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Drainage Report 03-18-19
2017.02968 Drainage Computations Summary For Carmel Hotel & Office Development 12166 N. Meridian Street Carmel, Indiana Prepared By: American Structurepoint, Inc. 7260 Shadeland Station Indianapolis, Indiana 46256 Submitted by: Brad Schrage, PE Nathan Horgan Prepared: March 18, 2019 i 2017.02968 TABLE OF CONTENTS DRAINAGE COMPUTATIONS SUMMARY Appendix A FIRM and Soil Survey Appendix B Existing Drainage Conditions Appendix C Proposed Drainage Conditions Appendix D Storm Sewer Calculations Appendix E BMP Size Calculations 2017.02968 DRAINAGE COMPUTATIONS SUMMARY for Carmel Hotel & Office Development 12166 N. Meridian Street Carmel, Indiana LOCATION The proposed project is located between N. Illinois Street and N. Meridian Street, approximately 2,500 ft south of the roundabout between N. Illinois Street and W. Carmel Drive. The project consists of the demolition of the existing structure, pavement and utility infrastructure and the construction of one hotel and one office structure, associated parking and utility connections. The site contains approximately 2.95 acres, a portion is currently developed and the rest is woodland. The site is not located within any flood zone as indicated on the Hamilton County, Indiana Flood Insurance Rate Map 18057C0208G date November 19, 2014 (refer to Appendix A for FIRM). EXISTING DRAINAGE The proposed site is located on a partially developed property. The developed portion sits on the south east side of the site and drains to a swale beside the roadway adjacent to the southern border. This swale discharges to an existing culvert pipe on the south east corner of the site. This portion will be referred to as the East Basin and is approximately 1.87 acres. The undeveloped portion sits on the north west side of the site and sheet drains to the north west corner of the property. This portion will be referred to as the West Basin and is approximately 1.27 acres. The existing site was modelled using the ICPR simulation program, implementing a Curve Number of 77 and 90 for the West Basin and East Basin respectively. A time of concentration of 5 minutes was used for both basins (see Appendix B for supporting calculations). The table below indicates the existing runoff from the site for the 10-, and 100-year storm events using the Rational Method (Refer to Appendix B for detailed drainage calculations). 10 Year 100 Year West Basin Runoff 3.30 cfs 7.28 cfs East Basin Runoff 7.26 cfs 13.22 cfs PROPOSED DRAINAGE The proposed site will drain via sheet and shallow concentrated flow to proposed inlets on site. The development will utilize a reinforced concrete pipe system to convey the water to an underground detention system located beneath the parking lot and central drive. This underground detention is connected via reinforced concrete equalizer pipes to two dry detention basins to the east. These dry detention basins utilize walls on three sides to maximize detention volume. An outlet control structure will release from the south dry detention basin to the existing swale in the south east corner. From here it will be transmitted offsite via an existing pipe that will be rebuilt so as to make the inlet lower. 2017.02968 The proposed project is a single basin and discharges to the east of the site, where the East basin did in the existing condition. As a result the allowable release rate has been calculated based upon the area of the existing East Basin; 1.89 acres. The proposed site was modelled using the ICPR simulation program, implementing a calculated Curve Number of 94 and a time of concentration of 8 minutes (refer to Appendix C for supporting calculations). The detention system onsite is designed to provide adequate detention for the 10-, and 100-year storms. The design flows and proposed flows are indicated in the table below: 10 Year 100 Year Allowable Formula 0.1*Site Acres 0.3*Site Acres Allowable Runoff 0.19 cfs 0.57 cfs Proposed Runoff 0.18 cfs 0.57 cfs The proposed storm sewer has been designed in order to meet the intent of the Hamilton County Stormwater Technical Standards Manual (Refer to Appendix D for the proposed storm sewer calculations). EMEREGENCY OVERFLOW If the system is overloaded and requires emergency overflow path to leave the site, the dry detention ponds and underground detention overflow in separate directions. The dry detention ponds will overflow the top of wall towards the right-of-way to the east, as the development is over one foot higher than the right-of-way elevations and several feet higher than the proposed swale. The underground detention will overflow to the north west corner of the site, where it flows in the existing condition. This overflow system best matches the existing conditions of the site. WATER QUALITY A mechanical BMP unit is proposed to treat the stormwater prior to being discharged into the underground detention. Using a HydroCAD simulation, the unit was sized to treat the first flush runoff. The site was modeled using a Water Quality Curve Number of 99 and a time of concentration of 5.77 minutes. The result was a treatment flow of 2.79 cfs. Using the Aqua-Swirl sizing chart (refer to Appendix E) an Aqua-Swirl AS-7 unit was chosen in an offline arrangement. CONCLUSIONS The drainage from the proposed site has been designed to meet the intent of the Carmel Stormwater Technical Standards Manual and no adverse impacts are anticipated to affect adjacent or downstream landowners. 