HomeMy WebLinkAboutPublic Notice BZA Public Notice Skin Procedure &Affidavit: Procedure: The petitioner shall incur the cost of the purchasing, placing, and removing the sign. The sign must be placed in a highly visible and legible location from the road on the property that is involved with the public hearing. The public notice sign shall meet the following requirements: 1. Must be placed on the subject property no less than 10 days prior to the public hearing date. 2. Sign must follow the sign design requirements: I ,•,.._ • Must be 24" x 36"—vertical • Must be double sided PUBLIC HEAIUNG • Must be composed of weather resistant material, such as corrugated plastic or Hoard of Zoning Appeals laminated poster board • Must be mounted in a heavy-duty metal frame Carmel Cite Hall 3. The sign must contain the following: • 12" x 24" PMS 1805 Red box with white text at the top • White background with black text below. • Text used in example to the right, with Application Type, Date*, and Time of subject fur More InlOrnni<m: public hearing i„ "X%‘N.carn,el.in.uo' • The Date should be written in day, month, ,,ii, 571-24 t 7 and date format. Example: "Mon., Jan. 23" 4. The sign must be removed within 72 hours of public hearing conclusion Public Notice Sign Placement Affidavit: I (We) Custom Living do hereby certify that placement of the public notice sign to consider Docket No.19070004 V was placed on the subject property at least 10 days prior to the date of the public hearing, at the address listed below: 10905 Crooked Stick Lane( Spring Run Estates Subdivision, Lot 5) STATE OF INDIANA, COUNTY OF Mari Dr) , SS: The undersigned, having been duly sworn, upon oath says th the, v formation is true and correct as he is informed and believes. ( i`(tit' e s nature)) Subscribed and sworn to before me this day of V J , 20 V 1 . I I Notary Public, Signed Name: �� Notary Public, Printed Name: , Q ¶J �v�` r My Commission Expires: 1- - Z. Page 7 of 12 Filename:Hearing Officer Development Standards Variance Application&Instructions 2019 Revised 01/10/19 1 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING BEFORE THE CARMEL BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS Docket No.: 19070004 V Notice is hereby given that the Carmel Board of Zoning Appeals meeting on the 26th day of August, 2019 at 5:30 p.m. in the City Hall Caucus Rooms, 1 Civic Square, Carmel, IN 46032 (see attached map) will hold a Public Hearing upon a Use Variance application to allow: a variance for an increase of 2% lot coverage to construct an attached 3 car garage with finished 2nd floor attic space. Article 2, Section 2.04. With the property being known as: 10905 Crooked Stick Ln The application is identified as Docket No. 19070004 V The real estate affected by said application is described as follows: 17-13-04-04-01-008.000 All interested persons desiring to present their views on the above application, either in writing or verbally, will be given an opportunity to be heard at the above-mentioned time and place. PETITIONERS Tom Lazzara, Custom Living, Inc. On Behalf of Peter and Didi Ariens • Nir Ka Indy Translations Cradle Dr and Language Center Rich's Home Furnishings A Q z Q. rs � W � AlphaGraphics