HomeMy WebLinkAboutCrooked Stick Estates Covenants, Conditions, and RestrictionsDECLARADON OF COVENANTS, CONDITIONS AND RFSTMCTIONS AND
OPCROOK FA) STICK r.s•r�►� r. �llBDI�'ISIO�T
Inswment No- f' ill rcfereaice plat ingr rnoit m mbcr h ]
STICK ESTAT14"g SUBDrVISION (''D+eclaratiOn") was made as of the date scl fQtO below_
VVjMR F_A S', Crookcd Sliolci :.states is ancxMtiingr&id€ridal subd)visionin HaonilW County,
lvdia3la, consisli ol`seVcn fiOOS, the PUS Ofwhlch are nn rym Wifularly dnscriW in ExLbit A
attached hcxlo and made a part httreof (the "Subdivision" ; aml
WJJFAEAS, the o6glnal develuper of the Subdivision incur tc�l the Crocked Slir*
Owners Associ,atiun, Inc. C'Association" ), which has been delegated " a_s iced the powers of
mainu nirg and admixtiistcring the %ubdivisson 8md adrrlinisteriq amr for+cin ttrc wveckant3 and
Jr,S( iot On'.; Contained 10 tha- plats of tfte Sub&Visian rcpor i in the off'" of the Re.aordcr of
RmIlron County, Indiana-, and
WHET A'S,, the Plats, as rIA-M-ncad more speCxfC;a11Y in Exhibit hereto, ooatam ot�rtako
covenants and restrictions Vmbewi.njc.;' the Subdivis'ion, vrhiclt art biodin; as to all pxopeXq and
owners within the Subdivision l "tt a Flat Covcnark&-, and
WHEREAS, [ndiana Code 32-25_5-3-9 pravid that a hamcown-tr, arsociation in.usL be
permittDd to amend its governing dents at my xime, and
wRF-REAS, want to Indiana Code §32=25 -.i- , the Plat luovena3.ts may be ar uunded
by (he affirtrativc vote of r►rrt Eels ffim e -five pf-T eat (751%) of the 0�xxats in the Crooked
Stick EsWe-.; ubdivisiorti; and
WHEREAS, irk tftie 'merest cf Gnair, hun a hesive, uniform and aest7Ietically pleasing
cornmunit', at list seventy=five patent [75/&) of the owrwm of lots m the Subdivision dcsizc �
create and memorialize in this Declaration ccr�mn csWI ants, 000t3itions and restrictions relaLingto
the rmanag ent and option of tlic Su ivkim, the adro_ino lion and cnt+�n nmt of such
vwants, conditiuns and restrictions, and cyolbxtion wKi dishursement Of& ments and expenses
as herein pNvid,ed, and
WHEREAS, at [east sevcrtlky-fjve petceij# 5%) of the owners of l in the Subdivision
agree that the Plod Covmmts shall be a,nended and consolidated into this Declmation, so &A upon
the recording of this Declaration, the Declamtioa3hall supersodc the Plat Covewnts and seavoasthe
ntirrsetofcovonantts,z,~strictions and Qoaditims governing ihoC kedStickalat ubdivisiam
NW THRRI:..F4}Ri;, the o ncrsofat lust seventy-five rer t (75%)-of thc owueas Ics
in Crooked Sta Fstates hemby dmlm that all Lots (dcfine�i here -in) are and shali be hcK
ITam&n-cd, sold, conveyed, hypulWc , emurnbeeo l.leased, rente&used, iniprovedand orXup10d
Subicef to the follolhing provisions, agreements. cov nantc, conditions, re3tric6o lx o=s,
asssss m s, charges and I iens, whia,h shall nm with the land and each Lot and steal I be "ing upon,
md inurc to the benefit of the Ovmers (Oo ii herein) and arry other person or entity her flcr
"airing or having any right title or intmst in the Lot.
1 HANfrlt11v
The following leans, whein used in this DmIaration 104ilh initial coital to , SbW1love the
following respcetive meanings,
Se- tGon l . i. "Association," me -am C'mokesd Stitt€ OwnM Aw- odadon, Inc., -an huliananon-
profitc.orpom0n, its smon yard assigns_
Section 11. "Lot" nw-ans all nurr betod rKmvls of hind shown and identified as a lot on
any Flat at the Subdivision now or hereafter rr rdW 331 the oJjx of the Rocorder of Hamilton
County, Tridiama. If a DWcllirtg Urdt is constnicted (m a p�wt of mrrc than one Tot, them for
purposes of this D=Jaration the term Lot shal l enEean and ipoludc ull portions of the land 11t irA
cone7ectioo with a mijc Dwelling Unit
Section 1.3 _ "Comm -unity ,A_r " or �Conmioa Areas" meant ail pcvticos of the
Subdivision shown on any recorded subdivision Plat, which are not dodicated to the pkiblii� and
which are nisi idan ifxed as Lots on any such flat;
Sec6oa IA "Mortgagee" means the holder of rwurdcd first morLgage lien ort any L..
Sccdon 1.5_ " Ope,- tngUperises" mean (i) expemesOfadministration ofthe As cii3 ion,
(u) expenses of and i a connection with the perf�rr :c of the rcspon.&NIfties arici duties of the
Association as sit I-Odh h Tain, in the Articles of incorpora[i , and in the Nat Covenants and
Commitmcnts, incRidin tht-, of t1w Plat Covenants (iii) .11 sums dcclarad by this
Declaration to be Operating Expeaises; aA (iv) all wst3 inceured by the Association (a) to prom
dw health, saky and we farc of ffic rm'&nts occupyiOg the Subdivision, (b) for the i mpmvcment,
maiutcnance and repair oftbt� (`Qmmunity Area: (c) for the pe er)rmmuc of the nnpo tisiNities and
dk4Qfthc Asmciation, ard(d) for seroh otharpLeepGes as are speiYICAlyarothcrvrisealloca1Zd in
a reserve foul for the purpose of providing repair and mplac=nt of any capita impmvcments
which the Assoriawn is rcqinred to maintain.
Section IA "Own me*ms the record avaner, wltietht-,r r)nv or mare paSansofentities,of
fen -Simple tiflc to any Lot_ "{lwner" shall include any personaNtUrii7nt4leto aUtbyacrucptairceot`
a dsed conve)bg title Owreto, brit exclude these hang an intcrest mealy as '�. ty for the
peaformae of *a exhli�aiie}n unless sp�aLeally in
r�dicated to the contrary,
ctian 1.7- "plat Cov"ants" m sanyand all wvcuAM orcommxtjnents appearing -on
any Flgts of the SuMivisie}m referred to irti Exhibif A hereto or contained in any supf,lemenfal
covenzos or ffimitm.�nts row or honBafLT 1,eWrded in the office of the Rceorder of Hamiltari
County, Indiana- Said Plat Covemmm arc idnc;arparated her6n by rcferenoe.
