HomeMy WebLinkAboutApplicationEXHIBIT A DESCRIPTION OF REQUEST Jason Sprunger and Sarah Sprunger (collectively the “Applicant”) are the owners of two parcels of real estate having a common addresses of 2180 and 2198 Steffee Drive, Carmel, IN 46032 and identified as Parcel Nos. 17-09-33-00-17-009.000 (“Lot 9”) and 17-09-33-00-17- 008.000 (“Lot 8”) with the Hamilton County Auditor’s Office (collectively the “Real Estate”). On December 28, 2018 the Applicant received approval from the Carmel Board of Zoning Appeals Hearing Office pertaining to a petition, filed under Docket No. 18110001 V, related to Development Standard Variance for Minimum 10-ft side yard setback and Crossing 20-ft over side property line as to the Real Estate. The approval of the prior petition under Docket No. 18110001 V was conditioned on the execution and recording of a commitment prohibiting the individual transfer of the lots comprising the Real Estate (the “Commitment”). The Commitment was recorded on January 9, 2019. Subsequent to the Commitment, development of the single-family residence has resulted in the Applicant no longer seeking to utilize a portion of the granted variance, namely the approval to cross over the side property line to construct a pool. In light of the change in site development, the Applicant seeks to vacate the Commitment so as to allow the individual sale of Lot 9 for the construction of a single-family residence. LEGAL DESCRIPTION Lots Numbered 8 and 9 in Towne Oak Estates at Carmel, Secondary Plat, as per plat thereof recorded August 5, 2008 as Instrument No. 2008040266 in Plat Cabinet 4, Slide 484, in the Office of the Recorder of Hamilton County, Indiana. Contact Information 1. Owner / Applicant and Parcel Nos.: 17-09-33-00-17-008.000 and 17-09-33-17-009.000 Jason and Sarah Sprunger 6006 Hillside Avenue West Indianapolis, IN 46220 Email: sjsprunger@hotmail.com 317-509-4765 2. Attorney and Land Use Professional: Fredric Lawrence, Attorney Jon C. Dobosiewicz, Land Use Professional Nelson & Frankenberger, LLC 550 Congressional Blvd., Suite 210 Carmel, IN 46032 Phone: (317) 844-0106 Fax: (317) 846-8782 Email: rick@nf-law.com Email: jon@nf-law.com FINDNGS OF FACT - COMMITMENT AMENDMENT CARMEL ADVISORY BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS Docket Number: _____________________ Project Name: Sprunger Residence – Commitment Amendment Applicants: Jason Sprunger and Sarah Sprunger COMMENTS: Approval of the requested Commitment Amendment will not be injurious to the public health, safety, morals and general welfare of the community because: (i) all property owners subject to the existing Commitment have agreed and consented to the filing of this 2019 Commitment Amendment request; (ii) absent the existence of the Commitment, individual transfer of Lot 9 would be permitted; and (iii) the Applicants no longer desire to utilize a portion of the prior granted variance for which the Commitment arose. In consideration of the foregoing, granting the Commitment Amendment request will not be injurious to the public health, safety, morals and general welfare of the community. Further, because the properties surrounding the subject parcels are single-family residential, approval of the Commitment Amendment request will not have an adverse impact on the uses and values of the properties that surround the subject parcels. DECISION It is therefore the decision of the Carmel Board of Zoning Appeals that Commitment Amendment Docket No. ______ is granted, subject to any conditions stated in the minutes of this Board, which are incorporated herein by reference and made a part hereof. Adopted this 28th day of October, 2019. ________________________________________ CHAIRPERSON, Carmel Board of Zoning Appeals ________________________________________ SECRETARY, Carmel Board of Zoning Appeals CARMEL ADVISORY BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS BALLOT SHEET - COMMITMENT AMENDMENT Docket Number: _____________________ Project Name: Sprunger Residence – Commitment Amendment Applicants: Jason Sprunger and Sarah Sprunger COMMENTS: __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________. Dated this 28th day of October, 2019. __________________________________________________ Board of Zoning Appeals Board Member Sprunger Residence Site Location Map / Aerial PhotographTowne RoadNORTH SITE Steffee Drive Sprunger Residence Site Location Map / Aerial Photograph Finchley Road NORTH SITE Steffee Drive Sprunger Residence Zoning Map Finchley Road NORTH SITE Steffee Drive 24" GAS MAIN B.L. 5' L.E.10' L.E.20' D.&U.E.20' D.&U.E.25' D .U .&S .E . 30' R.D.U.&S.E. B.L. 5' L.E.S00°25'30"E361.99'E.T.T.P. M C.O.1.4'12.0' 2.3' 1.8' 6" CPP Vert. Lot 8 Lot 9 30' D.U.&S.E. B.L. Steps to Basement Entry (House Under Constrution) 8 . 5 '1.4'12.0' 2.3' 1.8' (House Under Constrution) 8 . 5 ' S & A JOB NO. SHEET NO. OF 1 SHEETS DRAWN BY: D.T. CHECKED BY: B.E.S. DATE DRAWN: 08/15/2019 FIELDWORK DATE: 08/09/2019 D.&U.E. = DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENT L.E. = LANDSCAPE EASEMENT D.U & S.E. = DRAINAGE UTILITY & SEWER EASEMENT B.L. = BUILDING SETBACK LINE _____________________ Bruce E. Strack Professional Land Surveyor Indiana No.: 20200057 Certified: August 15, 2019 IMPROVEMENT LOCATION SURVEY Prepared for: Rick Lawrence Sprunger Residence Lots 8 & 9, Towne Oak Estates at Carmel, Hamilton County, IN 1" = 60 FT E.T. C.O. M TOEC.8&9A 1 DETAIL Scale: 1" = 20' NOTE: While this survey shows the house in its entirety, only the East line of the existing house was surveyed. The remainder of the house is shown per the Plot Plan dated 03/07/2018. C.P.P. = CORRUGATED PLASTIC PIPE R.D.&U.E. = REGULATED DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENT WATER METER SANITARY CLEANOUT FIRE HYDRANT SANITARY SEWER MANHOLE ELECTRICAL TRANSFORMER LAND SURVEYOR CERTIFICATION: I, the undersigned Land Surveyor, registered under the laws of the State of Indiana, hereby certify that this topographic survey was conducted under my direct supervision. DATE OF FIELD WORK: August 9, 2019 In witness whereof, I hereunto place my hand and seal this 15 day of August, 2019. This drawing is not intended to be represented as an original or retracement Boundary Survey, a Route Survey or a Surveyor Location Report. L A ND SUR V E Y O RINDIA N ABRUCE E . STRA CK No. 20200057 STATE OFREGISTER E D