a Franklin Window and Door-Marvin.. Zeta Tau Alpha QInternational Office 1!1 Civic Square (/, o Indiana T Violir of Oh Williams Comfort Air Kawachinagano Japanese Polish Garden r' c)Salvage&Co ` C,>\-RK.N r. L vv�- �-kk ear- VEuc j. PUBLISHER'S AFFIDAVIT SARAH M.GREENBERG State of Indiana ) L Notary Public•Seal ss: State of Indiana g' Hamilton County ) Hamilton Countymission Expires Dec 28,2021 Personally appeared before me,a notary public in and for said county and state,the undersigned Brian Kelly who, being duly sworn, says that he is Publisher of Current in Carmel newspaper of general circulation printed and published in the English language in the city of Carmel in state and county afore-said,and that the printed matter attached hereto is a true copy,which was duly published in said paper for one(1) time(s),the date(s) of publication being as follows: 08/13/19 • Subscribed and sworn to before me this August 13th,2019 Z__)0141/11/(,. \I y ! Notary Public My commission expires: 112 • 1. •7.oZ i Publisher's Fee:$16.54 E ��L Prescribed by State Board of Accounts General Form No.99P(Rev.2009) _Custom Living To: Current Publishing (Governmental Unit) 30 S Rangeline Rd,Carmel,IN 46032 Hamilton County,Indiana PUBLISHER'S CLAIM LINE COUNT Display Master(Must not exceed two actual lines,neither of which shall total more than four solid lines of the type in which the body of the advertisement is set)--number of equivalent lines Head--number of lines_3 Body--number of lines_14_ Tail--number of lines_3 Total number of lines in notice 20 COMPUTATION OF CHARGES 20 lines, 2 columns wide equals_40_equivalent lines at .4136 Additional charges for notices containing rule or tabular work(50 per cent of above amount). $ 0.00 Charge for extra proofs of publication($1.00 for each proof in excess of two) TOTAL AMOUNT OF CLAIM $_16.54 DATA FOR COMPUTING COST Width of single column in picas.: _9p3 Size of type_7_point Number of insertions lx Pursuant to the provisions and penalties of IC 5-11-10-1,1 hereby certify that the foregoing account is just and correct,that the amount claimed is legally due,after allowing all just credits,and that no part of the same has been paid. I also certify that the printed matter attached hereto is a true copy,of the same column width and type size,which was duly published in said paper 1 time. The dates of publication being as follows: Tuesday,August 13th,2019 Additionally,the statement checked below is true and correct: Newspaper does not have a Web site. ..,x..Newspaper has a Web site and this public notice was posted on the same day as it was published in the newspaper. Newspaper has a Web site,but due to technical problem or error,public notice was posted on ....Newspaper has a Web site,but refuses to post the public notice. x Date ...4.Tues ay,August 13th,2019 Title Legals Advertising Aug In . l 43 Current Carmelc wwwcunentiuo rmeLcorn ORDINANCE D-2472-19 AN ORDINANCE OF THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARMEL.INDIANA.AMENDING SCHEDULE A.STOP AND YIELD SIGNS AS CODIFIED IN CITY CODE SECTION 8-120 Broadway Jessup Park Avenue Southbound Stop 106th Street Avenue Southbound Stop 106ih Street Boulevard NorthboundStop 108th Street