 Admin Legal 0.0000 RESIDENTIAL 09/19/2017 EnOehB, Mervin & Diana h&w Doc #: 2017-46797 $260000 08/17/2015 Enochs, Mervin, Diana Enochs & Brian Doc #: 2015-44550 01/05/2011 Enochs, Mervin & Diana & Brian Doe #: 2011-01963 $0 08/08/2003 ANTHONY F & DARCY L DAVID $234900 VALUATION RECORD 03/01/2012 03/01/2013 03/01/2014 03/01/2015 01/01/2016 01/01/2017 01/01/2018 Assessment Year Reason for Change 2012 Revel Trend Trend Trend REVAL Trend 55000 Trend 55000 VALUATION L 55000 55000 55000 55000 169600 55000 169600 169600 194600 Appraised value B 149500 153500 162900 217900 224600 224600 224600 249600 T 204500 208500 55000 55000 55000 55000 55000 VALUATION L 55000 55000 162900 169600 169600 169600 194600 True Tax value B 149500 153500 224600 224600 224600 249600 T 204500 208500 217900 EAS: Reassessment 2002 UPDATED LAND EG 08/07/02 V16: 8/12/15 SRC LAND DATA AND CALCULATIONS Rating Measured Table Prod. Factor Soil ID Acreage 150 -o -or- -or- Depth Factor Base Adjusted Extended Influence Actual Effective Effective -or- Feet Rate Rate Value Factor Frontage Frontage Depth Square 0.5800 1.43 74500.00 106535.00 61790 4 -11% FARMLAND COMPUTATIONS Parcel Acreage 81 Legal Drain NV (-] 82 Public Roads NV (-] 83 UT Towers MV I-] 9 Homesite(s) [-] 91/92 Excess Acreage[-] TOTAL ACRES FARMLAND TRUE TAX VALUE Supplemental Cards TRUE TAX VALUE Measured Acreage Average True Tax Value/Acre TRUE TAX VALUE FARMLAND Classified Land Total Hnmeaite(s) Value (+) Excess Acreage Value (+) Supplemental Cards TOTAL LAND VALUE Value 54990 54990 55000 147 Chadwick PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS Occupancy: Single family Story Height: 2.0 Finished Area: 2528 Attic: Done Basement: 3/4 ROOFING Material: Asphalt shingles FLOORING Slab B Bub and joists 1.0, 2.0 Vinyl tile 1.0, 2.0 Carpet 1.0, 2.0 Unfinished B EXTERIOR COVER 5/6 masonry 1.0 Masonry B wood aiding 2.0 INTERIOR FINISH Drywall 1.0, 2.0 ACCOMMODATIONS Finished Rooms 9 Bedrooms 5 Family ROOMS 1 Fireplaces: 2 HEATING AND AIR CONDITIONING Primary Heat: Central Warm Air Lower Full Part /Bsmt 1 Upper Upper Air Cond D 1380 1148 0 PLOMBING # 3 Fixt. Bathe 2 6 2 Fixt. Bathe 1 2 Kit Sink 1 1 Water Heat 1 1 Extra Fixt 1 TOTAL 11 REMODELING AND MODERNIZATION Amount Date IMPROVEMENT DATA s n Ise, 288 1 a Fr Tow Fr 1092 B Br G 552 Mel u I. Fr pl N1A1 Finished Construction Base Area Floor Area Sq Ft Value 1 WOOD FRAME 1380 1.0 1390 88820 1 WOOD FRAME 1148 2.0 1148 39310 4 CONCRETE BLOCK 1092 Beat 0 25430 288 Crawl ---- 3260 TOTAL BASE 156820 Now Type Adjustment 1.00% SUB -TOTAL 156820 0 Interior Finish 0 0 Est Lvg Unite 0 0 Basement Finish 0 Fireplace(s) 4300 Heating 0 Air Condition 4910 Frame/Siding/Roof 7990 Plumbing Fixt: 11 4800 SUB -TOTAL ONE UNIT 178820 Exterior Features SUB -TOTAL 0 UNITS 178820 Description Value Garages MSTP 1730 0 Integral 0 OFF 5900 552 Att Garage 15740 0 Att Carports 0 0 Hsmt Garage 0 Ext Features 7630 SUB -TOTAL 202190 Quality Class/Grade C+2 GRADE ADJUSTED VALUE 222410 (LCM: 100.00 SPECIAL FEATURES SUMMARY OF IMPROVEMENTS Stry Const Year Eff Base Feat- Adj Size or Computed PhysObsol Market 4 Use Hgt Type Grade Const Year Cond Rate urea Rate Area Value Depr Depr Adj Comp Value Description Value ID 3400 D DWELL 0.00 C+2 1974. 