Sec€ion 1.$- tr eta" means 4be- portion oftbe Subdivisiondcsignatedon aoy Plats ofthe
Subdivisioanowor hcceaftermom-00l inthc al-fice oif th Reomderofl)laa�'iilton Ccxuxtty, Udi�sa�a
irublic or private skr.et, road or ngbt-of-w�'Y-
Section 1-9- "Dwelling Unit" shall mean and refer to any buildiM- structure~ hwsnc c+r
poaCtion thcrrof situated in the Subdivision dcsi pied and int ded for use and oce:upamy as a
r idenec:
The name, by which the Subdavisirm shall he kwwn is "C okcd Stick Estates".
All Ovuner, their tcna ts� pcsts, invitees Aud fnort ee-s, or any offer peFson USIQ of
Cupyinu a Lot shall be subaeGt to aad shall obs, . -ve and cermply with thte t.ovu ants, condit1cm,
m6ctions,, tcnmsand pruvisiom sell forth in this: Nclaration, and any Acs and r-egnlatiomadoptcd
by the Assoc iatinri as th1 , swAc may be ainendrd fi om time to t;me-
The ()caner of my Lot and al t other persart&, by a=PW'cc'Of a dead conveying title lu ;�
Lot or tht execution of a Contract for the purrkka5;e thereof,.Or (ii) by the act of oce upancy of such LAA,
steal] Conelusivclybedeemcd ur havo:aQwPteAsuchdcd, executed suchccFntra (rrt jrtakm! ueh
upancy subject to the terrns arW pm visions ol-this I cclwation- By aczePtmu�c of such do: da
execukifarr j)f such cnnt=t or unatmaking of such occgAncy, each Ovmer and all E)ther persons
ackAowlcdgT the ri.,gYhts arafi powers of the. Assaciatioi) grovidcd for 4 tlns Declamtion, and fOr
himself, W s heirs, p scrn l rcpzesentatives, sueccssors and asssips, covenant, agree and ccaamt to
and wish the Owners froru time to time of the llxu to k , observe, cornply with and perform the
covenants, mnditivns, restrictiow, terms and prm-sions of this De t+ on-
Sction4_1_ Me bershiv_ huh Owrnr, upon acceptance of a deed to a Ut in the
Subdivision, shall mi mtnatical [y bill &W bewrnc a nzmbcr of the Association and shad i mrnai n a
member of the A-mmlaibo st) f=g hcorshe owns a Lot. 1+ r:a1 ership.eaJI beappurt to.�m�
miry neat be separated from ownership of €Uty Lot_
e+.:tickja 4-2. Multiular orEntity ztcrs. Whue more than one.rA�Mon or co(ity conEititites
the Ownex of a! partiealar l.ot, all such pcvsoos or entities shall be members ofth,e Aswua lc n, bul
the vote ig respect of such. Lot shall be exercised as th& perwmQrrzntitieslaoldmz an ii=estinsuch
L % shall Clete mi-nav among ffi=cJves4 but in no event ghali more than Cu]- (l) vote be cast with
revert tl> sach W.
Section _3 _ Board _c, Liroctom The A-sm i tion shall elect a Board of Directors o� tht�
Assmmbon as prescribed by the Ass[)CEatirrae's A3rtKlesvl- hwrporationand By -Laws, The Pward of
Dire tors of the Association shall manage the affairs of the Assmj.at-min =�twr arwc with Ehe
Amz ciaticm's Articles Of hicorpoTation and By -Laws.
Scction 4A. Remonsibilitics of the Associatia,w_ The res�nsibilitics of the Association
include those piewdbO bythe A6sccia#iam'sArticles-of 4Kwporadon arrd Fay-l.�ws�wd may further
include, at the sinle election of the . � of Dilrccturs of the Associa7on, the Nlowwg.
(a) aetal.] ion, maintenance, replacement of Community Areas and ni nprovemen
tberaan as the Association deems necesmary or appropriate,
(b) ProcurinW and maintaiain,- for the benehit i)f thrr Assuciatioll, its Board of Di rt�Uorx
A the Owri the insivanec coverages (if any) required der llais Declaration acid
&wh other iri-sliranpe z tbt: Association deems neDessary or ads+;S.*ltt-
lam) Payment of tacks, if any, as-.:3esse�d agaioq and payNc by the z' -4 iation, wb-Pch
taxes are riot asscsscdagminst and payable by r iderits orlols within the Subdivision-
(4) Asscssarcnt and collection from the Qwu of Regular or Special Assenments,
gAwlent in mount to pay the Operating F,xpenws_
Cb ratting for such services as snow rarmoval on common stream somity oontrul,
legal wP- iocs, landscaping of Common Areas or i3ther se iocs as the Associatjoq
deerlis emissary UT advisable.
(f) From time to tnrre, adopting, amcialing or rescindinq abdi eeasorxxbje rules and
rcgWati+ns (not inconsistent with the provisions of this Declaration) foe the
mamgcmrntand adrnirisimtion ofthe A �rrciati , as theRoard of Directors dims
rpeMWy Or adviSablc, and cnforc=ent of the same_ As W 4 such rul,cs and
regulations, the Association may pruvildc for rcasonabla~ interest and late chaxgm on
past dui in:!aallm,cnl-s ofany l egalar or Serial As csc:menls -or other clime Winst
my Lot_ copies of su h y0jes t-ind rcgidations shal l be furruslted by Association
too- the ow's prior to the time wh,ern the shall become cffeedvc,
(9) Replac5erncnt and moitttenaE= of any start identification 5-190% within. oe
Subdiivispon designated as slTeeft signs, except to Ibc exkilt the sarm is the
respomibility of any -'ovcrnmental ag cy or FLuthority.