Perk Avenue Southbound Stop 103rd Street Broadway Northbound Stop 108th Street Jessup Southbound Stop 104th Street Park Avenue Northbound Stop 103rd Street Avenue Boulevard Park Avenue Southbound Stop 102nd Street Broadway SOutllbOted Stop 108th Street Keenetand Court N°Mweatbound Yield Lexington Drive _ Park Avenue Northbound Stop 102nd Street ___ Avenue _ Latonia Lane Northbound Stop 111th Street Packwood Broadway Latonia Lane Westbound Slop Lexington Drive Crossing Eastbound Stop College Avenue Avenue Northbound Slop 111th Street Lexington Drive Northbound Stop 111th Street Penn Drive Southbound Slop 106th Street Broadway Southbound Stop 103rd Street Lexington Drive Southbound Slop Pimlico Clrcle/Latonia Lane Pennsylvania Avenue Eastbound Lexington Drive Northbound Stop Pimlico Circle/Latonia Lane ParkwayStop College Avenue Broadway Northbound Stop 103rd Street Lexington Drive Southbound _Stop Pimilco Circle Pimlico Circle Eastbound Slop Lexington Drive _ Avenue _Lexington Drive Northbound Stop Pimlico Circle Preston Avenue SorMwestbound Stop Carrolton Avenue Broadway Southbound Stop 102nd Street Lexington Drive Southbound Stop 106th Street Preston Avenue Southeastbound Stop Chevy Chase Lane Avenue _ Broadway Maywood Drive Westbound Stop Guilford Avenue Ramsgate Court Soutweatbound Yield Bimam Woods Trail Avenue Northbound Stop 102nd Street Maywood Drive Eastbound Yield Maywood Trails Drive West Ruckle Avenue Northbound Stop 111th Street Carrollton McPherson Southbound Stop 108th Street Ruckle Avenue Northbound Slop Vista Drive Avenue Southbound Slop lglet Street Avenue Buckle Avenue Southbound Slop Vista Drive Central Avenue Northbound Stop 111th Street McPherson Southbound Stop 1088r Sheet Ruckle Avenue Southbound Slop 108th Street Central Avenue Southbound Slop 106th Street Street Ruckle Avenue Northbound Stop 108th Street Central Avenue Southbound Stop 103rd Street McPherson Northbound Stop 106th Street Buckle Avenue Southbound Stop 103rd Street Central Avenue Northbound Slop 103rd Street Street Buckle Avenue Northbound Stop _ 103rd Street - McPherson Central Avenue Southbound Stop _102nd Street s Southbound Stop E 105th Sheet -Ruckle Avenue Southbound Stop 102nd Street reet Central Avenue Northbound Stop 102nd Street Ruckle Avenue Northbound Stop 102nd Street McPherson Churchill Court NorMeastbouyd Yield Saratoga Circle — Street Northbound Stop E 105th Street Buckle Avenue Southbound Stop 1066h Street - Clalrbome Court WestboundSlop Lexington Drive -McPherson -•_ Rugby Court Southeastbound Stop Carrollton Avenue College Place Street Northbound Stop E 104th Street Ruthenvood Ct Nort hweatbound Yield Bimam Woods Trail Northbound Stop 110th Street Drive _ New Jersey Southbound Stop 103rd Street Santa Anita College Place pCollege Avenue New Jersey Northbound Stop 103rd Street Court Southbound Yield Belmont Circle Drive Saratoga stop Saratoga Circle Nort heaslbound Stop Lexington Drive ',amen Court Nort heaatbound Stop Valley Road Cornerstone Northbound Yield Pam Road Nonist°n Drive Eastbound Stop Westfield Boulevard - Saratoga Circle Eastbound Stop Lexington Drive Court Orchard Court Southeastbound Yield Orchard Way School Parkway Northbound Stop 106th Street