1974 A 125 100 1 3620 222410 30 D :HAS MAS-STR 900 GO1 ATTGAR 0.00 7 20.00 N 20.00 0 10 0 Data Collector/Date JN 08/12/2015 Appraiser/Date Neighborhood Supplemental Cards TOTAL IMPROVEMENT VALUE US 12/20/2001 Neigh 219500 G 194600 tAj e'S"�� '`� `T ArcGIS WebMap June 23, 2019 Carme12018 Blue: Band 3 Red: Band_1 Parcels Green: Band-2 O BMP Structures Storm Structures Streets — private Storm Pipe Other— INDOT — Carmel Other Municipality 1:368 0 0 0.01 0.01 mi County j % ti I, Ir— ,--I I 0 0.01 0.01 0.02 km Clay Terrace Sources: Earl, HERE, Garton, , IGN, increment P Corp., ce Sur USES, FAO, NPS, NRCAN, GeaBase, IGN, Katlasler Nl, Ordnance Survey, Esri Duke ArcG15 VhbbApp Builder ArcGIS WebMap Y 4 - June 22, 2019 d Carme12018 Blue: Band-3 • Storm Structures Streets — Private — County Red: Band-1 — Other Parcels — Storm Pipe — INDOT Clay Terrace Green: Band_2 — Carmel BMP Structures — Other Municipality Duke } 24,994.3sq ft 664.7' 1:553 0 0 0.01 0.02 mi 0 0.01 0.01 0.03 km Sources: Esn, HERE, Gamin, Intermep, increment P Corp., GESCO, USGS, FAO, NPS, NRCAN, GaoBase, IGN, Kedaater NL, Ordnance Survey, EaN ArcGIS WebApp Builder _ , � ArcGIS WebMap A-I 30.1 �3• 57A IZ•V 267 w 46• 5,5 .3sq ft r•i r 5 51 t 5� tt 12. 30.2' tv. June 23, 2019 1:368 0 0 0.01 0.01 mi Carme12018 Blue: Band-3 Storm Structures Streets Private — County i 4 1 1. ' ,II Red: Band_1 Parcels _ Other Storm Pipe _ INDOT - Clay Terrace 0 0.01 0.01 0.02 km Green: Band_2 Carmel Sources: Esd, HERE, Gamin, Intermaprem , incent P Corp., GEBCO, USGS, FAO, NIPS, NRCAN, GeoBasO, IGN, Kadaster NIL, Ordnance Survey, Earl 0 BMP Structures — Other Municipality — Duke ArcGM WebApp Builder 4L (- CT- 3-1VIc 4}a.a �Cc tea. 3712 Chadwick Dr Tax Information Ownership Information Export Date: 6/22/2019, 3:17 AM Parcel Number. 16-14-05-03-05-020.000 Last Transfer Date: 5/212008, 12:00 AM Deeded Owner: Riehl, Edwin C & Joyce L Address: 12 Chadwick Dr Legal Description: Acreage .00 Section 5, Township 17, Range 4 THE WOODLANDS Section 2 Lot 148 Section: 5 Township: 17 Range: 4 Deeded Acreage: 0.00 togt� et> }o�'y i4� {�a��.5 act �. D r 4,i`i64-Mcx r O 10920 Haverstick Rd n Tax Information ownership Information Export Date: 6/22/2019, 3:17 AM Parcel Number. 16-14-05-03-05-017-000 Last Transfer Date: 10131/2013, 12:00 AM A- Deeded Owner. Berzins, Elmars & Vilma Address: 10920 Haverstick Rd 1 Legal Description: Acreage .00 Section 5, 4 Township 17, Range 4THE WOODLANDS Section 2 Lot 151 Section: 5 Township: 17 Range: 4 Deeded Acreage: 0.00 Property Use: One Family Dwelling V Platted Zoomto •••