2017.02968 APPENDIX A FIRM AND SOIL SURVEY Hydrologic Soil Group—Hamilton County, Indiana Natural Resources Conservation Service Web Soil Survey National Cooperative Soil Survey 3/15/2019 Page 1 of 44424230442425044242704424290442431044243304424230442425044242704424290442431044243304424350571710571730571750571770571790571810571830571850571870571890 571710 571730 571750 571770 571790 571810 571830 571850 571870 571890 571910 39° 57' 58'' N 86° 9' 37'' W39° 57' 58'' N86° 9' 28'' W39° 57' 54'' N 86° 9' 37'' W39° 57' 54'' N 86° 9' 28'' WN Map projection: Web Mercator Corner coordinates: WGS84 Edge tics: UTM Zone 16N WGS84 0 40 80 160 240 Feet 0 10 20 40 60 Meters Map Scale: 1:917 if printed on A landscape (11" x 8.5") sheet. Soil Map may not be valid at this scale. MAP LEGEND MAP INFORMATION Area of Interest (AOI) Area of Interest (AOI) Soils Soil Rating Polygons A A/D B B/D C C/D D Not rated or not available Soil Rating Lines A A/D B B/D C C/D D Not rated or not available Soil Rating Points A A/D B B/D C C/D D Not rated or not available Water Features Streams and Canals Transportation Rails Interstate Highways US Routes Major Roads Local Roads Background Aerial Photography The soil surveys that comprise your AOI were mapped at 1:15,800. Warning: Soil Map may not be valid at this scale. Enlargement of maps beyond the scale of mapping can cause misunderstanding of the detail of mapping and accuracy of soil line placement. The maps do not show the small areas of contrasting soils that could have been shown at a more detailed scale. Please rely on the bar scale on each map sheet for map measurements. Source of Map: Natural Resources Conservation Service Web Soil Survey URL: Coordinate System: Web Mercator (EPSG:3857) Maps from the Web Soil Survey are based on the Web Mercator projection, which preserves direction and shape but distorts distance and area. A projection that preserves area, such as the Albers equal-area conic projection, should be used if more accurate calculations of distance or area are required. This product is generated from the USDA-NRCS certified data as of the version date(s) listed below. Soil Survey Area: Hamilton County, Indiana Survey Area Data: Version 19, Sep 7, 2018 Soil map units are labeled (as space allows) for map scales 1:50,000 or larger. Date(s) aerial images were photographed: Jun 27, 2014—Aug 28, 2014 The orthophoto or other base map on which the soil lines were compiled and digitized probably differs from the background imagery displayed on these maps. As a result, some minor shifting of map unit boundaries may be evident. Hydrologic Soil Group—Hamilton County, Indiana Natural Resources Conservation Service Web Soil Survey National Cooperative Soil Survey 3/15/2019 Page 2 of 4 Hydrologic Soil Group Map unit symbol Map unit name Rating Acres in AOI Percent of AOI Br Brookston silty clay loam, 0 to 2 percent slopes B/D 3.3 87.4% CrA Crosby silt loam, fine- loamy subsoil, 0 to 2 percent slopes C/D 0.5 12.5% MmB2 Miami silt loam, 2 to 6 percent slopes, eroded C 0.0 0.1% Totals for Area of Interest 3.7 100.0% Hydrologic Soil Group—Hamilton County, Indiana Natural Resources Conservation Service Web Soil Survey National Cooperative Soil Survey 3/15/2019 Page 3 of 4 Description Hydrologic soil groups are based on estimates of runoff potential. Soils are assigned to one of four groups according to the rate of water infiltration when the soils are not protected by vegetation, are thoroughly wet, and receive precipitation from long-duration storms. The soils in the United States are assigned to four groups (A, B, C, and D) and three dual classes (A/D, B/D, and C/D). The groups are defined as follows: Group A. Soils having a high infiltration rate (low runoff potential) when thoroughly wet. These consist mainly of deep, well drained to excessively drained sands or gravelly sands. These soils have a high rate of water transmission. Group B. Soils having a moderate infiltration rate when thoroughly wet. These consist chiefly of moderately deep or deep, moderately well drained or well drained soils that have moderately fine texture to moderately coarse texture. These soils have a moderate rate of water transmission. Group C. Soils having a slow infiltration rate when thoroughly wet. These consist chiefly of soils having a layer that impedes the downward movement of water or soils of moderately fine texture or fine texture. These soils have a slow rate of water transmission. Group D. Soils having a very slow infiltration rate (high runoff potential) when