(h) protection, surveillanat�, repair, raaiat4mance and rcpla�neiit of ire Commmarty
Areas (as defined burin and as shown am LheSubdivision flats); provided h wever,
that this duty shill trot inclk4e orbs kleemed or inoC,Treted as a re timtthalt the
Asw6ation, the Row d or arty Manuerrg AZent must provide, any on -Site or EON ing
gt,ard security servi or s'ecnity 7stem for pr lim or starveillance aancl the
same need not be farriisk end unless affirmadvely so clued by the Association;
entiorr 4 Qgmpenssrtio . No Diro� Wofthe Association skull rocciva�cc�mpcns�ti�n for
bis services as such Director-
Seckioz+__ bTon-1ria6ilit f Iircalor acid Off rs_ The Directors and officers of the
AssociakiOO mil not be liable the Ovnnt oose+ r any other pfor MY r nr ntis a of
judgment in c=yiztg out their duties and responsibilities as Diiutors or offiCiM of the Association.
cx+ t for their own individual vrillful misconduct or gross ne-liger - The A. �Jadon shall
indertmify sAd Hold harmless and defend -each person, his heirs, assigns or legal rqnvgentativcs,-'l
is or was a Director or officer of The Associa i(o agzmsm any and all liability to my person, arm or
corporati arising oft of contracts n7adc by err at thn, direction of the Board of Directors {or the
manwog agent, if arty} of the Association, unless Zany such contract shall have been made ip bad
faith- It is intcrWed that tbt� T)ircctorSMa of -cmis fthe A&w4xdion shall haVerao pCrsUM liability
with Te_gpect to airy matrut rna& by thr m on belWf of t) , AnKiadon kept in ib in opacity as owners-
ection 43. Additional lndcsnni of Directrrs and Doers. The Association Shall
ind'Cmnify, bold harmless and defend my Person, his heirs, assiVls and legm repms tatives
(callw- v'ely, the " lndenini(ce"), made or threatcnW to be made a party to any acti+ n, quit Or
pvxo�ding by rc-asan ofth-c fiiathat he js or was a Dire r or cFfficerofthe AS90cFation, Ai ai"St all
costs and expenses, including aottorncys' fees, actually and rca"ably iwurmd b}•the Inclernr<itce in
connect- !0 with the de�eat� of sun action, �xia or prar��ir�g, nr in ��ru3action with any appc{Lk
thrrein, except (unless offim-wise spraaifiolly provided he ia) ijd relation to rnaa:teas as to wliiCk7 it
shall he acVjudgod in such action, suit or pry ling that s h Intir:rrera_itee, is liable for gross
neglja or willful misconduct in pefor dud -
Es. -of his dus_ 'fly Associatioo shall al
reirrrbursc any sunh Ind anxnitee for the reasonable costs of s+etdement ofor judgi=t rvw�u-ed in any
acCtian, suit or prooe in tx, if it shall be found bar as maJority vote oftho Owners thal such Director of
officer was not guilt}' of gross negligence or willful misconduct_ In making such findings and
(jj)twithslantTir , the adjudication irp any action or suit of proceeding against an lfdNak itec-, W
I)irector or officer skull he considered or deerned to b-* guilty of or liable for gross neuliu nc4 or
vAll mwiso mduct in the perfonrnanee of his da#t�s Where, avting in good faith. such Dirb�W or
officer relied on [hc boars and records of the Asso6aU*Fj fdr statements or advice made by or
pmpared by the rnaWg agent of the Ads iation (if &qy) or any officer or cmployee of the
Association, or MY accotmtant, adtomey or Other pMrsor� rum or corporation employed by thr
As_srrciati� to rendcradvicc. orser}zce, unless such DireaororOfRcrr had actual knowledge off
falsity or incorre ess thrrea£, nor shall a Direr-1-OF be. deemed guilty of oriiablcfor gross nealigence
or willful misconduct by virtue of the fait thathc bilcd or neglected to anend a mf� etirgr rMuctiags
of the Board of D'rectors of the 17rc its and cxpeitscs incurred by are Inrlutmni ter in
deferkdlyiy, €uny $c+llon. suit or proceeding may be pai-d by the A�;5ociabcn in ad-wmce of the final
disposition of wch action, suit ur pn x=ding upon receipt of an underul ing by ur M half of the
htdcmnitw to repay the amount paid by the Association if it shall ultimately be, detonmjrled that the
Indem itcc is not anti-ded to indemnificaT oa as� provided in this paragraph 4-7-
AzS s�L�l-;�ri
Section 3-1 1pljenra�Gnaj 4( Ligation to Pay, Each Csvner, for each Lot few or hacaftcr
conv"d by an Owner, hereby covenants, grid wh btvm Owner of a Let by accepta„ce of a &-ad
therefor, whotl7er or iftoC it shall be so expressed in such deems i s domwa to rovcnaat and agee to pay
to the Association (i) regular assmm=ts for Operating Expense%("FtegobwA.ssGs�Mcll&') and (ii)
spec�i�jl asscssmerrtsfar caplcd iro reaamorits and opm, ting deficits and for spo6ll znainlcn mcc and
repairs ("Special Assessments')- Such sl I a 17L bL v-, tablishcd, dyad]m corner teri usuch
dates and -shall be wll tol its h inafter provided- A]L srach asxsmicnts, togcthcrwith interest, Iate
Ohurgcs, costs of colleen -on and rcawmbfc attorneys fees, shall be tinuing lien upon the T,ot
against wU,1h such asses went is made prier to all other lip exc-cpt only tax liens an any Let in
favor of any unit otgoy-er=cnt or special taxing district aced (ii) the liX-n of any hest nuwLgW of
Tewrd. Each such & e nment,toget:her wish latc-charges, irr coslsof llection and reasonable
attomeW fees, shall also be the persoiW obUFAlon of the Owmer of the [,ot 4 the time such
assessm"tt me due and payable- Where an Owner dmonepem. n, the UbUity
of such persons shill be joint and scvcral- The p nal obli golion fair delinquent asse5srrtents (as
distinguished frojn the lip upon 1x Lot) shall not pass to such x 's su"cssor(s) i a title Lwl s
expm�-,sly axsumtd by such suwessor(s)- The Asso,�iatjoa sha][L upon request of a proposod
ort gee or pro xrsod purchaser having a contractuaJ right to purT�hasc a Lot furnish to svr h
Mortgagcu or purchaser a stet= selling furth the amount of any unpaid Regular A-s sessmerit,
Special ,A nnsmcnt and other charge of IhFl Ass+oc i8tion AgA1 r,st the Lot Such st€rlment shall be
bi.n&ng upon the Association as of the date. ofsuch statment,
Section �-2- tg-�M-Asscssmcnts. The Re, larAssessmenis l.:vicd bythe A&Vor-jaolaon
;hal I br, uscd for the Operating Expwri m
Sectiar, 5_3- RcOLlm Assc=ncilts- `lam Soard of Direelors of the Associati�)rs shill have
the right, power and alj1krity3 without aay voic ofthe members of the Association, to fix, from time
to time, the Regular Assessment a irist Woh Lot so long as the Regular Ass smcnf'Will be no
greater doz ten percent (7 O'lo) o-Vcr the prior yea -es Regill;rr Assessmcnt_ If the Board pwposes art
incrr s iri the R ular Asscssrments cf muTa irau Icn percent (1 K) over the prig year, the BCud
m st4tam iihe prior approval of a ramajodty ofthe Owners in the --�ubd1,V151oft, votin9'n peiaaaiorby
prax3r, at an amival or special Mee"ng of the A %SCciatinn duly called at d conducEed in accuidot
with the B3 -laws-
swdon Smcial A es.� amis. ]A addition 1« pLegWar A,Mesments, the Association,
except as provided below. WAY makc Sp ill Assessment- mains[ each Lot for the purgose Of
rCCUA-,�'r�tM& repairing or ref la i .4r3y capital improver seat which the As i lion is r aired ro
mairlfiain or to r veranyOpmm i de#ieits which theAsso6ation rray [TOM time t0 lirrAe ineuonly
with the affirr ive vole of those CWftrS who are present &rz d voting, id person -or by proxy, at a
special meeting of tie wenabers oftheAssowlation dulycaii-ed for t1w, ape afiepurpos-eofvafnngwa
special a,soessraont, at which a quorum is present_ Written notice of such spu4;Ial meeting &MI be
sca l to tits members at least thirty (30) Jays iu advanoe.
