HomeMy WebLinkAboutApplicationAPPLICATION for ADMINISTRATIVE SUBDIVISION FEE: (Due after docket no. is assigned) $361 plus $144 per lot DATE: Office Use Only DOCKET # The undersigned agrees that any construction, reconstruction, enlargement, relocation or alteration of structure, or any change in the use of land or structures requested by this application will comply with, and conform to, all applicable laws of the State of Indiana and the Unified Development Ordinance of Carmel, Indiana, adopted under the authority of Acts of 1979, Public Law 178, Sec. 1, et. seq. General Assembly of the State of Indiana, and all Acts amendatory thereto. 14 Email:_ N- U L e J "0 P tI A-1 I -91/ &5 . �W Address: H 73I C0S6 Contact Person: T 01, 21WJSVtLLt r Q RAi C�it�`i r 0 17) 71q - zqa ( 07 Phone: 21 2— ) to Email: 1-�r�,i/l� �) Rl�()�1M���y �P.J L � tM Phone: Eplan Review Contact Person: ,�, �UA�N� SifA-jzRr� Phone:U31 q% -(o(p� Email: S Na-R1 b 0 l•J F l i+ff .NET Name of Subdivision: a Approximate Address/Location of Subdivision: du & f 12 (A, z i -j 9 j ) r1 �% Tax Parcel ID No(s): / 7— V 1 31— 0 0 o - ()o a ✓ 000 /17-02-31 -D 0 - �8 - 0 0 1(i0 o Legal Description: (To be ewritten n se arate sheet and attached). LOT- 9T1- O.S1 Ate Area (in acres): too- S& A- - 6. 39 A-C- Number of Lots: Z Zoning: S " � ROSD Surveyor certifying plat: TbsrL. 4- 1!�l/T7"V Zoning Overlay: N/>A Surveyor's address and phone: W E1 }- ENS wNcoes, /Oyc , /O.SpS" /U & (, (, -& i 4yE INQPLS Iry 416,060 Signature of Applic TITLE: s State of Indiana, Coun Before me the undersign personally appeared �A,U L '3" OP MA-4 owtiRK r - N I v SS: �(Cou�tyhich notarization takes place) blic for k,\ County, State of Indiana, (officer's county of residence) �o6 0n,%r'k and acknowled ed the execution (name of erson(s)) g of the foregoing instrument thisA day of Jo a-1 C' 0\ -o 0 . Lesa Powell (date) (month) year) No�►y Public-Offlcfal Seat) "PJuk state oll WW,, BMW CW* My Comminim Expires Oct 7, 2M 3/ (Notary Public - Signature) My commission expires: �(.1 �f t C 4 (Notary Public - PleasePrint) File: Administrative Subdivision Application 2019 Page 1 of 4 Revised 02-28-2019 UDO Section 9.13: Application for Administrative Subdivision._ One electronic copy of the site plan (replat) drawn to scale together with supporting documents, shall be submitted to the Dept. of Community Services Planning/Zoning Division after this application is submitted as indicated in Section 9.13 of the Unified Development Ordinance. NEW: As of January 1, 2019, electronic -only submittals are accepted. Initially, only this filled out application needs to be emailed to DOCS. Shortly thereafter, plans are to be submitted electronically through ProjectDox, Carmel's ePlan review software. Please see the Electronic Plan Review handout for more information on the process and what needs to be submitted. Plans are to be distributed to all Technical Advisory Committee (TAQ authorities b the he applicant, by the filing deadline as well. * All documents must be legible. A. ELECTRONIC COPY OF REPLAT / SITE PLAN* TO ILLUSTRATE: 1. Name of subdivision 2. Words "Replat" in the title 3. Date of submission or latest revision 4. Plat drawn 50' = 1" scale, and with north arrow 5. Names, addresses, phone numbers: Owner, subdivider, surveyor 6. Registered surveyor's signature, seal and date MX 7. Accurate tract boundary lines: Show dimensions, angles, bearings 8. Source of title of ownership and legal description 9. Streets and rights -of -way (existing) a. Locations b. Names c. Widths 10. Complete curve notes 11. Dimensions of land to be dedicated or reserved, if applicable 12. Monuments and markers (location, type, material, size) 1 1 13. Easements (location, widths, use) 14. Building setback lines IS. Legends and notes 16. Registered land surveyor's certificate 17. Certificate of approval by Commission 18. Certificate of acceptance by Board of Works 19. Restrictions or covenants a. Fences in detention/retention areas b. Lighting - dusk to dawn lights c. Maintenance of common areas 20. Location Map 21. Space for the Docket Number(s) 22. Present zoning classification 23. (On a Replat: affected lot numbers will have the letter A after them, such as Lot 4A.) B. ELECTRONIC COPIES OF SECONDARY SUPPORTING DATA TO BE PROVIDED. 1. Letters of approval submitted by the following: a. Hamilton County Surveyor b. Hamilton County Highway Department c. Hamilton County Soil & Water Conservation District d. Carmel City Engineer e. Fire Chief - Carmel Fire Department f. Carmel City Utilities Department File: Administrative Subdivision Application 2019 Page 2 of 4 Revised 02-28-2019 F_ 2. Certification of Notification a. Police and Sheriff b. Water and sanitary sewer utilities c. Electric, gas, phone utilities d. Carmel/Clay Schools e. Hamilton Health Department (if septic) f. Carmel Board of Public Works PA F-1_ 3. Report describing water system, sanitary sewer system and storm drainage system. N� l 4. Statement from State Highway Department, County Highway Department or City Street Department (rights -of -way, road improvements, roadside drainage, entrances, culvert pipes, condition of existing roadway and its suitability to handle proposed traffic must be specified). 5. Soils map, and report from Hamilton County Soil & Water Conservation District showing soil limitations based upon intended usage. AJA F-1_ 6. Letter from the Carmel Board of Public Works or other appropriate authorities stating that said authority has capacity for sewer/water hookups. C. ELECTRONIC COPY OF FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE AND MAINTENANCE GUARANTEES OA -- 1. Written statement of commitment Page 3 of