thoroughly wet. These consist chiefly of clays that have a high shrink-swell potential, soils that have a high water table, soils that have a claypan or clay layer at or near the surface, and soils that are shallow over nearly impervious material. These soils have a very slow rate of water transmission. If a soil is assigned to a dual hydrologic group (A/D, B/D, or C/D), the first letter is for drained areas and the second is for undrained areas. Only the soils that in their natural condition are in group D are assigned to dual classes. Rating Options Aggregation Method: Dominant Condition Component Percent Cutoff: None Specified Tie-break Rule: Higher Hydrologic Soil Group—Hamilton County, Indiana Natural Resources Conservation Service Web Soil Survey National Cooperative Soil Survey 3/15/2019 Page 4 of 4 2017.02968 APPENDIX B EXISTING DRAINAGE CONDITIONS PLOT DATE: 3/15/2019 12:41 PM DRAWING FILE: P:\2017\02968\D. Drawings\Civil\Exhibits\2019-03-14 - Drainage Exhibits\2017.02968.Drainage Exhibits.Existing Conditions.dwg Site Exhibit Existing Conditions 12166 N. Meridian St.March 15, 2019 2017.02968 0'40' NSCALE:1"=40' Carmel, Indiana Description:Carmel Hotel & Office DevelopmentEntity:Job #:Date:5/9/2018(Acres)CrA CUndevelopedThin Stand770.16Br CUndevelopedThin Stand771.09Totals = 1.25CN (weighted) =total product=Use CN =total area96.2577.077Wooded12.03125Wooded84.21875CN Area Product of CN x areaCover ConditionRunoff Curve Number CalculationJob InformationCity of Carmel2017.02968Basin:West BasinCN Calculation Method:Actual Soil GroupSite Condition:ExistingSoil Name and Hydrologic GroupArea Description Cover Description Description:Carmel Hotel & Office DevelopmentEntity:Job #:Date:5/9/2018(Acres)CFully DevelopedPaved/Rooftop980.16CFully DevelopedGood Condition (grass cover >75%)740.08CFully DevelopedPaved/Rooftop981.12CFully DevelopedGood Condition (grass cover >75%)740.54Totals = 1.89CN (weighted) =total product=Use CN =total area90.290170.478CrAImpervious15.6279375Open Space5.6818125BrImpervious109.3955625Open Space39.7726875Cover Condition CN Area Product of CN x areaCN Calculation Method:Actual Soil GroupSite Condition:ExistingSoil Name and Hydrologic GroupArea Description Cover DescriptionRunoff Curve Number CalculationJob InformationCity of Carmel2017.02968Basin:East Basin Project:By:NH Date:3/18/2019 Location:Checked:Date: Basin: Present X Developed - Tc X Tt -through subarea Sheet Flow Segment ID Surface description (Table 3-1)Unpaved Manning's roughness coeff., n (Table 3-1)0.03 Flow Length, L (L < 300 ft)ft 100 Rainfall Calculation Method Entity Rainfall Data Two-year 24-hr rainfall, P2 in 2.64 Land slope, s ft/ft 0.043 Tt = .007 (nL)0.8 hr 0.04 + + = 0.04 (P2)0.5s0.4 Shallow Concentrated Flow Segment ID Surface description, (paved or unpaved)Unpaved - - Flow length, L ft 185 - - Watercourse slope, s ft/ft 0.011 - - Average velocity, V (Figure 3-1) ft/s 1.69 - - Tt =L hr 0.03 + - + - = 0.03 3600 V Channel Flow Segment ID Channel Geometry -- - Discharge (cfs)-- - Diameter (ft)-- - Bottom Width (ft)-- - Side Slope (x:1) (ft)-- - Slope of Channel (ft)-- - Manning's Roughness Coefficient -- - Depth (ft)-- - Cross Sectional Area (ft2)-- - Wetted Perimeter (ft)-- - Hydraulic Radius (ft)-- - Velocity (ft/s)-- - Flow length, L ft -- - Tt =L hr - + - + - = 0.00 3600 V Watershed or subarea Tc or Tt hr 0.07 min 4.01 Time of Concentration (Tc) or Travel Time (Tt) Carmel Hotel & Office Development City of Carmel Existing West Project:By:NH Date:3/18/2019 Location:Checked:Date: Basin: Present X Developed - Tc X Tt -through subarea Sheet Flow Segment ID Surface description (Table 3-1)Paved Manning's roughness coeff., n (Table 3-1)0.015 Flow Length, L (L < 300 ft)ft 100 Rainfall Calculation Method Entity Rainfall Data Two-year 24-hr rainfall, P2 in 2.64 Land slope, s ft/ft 0.010 Tt = .007 (nL)0.8 hr 0.04 + + = 0.04 (P2)0.5s0.4 Shallow Concentrated Flow Segment ID Surface description, (paved or unpaved)Paved - - Flow length, L ft 351 - - Watercourse slope, s ft/ft 0.010 - - Average velocity, V (Figure 3-1) ft/s 2.03 - - Tt =L hr 0.05 + - + - = 0.05 3600 V Channel Flow Segment ID Channel Geometry -- - Discharge (cfs)-- - Diameter (ft)-- - Bottom Width (ft)-- - Side Slope (x:1) (ft)-- - Slope of Channel (ft)-- - Manning's Roughness Coefficient -- - Depth (ft)-- - Cross Sectional Area (ft2)-- - Wetted Perimeter (ft)-- - Hydraulic Radius (ft)-- - Velocity (ft/s)-- - Flow length, L ft -- - Tt =L hr - + - + - = 0.00 3600 V Watershed or subarea Tc or Tt hr 0.09 min 5.13 Time of Concentration (Tc) or Travel Time (Tt) Carmel Hotel & Office Development City of Carmel Existing East Existing Conditions Input 1 P:\2017\02968\C. Calcs_Data\Civil\Drainage\ICPR\2017.02968 - 2019-03-13\2017.02968-2019-03-15 Existing\3/15/2019 14:35 Manual Basin: East Basin Scenario:Scenario1 Node:East Outfall Hydrograph Method:NRCS Unit Hydrograph Infiltration Method:Curve Number Time of Concentration:5.0000 min Max Allowable Q:99999.00 cfs Time Shift:0.0000 hr Unit Hydrograph:UH484 Peaking