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24" GAS MAIN 606.30'B.L. 5' L.E.10' L.E.20' D.&U.E.20' D.&U.E.25' D .U .&S .E . 30' R.D.U.&S.E. B.L. 5' L.E.S00°25'30"E361.99'E.T.T.P. M C.O. 10.5' 10.0' 6" CPP Vert. Lot 8 Lot 9 30' D.U.&S.E. B.L. Steps to Basement Entry (House Under Constrution)27' 27'14' drive14' drive 10.5'48.8'34,875 sq.ft.31,327 sq.ft. 128.20'141.07' 29.2' TREE PRESERVATION TREE PRESERVATIONS & A JOB NO. SHEET NO. OF 1 SHEETS DRAWN BY: GDK CHECKED BY: DATE DRAWN: 10/24/2019 FIELDWORK DATE: D.&U.E. = DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENT L.E. = LANDSCAPE EASEMENT D.U & S.E. = DRAINAGE UTILITY & SEWER EASEMENT B.L. = BUILDING SETBACK LINE EXAMPLE SITE PLAN w/ REPLAT Prepared for: Rick Lawrence Sprunger Residence Lots 8 & 9, Towne Oak Estates at Carmel, Hamilton County, IN 7965 East 106th Street, Fishers, IN 46038-2505Phone: 317.849.5935 Fax: 317.849.5942 E.T. C.O. M TOEC.8&9A 1 1" = 60 FT S1 Zoning Requirements 15,000 sq.ft. lot area min. 120' lot width min. 40' front setback min. 10' sideyard / 30' aggregate min. 20' rear yard min. C.P.P. = CORRUGATED PLASTIC PIPE R.D.&U.E. = REGULATED DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENT WATER METER SANITARY CLEANOUT FIRE HYDRANT SANITARY SEWER MANHOLE ELECTRICAL TRANSFORMER This drawing is not intended to be represented as an original or retracement Boundary Survey, a Route Survey or a Surveyor Location Report. CONCEPT SITE PLAN ONLY Shestak, Joe From:Conn, Angelina V Sent:Friday, October 25, 2019 2:43 PM To:'dshelton@defur.com' Cc:Shestak, Joe; 'ncoons@defur.com' Subject:Re: Docket No. 19070011 V / Jason and Sarah Sprunger Follow Up Flag:Follow up Flag Status:Completed Good afternoon, David – Thanks for calling me yesterday. I researched the tree preservation approvals for the Towne Oak Estate subdivision/neighborhood, specifically for Lot 9 – It looks like the tree preservation areas are is an approximate 25-ft wide swath along the north side of Lot 9, as well as an approximate 30-ft wide swath along the east side of Lot 9. Here are the direct laser fiche web links to those secondary plat and primary plat Plan Commission files: 07030010 SP and 06090041 PP. Angie Conn, AICP Carmel Planning & Zoning Dept. rd 1 Civic Sq. 3 Flr., Carmel, IN 46032 P: 317-571-2417 | W: www.carmeldocs.com 1 NF Nelson & Frankenberer, LLC imp lair Attorneys at Law i 550 Congressional Blvd., Suite 210, Carmel, Indiana 46032 317-844-0106 JAMES E.SHINAVER JON C.DOBOSIEWICZ LAWRENCE J.KEMPER* Land Use Professional JOHN B. FLATT FREDRIC LAWRENCE VALERIE L. MATHEIS** *Also licensed in Kentucky JANE B.MERRILL—Of Counsel **Also licensed in Illinois Via Hand Delivery October 17, 2019 City of Carmel Attn: Angie Conn Re: Sprunger Residence Commitment Amendment Payment of Filing Fee 19070011 V Dear Angie: Enclosed please find a check made payable to the"City of Carmel" in the sum of$1408.00 for the filing fee associated with the above referenced matter. Thanks for your assistance in this matter and should you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me. Very truly yours, Red Zeurneoce Rick Lawrence \FT Nelson & Frankenberger1 Lac maw Attorneys at Law 550 Congressional Blvd., Suite 210, Carmel, Indiana 46032 317-844-0106 