section .5_ R t sofAssesS nt Thcm ShAl lac a threc-tier strum' with respect to the
Regular Ass sments. The amounts of the RegularAssemintots shall be depeadent on ft location
ofthcLots_ Such amounts shall he subject to increase in futureyeors,withthe provisions
of Sectioa 5.3 herein. The structure for payment of Regular Asscssmenots sbal] br- as fcllow!�-
(€) Lots Jul the SuWiv; (-,ion along 1 l 61hStreet, 10& Strsct as j Ditch P o,,Ai; 9150 per yoar
(b) Vacant Lots can which there is no Dwelling Unit' $250 per year
(o) All other Lots in tyre ubdivisi+m= 50 PU year.'
Tim, shall be the amounis of the Regular Asse-ssmcntspaid by the Owrtersuntil the i-,nd of the 2018
fixaj yW_ Bunning in the 2019 ti i year, the assemmi rray be 9_t}cre sosl oor� iste with tYte
prvvi kons of Smotion 5.3 hernia_ Alone of the amounts set forth in tbis .`section 5.5 shall he incmasW
by more than ten p�erocnt (1{I°'O) per yoaz nver the prior year's zLs9&=iznts without the assenl of
rnaiority of the CAmers iM the subdivision, voting in person or by proxy, at a rzgular or special
moctir�g of the Asscviation duly Wled aid oonducted in atccmdancc w,id, th,e By-laws.
Section 5.6. Daw of �mmerYDtuP tt�flrtie�ul;�Assessrrrrnts�f]ue dates- I he Boyd o1
D6x tors of the Association sW1 fix the =oum of the Regular A&ses�ment at lmst thirty ('M dwys
in ad,,mrxce -of each annual ;mmssraent period_ ritt�m notice at-tht� assessaimt nolires as the Board
-ofDircewrs shall J=m appropns&e shall bo smttra each -.ram subleGt thereto_ 'd1w dui dot for all
assessments shall bk-, established by the Board of Dilrc rs of the A,ssociafion. The Roard -of
Dirrr,tors may provide for latc charges om pnt due imlt illrnerrts Of asse'smeut&
Section 5-7_ Failure of Owrxer to Pay } g ssmcnts.
(a) No T' May exempt himself fiom paying Kegular Assessments and Special
Assc�&me frorf, rk �ibufng toward tic {operating fxp ses and toward atV
other expense lawkly i;g 1 upvm, by Rbandonment of6P Lot Woa&g to him. If
any Owner shall fail, reA5t� or aegicci to make .any payment of any amesmoat (or
periodic installment ofan a-ss ssmeat itapplicable) when due, the ffoard sh aJ have
Ehc right to file a notice ofagaes.5+rrmtlieu Vilh the Hamilton County kecorder. Old
the failure otany 0wncr to rnak timelypayffients of any assmsracnthiaen due, the
A caa6oe m <y Tuwolosc on its lion andlor bring a sent to n ovoT a mmcyjudgment
for any unpaid a_ssessrrlerlt- lae<mrimlionvrithany effort. to collect or in any action to
recover -a Regulax or Spacial Asscssmcnt, the Association sl]all be, entitled to rt:,xver
fi-em the Owncr of the fespective Let ensts snot rxpemscs of such action incurred
(iTbrJud Ong hot nurt limited to ro de attorneys' f aqd collection costs of the
Am wciatiorn's managing agent in processing delinquent ov Dm' aocounls). and late
chaEges from the date such assessments were due, until paid_
(l j NOIWithstmnding anYth.ing Conta;md in tbils crtiom 5.7 or elsewhere in this
Declafation, arly sale, ortrmsfcr ofaLet to a'Mortgagee purestto;) ior=losurc of
its mortgage or eonveymrc M lieu #hcrcoff, or a conveyance to and+ pL'rwa al a pubfie
salc in the manner r provided by law wilh respcct to mortgage foreclosure.,, Slafill
extimpish llwlicriofany unpaid assmsments (or periodic in*tallrncnts, ifapplicable)
which l�ecattecEu pncutosuch salc,tzartsfer of nvfeyance; ici ,however, that
the extinguishment of S=h lien shall not mlicvc the prior (`owner from personal
liability thcrefor-
Section 6.1. `the frail -owing oovcnants and restrictions on the use amd MILVYment ofthe Lots
and Cornmunity Arcas are for the rr utaa] herrelrl and proloction oftlie pmewnt and fLi urc Omrnm and
shall run w-Pth fhc land and inure to the benefit of arW be enforceable by arty 0woor, or by th-c
AsDici,ation_ Pjresenl or future Owners or the 14FMCjad031 shall ht� mlidcd lu injunctive reliefagainst
any violation or attempted violalion ofmy such covenarmn alld re tri-Oions. end shall, in addition, be
entitled to damages for any injuries or ios rcsultLag from any violations tWof, but there shall be
no right of reversion or forf6wrc resuhing from such violaticm_ Theme covemants and r riclipns arc
as lblluWS-.