Factor:484.0 Area [ac]Land Cover Zone Soil Zone Rainfall Name Crop Coeficient Zone Reference ET Station 1.8700 92 92 ~SCSII-24 Comment: Manual Basin: West Basin Scenario:Scenario1 Node:West Outfall Hydrograph Method:NRCS Unit Hydrograph Infiltration Method:Curve Number Time of Concentration:5.0000 min Max Allowable Q:99999.00 cfs Time Shift:0.0000 hr Unit Hydrograph:UH484 Peaking Factor:484.0 Area [ac]Land Cover Zone Soil Zone Rainfall Name Crop Coeficient Zone Reference ET Station 1.2700 83 83 ~SCSII-24 Comment: Node: East Outfall Scenario:Scenario1 Type:Time/Stage Base Flow:0.00 cfs Initial Stage:856.18 ft Warning Stage:856.19 ft Boundary Stage: Year Month Day Hour Stage [ft] 0 0 0 0.0000 856.18 0 0 0 99999.0000 856.18 Comment: Existing Conditions Input 2 P:\2017\02968\C. Calcs_Data\Civil\Drainage\ICPR\2017.02968 - 2019-03-13\2017.02968-2019-03-15 Existing\3/15/2019 14:35 Node: West Outfall Scenario:Scenario1 Type:Time/Stage Base Flow:0.00 cfs Initial Stage:856.18 ft Warning Stage:856.19 ft Boundary Stage: Year Month Day Hour Stage [ft] 0 0 0 0.0000 856.18 0 0 0 99999.0000 856.18 Comment: Simulation: 10 Scenario:Scenario1 Run Date/Time:3/15/2019 2:32:31 PM Program Version:ICPR4 4.04.00 General Run Mode:Normal Year Month Day Hour [hr] Start Time:0 0 0 0.0000 End Time:0 0 0 48.0000 Hydrology [sec]Surface Hydraulics [sec] Groundwater [sec] Min Calculation Time:60.0000 0.1000 800.0000 Max Calculation Time:30.0000 Output Time Increments Hydrology Year Month Day Hour [hr]Time Increment [min] 0 0 0 0.0000 5.0000 Surface Hydraulics Year Month Day Hour [hr]Time Increment [min] 0 0 0 0.0000 5.0000 Groundwater Year Month Day Hour [hr]Time Increment [min] 0 0 0 0.0000 360.0000 Existing Conditions Input 3 P:\2017\02968\C. Calcs_Data\Civil\Drainage\ICPR\2017.02968 - 2019-03-13\2017.02968-2019-03-15 Existing\3/15/2019 14:35 Restart File Save Restart:False Resources & Lookup Tables Resources Lookup Tables Rainfall Folder:ICPR4 Boundary Stage Set: Reference ET Folder:Extern Hydrograph Set: Unit Hydrograph Folder: ICPR4 Curve Number Set:Existing Green-Ampt Set: Vertical Layers Set: Impervious Set:Existing Roughness Set: Crop Coef Set: Fillable Porosity Set: Conductivity Set: Leakage Set: Tolerances & Options Time Marching:SAOR IA Recovery Time:24.0000 hr Max Iterations:6 ET for Manual Basins:False Over-Relax Weight Fact: 0.5 dec dZ Tolerance:0.0010 ft Manual Basin Rain Opt:Global Max dZ:1.0000 ft OF Region Rain Opt:Global Link Optimizer Tol:0.0001 ft Rainfall Name:~SCSII-24 Rainfall Amount:3.83 in Edge Length Option:Automatic Storm Duration:24.0000 hr Dflt Damping (2D):0.0050 ft Dflt Damping (1D):0.0050 ft Min Node Srf Area (2D): 100 ft2 Min Node Srf Area (1D): 100 ft2 Energy Switch (2D):Energy Energy Switch (1D):Energy Comment: Simulation: 100 Scenario:Scenario1 Run Date/Time:3/15/2019 2:32:46 PM Program Version:ICPR4 4.04.00 General Run Mode:Normal Existing Conditions Input 4 P:\2017\02968\C. Calcs_Data\Civil\Drainage\ICPR\2017.02968 - 2019-03-13\2017.02968-2019-03-15 Existing\3/15/2019 14:35 Year Month Day Hour [hr] Start Time:0 0 0 0.0000 End Time:0 0 0 48.0000 Hydrology [sec]Surface Hydraulics [sec] Groundwater [sec] Min Calculation Time:60.0000 0.1000 800.0000 Max Calculation Time:30.0000 Output Time Increments Hydrology Year Month Day Hour [hr]Time Increment [min] 0 0 0 0.0000 5.0000 Surface Hydraulics Year Month Day Hour [hr]Time Increment [min] 0 0 0 0.0000 5.0000 Groundwater Year Month Day Hour [hr]Time Increment [min] 0 0 0 0.0000 360.0000 Restart File Save Restart:False Resources & Lookup Tables Resources Lookup Tables Rainfall Folder:ICPR4 Boundary Stage Set: Reference ET Folder:Extern Hydrograph Set: Unit Hydrograph Folder: ICPR4 Curve Number Set:Existing Green-Ampt Set: Vertical Layers Set: Impervious Set:Existing Roughness Set: Crop Coef Set: Fillable Porosity Set: Conductivity Set: Leakage Set: Tolerances & Options Time Marching:SAOR IA Recovery Time:24.0000 hr Max Iterations:6 ET for Manual Basins:False Over-Relax Weight 0.5 dec Existing Conditions Input 5 P:\2017\02968\C. Calcs_Data\Civil\Drainage\ICPR\2017.02968 - 2019-03-13\2017.02968-2019-03-15 Existing\3/15/2019 14:35 Fact: dZ Tolerance:0.0010 ft Manual Basin Rain Opt:Global Max dZ:1.0000 ft OF Region Rain Opt:Global Link Optimizer Tol:0.0001 ft Rainfall Name:~SCSII-24 Rainfall Amount:6.46 in Edge Length Option:Automatic Storm Duration:24.0000 hr Dflt Damping (2D):0.0050 ft Dflt Damping (1D):0.0050 ft Min Node Srf Area (2D): 100 ft2 Min Node Srf Area (1D): 100 ft2 Energy Switch (2D):Energy Energy Switch (1D):Energy Comment: Existing Conditions Output 1 P:\2017\02968\C. Calcs_Data\Civil\Drainage\ICPR\2017.02968 - 2019-03-13\2017.02968-2019-03-15 Existing\3/15/2019 14:36 Node Max Conditions [Scenario1] Node Name Sim Name Warning Stage [ft] Max Stage [ft] Min/Max Delta Stage [ft] Max Total Inflow [cfs] Max Total Outflow [cfs] Max Surface Area [ft2] East Outfall 10 856.19 856.18 0.0000 7.58 0.00 0 West Outfall 10 856.19 856.18 0.0000 4.07 0.00 0 East Outfall 100 856.19 856.18 0.0000 13.49 0.00 0 