Delaware Street Northbound Stop 106th Street Orchard Stephen Court Westbound Yield Vail Drive Delaware Street Southbound Stop 103rd Sheet Southbound Stop 1013th Street Tumor Drive Eestbount StopEthel Street Crossing Drive Delaware Street Northbound Slop 103rd Street Orchard Vali Court Westbound Yield Vali Drive Foxwood Drive Southbound Slop 103rd Street Crossing Drive Northbound Stop Valley Drive Vail Drive Northbound Stop Pam Road West -Orchard Park -- - Valley Drive Eastbound Stop Westfield Boulevard Guilford Avenue Southbound Stop 101st Street Drive North Southbound Stop Orchard Park Drive SouthValley Road Eastbound Slop Orchard Park Drive South Guilford Avenue Northbound Stop 101st Street Orchard Park Valley Road Westbound Stop Orchard Park Drive West Harrow Place Southbound Stop Bristol Road Drive North Southwestbound Stop School Parkway Vista Drive Northbound Yield Broadway Avenue Harrow Place Northbound Slop E 104th Sheet Orchard Park Vista Drive Southbound Yield Broadway Avenue Melee Court Westbound Yield Lexington Drive _Drive South Northwea_�°nd Yield Orchard Park Drive Wad MeleeWashin on Highland Cove Eastbound Yield Orchard Crossing Drive Orchard Park - �b Northbound Slop 106th Strad Hill ValleyCourt Northwestbound Yield Orchard WayDrive South Eealbount Stop Westfield Boulevard _ Washington Homewood Drive Eastbound Stop Cornell Street Orchard Park Boulevard Northbound Stop 103rd Street Drive WestNcethemithound Stop School Parkway Homewood Drive Westbound Stop College Avenue Winchester SouBhwestbound Stop Birnam Woods Trail Jessup Orchard Way Southbound Stop 106th Street Place Boulevard Southbound Stop 105th Street Orchard Way NorIhe atbou nd Stop Valley Drive Woodlawn Drive Northbound Slop 106th Street Jessup Sop 105th Street Pam Road Eastbound Stop Central Avenue Woodlawn Drive Southbound Stop Orchard Park Drive North Boulevard Park Avenue Northbound Stop Vista Drive Woodlawn Drive Northbound Stop Orchard Perk Drive North Jessup Park Avenue Southbound Stop 108th Street Woodlawn Drive Southbound Stop Orchard Park Drive South Boulevard Southbound Stop 106th Street Park Avenue Northbound Stop 108t11 Street NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING BEFORE NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING BEFORE THE CARMEL BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS THE CARMEL BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS Docket No.:19070004 V Docket No.19070007 V Notice is hereby given that the Carmel Board of Zoning Appeals Notice is hereby given that the Carmel Board of Zoning Appeals meeting on the 26th day of August,2019 at 5:30 p.m.in the City Hall Hearing Officer meeting on the 26th day of August 2019 at 5:30 p.m. Caucus Rooms,1 Civic Square,Carmel,IN 46032(see attached map) in the City Hall Caucus Rooms,1 Civic Square,Carmel,IN 46032 will hold a Public Hearing upon a Use Variance application to allow: will hold a Public Hearing upon a Development Standards Variance a variance for an increase of 2%lot coverage to construct an application to have an 8-ft tall fence on a portion of the side property attached 3 car garage with finished 2nd floor attic apace.Article 2, line,when only a max.of 6'is allowed.At properly being known as Section 2.04. 