(a) All I is and llwellimg Units shall be w;ed exeiwi dy for residential purposes and
for a=paricy by a single 1trnily, and no Lets shall be saxlivl-dcd into tvvo or more
Lot& No Lot or Dwelling Urjil shill be used for the purse of carrying on a
busizne�;s, tmadc, profession or other calling. For the purposes of this Dcdaration,
"fatrjily' shall be one or mare persons l_iviAg, gas a single housaeepiryg
unit, as disdnguhdied fiom agroapocc'nP3]ng a hotel, nlub, oursinghomc, fratemity
ur sarority house, or Group ITom-
(b) Al] �Ltrr�ets in the ubdivision sbA t be public streets designated tea, and armed bY, tl-kC
City of Carmel, unless othcr+ise dcsigraled as private stfects on th&, Subdivision's
(c) Nothing shall he lone or kePT in any Dwelling UM'Ik or on any 1,01, Or On ibt�
Community Areas whjch would b,� irL violation ofany appli ble law Ororrlir o.
(d) No nuisance sbalI be permitted and no waste shall b-t committed in a,ly Dwc1ling
X 'nit or on arty Lot.
(e.) No arA.imals, livestock or pDultry of any kind shall be raiaad, bred or kept in any
rhyeiliogUnit or on amy Lot ormyofthe MmonPropzrties, ercopt awl doh
cats or cuswmary hommhold pets may bc kept in a D wclling Clrnt, pro id$d that such
petis notkcpl, bred ormaivatained for any conuau ill pu pose, mddoes rKn oreatca
nuisamce�- Pets shall bt taken outdoors ordy under Wash or other ,traint and while
attcmled by its own-LTamd artC zo-,r shall. be fully liable for any injury or daulage to
persof s or property, including the Community lircm., =wl by his pet The
letbering of pets in our area outside the O+,}m&S fen 7: Ysot shall not c03Lstitutc
-atten&d," Any pet whicb, in the judgtiertt of the Roard, is eausivg or creating a
wai&mm or unreasonable, distwbance or noise, shall tie permancutly rernovcd fioarr
the Srtbdivision withirw ten (10) dayq after vaxitten notion ROM tale Bea al to the
epecdvc Chwwr to do so.
( No Dwelling Unit or Jot shall be used in any tirdawU MRMr -r Or in any manner
which might causi. injury to tIW reputation ofthe SubdiviaaorL, or which mi0t: be a
nuisance, annoy-arloe, inconver a Lee ar damage to olhcr Owners and mpants of
l wellin Tea] inciudM _, Othout lir ilin&the gnmuralityofthe forcgoing. wise by
the u.qe of any musical iII5lr►t mts, radio, telcyisioa, loud speaket, electrioal
cquipment, amplifiers or other equipuxtor machines or laud perskms_
( No cloths, sheets, blankets, rugs, lAuviry or uthler Things shat] be hung out 41(
cxpmed on, or so as to be visibly from any p of the Ccara,trufiity Armes or any
pub] is street_ TYr- Qommrmily Areas shall be kept frcc and clear of rubbiA -debris
and other rmsigbtly maw iols-
(h) AI I Lots and Dwellings sbA[ he resod for single-family fesidcntial arse only;
provide1 howovtr, that an OWUM may GZAU'PWrt an offrcc '[W home businQss M the
Dwelling if. (1) such office or busxtress geaft- tes no sipificamt number of visits
or unr ble PaAl og usage (butte as dctcrMi,'he.d by the Ord of Di ors) hY
clients, eus€omen or otha.-r perms related to the busing z; (2) no equipment or
other iteans related to the business are stored: parked or otherwisc kit outside
such .fire 's Dwclling; (3) thcrc are no employe or indepm4ml. eontr=Gis
withiux the Dwelling other than the Owner or other resident; (4) smell Owour has
obtained approvals or licenses for such use as way be required by the avlaropmae
focal and state go-venial aVncics, and (5) the Owner i_a all other respects
complies with any f0ft-W, state, or local laws. regulatiom end ordinances=
u1cluding but not limited to the k oil(+m Uo Harm ChzrjjpatjOOS C)rdiumcc_
Na Dwelling shall be used or rented for t nsaCnt, motel or betel parpo-.:�eq_
(i) No signs or other advertising displays shall be rhaiv l or pernMtted on any pan
of the Subdivision, any Lot or any Dvvelling, Unit withouC the prior CMSn ent of the
Board, with exoWilm to one "for sale" siv of rea, onablc size, This provision shall
not include "political signs," which shall be punnilmd.
All (?ve ors and mranbcrs of their fairgi lies, their gucsls, or irMtecs, and all
occupants of ax)y Dwelling Unit or other persons eniitlW to use the same shall
otsm-re and lac governed by barh ruies and reglnlations as may from time to lime be
imulgatod and Issued by the Boardgoveming the operado€3 wse aodenjoymmt of
the Commwiity Arm,
(k) No boats: rmr rpers�: trailen ofmy kind, buscs, inobiie horn,, IrUR:kz;, rn curd cics: or
any other vehicles afar de;§ r prior) - bar than normal passenger automobiles, Shall
be parked or stored anywhere within the. Subdivision on a permanent hassis or for
extendedperipd- of timc, pmovidcd, however, that nothing herein shall prevent the
parking or storage of such vehiCI wmpictely enclosed within a gorge. No repair
work shall be done in the Subdivisim pr) aAv vehiolcs, including passenger veEuu, m
(1) Ov aers are FC&POnSible for maintm aE c, Tipkrzp and repair of tbvzi LDt& Each
Ow= shall k-cep Ms Lot in good ordu, condition, and repair arRI of debris,
iWoOiag proper m nntcnanae of the exterior of the D wclling Units on the I Ai all
in a mam er and with such frc€luency as is consist-cmt with goad property
man a.gement. All Lfm shall bnncatly mowed and kept fret of debris, weeds,
growth, trash and debris_ In the event on Owner of any Lot shai l fail to fio maintain
his LM the Asmwiation, after notice to the Ovmer, slash have the right to enter qm
such Lot to correct, reNriz, maintain and restore the Lot_ All costs incurred by the
Associationrelated to such cone-�livA repair, rminteawioe or rmWmUon shall he
and comtitlrlte an Asscssamcnt ,aims such Lot, payabic by the wrw}sr upon -demand
by the Associafiofl, and colleclaablc in the same n amier as is provided herein for the
c:ollcctlon of Re0ar and Lqp%]'al A zcssanents,
(m) No Cot sha11 be wed or maintained as aduinpinggrou l fur trash_ Rubbisls, garbogu
or other waste shall be ktpl in sanitary contain All equipment for storage rrr