JAMES E.SHINAVER JON C DOBOSIEWICZ LAWRENCE J.KEMPER* Land Use Professional JOHN B.FLATT FREDRIC LAWRENCE VALERIE L.MATHEIS** *Also licensed in Kentucky JANE B.MERRILL—Of Counsel **Also licensed in Illinois Via Hand Delivery October 18, 2019 City of Carmel Attn: Angie Conn Re: Sprunger Residence Commitment Amendment Variance Brochures 19070011 V Dear Angie: Enclosed please find eight (8) copies of the Board of Zoning Appeals packets for distribution to the Board of Zoning Appeals members for the October 28, 2019 meeting, as well as a flash drive that contains a digital copy of the packets. Thanks for your assistance in this matter and should you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me. Very truly yours, Rick Lawrence 0 0 T i� E 0 cD 12 N 0 n I I I 3 e — --- -- i I 5' L.E.- 5, L.E. 5 L.E. 20' D_&U.E. — LIFT STATION #25 �^ I RMM.. N � 1 WYE & LAT. -0+6-7- 0+70 J ID —__40' gL \ TOE2 \ \ \ 30, U&SE\ \ \ -------___, �' 0' D'U. GI 30 D. U. &S ` 11 i ::D �m CD 40", B( I M I1 II I1 II I1 , 16 WYE & LAT. -1+4-8- 1+22 2 WYE & LAT. 2+57 1I I 3 I WYE & LAT. 1+16 40' BLS � I — — — — 3p' D.U. F 5' L.E. 5' L.E. 1 5' L.E. --� L5' L.E. �20' D.&U.E_--��5' L.E. 30' D.U.&S.E. 30' D.U.&S.E. 1 1 30' D.U.&S.E. � - — — — — — — — — — ---------- 4 WYE & LAT 2+33 I I of I� I I 11 5 6 1 I 7 g 1� WYE & LAT. I I Q WYE &LAT. 1 WYE &LAT. WYE &LAT. J I 0-O p" 1+81 - I i 22+96- 3+68 +91 WYE & LAT. / 3+87 I L 1 IC 71 40 BL I I �I —4. 4� — 30 R�TOE4 — SE. 1 30' R.D.0 \ . E. TOE5 V - a COM N AREA STEFFEE DRIVES ____--- L 1 3p' I 30' R D.0 &S.E_ 40 BL D.U.&SE. —4 0 B� 6I 1 U] of Ip I I I I � I 1 14 13 12 15 I I 1 WYE & LAT. WYE & LAT. WYE & LAT. I I �- WYE LSAT. _24-W .Q+33- I 1+62 2+80 2+70 0+43 I I I I I I I I � Ab D DETENTION BASIN 1 `' 00 YR ELEV. = 894.50 ' TOP OF BANK = 895. LOWEST ADJACENT GRAD =Q0/ 896.50� -- — 24" GAS MAIN 251 p.&U �40= \ 1 \></ / \ / 36" GAS MAIN 30" GAS MAIN / 1 11 I / WYE & LAT. 10 / PEPL PIPEL EASEMENT �+$1' WYE & LAT. / 1+02 / v w 2+26 ,/ c, COMMON 0 ASIN A2 1 6 1 30 GAS MAIN %I 100 YR E4F . = 894.71 <5 —� o TOP OF ANK = 895.50 I 1 1 1 /N11ir— Y AP1\I7 /%n1AMr— OAC SANITARY SEWER PLAN 1. TEMPORARY TRAFFIC CONTROL DURING CONSTRUCTION TO CONFORM TO APPLICABLE LOCAL AND STATE STANDARDS. 2. ALL CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY ON THIS SITE TO BE PERFORMED IN COMPLIANCE WITH APPLICABLE O.S.H.A. STANDARDS FOR WORKER SAFETY. 3. IT SHALL BE THE CONTRACTORS RESPONSIBILITY TO FIELD VERIFY ALL UTILITY LOCATIONS BEFORE CONSTRUCTION BEGINS. 4. CONTRACTORS SHALL MINIMIZE DAMAGE TO EXISTING TREES. 5. ALL WYE, LATERAL AND PROFILE STATIONS ARE FROM THE NEAREST DOWNSTREAM MANHOLE. (MH) 6. WYES AND LATERALS TO BE 6" PIPE UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED. 7. ALL WYE CONNECTIONS SHALL HAVE A MINIMUM OF FIVE (5) FOOT LATERAL EXTENSION CONNECTED TO THE WYE, OR EXTEND TO THE UTILITY AND DRAINAGE EASEMENT OF THE LOT, WHICHEVER IS GREATER, BUT IN NO CASE SHOULD THE END OF THE LATERALS BE CLOSER THAN FIVE (5) FEET TO THE BUILDING LINE, UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. THE END OF THE LATERAL SHALL BE PLUGGED OR CAPPED, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. 