14350 Oak Ridge Rd.The application is identified as Docket No. With the property being known as:10905 Crooked Stick Ln 19070007 V.The real estate affected by said application is described The application is identified as Docket No.19070004 V as follows:Village of Mt.Carmel subdivision,Lot 134.All interested The real estate affected by said application is described as follows: persons desiring to present their views on the above application,either 17-13-04-04-01-008.000 in writing or verbally,will be given an opportunity to be heard at the All interested persons desiring to present their views on the above above-mentioned time and place. application,either in writing or verbally,will be given an opportunity to -Bruce Lyon,Petitioner be heard at the above-mentioned time and place. PETITIONERS 4 Tom Lazzara,Custom Living,Inc. On Behalf of Peter and Didi Ariens • PETITIONER'S AFFIDAVIT OF NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING CARMEL BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS I (WE) Custom Living DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT NOTICE OF (Petitioner's Name) PUBLIC HEARING BEFORE THE CARMEL BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS CONSIDERING DOCKET NO. 19070004 V , WAS REGISTERED AND MAILED AT LEAST 10* DAYS PRIOR TO THE DATE OF THE PUBLIC HEARING TO THE BELOW LISTED ADJACENT PROPERTY OWNERS: OWNER ADDRESS Please See Attached List Please See Attached List STATE OF INDIANA SS: The undersigned, having been duly sworn upon oath say hat th/=••ve in ormation is true and correct and he is informed and believes. (Signatur_ •f P off• - County of M(AnC)\("- 1 Before me the undersigned, a Notary Public (County in which notarization takes place) for (An Din County, State of Indiana, personally appeared (Notary Public's county of residence) and acknowledge the execution of the foregoing instrument (Property Owner, Attorney, or Power of Attorney) r� this i�1- day of AV _ , 20 (day) TSt (month) (year) Notary Pub is-- - sTr Notary Public--Please Print My commission expires: 1 Li 23 *Only 10 days prior public notice required for a BZA Hearing Officer Meetings Page 9 of 12 Filename:Hearing Officer Development Standards Variance Application&Instructions 2019 Revised 01/10/19 HAMILTON COUNTY AUDITOR I, ROBIN M. MILLS, AUDITOR OF HAMILTON COUNTY, INDIANA, CERTIFY MY OFFICE HAS SEARCHED OUR RECORDS AND BASED ON THAT SEARCH, IT APPEARS THAT THE PROPERTY OWNERS MARKED AS NEIGHBORS ARE THE PROPERTY OWNERS THAT ARE TWO PROPERTIES OR 660' FEET FROM THE REAL ESTATE MARKED AS SUBJECT PROPERTY. THIS DOCUMENT DOES NOT CERTIFY THAT THE ATTACHED LIST OF PROPERTY OWNERS IS ACCURATE OR INCLUDES ALL PROPERTY OWNERS ENTITLED TO NOTICE PURSUANT TO LOCAL ORDINANCE. ANY PERSON SEEKING A MORE ACCURATE SEARCH OF THE REAL ESTATE RECORDS OF THE COUNTY SHOULD SEEK THE OPINION OF A TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY. ROBIN M. MILLS, HAMILTON COUNTY AUDITOR DATED: SUBJECT PROPERTY: 17-13-04-04-01-008.000 Ariens, Peter & Didi h&w 10905 Crooked Stick Ln Carmel IN 46032 Subject Page 1 of 1 Pursuant to the provisions of Indiana Code 5-14-3-3-(e), no person other than those authorized by the