disposal of such materials s1W I be kn,pt qIcan and shall not be qoTed cm puny Lot in
apen priblic view, excapt on days of'collectlan. All rubbish, Barba another mu to
shall he regularly removrd from a Lot and droll not be allowed to accumulate
{m} No Dwelling Unit shall be cmnslructed Dn any L(Yt or Part therouf, urxl-ess such
l welling uujt, �xciusivc -of open poaches, attxhcd garages aauJ l emcnts shall
have a groLmd floor area of2,500 sq mrefeet if one-story ATueture, or 1,500 square
foot if a bi;her structure, provided also that M case of a building higher than One
stogy there shall be at least 1,000 square feet in. additim to the -Ond floor mV4
(o) NcP trailer, recreativaW vellicic, shy tent, basement, ge a or othex nutbuildiog
shall be used at arry tinro as a< residral+: ternporarY nr lserrnanent, ckr a storage
facility, nor sly] [ any 5trac:ram of a ttrrporary rbaractcr be L]sed as a residence or
siorage facility- This provision shall not apply to arny struGture. or oatbOdlq, that
vmconstm xtedpriorto the date orxwhich this Mclaratimwasr.Eoar&A. Howovcr,
this provision shall apply to all stTdc=es, outbuildings, storage faciiiti" orsimilm
items r,stt ctod SLfter the dale on which this Declarati" is moor ; , as well as C4
r.cpla0emmts 0T existing st-urtu,es, outbuildings, stodge f vHli#i z Of similar items
made aflr:r the date on which this Declaration is rc rded_
(p) No fcnm, wall, hWge or shrub planting wWcb obstnw s sight lines at elevations
bets n two (2) and six (6) feet above the street shalI be placed or perniA to
remain on any conior loot within the t[iaFngrular ama fornxd by the street property
lines and a lienconjwc zc ogpointstwmW-five (25) feet from the intersection of said
smocl lines, or in the ea,;e ofa roux4ded property cornea, from the intmerAion of the
sft, aet lines extundeA The same. sight line lu nitatios AbaIJ aPplY to any Lot withia
tern (lU) feet from the irntersection of a< street Lime whh the edge, of a diivoway
pavement. No. tree shal t be permitted to romain within smh distances Qf such
irndtcrsection unless the foliagC IMP- is maintained at sufficient height to preverrt
obstruction of mch sight lirres-
(q) There are Strips i)f ground sbnwn On the VI= as "Drnage EWW4Wftts," `-Sower
basmcrns" and'Utility sexrxendts,M 6thex SepMtely orinany MObIlIaiaa-Of the
three, which arc reserved for the usr of the applir�able public utility compani ai►d
govcn=n ntal agcm ilex. No structure, including fences, shall bbui
e lt upon such
Em,cmernvs- All such t:asemr�rlls shall it3clude the rigM OfTeasonablo ing<e,�sta and
cgmss from saai<! strips for the exemisc of the other rights re.wrvcd.
(r) }3uilding luxes are established as shown -on the Fl€rts, het 4mun which line and the
front Lot line no buildiu09 shall be erecteda plated, altered or pemitted to rrsnaiti_
No str inm-oranyparttherovf all Elie buiIt or erectedmrverthan twcuty (20) feet
to any side yard Line or nearer than twentY-five (25) feet to aay rear Lot line,
Al?`M" T',{s' CEJI ()! TRO L
On 7,1- Cteak�on. here shall be, and horcby is, created arxd ustablishcd the
"Crooked Stick S5atcs Architectural Cmitrol C_:orr,riti#[ " (thc `Vomrnittee") to perform~ the
functions provided to be performed by it hereunder or anger �oy plat +)f the Subdivision_ "I'lle.
Comnuttcc shall be a standing commitice of the Association consisting of no more than five (5),
and no less dun th" (3), Fer ns as m33, from time to tirnt:, as appointed by the Boand-
Ivlcmbcrs of the board may also ba me nbcm of the CommittM-
Soction 7_2_ t_„temeat 0f Pu s and Powers_ The CoTmdlt shall rcgulacc the
extcHur dcsign, appearance, use Jortfior and Mmktenan a of lands Skibject 0 (hcsr RCSt1 ictiolLs,
and i mprovcments thereon, in such a inartaer as t4 prcwrvc and enhance values to r3' VIWIR �I
hamtonicus relationship among and tJh,e natural ve:r:bctatioo and topugxmphry_ For these purpovcs,
the C'ammimac rnay, from time to time and a4 any time make, amend aud mcxiify such rules,
Tegulations and gfsidelines as it may deem ro;�ftb�uy or desirable to guide owocrs €S I the (cmts,
c d?tions, procedures and rcquircmcatts Gf the [.ort mit4cr; Cor the submission and approval of
iteirts to it- Such rules, rcgOations and ideLirte:; m v, in addition_ set forth additiol)al
specifications to lhoq)a SeC focffi hcr6m or in my Flat oftlaP- Subdivision, so long as the same are
n.v( im-onsistent with this Declaration or any such subdivision flat
Secdon 7.3_ A rrival Pto ss. As set forth in Seefio 7-1, no o=truction shall be
i,�nenacd nor shall any building,, ytr r tuie or ether impre,6wnentc (inclU+.lIra,g, withoi f
li m 4atiOr4 ft nj a ) b-, erected, or pIaced or altered on any lot in the Crooked Stick lMatt
Subdivision 'und) a written kip lication requesting, aulhorizaioo of such -construction has bee,)
,Vprovcd by the Carimittee (A -tv onstnzction Request," as defined below)- Construction
Revtt sts A01 be made in the manner ar-0 form prescribed from time to tune by the Committcc,
which sh231 Aot be, iwvmsistcat with this Daclarall(m- Thr. Coa nittec shall approve s h
Construction Rzgaests is ao"Tdww4 with all riles, rem latinn�, and guidelines adapted by tlt�
Comixtittce and the procedure_s for such approval provided below:
(a) Construction, ae-Q t TQ ini€iato the approval process, pax Owner shall submit a
construction approval app]Ic4on (Lhe omtruction bequest") to I,hc Coraunittee-
Tf Comtruction Request must iTrladc; the following:
(1) plot plan which 1mAndesx3 compintn topograpMc study, location of all try
end existing strjct , the: lucatitM Of the improvemmt propel
constructed or upon the lot, and other drives, proposed (or
"Isdng) sanitary sewage dispusal system location, utility sere u and
) foundation pJm7, floor plam, c=s,scctions, exterior elevations and
oumpleto spccificatiomq fDr ail w teljoas (cr be used an the exterior
(imfk4n roof) of the house: building, structure or other improver enc;