West Outfall 100 856.19 856.18 0.0000 8.15 0.00 0 Description:Carmel Hotel & Office Development Reviewing Entity:City of Carmel Job #:2017.02968 Date:03/18/19 Duration Duration (min)(hr)2-Year 5-Year 10-Year 25-Year 50-Year 100-Year 5 0.083 4.63 5.43 6.12 7.17 8.09 9.12 10 0.167 3.95 4.63 5.22 6.12 6.90 7.78 30 0.5 2.46 2.88 3.25 3.81 4.29 4.84 60 1 1.54 1.80 2.03 2.38 2.68 3.03 120 2 0.83 0.95 1.11 1.37 1.60 1.87 180 3 0.59 0.72 0.84 1.04 1.22 1.42 360 6 0.35 0.43 0.50 0.62 0.72 0.85 720 12 0.20 0.24 0.29 0.35 0.41 0.48 1440 24 0.11 0.14 0.16 0.20 0.23 0.27 Duration Duration (min)(hr)2-Year 5-Year 10-Year 25-Year 50-Year 100-Year 5 0.083 0.39 0.45 0.51 0.60 0.67 0.76 10 0.167 0.66 0.77 0.87 1.02 1.15 1.30 30 0.5 1.23 1.44 1.63 1.91 2.15 2.42 60 1 1.54 1.80 2.03 2.38 2.68 3.03 120 2 1.66 1.90 2.22 2.74 3.20 3.74 180 3 1.77 2.16 2.52 3.12 3.66 4.26 360 6 2.10 2.58 3.00 3.72 4.32 5.10 720 12 2.40 2.88 3.48 4.20 4.92 5.76 1440 24 2.64 3.36 3.84 4.80 5.52 6.48 RAINFALL INTENSITIES & DEPTHS Frequency Rainfall Depth (in) Frequency Rainfall Intensity (in/hr) City of Carmel Data Job Information 2017.02968 APPENDIX C PROPOSED DRAINAGE CONDITIONS PLOT DATE: 3/18/2019 9:21 AM DRAWING FILE: P:\2017\02968\D. Drawings\Civil\Exhibits\2019-03-14 - Drainage Exhibits\2017.02968.Drainage Exhibits.Proposed Conditions.dwg Site Exhibit Proposed Conditions 12166 N. Meridian St.March 15, 2019 2017.02968 0'40' NSCALE:1"=40' Carmel, Indiana Description:Carmel Hotel & Office Development Entity: Job #: Date:5/9/2018 (Acres) C Fully Developed Good Condition (grass cover >75%)80 0.07 C Fully Developed Paved/Rooftop 98 0.26 C Fully Developed Good Condition (grass cover >75%)80 0.50 C Fully Developed Paved/Rooftop 98 1.83 Totals = 2.66 CN (weighted) =total product =Use CN = Runoff Curve Number Calculation Job Information City of Carmel 2017.02968 Basin:Site CN Calculation Method:Less Pervious Soil Group Than Actual Site Condition:Developed Soil Name and Hydrologic Group Area Description Cover Description Area Product of CN x areaCover Condition CN 94.2 94 250.492 CrA Open Space 5.66 Impervious 25.6515 Br Open Space 39.62 Impervious 179.5605 Description:Carmel Hotel & Office Development Entity: Job #: Date:5/9/2018 (Acres) C Fully Developed Good Condition (grass cover >75%)80 0.01 C Fully Developed Paved/Rooftop 98 0.04 C Fully Developed Good Condition (grass cover >75%)80 0.08 C Fully Developed Paved/Rooftop 98 0.30 Totals = 0.44 CN (weighted) =total product =Use CN = 41.392 94.1 94 CrA Open Space 0.96 Impervious 4.214 Br Open Space 6.72 Impervious 29.498 Cover Condition CN Area Product of CN x area CN Calculation Method:Less Pervious Soil Group Than Actual Site Condition:Developed Soil Name and Hydrologic Group Area Description Cover Description Runoff Curve Number Calculation Job Information City of Carmel 2017.02968 Basin:Offsite 1 P:\2017\02968\C. Calcs_Data\Civil\Drainage\ICPR\2017.02968 - 2019-03-13\2017.02968-2019-03-13\3/18/2019 08:59 Manual Basin: Site Scenario:Scenario1 Node:Underground Hydrograph Method:NRCS Unit Hydrograph Infiltration Method:Curve Number Time of Concentration:8.0000 min Max Allowable Q:99999.00 cfs Time Shift:0.0000 hr Unit Hydrograph:UH484 Peaking Factor:484.0 Area [ac]Land Cover Zone Soil Zone Rainfall Name Crop Coeficient Zone Reference ET Station 1.9900 Impervious D ~SCSII-24 0.5070 Pervious D ~SCSII-24 Comment: All site that will be collected and detained by our system Node: Dry Pond North Scenario:Scenario1 Type:Stage/Area Base Flow:0.00 cfs Initial Stage:857.40 ft Warning Stage:861.20 ft Stage [ft]Area [ac]Area [ft2] 857.40 0.0000 0 858.00 0.0320 1394 859.00 0.0690 3006 860.00 0.0710 3093 861.00 0.0730 3180 862.00 0.0750 3267 862.70 0.0760 3311 Comment: Node: Dry Pond South Scenario:Scenario1 Type:Stage/Area Base Flow:0.00 cfs Initial Stage:856.40 ft Warning Stage:861.20 ft Stage [ft]Area [ac]Area [ft2] 856.40 0.0000 0 857.00 0.0180 784 2 P:\2017\02968\C. Calcs_Data\Civil\Drainage\ICPR\2017.02968 - 2019-03-13\2017.02968-2019-03-13\3/18/2019 08:59 Stage [ft]Area [ac]Area [ft2] 858.00 0.0230 1002 859.00 0.0250 1089 860.00 0.0260 1133 861.00 0.0270 1176 862.00 0.0290 1263 862.70 0.0295 1285 Comment: Node: Manhole Scenario:Scenario1 Type:Stage/Area Base Flow:0.00 cfs Initial Stage:857.40 ft Warning Stage:861.20 ft Stage [ft]Area [ac]Area [ft2] 857.40 0.0000 0 864.00 0.0000 0 Comment: Node: Offsite Scenario:Scenario1 Type:Time/Stage Base Flow:0.00 cfs Initial Stage:856.28 ft Warning Stage:856.29 ft Boundary Stage: Year Month Day Hour Stage [ft] 0 0 0 0.0000 856.28 0 0 0 99999.0000 856.28 Comment: Node: Underground Scenario:Scenario1 Type:Stage/Volume Base Flow:0.00 cfs Initial Stage:857.40 ft 3 P:\2017\02968\C. Calcs_Data\Civil\Drainage\ICPR\2017.02968 - 2019-03-13\2017.02968-2019-03-13\3/18/2019 08:59 Warning Stage:859.23 ft Stage [ft]Volume [ac-ft]Volume [ft3] 857.40 0.00 0 858.40 0.39 16901 859.23 0.60 26180 860.00 0.60 26180 861.00 0.60 26180 862.00 0.60 26180 863.00 0.60 26180 Comment: Pipe Link: L-0030P Scenario:Scenario1 From Node:Dry Pond