County may reproduce, grant access, deliver, or sell any information obtained from any department or office of the County to any other person, partnership, or corporation. In addition any person who receives information from the County shall not be permitted to use any mailing list, addresses, or databases for the purpose of selling, advertising, or soliciting the purchase of merchandise, goods, services, or to sell, loan, give away, or otherwise deliver the information obtained by the request to any other person. Barton Griesenauer 7/11/2019 HAMILTON COUNTY NOTIFICATION LIST PLEASE NOTIFY THE FOLLOWING PERSONS 17-13-04-00-00-085.000 Sexton Charitable Foundation Inc 9001 N Meridian St Indianapolis IN 46260 Neighbor 17-13-04-00-00-086.000 Crooked Stick Golf Club Inc 1964 Burning Tree Ln Carmel IN 46032 Neighbor 17-13-04-00-00-086.003 Leeper, Jean A 10908 CROOKED STICK LN Carmel IN 46032 Neighbor 17-13-04-04-01-006.000 McCaw, Bruce & Jamie 11007 CROOKED STICK LN Carmel IN 46032 Neighbor 17-13-04-04-01-007.000 Bove, Scott & Alexandra h&w 10909 Crooked Stick Ln Carmel IN 46032 Neighbor 17-13-04-04-01-009.000 McDonald, Susan J 2226 Finchley Rd Carmel IN 46032 4696 Neighbor 17-13-04-04-01-010.000 Stewart, Gregory B 10835 CROOKED STICK LN Carmel IN 46032 Neighbor 17-13-04-04-01-018.000 Hession, Thomas B & Brenda K 10850 CROOKED STICK LN Neighbor Page 1 of 3 PREPARED BY THE HAMILTON COUNTY AUDITORS OFFICE, DIVISION OF TAX MAPPING 10850 CROOKED STICK LN Carmel IN 46032 17-13-04-04-01-019.000 Estes, W E 10902 Crooked Stick Ln Carmel IN 46032 Neighbor 17-13-04-04-01-020.000 Leeper, Jean A & Robert E Trustees Jean A Leeper Rev Trust 10908 CROOKED STICK LN Carmel IN 46032 Neighbor 17-13-04-04-01-021.000 Bostic, Bradley A & Amy A 11004 CROOKED STICK LN Carmel IN 46032 Neighbor 17-13-04-04-03-003.000 Werner, Gregory A & Nancy J h&w te 1547 Preston Trl Carmel IN 46032 Neighbor 17-13-04-04-03-003.001 French, Darroll P Jr 1519 PRESTON CT Carmel IN 46032 Neighbor 17-13-04-04-03-004.000 Curless, Nancy G & Michael S CoTrustees of Nancy G Curless Trust 1525 Preston Trl Carmel IN 46032 Neighbor 17-13-04-04-03-005.000 French, Darroll P Jr 1519 PRESTON CT Carmel IN 46032 Neighbor 17-13-04-04-03-006.000 Mitchell, Clint D & Kimberly G h&w 1511 Preston Ct Neighbor Page 2 of 3 PREPARED BY THE HAMILTON COUNTY AUDITORS OFFICE, DIVISION OF TAX MAPPING Carmel IN 46032 17-13-04-04-03-007.000 Robins, Michael B & Julie M 1503 Preston Trl Carmel IN 46032 Neighbor Page 3 of 3 PREPARED BY THE HAMILTON COUNTY AUDITORS OFFICE, DIVISION OF TAX MAPPING 086 085 084 027 005 006 019 011 007 018 062 002 028.009 001 028.017 004 006 008 001 003 008 028.132 028 001 003 006 005002 028.132 003 002 028.018 068 071 018 031 007 017 065 001 061 005 004 009 006 001 002 008 010 001 030 005 064 066 069 032 028.005 016 077 010 020 067 001 005 083 021 081 075017 022 027 002 072 002 079 007 070 005 009 078 016019 004 060 004 006 080 025 074 033 032 003031 082 073 005 021 023 001 016 021 059 030 014 026 015 022 004 034 014 003 020 018 003 004 015 010.002 015 019 023 054 024 019 009 017 010.003 003006 008 020 009 035 008 020 012 011 002 007 010 018 002 007 009 022 053 001 001001 008007 010 005 007 016004 010 011 001 013 009 005 