HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes PC 08-20-19 4. Docket No. 19040007 CP Amend: 2020-2025 Zone Improvement Plan(ZIP).
The applicant seeks to update the Zone Improvement Plan,upon which the parks and recreation impact fee is
based, and to incorporate the ZIP into the Cannel Clay Comprehensive Plan(C3 Plan). Filed by the Cannel
Department of Community Services,on behalf of the Cannel Plan Commission.
5. Docket No. 19040008 OA: Parks and Recreation Impact Fee Ordinance Amendment.
The applicant seeks to amend the Unified Development Ordinance in order to update existing impact fee
provisions,as well as their definitions. The proposal would renew the impact fee that is currently imposed on
new residential development to defray the cost of new parks and recreation infrastructure, for an additional five
years(from 2020 to 2025). Filed by the Cannel DOCS,on behalf of the Cannel Plan Commission.
Petitioner: Adrienne Keeling,DOCS
• Since 2001,the City of Cannel has imposed a fee on new dwelling units to offset the costs for new and
expanding park facilities
• Indiana Code requires that Cities review these fees periodically. Carmel operates on a 5 year cycle.
• The 2020-2025 ZIP will provide the background and rational for the actual impacts proposed in the zoning and
Unified Development Ordinance(UDO)
• Staff would propose a favorable recommendation to City Council
• If you would to vote on this item tonight,the PC would have to suspend the Rules of Procedure
Michael Klitzing,Director of Cannel Clay Parks and Recreation
• Together we have created a community of choice. Cannel is a place where people want to live,work, and play.
• Last year we had 4.2 million users for our parks and related programs
• Indiana Law allows communities to asses an impact fee to fund new capital development to accommodate the
increase demand of the parks system
• The Impact Fee has been used to acquire new park land along the White River
• It provided funding for the construction for Founders Park,the expansion of West Park, and a new park in
northwest Cannel
• In a 2018 study,we identified the level of park usage remains consistent regardless of income level and number
of residents within a household
• New residents will use our parks and should be able to contribute to development of our parks system
• We want to maintain the same level of service that is expected by the current and future residents
Public Comments:
Kate Collins,Builders Association of the Greater Indianapolis: Historically,Carmel has been the highest in the park
impact fee range. This proposal will be a 40% increase in the fee. This is three times the amount more than the nearest
community. Fishers has the next highest fee. This impacts affordability. We have asked for a consideration in lowering
this fee so our members can help cut costs in their affordable housing projects. None of our developers or members were
included in the process and Impact Advisory Fee Committee meetings.
Rebuttal to Public Comments: Michael Klitzing:
• The formula for the fee is established by State Law. It's based on the investment the community has made in our
park system.
• We are the only national gold member park system in the country. We have high quality parks.
• We have made a numerous number of higher investments than our neighboring communities so our fee is going
to be higher
• We did not factor in our fees for the new developments of the Monon Blvd.,Midtown plaza,or the Brookshire
Department Report: None
Committee Comments:
Josh: We have a world-class park system. We have won major awards. I don't think people realize how great our park
system is. We have programs that are self-sustainable. By not approving this,we are straining this process and the
wonderful system we have in place.
Plan Commission Meeting Minutes 8-20-19
Brad: To my knowledge,the Zoning Impact Fee cannot be used for any repairs or on-going maintenance. But the fee
can be used for new equipment and the expansion of the existing parks. Michael Klitzing: That is correct. Only new
development that is designed for our new residents. Brad: Are none of the items on this proposed budget for West Park
Iis physically listed today? Michael Klitzing: That is correct. We have received funding through Clay Township
Laura: Has the land been identified for the new park on the Northwest side? Michael Klitzing: We have not identified
that land but we are constantly working with DOCS for that opportunity.
A Motion by Josh and seconded by Laura to suspend the Rules of Procedure in order to vote on these items.
Approved 8-0,absent Westermeier
A Motion made by Josh and seconded by Laura to forward Docket Nos. 19040007 CPA and 19040008 OA to City
Council with a Favorable Recommendation.
Approved 8-0,absent Westermeier
6. Docket No. 19050017 Z: Monon Crossing Townhomes Rezone R-1/Residential to UR/Urban Residential.
7. Docket No. 19050018 DP/PP/ADLS: Monon Crossing Townhomes.
The applicant seeks rezone, site plan and design approval for a new subdivision consisting of 64 townhomes on
6.8 acres.The site is located at 1101 Rohrer Rd. The site is currently zoned R-1/Residential with a proposed
change to UR/Urban Residential. Filed by Nelson&Frankenberger,LLC on behalf of Lennar Homes of Indiana.
Petitioner: Jon Dobosiewicz
• Presented a site location map, it's located on the east side of Rohrer Road,north of Autumn Lake subdivision
• Presented a zoning map, to show the current and adjacent zoning districts
• Staff noted that this would be a conditional fit per the land use classification map
• Large landscape buffers will be placed along the north and south sides and enhanced setbacks from the Monon
• The style of architecture used will be complementary to the single family homes in the area
• This will provide housing opportunities for young families,professionals,and empty nesters
• Presented a site plan
• The ADLS plans illustrate exactly the product and design of the townhomes
• The building setback from Autumn Lake subdivision will be 50',where only 10' is required per R-1
• The building setback from the Monon Greenway is between 90' and 130' where tree preservation is provided
• The drainage will be provided by two separate detention ponds
• 25%open space will be provided
• All garages will be in the rear of the home. Each home will have 4 parking spaces,2 in garage and 2 in the rear
• 25 spaces will be provided for guest parking
• The petitioner is proposing a gated emergency only drive connection to the existing stub street.UDO requires
this to be a full street connection.
• A pedestrian path to the Monon Greenway, sidewalks along the streets,and a 10' path along Rohrer Road will be
• Presented side elevations, shown in Tab 5 and 6
• Similar townhomes communities in Cannel are nearly all adjacent to residential areas
• 1700-2400 sq. ft. in living space,with selling prices of$275k-$350k
• Architecture features will include brick front façades,and enhanced detailing
• Townhomes will be 3 stories in height,with the highest point being 36' in height. The existing zoning allows 35'
to the midpoint of the peak and eave.
• We held a neighborhood meeting to present the plans to the surrounding neighbors.
• Lennar Homes have met with sewage utilities,and understands the current problem unrelated to this site. There's
a plan in place by Carmel Utilities to fix the current problem.
• Based on today's drainage design standards,any development will improve the drainage condition.All the City
Plan Commission Meeting Minutes 8-20-19