North To Node:Manhole Link Count:1 Flow Direction:Both Damping:0.0000 ft Length:30.00 ft FHWA Code:1 Entr Loss Coef:0.00 Exit Loss Coef:0.00 Bend Loss Coef:0.00 Bend Location:0.00 ft Energy Switch:Energy Upstream Downstream Invert:857.40 ft Invert:857.40 ft Manning's N:0.0130 Manning's N:0.0130 Geometry: Circular Geometry: Circular Max Depth:1.00 ft Max Depth:1.00 ft Bottom Clip Default:0.00 ft Default:0.00 ft Op Table:Op Table: Ref Node:Ref Node: Manning's N:0.0130 Manning's N:0.0130 Top Clip Default:0.00 ft Default:0.00 ft Op Table:Op Table: Ref Node:Ref Node: Manning's N:0.0130 Manning's N:0.0130 Comment: Pipe Link: L-0040P Scenario:Scenario1 From Node:Manhole To Node:Dry Pond South Link Count:1 Flow Direction:Both Damping:0.0000 ft Length:39.00 ft FHWA Code:1 Entr Loss Coef:0.00 Exit Loss Coef:0.00 Bend Loss Coef:0.00 Bend Location:0.00 ft Energy Switch:Energy Upstream Downstream Invert:857.40 ft Invert:857.40 ft Manning's N:0.0130 Manning's N:0.0130 Geometry: Circular Geometry: Circular Max Depth:1.00 ft Max Depth:1.00 ft Bottom Clip Default:0.00 ft Default:0.00 ft Op Table:Op Table: Ref Node:Ref Node: Manning's N:0.0130 Manning's N:0.0130 Top Clip Default:0.00 ft Default:0.00 ft Op Table:Op Table: Ref Node:Ref Node: Manning's N:0.1300 Manning's N:0.0130 4 P:\2017\02968\C. Calcs_Data\Civil\Drainage\ICPR\2017.02968 - 2019-03-13\2017.02968-2019-03-13\3/18/2019 08:59 Comment: Drop Structure Link: L-0050DS Scenario:Scenario1 From Node:Dry Pond South To Node:Offsite Link Count:1 Flow Direction:Both Solution:Split Pipe Count:1 Damping:0.0000 ft Length:21.00 ft FHWA Code:1 Entr Loss Coef:0.00 Exit Loss Coef:0.00 Bend Loss Coef:0.00 Bend Location:0.00 ft Energy Switch:Energy Upstream Pipe Downstream Pipe Invert:856.40 ft Invert:856.28 ft Manning's N:0.0130 Manning's N:0.0130 Geometry: Circular Geometry: Circular Max Depth:1.00 ft Max Depth:1.00 ft Bottom Clip Default:0.00 ft Default:0.00 ft Op Table:Op Table: Ref Node:Ref Node: Manning's N:0.0000 Manning's N:0.0000 Top Clip Default:0.00 ft Default:0.00 ft Op Table:Op Table: Ref Node:Ref Node: Manning's N:0.0000 Manning's N:0.0000 Pipe Comment: Weir Component Weir:1 Weir Count:1 Weir Flow Direction:Both Damping:0.0000 ft Weir Type:Sharp Crested Vertical Geometry Type:Circular Invert:856.40 ft Control Elevation:856.40 ft Max Depth:0.19 ft Bottom Clip Default:0.00 ft Op Table: Ref Node: Top Clip Default:0.00 ft Op Table: Ref Node: Discharge Coefficients Weir Default:3.200 Weir Table: Orifice Default:0.600 Orifice Table: Weir Comment: Weir Component Weir:2 Weir Count:1 Weir Flow Direction:Both Damping:0.0000 ft Weir Type:Sharp Crested Vertical Geometry Type:Circular Invert:858.60 ft Control Elevation:858.60 ft Max Depth:0.29 ft Bottom Clip Default:0.00 ft Op Table: Ref Node: Top Clip Default:0.00 ft Op Table: Ref Node: Discharge Coefficients Weir Default:3.200 5 P:\2017\02968\C. Calcs_Data\Civil\Drainage\ICPR\2017.02968 - 2019-03-13\2017.02968-2019-03-13\3/18/2019 08:59 Weir Table: Orifice Default:0.600 Orifice Table: Weir Comment: Drop Structure Comment: Pipe Link: L-0060P Scenario:Scenario1 From Node:Underground To Node:Manhole Link Count:1 Flow Direction:Both Damping:0.0000 ft Length:30.00 ft FHWA Code:1 Entr Loss Coef:0.00 Exit Loss Coef:0.00 Bend Loss Coef:0.00 Bend Location:0.00 ft Energy Switch:Energy Upstream Downstream Invert:857.40 ft Invert:857.40 ft Manning's N:0.0130 Manning's N:0.0130 Geometry: Circular Geometry: Circular Max Depth:1.00 ft Max Depth:1.00 ft Bottom Clip Default:0.00 ft Default:0.00 ft Op Table:Op Table: Ref Node:Ref Node: Manning's N:0.0130 Manning's N:0.1300 Top Clip Default:0.00 ft Default:0.00 ft Op Table:Op Table: Ref Node:Ref Node: Manning's N:0.0130 Manning's N:0.1300 Comment: Simulation: 10 Year Scenario:Scenario1 Run Date/Time:3/14/2019 12:22:18 PM Program Version:ICPR4 4.04.00 General Run Mode:Normal Year Month Day Hour [hr] Start Time:0 0 0 0.0000 End Time:0 0 0 48.0000 Hydrology [sec]Surface Hydraulics [sec] Groundwater [sec] Min Calculation Time:60.0000 0.1000 800.0000 Max Calculation Time:48.0000 Output Time Increments Hydrology 6 P:\2017\02968\C. Calcs_Data\Civil\Drainage\ICPR\2017.02968 - 2019-03-13\2017.02968-2019-03-13\3/18/2019 08:59 Year Month Day Hour [hr]Time Increment [min] 0 0 0 0.0000 15.0000 Surface Hydraulics Year Month Day Hour [hr]Time Increment [min] 0 0 0 0.0000 15.0000 Groundwater Year Month Day Hour [hr]Time Increment [min] 0 0 0 0.0000 360.0000 Restart File Save Restart:False Resources & Lookup Tables Resources Lookup Tables Rainfall Folder:ICPR4 Boundary Stage Set: Reference ET Folder:Extern Hydrograph Set: Unit Hydrograph Folder: ICPR4 Curve Number Set:Proposed Green-Ampt Set: Vertical Layers Set: Impervious Set:Proposed Roughness Set: Crop Coef Set: Fillable Porosity Set: Conductivity Set: Leakage Set: Tolerances & Options Time Marching:SAOR IA Recovery Time:24.0000 hr Max Iterations:6 ET for Manual Basins:False Over-Relax Weight Fact: 0.5 dec dZ Tolerance:0.0010 ft Manual Basin Rain Opt:Global Max dZ:1.0000 ft OF Region Rain Opt:Global Link