8. LATERALS RUNNING TO THE OPPOSITE SIDE OF THE STREET SHALL EXTEND TO THE UTILITY AND DRAINAGE EASEMENT OF THE LOT, BUT IN NO CASE SHOULD THE END OF THE LATERALS BE CLOSER THAN FIVE (5) FEET TO THE BUILDING LINE, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. ff inuianaim P i �— �— Sheet Detail Number Description C802 1 Precast Reinforced Concrete Manhole C802 5 Sanitary Sewer Bedding Detail C802 C802 6 7 Service Connection for Shallow Sewer Wye & Lateral Capping Detail �M C> co 910 00 co�00 F C�i�2 q"E-i � o ��'0 N 00 M UQ 00 Z 00 N. N O O ^ rn Q •� _ .W Z O00 00 ^ CD cn I� zco 905 J w Q z C w z ON ¢ rn N�Z �CD CU» ZO � z�00 N Z Z C3�� o� O W 00 N�ZZ OfCU>j Z 900 N~zz O �� � �> CU U 0O rj r-� p,-j (n Z II U N U co CT N Z I I I U00 [if II 875 8"PVC / o 291' ,. _aA,5% 8"PVC 0.43% 170' o 0.58% 8"PVC r`CD TI CI r` A TI r1Al Cr1D "D Cr`r' CERTIFIED BY: THE SCHNEIDER CORPORATION HISTORIC FORT HARRISON 8901 OTIS AVENUE INDIANAPOLIS, INDIANA 46216 (317) 826-7100 FAX (317) 826-7300 NOTE: Record drawing certification only for top of casting, invert elevations and lengths of pipe. Slope percentage represents a calculated figure and is for general information only. SANITARY SEWER PROFILE 392' ��\`� _� 890.258 �1= :, STATE OF DATE: 06/08/11 Top of casting elevations were verified on 12/16/11. 8"PVC 0 o MINIMUM COVER FOR PIPE CROSSINGS OF CITY STREETS FOR INSTALLATION OF STORM MAINS, WATER MAINS, SANITARY MAINS, SERVICE LATERALS, SANITARY SERVICE LATERALS UNDER CITY STREETS, REGARDLESS OF JURISDICTION OF THE UTILITY, THE MINIMUM COVER FROM THE TOP OF THE INSTALLED PAVEMENT TO THE TOP OF THE INSTALLED PIPE SHALL BE THE PAVEMENT SECTION THICKNESS (ALL BITUMINOUS AND AGGREGATE MATERIAL ABOVE THE SUBGRADE) PLUS V-0". BUT UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES SHALL THE COVER ALONG ANY PART OF THE PIPE FROM THE FINAL PAVEMENT ELEVATION TO THE TOP OF THE PIPE BE LESS THAN 2.5' FEET. IF THE STANDARD PRACTICE OF THE UTILITY THAT HAS JURISDICTION OVER THE INSTALLATION HAS A MORE STRINGENT COVER REQUIREMENT, THE MORE STRINGENT REQUIREMENT SHALL GOVERN. TE V111111 Existing Grade New Grade Granular Backfill SCALE: 1 "= 50' C7 910 Uj3905 Uj a to soo >M � 895 SCALE: HORZ.: 1„'=50' VERT.: 1 =5 875 zz < Cl:: o' in z p cm z QOf = O OO� <ww¢ L� C) w � W W U 8 � O o_oo_ N U U J J � Wp p M M of ci r-i --i DATE:10/24/07 THIS DRAWING AND THE IDEAS, DESIGNS AND CONCEPTS CONTAINED HEREIN ARE THE EXCLUSIVE NTELLECTUAL PROPERTY OF THE SCHNEIDER CORPORATION, AND ARE NOT TO BE USED OR REPRODUCED, IN WHOLE OR IN PART, WITHOUT THE WRITTEN CONSENT OF THE SCHNEIDER CORPORATION. © COPYRIGHTED BY THE SCHNEIDER CORP. (2007) Schneider THE SCHNEIDER CORPORATION Historic Fort Harrison 8901 Otis Avenue Indianapolis, IN 46216-1037 Telephone: 317.826.7100 Fax: 317.826.7300 www.schneidercorp.com Architecture Civil Engineering Environmental Engineering Geotechnical Services GIS * LIS Home Builder Services Interior Design Land Surveying Landscape Architecture Transportation Engineering w O z E w w � az a �(2�I z w z 0 E— z W E--.