020 006 003 010 004 028.010 002 003 012 014 028.012 002 001 033 020 020 004 003.001 028.122 004.001 010 076 015.001 020 006.001 003 013 029 008 014 058 006 005 086.003 021.001 001 028.011 007 006 007 006 086.004 015.001 024.001 005 010 007.001 005 015 008 012 002.001 DITCH RDW 106TH ST W 106TH STW 106TH ST DITCH RDDITCH RDDITCH RDDITCH RDDITCH RDW 106TH ST HYDE PARKREGAL DR ST ANDREWS CIR QUEENS WAY P R E S T ON T R LPRESTWICK LNCROOKED STICK LNPRESTON CTCOPPERGATE DRC O PPER G ATE D R COPPERGATE DRCROOKED STICK LNP R E STO N TR LPRESTWICK LN ¯ Adjoine r Notification Map Legend Notify Subject Buffer (If Applicable) U.S. POSTAL SERVICE CERTIFICATE OF MAILING MAY BE USED `^"DOMESTIC AND INTERNATIONAL MAIL,DOES NO" PROVIDE FOR fANCE—POSTMASTER Received From: 1/ /1M11Ji , Vizizd n_ z LO" Wes, " ClcED One piece of ordinary// mail addressed`J� � tt�oo::���-/ FFEL O-Z �• GC�' elil' ../ r/ O�LQN" O d-,ZN ccsr � T a.j 0.rc'Carr or axial) ��icic .( < (, 1t-11't,! //I %0R- PS Form 3817, Mar. 1989 UNI I to S»TES Certificat PC--IL SERVICE Mai This Certificate of MA ovides evidence that mail has been presented to USPS®for i This form may be use,.,,,,Jomestic and international mail. From: Itea; `���j� *-:" UcSur lllll*/ Ala . Z ,.., l A t f po , IN Wi. a W fn �, �� <wo _Z JQN r N �y �� �Lz l l frit tf ni G1 G, 0 L, JA) OM 'S Form 3817 April 7nn7 PcM 7c1n_n7 nnn nnac MIN,- [Mil tu.►/i►t3) Certificate PC--IL SERVICE Mai This Certificate of MA •ovides evidence that mail has been presented to USPS®for n This form ma be useu ror domestic and inte national mail. From: U�ym- MAMPOlf w co la i in J UQJ I—I—d —.Z ■2 Z . r�NdJNo To: 7�xyal/ Q tlO.4. Q0 irli „zefir & m /i 10 Z PS Form 3817,April 2007 PSN 7530-02-000-9065 raid ., A-� WWI tU3I/i1t3 Certificat( PC--aL SERVICE, Mai, This Certificate of M rovides evidence that mail has been presented to USPS®for m This form may be us......,.domestic and international mail. From: gt 1 �yJr; �,,iy Avg 4.' o to /A/kV/WM; 44 ttl,° a_ W _ to OcCii¢wo m'— aoj .� a owzNoo rcin To: m/ 4/ Jtiu1 /��m N a'`,y 1J20V'C,Q � 1p3 p, jd v , ✓✓ ; _oz0;&/1 0 9 4z • PS Form 3817.Aoril 2007 PSN 7530-02-000-9065 >� UN!i Lu 141 L. Certificat PC--IL SERVICE Mai This Certificate of M *ovides evidence that mail has been presented to USPS®for This form may be usea rorr �domestic and international mail. //i From: lii/ G1/1 al rn aw �" N�-a . co--01 DLL Q (11/ein&, IA) *gt PS Form 3817,April 2007 PSN 7530-02-000-9065 ��WI, ^ U.S.POSTAL SERVICE CERTIFICATE OF MAILING MAY BE USE DOMESTIC AND INTERNATIONAL MAIL,DOES NO- PROVIDE FOF RANCE—POSTMASTER Received From: 3 / o , `It 0 Wcli u)� /r t iftt /0t4f� /e yt <wo m� �t <wa Z . One piece of ordinary mail a dressed �F—Qo - v mainft) fa. /MO7 (jig& O 0 `i OLLz Oa ismCU , /N WON' • PS Form 3817, Mar. 1989 U.S. POSTAL SERVICE CERTIFICATE OF MAILING MAY BE USE DOMESTIC AND INTERNATIONAL MAIL, DOES NOT PROVIDE FOI TRANCE—POSTMASTER Received From: '1d) 4'vv 1:;<:: 0 w � L 2 One piece of ordinary mail addressed to: pw, — ( Q oO r M DLL_ < 9d0/ A) /hc-atfv it i d11J Al) giu PS Form 3817, Mar. 1989 INN„,W, UNI I to S MI is Certificate P( ILL SERVICE Mail This Certificate of N irovides evidence that mail has been presented to USPS®for m This form may be used for domestic and international mail.. From: 4.11 ,_ IWO�//JfJ � i ., gleilirtll A ��ZZD a Z Ln 2 J W OQJ in •Fa .