Optimizer Tol:0.0001 ft Rainfall Name:~SCSII-24 Rainfall Amount:3.83 in Edge Length Option:Automatic Storm Duration:24.0000 hr Dflt Damping (2D):0.0050 ft Dflt Damping (1D):0.0050 ft Min Node Srf Area (2D): 100 ft2 Min Node Srf Area (1D): 100 ft2 Energy Switch (2D):Energy Energy Switch (1D):Energy 7 P:\2017\02968\C. Calcs_Data\Civil\Drainage\ICPR\2017.02968 - 2019-03-13\2017.02968-2019-03-13\3/18/2019 08:59 Comment: Simulation: 100 Year Scenario:Scenario1 Run Date/Time:3/14/2019 12:22:30 PM Program Version:ICPR4 4.04.00 General Run Mode:Normal Year Month Day Hour [hr] Start Time:0 0 0 0.0000 End Time:0 0 0 48.0000 Hydrology [sec]Surface Hydraulics [sec] Groundwater [sec] Min Calculation Time:60.0000 0.1000 800.0000 Max Calculation Time:48.0000 Output Time Increments Hydrology Year Month Day Hour [hr]Time Increment [min] 0 0 0 0.0000 5.0000 Surface Hydraulics Year Month Day Hour [hr]Time Increment [min] 0 0 0 0.0000 5.0000 Groundwater Year Month Day Hour [hr]Time Increment [min] 0 0 0 0.0000 360.0000 Restart File Save Restart:False Resources & Lookup Tables Resources Lookup Tables Rainfall Folder:ICPR4 Boundary Stage Set: Reference ET Folder:Extern Hydrograph Set: Unit Hydrograph Folder: ICPR4 Curve Number Set:Proposed Green-Ampt Set: 8 P:\2017\02968\C. Calcs_Data\Civil\Drainage\ICPR\2017.02968 - 2019-03-13\2017.02968-2019-03-13\3/18/2019 08:59 Vertical Layers Set: Impervious Set:Proposed Roughness Set: Crop Coef Set: Fillable Porosity Set: Conductivity Set: Leakage Set: Tolerances & Options Time Marching:SAOR IA Recovery Time:24.0000 hr Max Iterations:6 ET for Manual Basins:False Over-Relax Weight Fact: 0.5 dec dZ Tolerance:0.0010 ft Manual Basin Rain Opt:Global Max dZ:1.0000 ft OF Region Rain Opt:Global Link Optimizer Tol:0.0001 ft Rainfall Name:~SCSII-24 Rainfall Amount:6.46 in Edge Length Option:Automatic Storm Duration:24.0000 hr Dflt Damping (2D):0.0050 ft Dflt Damping (1D):0.0050 ft Min Node Srf Area (2D): 100 ft2 Min Node Srf Area (1D): 100 ft2 Energy Switch (2D):Energy Energy Switch (1D):Energy Comment: 1 P:\2017\02968\C. Calcs_Data\Civil\Drainage\ICPR\2017.02968 - 2019-03-13\2017.02968-2019-03-13\3/18/2019 09:00 Node Max Conditions [Scenario1] Node Name Sim Name Warning Stage [ft] Max Stage [ft] Min/Max Delta Stage [ft] Max Total Inflow [cfs] Max Total Outflow [cfs] Max Surface Area [ft2] Dry Pond North 10 Year 861.20 858.56 0.0010 0.83 0.14 2294 Dry Pond South 10 Year 861.20 858.56 0.0010 1.46 0.18 1051 Manhole 10 Year 861.20 858.56 0.0010 2.01 1.96 100 Offsite 10 Year 856.29 856.28 0.0000 0.18 0.00 0 Underground 10 Year 859.23 858.56 0.0010 9.90 2.01 19763 Dry Pond North 100 Year 861.20 860.09 0.0010 2.60 0.29 3101 Dry Pond South 100 Year 861.20 860.08 0.0010 1.46 0.61 1136 Manhole 100 Year 861.20 860.09 0.0010 4.13 4.04 100 Offsite 100 Year 856.29 856.28 0.0000 0.61 0.00 0 Underground 100 Year 859.23 860.10 0.0010 17.41 4.13 19763 2017.02968 APPENDIX D STORM SEWER CALCULATIONS PLOT DATE: 3/18/2019 9:24 AM DRAWING FILE: P:\2017\02968\D. Drawings\Civil\Exhibits\2019-03-14 - Drainage Exhibits\2017.02968.Drainage Exhibits.Storm Basins.dwg Site Exhibit Storm Basins 12166 N. Meridian St.March 15, 2019 2017.02968 0'40' NSCALE:1"=40' Carmel, Indiana Description:Carmel Hotel & Office DevelopmentEntity:City of CarmelJob #:2018.00181Date:3/18/2019croof0.9cgrass0.3cpavement0.9AroofAgrassApavementArea(ac)(ac)(ac)(ac)100 100 0.000 0.068 0.4730.54 - 0.02 0.43 0.82101 101 0.000 0.031 0.2600.29 - 0.01 0.23 0.84102 102 0.000 0.108 0.6090.72 - 0.03 0.55 0.81R1001000.2500.0000.0000.250.23--0.90R1011030.3430.0000.0000.340.31--0.90PROPOSED STORM SEWER SYSTEM RUNOFF COEFFICIENT CALCULATIONJob InformationBasin Str. No.(c*A)roof(c*A)grass(c*A)pavementComposite c Description:Carmel Hotel & Office DevelopmentReviewing Entity:Job #:Date:10-yr- - -Entity Data- --Invert Drop0INLETCASTING TO INLETCASTING INLETc AREA c AREA INLET CASTING CUM. cA Tc Tcum CASTING INLET CASTING INLET Q CUM. QU.S. D.S. U.S. D.S. U.S. D.S(ft)(acres)(acres)(min)(min)(CFS)(CFS)(inches)(%)(cfs)(%)(ft/sec)(ft)(ft/sec)(min)(ft)(ft)(ft)(ft)(ft)(ft)100 1018.00RCP 0.82 0.54 0.98 0.250.69 0.44 0.695.005.00 - - 6.12 6.12 2.71 4.2118 0.200.013 4.70 90% 2.66 1.11 3.01 0.05862.15862.15 858.03 858.02 2.41 2.42101 102130.00RCP 0.84 0.29 - -0.24 0.24 0.935.005.05 - - 6.12 6.11 1.49 5.6921 0.200.013 7.09 80% 2.95 1.19 3.28 0.74862.15862.15 858.02 857.76 2.15 2.41102 10314.00 RCP 0.81 0.72 - -0.58 0.58 1.515.005.79 - - 6.12 5.98 3.57 9.0524 0.200.013 10.12 89% 3.22 1.48 3.64 0.07862.15- 857.76 857.73 2.14 -110 11152.00 RCP 0.76 0.70 - -0.53 0.53 0.535.005.00 - - 6.12 6.12 3.26 3.2618 1.070.013 10.87 30% 6.15 0.56 5.37 0.14-- 860.06 859.50 - -120 12124.00 RCP - - - -- - --0.00 - - - - - 0.6112 0.510.013 2.54 24% 3.24 0.33 2.66 0.12-- 856.40 856.28 - -130 13149.00 RCP 0.76 0.700.53 0.53 0.535.005.00 - - 6.12 6.12 3.26 4.3318 0.210.013 4.81 90% 2.72 1.11 3.08 0.30-- 856.28 856.18 - -LENGTHiFLOW DEPTHFLOW VELOCITYELEV.FULL FLOW VELOCITYCAPACITY UTILIZATIONMANNING'S N(in/hr)DIRECT TO INLETP+A1:AH34ROPOSED STORM SEWER SYSTEM STORM SEWER DESIGN TABLE - RATIONAL METHODJob InformationCity of Carmel2017.02968INVERTRIMENTITY DATAiPIPE DIAMETERPIPE SLOPEELEV. FULL PIPE CAPACITYTRAVEL TIMECOVER0.61 from Outlet Control03/18/19(in/hr)CHEN'S METHODOffsite RunnoffDesign Storm:TO STR.DIRECT TO CASTINGPIPE MATERIALDesign ParametersIntensity Calculation Method:cAInvert Calculation Method:FLOWSTR.Drop Amount: Description:Carmel Hotel & Office DevelopmentEntity:City of CarmelJob #:2017.02968Date:03/18/1910-yr100-yrPond Discharge 4.39Entity Data(dc+D)/2Structure Coefficient(ft)(ft)(ft)(ft)(min)(in/hr)(cfs)(in.)