190717 TACPage 1 of 7 City of Carmel Technical Advisory Committee July 17, 2019 CARMEL TECHNICAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES Date: Wednesday, July 17, 2019 Place: Dept. of Community Services Conference Room, 3rd Floor, Carmel City Hall. Time: 9:00 a.m. (Approximate start times for each item are listed below) 9:00 a.m. Docket No. 18090012 Z: Sherman Drive Townhomes Rezone (R-2 to UR) Docket No. 18090013 DP/ADLS: Sherman Drive Townhomes The applicant seeks rezone, development plan, and ADLS approval in order to develop 4 townhomes on Main Street. The site is located at 7 Sherman Drive. It is currently zoned R-2/Residential with a proposed change to UR/Urban Residential. Filed by Paul Reis with Krieg DeVault, LLP on behalf of AZR Haver LLC. Chris Engel with Krieg DeVault, Aaron Hurt with CEC, and Dan Moriarity with Studio M presented the project. Mr. Moriarity said this will be four units with attached garages. He added that this project will be rental apartments. Mr. Hurt said the current house would be demolished and the new structure will be slightly larger than the current footprint. He added that there are nice trees in the back of the property which they will try to preserve. Mr. Hurt said the project is proposing a rear driveway with permeable pavers and underground detention. Sam Clark – Hamilton County Surveyor’s Office - Paper plans have not been received which is what the Surveyor’s Office requires. Mr. Clark said an outlet permit will be required. Daren Mindham – City of Carmel Urban Forestry - Mr. Mindham said the latest landscape plan is ready to stamp unless there have been changes. Ryan Hartman – TriCo Regional Sewer Utility - This project is outside of TriCo jurisdiction. Dave McCoy – City of Carmel Addressing Coordinator - Mr. McCoy said his initial thought is that unit 1 would have a Sherman Drive address and the remaining units would be addressed off of Main Street. Jason Stewart – City of Carmel Utilities - Mr. Stewart said even though these are apartments, Utilities would be OK with there being four separate laterals just in case the building would ever convert from rental units to for sale units. David Littlejohn – City of Carmel Alternative Transportation - Mr. Littlejohn said the Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan requires a 10-foot Multi-Use concrete path along Main Street, and this should be identified on the plans. Page 2 of 7 City of Carmel Technical Advisory Committee July 17, 2019 Nick Mishler – City of Carmel Building and Code - Mr. Mishler said there may be different codes whether the building is apartment units rather than for sale units, so the developers would most likely want to figure this out before applying rather than trying to change the use later. Alexia Lopez – City of Carmel Planning & Zoning - Ms. Lopez said perhaps the architectural design can incorporate a raised roof or another element to break up the western part of the building. She added that overall the Department is happy with the design. Rachel Keesling – City of Carmel Planning & Zoning - No comments. 9:15 a.m. Docket No. 19030003 DP/ADLS: Riverview Health – US 421 The applicant seeks site plan and design approval for a new healthcare facility on 1.9 acres. The building will be about 11,000 sq. ft., 26’3” tall, and will have 82 parking spaces provided. The site is located at 10830 N. Michigan Road, just north of Pearson Ford. The site is zoned B3/Business and is located within the US 421 Overlay Zone. Filed by Mark Leach of Faegre Baker Daniels on behalf of EQ 106 Michigan, LLC. Mark Leach with Faegre Baker Daniels, Colin Patterson with American Structurepoint, and Anthony Zerrer with Equity LLC presented the project. Mr. Zerrer said this will be a standalone facility which will not be used for overnight stays. However, it will be open 24-hours a day, 7 days a week. Sam Clark – Hamilton County Surveyor’s Office - Plans received. Letter has not yet been sent. Mr. Clark said this building has a high runoff rate, but given the master plan was approved in 2007 and the curve number is lower than what was initially approved, there should not be an issue. Mr. Clark also noted that no regulated drain runs through any of the adjacent lots. Daren Mindham – City of Carmel Urban Forestry - Comments are on Project Dox. No further comments. Ryan Hartman – TriCo Regional Sewer Utility - Comments have been emailed. Mr. Hartman said the main concern is what will be in the structure itself. If it will be a restaurant or any type of food service, a grease interceptor may be required. Dave McCoy – City of Carmel Addressing Coordinator - Mr. McCoy verified that 10830 N. Michigan Road is the correct address. David Littlejohn – City of Carmel Alternative Transportation - Comments submitted on Project Dox. No further comments. Nick Mishler – City of Carmel Building and Code - No comments. Rachel Keesling – City of Carmel Planning & Zoning - Ms. Keesling said there are still some changes that will need to be made on the design, such as the number and shape of windows, the scale of the overhang compared to the rest of the building, and some additional details. Page 3 of 7 City of Carmel Technical Advisory Committee July 17, 2019 9:25 a.m. (SU) Clay Center Rd. Elementary School The applicant seeks the following special use approval for a new school: Docket No. 19060003 SU UDO Section 2.03 Permitted Uses, Education Special Use required. The site is located at 12025 Clay Center Rd. and is 35 acres in size. It is zoned S1/Residence and Silvara PUD/Planned Unit Development. Filed by Ron Farrand of Carmel