HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes PC 07-16-19 2. Docket No. 19050013 DP/ADLS: Napleton Kia of Carmel The applicant seeks site plan and design approval for a new auto dealership on 3.74 acres. The building will be 24,351 sq. ft.,about 28' tall,and will have 208 parking spaces provided. The site is located on 96th Street and east of Randall Drive(with access from Randall Drive). The site is zoned B3/Business and is not located within any overlay. Filed by Jim Shinaver and Jon Dobosiewicz of Nelson&Frankenberger on behalf of Napleton of Cannel Imports,LLC dba Napleton Kia of Carmel. Petitioner: Jim Shinaver: • With me tonight is Susan DeYoung from Napleton Kia,Jon Dobosiewicz,and Matt Pleasant from Nelson& Frankenberger • Presented an aerial photo to show the current layout and location • Presented a site plan • It is located east of the Enterprise Rent-A-Car center,and the Napleton Maserati dealerships. Directly west are the Tom Wood dealerships,and immediately north are one-story office buildings. • Access to this site is off of Randall Drive.There will be no curb cuts requested on 96th Street • The landscape plan details are located in tab 5 of the info packet. Additional buffers wil I be added to the northern end of the property. • We will preserve the area along Cannel Creek,which is just east of our site • We will provide the required number of bicycle parking spaces • Presented east, west, north, and south elevations, found in tab 4 of the info packet • The exterior building materials will consist of a combination of aluminum composite panels,pre-cast concrete walls,and storefront glass windows. The color scheme will consist of saw-white,charcoal slate,and silver. • All roof top mechanicals will be screened from view • The BZA recently approved the commitments which are provided in tab 9 of the info packet • We received consent from the Williamson Run HOA letter of approval • We will be prepare for the Aug. 6 Committee to provided items listed in the Department Report Public Comments: II Craig Forgey,3730 Power Drive: I am here on behalf of the Williamson Run Neighborhood Association. We are in support of this development but have a few minor concerns for you to consider. The existing Napleton dealerships have commitments of no test-drives in the neighborhood,but we continue to see test drives through our neighborhood. We also see the mechanics drive through our neighborhood. We would like signs place in our neighborhood of no test driving. The unloading of the cars off a truck on Randall Drive,which is the main access drive to our neighborhood. This creates a traffic concern. At the location of the dumpster enclosure tires are stacked up,and the doors are constantly left open. When driving on Randall Drive you can see this unattractive dumpster. We would like a roof placed on the dumpster enclosure. Maintain the landscaping so it doesn't die off. Currently we see dead plants and trees along Randall Drive adjacent to the Napleton Hyundai site. Rebuttal to Public Comments:Jim Shinaver • We will be prepared to address these concerned items at the August 6 Commercial Committee • We have seen and read the letter that sent by the HOA president and was forwarded by Councilman Worrell Department Report: Rachel Keesling • This site is going in where the old Randall Drive went to straight into 96th Street • It is adjacent to Cannel Creek • 1 story in height with a modern design • The only access to this site is Randall Drive. There will not be a new cut onto 96th Street • 200 parking spaces with be provided,and most of them will be constructed of permeable pavers • The site is within the floodplain of Carmel Creek,which means they need to provide off-site mitigation • We are still dealing with problems with the off-site mitigation for Napleton Hyundai dealership • The proposed off-site mitigation for this site is at the King of Glory Church property.The Engineering Dept.has not yet seen plans for this and Staff cannot support this until we see their plans. • We would like to see more trees saved in the waterway creek area. This would provide a great buffer. • We need tree preservation signs and fencing put up to preserve the area along Carmel Creek during construction 3 Plan Commission Meeting Minutes 7-16-19 • Six signs are being proposed.Only two signs would be allowed for their two street frontages. They will seek a variance through the BZA for the additional signs. • We recommend this item goes to the Aug.6 Commercial Committee Committee Comments: Josh: Bring to Committee the difference between using clay pavers verses concrete pavers. The FEMA map is not promising. Please have conversation with Jeremy Kashman and John Thomas on their concerns. Jim Shinaver: We will be prepared to do that. Josh: I know these are public roads and the City maintains these roads but I want you to be sensitive to your neighbors. Jim Shinaver: The KIA Napleton has acquired the HH Gregg site and will use it to unload their cars. Josh: That's great,until HH Gregg finds a new tenant to take over their site. Jim Shinaver: I understand that. Brad: Where is the proposed location of the monument sign? Jim Shinaver: On the southwest side Brad: What is the process with the new car deliveries? Can they park anywhere? Or is this the only place they can go. How long does the semi-truck park there? Craig Forgey: I don't know how long they are parked,but cars are parked here the majority of the time. It's about maneuvering around the parked semi-truck. Brad: How does this work when cars are parked off-site? Carrie: We need to be aware of the west elevation facing Randall Drive.There's only two ways to access Williamson Run and most likely they will be driving in off of 96th Street. We need to be cognizant of the landscaping and dumpster locations because it will have an effect on their property values. Sue: Can we prevent them from not unloading cars on Randall Drive? Rachel: I will look into that. John Molitor: We can request it as a commitment. Sue: For the Commercial Committee meeting,make sure to inquire about the test drives and the location of the dumpsters. Nick: How close is the bicycle parking to the entrance? Jim Shinaver: I'm not exactly sure but we will make sure we are in compliance. Nick: How do I access this site from 96th Street as a pedestrian or bicyclist? Jim Shinaver: We are analyzing this because of the grade issues in the area. We will address these questions at the Committee meeting. Nick: What will the height be of landscaping hedges around the parking lot?Jim Shinaver: We will look into this for the Committee meeting. Brad: Is the issuance of the certificate of occupancy(C/O)tied into the completion of the wetlands mitigation at the Hyundai dealership? Rachel: They are currently in notice of violation and are working with Engineering Department. I can look into the history of the C/O and have a better response. Brad: I want to make sure this is not repeated with the Kia development. Alan: There was an issue of landscaping with the Hyundai dealership. Craig Forgey: There's a lot of landscaping there,but it did not survive. Rachel: The City's Urban Forester is aware of this. They have to provide on-going maintenance to replace any dying trees or plants. They will replant in the fall. Josh: Mr. Shinaver,talk to Daren Mindham and get his advice for the plantings. Jim Shinaver: We will do that. A Motion by Sue and seconded by Alan to forward Docket No. 19050013 DP/ADLS to the August 6 Commercial Committee and to come back to the full Plan Commission for approval. Motion passes 7-0,absent Campbell,Adams 4 Plan Commission Meeting Minutes 7-16-19