(3) plans and spLmifications shall set forth the dolor and composition of all
emteriOr materials proposed to he rised and any proposed (anal existar
JaMsr,*n& togcfher with. ;my other mAterial or informatiora wich the
comrnittce r0ay require;
(4) plan for ervii19 cxisri�s trues aM foliage prior to the n-�r�ac"cein ut
of any work on thr- pTvPMy; amid
for new Dwelling UnW, two (2) wInpletc 51 C OfRlwis, and spcCifiC.-dinns
am roquired-
(6) Where applicable, such other pcmiits or mcports as may be re.quircd wider
this DccAmtiDn_
(b : nu-nitt evicw, The Co>om-nee shall review -cach Construction RequCA as 1-0
tine quaEty of makriak, compatibility -of tbf� same with exigimg stv Lures in the
Crooked $tick Estates Subdivi5ioft, cornPbanae with the Declamtion, InMIM
development standx-& and applicable ordi naiKes, Elewadons and floor plPris
musC be partG1AW1y suited to the La1 and compatible rith the LbeA of the
dcuetopmcuC and the adjKant dwellings_
fie) .duties of C mmittae, The Committee shall apprO',e ar disapprove imprgvements
pr poScd ir, the Construction RGgaest within twentty-one (21) +lays ,9Nr all
required informakoin s.iall havt Preen subw!Md to it, Oise copy QsxNiidtwd
material shall be retained by the Comruattee for itb Pcmu=t ixlt�s. Ml
notifications to applicants shall be in writrn& and, in the event that such
notification is one of disproval, it shall specify the reason or reas&ns therrefor_
Section 7A. Power i> Dig4j v l_ The Cu�mraititee mMy Tefiase 10 97Ar)t th-c
authorizatim roquvesledby said Con €ruction R.c(io t vficn_
(a) the pins, spocific;at)cfx drawings or -Other rrlMerial arc, themselves, inadequate Or
Lncomplr,'te, or show the proposed irnprovnzoent to be ins violarticEL Of T
kestricCions or any Tales, revIlations or guwelines aduwAA by the CA)mtaittee;
{bj the desip or cxtexi-or color seheme of a proposed imprr venlent is PlOt in harrnuo}'
with the jgcneral surroundiOgs of the ls[rt or with #rdjaemt buildingts or stzuc�tuses in
ibe sole opinian of the � mmuittm. or
fie) the pmposed irnprovcMMt; or and• part 111ermo , would= in the sole opinion of the
' xnmittae, be nr�trary to the in#crest., vuelf= or rights of Oth�x Owners -
Section 7.5- Ch ge or Amcridf neat of RiAe. RcErul & ns and dui I fines_ Any nxL
rcg tlations and guidelines at airy time made by the ComFnl ttm nay be changt' 1, niadificd arbd
�,menrded by the Cornmilfte at any tint, and from Byrne to time, on a<prosgccCOve basis; vi
however, that such rhitge, rnodifzeat on or amoidrncat sMI 1•re applied by the Committee
retroactively as to any constructi-an theretofore eompieted nor as to the commiction of any
improvemml which has prc io-usly la"-n Barr wliy approved by the Ivommittce if such
oonstrup,li0n has bmn comrneaoed or is commenced ' ifhin nim(y (90) days afit7 such change,
modification or amendment is made by the Comnutt=, and any chanps, modificatiom or
amcndracnt of any such rules, regulations car giddeivac:s at any time made by the Cormnitfcc, shall
be sct forth in a written inst:r=nt and recorded in the office of the Recorder of Hamilton
Corm*, h -Ma, and shall be cffcr-tiVC upon su-.h rcr�rdiMg, provid, huwcvcr. that the making,
wJopliun, �hwgc, modification and mnendmcrnt of any sraoh Hales, rogulalions or guidelin.:s by
the Committee shall rkol be coktsirlere4 or deemed to be aTnerkdments of this I-)eelaratlon "a-3r4r)P,
the cffnseivt of appro-i-al of any Owners, Mortgagees or other Persons.
Soc-ti(o 7-6. INDr-LiabJ.I�Ty QJ _{=cimmiltex. "fb4; �`�4}Tp[1 Uel" &ball �d0 �� Te"S1b10 in
any way fi)r uy defect in any glans, specificabow or o0er rr terial subxnittr to it, Ux for agy
defects in aaiy work dottie according thereto- Fmlher, the Committee does not make, and shall not
be docmc d by virtue of any action of approval or disapproval taken by it to have made any
rcpnmcntation or wan -ant} as to the suitability or construction involved, or the materials to be
used or as to the compliance of any planks submitted it) approval with the T)oclaTaticM, any
recorded Plant governing the Subdivision, of airy applicable Dads, rem latiorE or Ca.-
No#Withsland-I g any rcvicw or approval of plans and specifi-cations submitted b, an fi r_ the
COMMittet shall have rio Iiahility (or wmplimw otSuob pI2jn,, wish the n tnictions Xt Barth
heroin, or the Hedaratiors of ariy applicable code: regulation or law-
Ser,ti+m 7.7. Zns i, 'l'hQ-, C'on mitler, may, but is net rcgrairad to, inspect work being
lyerf-arrt�Cxl LO assure MPliarrce with chest RostrieCiw)s �Md app]i abl rcgtllafiom, Huumvcr,
neither the Uommit>bee nor any member thereof, ]wr any went or corlbwtnr employed or erkp
by the Co=ittm, shall be liable or msponsible for defects, nonconformity or deficip-=Ies in ally
work 'Impect,xl or approved by it or them, or on i-9 or (hair bcha..lf. l;urtber, no such inspcetion or
approval given by or on behalf ofEhe Committee sha!] be taken or doemed to b� or ,.onstilule a
wmsran#y or guaranty of the work sa inspceted or approved -
lion 7_8_ L�]ierktin_ (?w shall diligatl} complete alI eamstruction
approved under this Article I and the Oe.claratiork_ C6ij$1Ykxti4kn rn iLl bo cumpleled in a
"somhle amount of tilrkv, as dcicrmincd by the Ivo=ittec or tk Board of Diroctors_ The
Board and Comrrtittae ra%erve the right to rNuirtie that projects be wrnpicrxd within a specified
amount of time.
_,111;` AI ACT f_`,rUDr)WIS'k N-
Sev,tion 8.1, Sinjzlc Faraily Rcsidcnlial Purooses- Every Lot in the Subdivision is a
residcMial L*t and shall be used eulu:&,�Jy for siragjc family residential purposes- No structure
shall be erected, placed ar pemr ifted tin rilmain upuax any of said L{its cxccpt a single farn.ily
Dwelling Unit and such other improveinews, appurtena s and f-acelilies aS URMJ Did
custoniar+y accessory uses to a single family Dwcllirg Unit, including a private attached image
for oars; rr}d, howevcr, that all improvments shall he approved by the COmmitice.