Clay Schools. Darcy Fowler with Context Design, Jim Funk and Brent Hite with CSO Architects, Ron Ferrand with Carmel Clay Schools, and Karen Collins with A & F Engineering presented the project. Mr. Hite said the design of this school is typical of the School Safety 101 that is practiced on school construction today. This involves separating cars and buses, as well as looping the car line around the property which allows the stacking of cars to be moved off city streets as much as possible. Mr. Hite said in addition to the school, there will be four lighted baseball fields, which will replicate what currently exists at Carmel Elementary. Sam Clark – Hamilton County Surveyor’s Office - Review letter has been submitted. No further comments. Daren Mindham – City of Carmel Urban Forestry - Mr. Mindham said there are some additional crossing lines in the northeast corner near the tree preservation area. Ryan Hartman – TriCo Regional Sewer Utility - Comments sent on June 25. Also, there has been a meeting on site to discuss a cost sharing agreement for oversizing additional depth that would be required in the master plan. Dave McCoy – City of Carmel Addressing Coordinator - Mr. McCoy said the address 12025 Clay Center Road is the correct address that should be used for the school. Angie Conn – City of Carmel Planning & Zoning - Ms. Conn said plan review comments have been submitted on Project Dox and she is currently waiting of a reply. David Littlejohn – City of Carmel Alternative Transportation - Comments submitted on Project Dox. One comment was regarding a bike safety course. Mr. Littlejohn said since this is a new school it may be a good location. Nick Mishler – City of Carmel Building and Code - No comments. Alexia Lopez – City of Carmel Planning & Zoning - Ms. Lopez asked the percentage of people who drop off kids compared to ride buses. Mr. Hite said this is kind of an unknown until the school is completed, although they have estimated between 10-12 buses. Mr. Ferrand said historically about 80% of the students ride the bus. Rachel Keesling – City of Carmel Planning & Zoning - No comments. Page 4 of 7 City of Carmel Technical Advisory Committee July 17, 2019 9:35 a.m. Docket No. 19060017 ADLS Amend: Allegion parking expansion #2 The applicant seeks site plan approval to expand the existing parking lot. This second expansion (first was Docket No. 17060005 ADLS Amend) will add 24 spaces for a total of 123 spaces. The site is located at 11805 Pennsylvania St. and is zoned B-2. It is not located within an overlay zone. Filed by Dustin Casey of Allegion. Angela Smith and Jacob Cramer with Woolpert presented the project. Sam Clark – Hamilton County Surveyor’s Office - Mr. Clark said he has submitted an outlet permit request. He has no further comments at this time. Daren Mindham – City of Carmel Urban Forestry - Mr. Mindham said Sign Administrator Nathan Chavez has requested additional landscaping around the signage. He added that there is missing landscaping on the southwest corner. Ryan Hartman – TriCo Regional Sewer Utility - Mr. Hartman said he sent John Scheidler some As-Builts of the property to show the private, force main sewer on the north side of the property. Dave McCoy – City of Carmel Addressing Coordinator - No comments. Angie Conn – City of Carmel Planning & Zoning - No comments. David Littlejohn – City of Carmel Alternative Transportation - Comments submitted on Project Dox. No further comments at this time. Mr. Cramer said regarding the ADA ramps, he wants to make sure the plans are showing the correct type. Mr. Littlejohn said the ramps will need to be brought into compliance. Nick Mishler – City of Carmel Building and Code - No comments. Alexia Lopez – City of Carmel Planning & Zoning - No comments. Rachel Keesling – City of Carmel Planning & Zoning - Ms. Keesling said she has worked closely with John Scheidler on the location of the parking spaces and relocating the walkway. She added that this will be an administrative review and once it is approved she will issue a Letter of Grant. 9:40 a.m. Docket No. 19060018 DP: Carmel Hotel and Office The applicant seeks site plan approval for two building pads and associated parking on 2.96 acres. The site is located at 12166 N. Meridian Street. The site is zoned MC/Meridian Corridor. Filed by Brad Schrage of American Structurepoint on behalf of Michael Garvey of Diversified Land Acquisitions, LLC. Brad Schrage with American Structurepoint presented the project. Page 5 of 7 City of Carmel Technical Advisory Committee July 17, 2019 Sam Clark – Hamilton County Surveyor’s Office - Review letter submitted. No additional comments. Daren Mindham – City of Carmel Urban Forestry - Mr. Mindham said there are several landscaping issues, such as no perimeter landscaping around the south side, and the list of requirements for the UDO not matching the actual current UDO requirements. Mr. Schrage said there are possible changes coming to the layout which would allow for landscaping between the two parking lots. Finally, Mr. Mindham said there would need to be landscaping around the dumpster enclosures. Ryan Hartman – TriCo Regional Sewer Utility - Review is not yet complete. Mr. Hartman said he will require MEP plans, and asked if the space will have any food prep areas. Mr. Schrage said the hotel received a variance to not be a full-service hotel, which means it will not have a kitchen. Dave McCoy – City of Carmel Addressing Coordinator - Mr. McCoy said this will have two addresses. He added that he will come up with address assignments and let the petitioner know what they