%(sq. ft)(ft.)(ft.)(ft.)(ft)(ft/s)(ft)(ft)(ft/s)(ft.)(ft.)(ft.)(ft.)(ft/s)(ft)(ft)(ft)(ft.)(ft.)(ft.)101 100 858.02 859.52 859.25 860.15 5.00 9.12 6.27 18 0.20 1.767 4.712 0.375 1.500 0.968 3.55 8 0.013 0.028 - 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 - 1.25 3.53 - 0.245 0.273 860.42 862.15 859.53102 101 857.76 859.51 859.17 859.77 5.05 9.11 8.48 21 0.20 2.405 5.498 0.438 1.750 1.081 3.53 130 0.013 0.370 3.55 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 - 0.50 4.29 - 0.001 0.372 860.15 862.15 859.77103 102 857.73 859.73 859.39 859.39 5.79 8.91 13.49 24 0.20 3.142 6.283 0.500 2.000 1.322 4.29 14 0.013 0.050 3.53 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 1.00 0.50 - 0.286 0.047 0.383 859.77 862.15 859.76Intensity Calculation Method:Starting Elevation:Calculation Method:INTENSITYPROPOSED STORM SEWER SYSTEM HYDRAULIC GRADE LINE CALCULATIONSJob InformationDesign ParametersDesign Storm:D.S. STR. U.S. STR.D.S. INV. ELEV.D.S. CROWN ELEV.CRITICAL DEPTH(dc+D)/2 ELEV.STARTING ELEV. Tc ENTITY DATAUPSTREAM MAXIMUM INFLUENT VELOCITYFLOW DIAMETER SLOPE AREAWETTED PERIMETERHYDRAULIC RADIUSFLOW DEPTH VELOCITY LENGTH MANNING'S NFRICTION LOSS"A" LOSS "B" LOSS "C" LOSSTOTAL LOSSU.S. HGL ELEV.U.S. STR. CROWN"D" LOSSOUTLET STRUCTURE COEFFICIENTUPSTREAM STRUCTURE COEFFICIENTEFFLUENT PIPE VELOCITYOUTLET STRUCTURE LOSSUPSTREAM STRUCTURE LOSSU.S. STR. TOR Job Information Description: Reviewing Entity:City of Carmel Job #:2017.02968 Date:07/30/18 10-yr 50% Entity Data SPECIFIED SPECIFIED PIPE STRUCTURE CASTING CASTING CASTING ENTITY DATA CASTING ORIFICE FLOW WEIR FLOW PONDING DEPTH STR. STRUCTURE CASTING COVER DEPTH c A Tc i FLOW DEPTH DEPTH NO. TYPE TYPE (ft) (ft) (acres) (min) (in/hr) (cfs) (ft) (ft) (ft) 100 TYPE "C" MANHOLE R-3287-15 2.41 4.12 0.82 0.54 5.00 6.12 2.71 0.10 0.41 0.41 101 TYPE ''M'' INLET R-3287-SB10 2.15 4.13 0.84 0.29 5.00 6.12 1.49 0.17 0.32 0.32 102 TYPE ''M'' INLET R-3455-C 2.14 4.39 0.81 0.72 5.00 6.12 3.57 0.33 0.38 0.38 Design Parameters Design Storm: PROPOSED STORM SEWER SYSTEM ORIFICE FLOW CASTING CAPACITY CALCULATIONS Clogging (%): Carmel Hotel & Office Development Intensity Calculation Method: 2017.02968 APPENDIX E BMP CALCULATIONS Description:Carmel Hotel & Office Development Reviewing Entity: Job #: Date:03/18/19 CNwq= PARAMETERS P =1 (in.) Pervious Area 0.21 Impervious Area 1.94 Area 2.14 I = 90% (%) Rv = 0.86302521 Qa=0.86 (in.) CALCULATED CNwq CNwq =99 1000 [10+5P+10Qa-10(Qa2+1.25Qa(P))1/2] PROPOSED STORMWATER SYSTEM WATER QUALITY CURVE NUMBER Job Information City of Carmel 2017.02968 Type II 24-hr WQ Rainfall=1.00"2017.02968.Proposed WQ 03-18-19 Printed 3/18/2019Prepared by American Structurepoint Page 1HydroCAD® 10.00-22 s/n 00818 © 2018 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Summary for Subcatchment WQ: Aqua Swirl Calc Runoff = 2.79 cfs @ 11.99 hrs, Volume= 0.158 af, Depth= 0.89" Runoff by SCS TR-20 method, UH=SCS, Weighted-CN, Time Span= 0.00-72.00 hrs, dt= 0.01 hrs Type II 24-hr WQ Rainfall=1.00" Area (ac) CN Description * 2.140 99 2.140 100.00% Impervious Area Tc Length Slope Velocity Capacity Description (min) (feet) (ft/ft) (ft/sec) (cfs) 8.0 Direct Entry, Subcatchment WQ: Aqua Swirl Calc Runoff Hydrograph Time (hours) 727068666462605856545250484644424038363432302826242220181614121086420Flow (cfs)3 2 1 0 Type II 24-hr WQ Rainfall=1.00" Runoff Area=2.140 ac Runoff Volume=0.158 af Runoff Depth=0.89" Tc=8.0 min CN=99 2.79 cfs City of Indianapolis Stormwater Quality Unit (SQU) Selection Guide Pg. 2 01/02/19 Version 13.0 Manufactured SQU SQU System Model Max Treatment Flow (cfs) Max 10-yr On-Line Flow Rate (cfs) Cleanout Depth (Inches) 9000 7.59 N/A 30 11000 9.88 N/A 30 16000 15.59 N/A 30 PC1319 or 1319 CIP 19.04 N/A 30 PC1421 or 1421 CIP 22.92 N/A 30 1522 CIP 27.23 N/A 30 1624 CIP 32.00 N/A 30 1726 CIP 37.24 N/A 30 1827 CIP 42.96 N/A 30 1929 CIP 49.17 N/A 30 2030 CIP 55.90 N/A 30 2131 CIP 63.15 N/A 30 2233 CIP 70.94 N/A 30 2334 CIP 79.28 N/A 30 2436 CIP 88.18 N/A 30 2538 CIP 97.66 N/A 30 2639 CIP 107.72 N/A 30 2740 CIP 118.37 N/A 30 2842 CIP 129.64 N/A 30 2943 CIP 141.53 N/A 30 3045 CIP 154.05 N/A 30 3146 CIP 167.21 N/A 30 3349 CIP 195.49 N/A 30 3958 CIP 296.83 N/A 30 4060 CIP 316.23 N/A 30 Aqua-Swirl™ 2,3 AS-2 0.26 N/A 24 AS-3 0.50 N/A 32 AS-4 0.98 N/A 32 AS-5 1.47 N/A 32 AS-6 2.32 N/A 32 AS-7 3.40 N/A 32 AS-8 4.75 N/A 32 AS-9 6.38 N/A 32 AS-10 8.30 N/A 32 AS-11 10.54 N/A 32 AS-12 13.10 N/A 32 AS-13 16.00 N/A 32