Section 8, C nnstructicn_ In additi� to individual site plait resITEctiians adrztii�eisterad
by the Committer platted bum6g lineq, niinimvm distances betcween >�ual ir,Qs oral minimum
fzxmt; side and rear bLojirLg liner ill be as csW]!shed on any rcoardod flat otlhe Subdivision
(except as varied by the. Conunittee to the extent permitted Herein), ,AlE Owlstruetion in the
Subdivision shall be donc in mplianee with the requi mincnts of all appli ble inning, budding
and ethfr govemmental to ws, ordin#m s, codes Gild other r ati011s,
Seetion 8.3. Ogg cy and l denlial Use_�f l'al-wII- w Cir ga�l�v<�ellini?
lyrohi i tel. No Dwellin Unit construckd any of the Lois sbal I he occupied or used for
residential pugxrses or hiuvan habitatiOO until it shal l have been substantWl'y cornplda The
.determination of }vhethcx the l wEliung Unit shall have bccn subsL Tally completed steal lbw
made by the Cor=ittw and such daeisicpn shall be binding co all parties,
ScEXion 8_4, gldiniz on ntiKgousj ots_ Whenever rm or more cuntigcous Lots
shall bn, owned by the .game Pin, and su* owner shall desire to u two or inn cif said lots
as a site for a single Dvvellirrg Uait:, be s.ml apply in writing IQ Lhc Coarrnitt� far permission to
so use sWd Lots. if permission for such a use shall be grant the Lots rorisdtutin9 lbe. site for
such single Dwcliiztg Unit sha11 be treatcd z a sin je lit for the pure( a of applying the
rcf�trict.ions set forth herein to said lots, so tong as, surd only so long asa the Lots mmain
improved with orre single Dv,%clling Unit_
cCCiozl 9.1 _ M inter=ee of loops_ TJ�ece arc Mt@i- "B!a� or "Ls laads shown an
the flats, which shall be Ow d by () wmns in the sul divisi rx inaintair by the Aszo iatic
The A 6ation shall be responsible for all Mao ntenarj= of suclti Isl&mis, including but nfA
lirr tcd to cutting grass, landscaping and gmerral clean-up.
Section 10.1. BY the ()Nync�- Except a-& Otherwise provided in this UeclaTatiom,
Amendments or ch= s to this Dodl rah on may be made at eay time and shall he proposed and
ofJopwd in the folloWing "over_
(a) ; Ace. Nader ofthc subt«je inat(erofmy PoOPOSed anmD1terA shall be inolWed iiti
the notice E)f the meeting of dw CKVAeArs at vrhic>x the proposal arn7endinmt is to be
c nsi d_ Written notioc of svO meotin shall be scni to the monibm at least
thirty (30) days in advance-
(b) Mulution. A resolution to 5vJopt a propuscd �Mcndment miry be propfast d by the
Board of Dimtors or by arty Owner who is in gcrvd sUuxHrig with the Assoclatiun.
Any Dwner shall be duam cd in goad standing if he or she has paid all amsmmts
dial gle 0= stow and pay-�bk.
c 14io n , The resolution concerning a pruposed amendment roust be aduptad by the
desigaalcd vote of the 06vam al a meeling of the Owners duly called and held in
accordance with the pravisiem of the By -Laws.
(0) Mo un. Any prop el Wncar mml to this Dm)aration must be approwcxl by the
affi rmati-ve vote of a majority -of a] I OWLIM-
Section 10_2. 1?ecor Each ameadnient to the Declaration shall be executed by the
Picsidcat or Vice President and Scm tary of the Association- All amcndmcrns shall be iwordcd in
lhG Qftice of the R=QrdC'r cif IfiL Tilt-Un County. Indixan% and DU amendment shall bcQomc cff=five
❑ntil so recorded_
Str-tion 11 _1 _ Ritht 1-.mfpc,--netit of iolalibri of any of the r-ov aiaatq, conditjodS or
restrictions enumeratE d in this Declaration shall l}e aromids for an action by the Association or ainy
OwrtClr against the person or Cvitity Violating any such Po cnants, conditions or restrictics_
Available relief in arry such action _ halI irwlude MCOVery Of d=ag 4r 4)0t�T x„mS Clod !-or s13Ch
violation, injunctive re€iefagainst any =h violation, declaratory relief aid the Atcoveayofcostsand
attorrncys' fees incarncd by any panty successfully enforcing such covenants and restrictionsy
Provid ha�vvcr, that the Aqz mdalion, j is Board Of DiTeckm, uffirm cr airy Owner shall not be
liable for darnages of any kind to any per -AM for failing to enforce err Carry out arty sucks C<WCD PAS,
conditions or r estrictiarrg_
Section f 1.2. Dolav ur Failure to Bnforoc_ No delay ur failure on the part ofmy agoe^ved
party to i nvoke any available remedy %Ih r pect to any viol atiloo of arry co rw ts, -rAvnditions or
restrictions provided in this Declaration or in airy plats of -all or my part ofthe ubdivisian shall be
held to be a waiver by that party (err an estoppel of that party to assert) arty right available to Mors
upou tbte oCcurrtmee, ret:urreore or wnlii uanctr of swat violalion or violalions of such Quverrants,
conditionq or rE*trie6oFm
Section 11.3. ScvmabiHtY. hwalidation of any of the covenants, restrictions orprovisions
c"tainod M this Dixiarataon bar judgmerpt or wart m4er sba.61 nol in any w Ly of xt any of the other
prGY14 ns hereof, which "I remain in M f force a37d effem
Section 11.4. Oa -ens. The undcrlincd ctaptioncd titles prcocding the various paragaphs
aFW subpmgraphs ut this NCla 40n ATO for the C0nv+kit%" of reCerenCC only, end none of#hetn
shall b-- used as an aid to the construction of arty pmvi.sions of this Nclaratkon_ Whezct%-r and
, emever applicable} the singular forfil of aay wOfd shall by taken to mcan or apply to th.", plural_ anal
the masculine farm shall be- taker, Its mtr- i 8r apple to feminine -Or to the Renter_
acti+m 1 l-5_ j*i! lc Law_ Eds Dechration s,MI be Scvtmed, ir11 -preted, constuml
aA regulated by the laws cf the Statc Qf Indiana.
der tian 11.6. Cont7i cts. T his Deed tiOn is not In to sap m the Association's
Articles of In rporation cyr By -Lags, b,it in idle event W 4in ioconsistcucy, the terms quad provisions
of this Declaratiori shall control as such may apply to the Ownrzs- Also, upon approval -0f tbi�
DccjaT'd1-ton, the Owmrs f mhor aUthori� and dint the Boani fjf ()lreztors of the Asso6ation to
amend said Articles of Incorpom iwi arud By -Laws to be conmistent Mmwift