are. Angie Conn – City of Carmel Planning & Zoning - No comments. David Littlejohn – City of Carmel Alternative Transportation - Comments submitted on Project Dox. Mr. Schrage said the owners have been in discussions with the Ritz-Charles and have expressed interest in extending their sidewalk out to Illinois Street. Mr. Littlejohn said the UDO has been updated and now requires long-term bicycle parking for hotels. For office buildings, the long-term parking is highly encouraged. Nick Mishler – City of Carmel Building and Code - No comments. Alexia Lopez – City of Carmel Planning & Zoning - No comments. Rachel Keesling – City of Carmel Planning & Zoning - Ms. Keesling said the plans are in review and review will be complete as soon as possible. Mr. Schrage said the developer has indicated they would be interested in selling off the two existing pads on the site. Ms. Keesling said she will figure out what the replat process would be for these pads. 9:45 a.m. Docket No. 19060019 DP/ADLS: Franciscan Orthopedic Center of Excellence The applicant seeks site plan and design approval for a 4 story, 236,231 sq. ft. Orthopedic hospital, surgery center, medical office building, and 664 space parking garage on 10.8 acres. The site is located at approximately 10800 Illinois Street. The site is zoned MC/Meridian Corridor. Filed by Marty Rosenberg of Methodist Sports. Bob Hicks with Hall Render, Marty Rosenberg with Methodist Sports Medicine, Scott Wells and Mark Rogers with Tonn & Blank Construction, Sharon Annee with Franciscan Health, Robert Harmeyer with MSKTD Associates, and Jennifer Lasch and Jaclyn Hensel with Cripe presented the project. Page 6 of 7 City of Carmel Technical Advisory Committee July 17, 2019 Mr. Harmeyer said one of the big constraints to the site is the Vectren gas line that runs diagonal through the site. This gas line has restricted where buildings can be placed on the site. Ms. Lasch said parking for the building will be available in the parking garage and along the rear portion of the building, but the area in front of the building will be specifically for valet parking. There will be underground detention on the site. Ms. Lasch said from the stormwater treatment standpoint there will be a combination of hydrodynamic separator and isolator rows which are part of the underground detention. Mr. Harmeyer said the developers are looking into the possibility of obtaining an early foundation release. Sam Clark – Hamilton County Surveyor’s Office - Comment letter sent previously to Ms. Lasch. Mr. Clark said there are several issues that will need to go in front of the Drainage Board. One item that will need to be approved is the proposed reduction in the drainage easement from 75 feet to 30 feet. Also, Mr. Clark said it’s his understanding that the developers will be reconstructing a portion of the regulated drain on the north to avoid crossing the water line. He added that the petition should be submitted as soon as possible to have the items go in front of the Drainage Board. Daren Mindham – City of Carmel Urban Forestry - Comments on Project Dox. Mr. Mindham said there is a commitment for tree protection along the existing homes. Mr. Clark said there is the potential to purchase all or most of the homes which border the site, and asked if this were to happen how would this affect the bufferyard requirements. Ms. Keesling said as of right now, the requirements would be treated as if the homes are there, and if this ever changes, the Department would revisit at that time. Ryan Hartman – TriCo Regional Sewer Utility - Comment letter sent. No further comments at this time. Dave McCoy – City of Carmel Addressing Coordinator - Mr. McCoy asked if the petitioners would like to have separate addresses for the hospital and the office. Mr. Rosenberg said the buildings will need separate addresses as this is a healthcare regulatory issue since the hospital is required to be a separate entity from a license standpoint. Angie Conn – City of Carmel Planning & Zoning - No comments. David Littlejohn – City of Carmel Alternative Transportation - Comments submitted on Project Dox. No further comments at this time. Ms. Lasch said regarding the existing 8-foot path, when it is replaced it will absolutely be at least ten feet. Nick Mishler – City of Carmel Building and Code - Mr. Mishler said typically on a project of this size, he would like to sit down with the builders, along with the Fire Marshal and the Deputy Building Commissioner. The goal would be to come up with suite numbering and wayfinding that makes the site easy to navigate if there is ever an emergency run to the site. Mr. Mishler said foundation releases would usually require approval from Utilities, Planning and Zoning, and Engineering as well as all fees being paid in advance. Alexia Lopez – City of Carmel Planning & Zoning - No comments. Page 7 of 7 City of Carmel Technical Advisory Committee July 17, 2019 Rachel Keesling – City of Carmel Planning & Zoning - Ms. Keesling said there are no major concerns on the site plan. Regarding the architecture, one of the biggest concerns is the type of materials being used on the garage. She added that one of the comments was regarding number of signs, and the ordinance does not allow signage on accessory structures. Ms. Keesling said she is not sure the Department would support a variance for this. Mr. Harmeyer said they do not yet have an exact logo or facility name to go on these signs so the intent is to show the areas where signs will be located as well as the exact size, and then come back later with the exact sign details.