-Z ■Z a corr3 To: J1 upo-T ¢ BOO (J, (P/C PS Form 3R17 Anril 9lf7 PSN 7s3(1-fl9-fNlfl-9f1R5 A VIVI I&I.J 3//I/&3 Certificat PC-l!L SERVICE Ma This Certificate of A irovides evidence that mail has been presented to USPS®for This form may be used tor domestic and international mail. From: ��/f/A II/„IAV sll r kiovilito ;_:, z fM Ord 4) /fGZZo a or _ ,r) cli InL QWQ Off V .. I-1—a z Qo J v �P V /�n/!'1��� \� v�Q(Oo � > N Zzu filtkitgY PS Form 3817,April 2007 PSN 7530-02-000-9065 ,fA WI U1I I ti..1 3 uJI t3 Certificate PC-ILL SERVICES Mail This Certificate of to rrovides evidence that mail has been presented to USPS®for rr This form may be used tor domestic and international mail.From: 411 ,,, JL rl r� iii,1w i9f / o rc, /fredi Vtuf /,i qqu- W No C J ......�� N. I-rW-a °fz r.M d--1ZQNa, r m To: I/,v eft ., 6* LL- ¢ 1i1oz STLEZ`` Cfl-Xm- , 41 9edgz 'S Form 3817.Aoril 2007 PSN 753n-02-nnn-AnAs A UNI I to 3/ II t3 Certificate rs PC 1L SERVICE, Mailii This Certificate of to rovides evidence that mail has been presented to USPS®for malt This form may be used for domestic and international mail. CiK From: gall (1 // */rta Or id/a/o AW CI Lc) /A '))tN , iv 4zzo a w w U):19) Utr_j ...�'n cv 16117 p 1�N Du__ < � �LLz Q 6/4 g,, /rL) 1163z PS Form 3817,April 2007 PSN 7530-02-000-9065 vwrIto3uiIt. Certificate P1 "AL SERVICE Maill This Certificate of I provides evidence that mail has been presented to USPS®for my This form may be u a for domestic 'ann/d international mail. From: / 'f /o/� ,�Y/ v at /✓ 14Waki, IA) y4 2to / R WQ 2 Wo 'ed u, �1-d z • Cni-OWQN O T N [/}} ,��� DLL— < /V W� Ix ra ai.' Ciezi I //4 el z. DS Form 3817,Aoril 2007 PSN 7530-02-000-9065 IM A U.S.POSTAL SERVICE CERTIFICATE OF MAILING MAY BE U; )R DOMESTIC AND INTERNATIONAL MAIL, DOES NOT PROVIDE F 3URANCE—POSTMASTER Received From: Of OP 14W6(. 67 't kltir p, POr o. z /Nl� ► fawf g Ir/� W W� Uc J ..� J II—d O 2 �I•2 One piece of ordinary mail addressed to: N • 0 <c -J oicisro< cc &V y ��zQ /01f2? ( �Gl� '-N 04; t&, /tv 4' gz PS Form 3817. Mar. 19R9 U.S. POSTAL SERVICE CERTIFICATE OF MAILING MAY BE US R DOMESTIC AND INTERNATIONAL MAIL,DOES NO1 PROVIDE PC URANCE-POSTMASTER Received From: alSram OVAN° Q Z ri 1 /M21 I2f l rY ) wo 0- / I-1-a z • One piece off ordinary mail addressed to://�L/7,,/,J/ / (14-Qo j v 6o y 4 ) 5l/t L/) nLLz 11 (Aonfilz1 I/A) //al. PS Form 3817, Mar. 1989 �� U.S.POSTAL SERVICE CERTIFICATE OF MAILING MAY BE US R DOMESTIC AND INTERNATIONAL MAIL,DOES NO1 PROVIDE Fl ;URANCE—POSTMASTER Received From: v Id �/ N'` a �c, U V CJ w rn �T // M9,4 W4C IN 9G� u¢� �� aw0 a .- One pi e of ordinary mail addressed to: Sao .,, oulzwoo dJ¢0o, circ� /ic'c (x C/6 G^ lit nu__ a PS Form 3817. Mar. 1989 U.S.POSTAL SERVICE CERTIFICATE OF MAILING MAY BE USI t DOMESTIC AND INTERNATIONAL MAIL,DOES NOT PROVIDE FO JRANCE-POSTMASTER Received From: £ roil M'i ul /i to rgraili111814,A W Z 10 /NYCI0/j 1 /pV 'CaO . WJ I—i—d .-Z d•.e Crh—One piece of ordinary mail addressed to: OZ WN O T o Ii(/!/J(/V/1///vo /VI}`7 V(/ N2pv(5¢ cr l*9(,L/ l l���Nirie' 7 �LLz (/ (-mt7/, /A) 1 L PS Form 3817, Mar. 1989 �`