-,L � R� x I� wco DATE: PROJECT NO.: 10/24/07 6159.001 DRAWN BY: CHECKED BY: ZJM TPG SHEET TITLE: SANITARY SEWER PLAN & PROFILES DRAWING FILES: T:\6k\6159\001\dwgs\C401.dwg SHEET NO.: (C,40n 10701 N. College Avenue Suite A Indianapolis, Indiana 46280 phone 317-844-9200 fax 317-844-9203 www.trico.eco Lateral Inspection Form 999913154 (for internal use only) Subdivision Towne Oak Estates Permit Date 02/07/2019 Section Number Permit Type Final Lot Number 8 Type Residential Address Number 2198 Project WO ENG4242007 Street Steffee Drive Builder SLM Homes LLC City Carmel Contractor Eddie Rishel Zip Code 46032 Phone Number 317-714-4255 County Hamilton Lift Station 25 Towne Oak Station Water Type City of Carmel Treatment Plant MIX w Slab Foundation ` sag � Crawl Space FFRUNge E �p�C Basement YES ft B 7-' . .30 soon' First Floor Elevation 897.30 (RH �•� )(�gyllG s4.o ro Hr) Basement Elevation 887.30 aR4 a�ss.s ° poop Sump Pump YES o poR Ejector Pump YES 9ss s 3 w. Grinder Station Fp ro Grease Trap for 94.5 95g oi'-Oc Grease Interceptor 29 Zoo' $ Grit Interceptor N bo 896 a Main ID TOE5-TOE4 TG-ass I ss'8 2 .13 7� ms.33 7•0 Upstream MH TOE-5 AS BUNTS I ^ w P 1$'33 m ° c a Downstream MH TOE-4 94'0 0433 Nz4'sr o MH On Property No I I `%AR B.L 4-1 IN86'0 14" 95.8 MH Accessable No 2 I TG_ sys � 120' �� Distance Back 894'7p* !� Q Distance Ahead 1- 8 93 6 Curb Stamp Yes 4.4 Depth At Bldg. 'j BUILT / As 8�4r� I �n Depth at Property Line res895ss.s / �' ��0 Depth At Main �— r4 Main Connection Type —, 01h Pipe Diameter (p o TG_ s 94'7 Pipe Material io M=_FEi 6,3 ASBU9` a 6 Stub Length o'^� Length 1 �•9-98--- se 9�m�a� s ° GRy10 HncW Trace Wire Yes Junction Direction Distance Notes I� —� 9 Lr OAFS Loe, k0IQA aE C'T1Q/J "6 -rT id kid WOcJ-LE-- AL (APPROVED) r ADDITIONAL REQUIRED Inspectors Signature Contractors Signaturex . Phone Phone 14 m r- FAILED Date Date -41- 'S- / Shestak, Joe From:Rick Lawrence <rick@nf-law.com> Sent:Friday, September 13, 2019 10:37 AM To:Conn, Angelina V; Shestak, Joe Subject:Commitment Amendment Application Attachments:Application Packet.pdf Follow Up Flag:Follow up Flag Status:Completed **** This is an EXTERNAL email. Please exercise caution and Do Not open attachments or click links from unknown senders or unexpected email. **** Angie and Joe – Attached is an application for a Commitment Amendment related to the Sprunger Residence. It is my understanding this th will be on the Oct. 8 BZA agenda. Please let me know when ProjectDox is available for me to upload relevant information. Rick Fredric Lawrence, Attorney 550 Congressional Blvd, Suite 210, Carmel, Indiana 46032 Phone (317) 844-0106, ext 126 Fax (317) 846-8782 rick@nf-law.com NOTICE OF CONFIDENTIALITY This E-mail message and its attachments (if any) are intended solely for the use of the addressee hereof. In addition, this message and the attachments (if any) may contain information that is confidential, privileged and exempt from disclosure under applicable law. If you are not the intended recipient of this message, you are prohibited from reading, disclosing, reproducing, distributing, disseminating or otherwise using this transmission. Delivery of this message to any person other than the intended recipient is not intended to waive any right or privilege. If you have received this message in error, please promptly notify the sender by reply E- mail and immediately delete this message from your system. ****************************************************************************************** *** 1