HomeMy WebLinkAboutPacket for COM 10-01-19 Monon Crossing UR Rezone / Development Plan / Primary Plat / ADLS Docket No. 19050017 Z &19050018 DP/PP/ADLS REZONE, PRIMARY PLAT AND DP/ADLS APPLICATIONS CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA October 1, 2019 Residential Committee Meeting ** Also please refer to the July 16, 2019 Plan Commission Brochures ** Applicant: Lennar Homes of Indiana, Inc. Attorneys: Nelson & Frankenberger, LLC Jim Shinaver, Attorney Jon C. Dobosiewicz, Land Use Professional 317-844-0106 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Explanation of Project Modifications 2. Revised Site Plan and Rohrer Road Setback Exhibit 3. Rohrer Road Street Perspective (To be Provided at October 1st Committee Meeting) 4. Revised Rear Building Elevations 5. Revised Landscape Plan for Common Areas between Townhomes 6. Revised Sight Line Exhibits, including photos of existing trees along southern perimeter and landscape plantings along southern perimeter 7. Revised Monon Trail Connection Exhibit, including amenities, bike parking and photos of existing Monon Trail tree cover 8. Photos of existing trees near proposed emergency access 9. Entryway Signage Exhibits 10. Average Sales Price Data for surrounding neighborhoods 11. R-1 Plat Exhibit and Alternative Site Plan Exhibit 12. Summary and Memo of Revised Traffic Analysis/Conclusions 13. Description of Subdivision Waiver Request to not construct a full street connection to Autumn Lake subdivision TAB 1 TAB 2 EMERGENCY DRIVE STORMWATER MANAGEMENT AREA STORMWATER MANAGEMENT AREA Plot Date:Sep 18, 2019Plot Time:12:41pmFile Name: W:\CalAtlantic Homes\2018-169 CalAtlantic- Rohrer Rd Townhomes\Design\Renderings\Rohrer Rd MColor Exhibit.dwg, Layout:LAYOUTBy: tsmithMONON CROSSING TOWNHOMES CARMEL, INDIANA SEPTEMBER 18, 2019 0' SCALE: 1" = 100' GRAPHIC SCALE 30'60'90'60 UNITS 6.8 ACRES ± 1.3 ACRES ± COMMON AREA SITE DATA6 UNITMONON TRA ILROHRER ROAD6 UNIT6 UNIT6 UNIT6 UNIT6 UNIT6 UNIT6 UNIT6 UNIT6 UNIT Revised Plan Previous Plan 70’ 57’ MONON CROSSINGTOWNHOMESCARMEL, INDIANASEPTEMBER 11, 20190'SCALE: 1" = 60'GRAPHIC SCALE30'60'90' MONON CROSSINGTOWNHOMESCARMEL, INDIANASEPTEMBER 11, 20190'SCALE: 1" = 60'GRAPHIC SCALE30'60'90' TAB 3 TAB 4 Revised Rear Elevation Front Elevation Left Elevation Rear Elevation Right Elevation TAB 5 TAB 6 Sight Line Exhibit 27’ Sight Line Sight Line Property Line 50’ 20’ Sight Line Autumn Lakes N Autumn Lakes N Photos taken 50’ from property line AUTUMN LAKEPC 2, SLIDE 104INST. #9809822989PART OF LOT 1LASSITER PLACEPC 1, SLIDE 547INST. #9534570LASSITER PLACEPC 1, SLIDE 547INST. #9534570PART OF LOT 1LOT 21LASSITER PLACEPC 1, SLIDE 547INST. #9534570LOT 20LOT 2LOT 13LOT 120'(IN FEET)GRID NORTH30'60'90'FOR REVIEW ONLYPRELIMINARYREVISIONSS1.1ALTA/NSPS LAND TITLE SURVEYINDIANAPOLIS - TERRE HAUTELAFAYETTE - MUNCIE - NEW ALBANYwww.hwcengineering.comMONON CROSSING TOWNHOMES CITY OF CARMEL, CLAY TOWNSHIP, HAMILTON COUNTY, INDIANA ALTA/NSPS LAND TITLE SURVEY - RETRACEMENT SURVEY CLIENT: LENNAR HOMES OF INDIANA, INC. 9025 NORTH RIVER ROAD, SUITE 100 INDIANAPOLIS, IN 46240 F/K/A CALATLANTIC HOMES OF INDIANA, INC.SHEET 1 OF 2 ROHRER ROAD TOWNHOMES CARMEL, INL1.0REVISIONSLANDSCAPE PLANLANDSCAPE PLAN 0'(IN FEET)GRAPHIC SCALE30' 60' 90'Call 811 or 800-382-5544 Before you Dig!INDIANAPOLIS - TERRE HAUTEMUNCIE - LAFAYETTE - NEW ALBANYwww.hwcengineering.comLEGEND:BUFFERYARD 'C' LANDSCAPEPLANTING REQUIREMENT:BUFFERYARD 'C' PLANTING REQUIREMENT:BUFFERYARD 'A' LANDSCAPEPLANTING REQUIREMENT:BUFFERYARD 'A' PLANTING REQUIREMENT:NOTES:SEE SHEET L1.1 FOR PLANT SCHEDULE.CONTRACTOR TO FOLLOW ALL REQUIREMENTS OFARTICLE 5, DIVISION 5.19, 5.20 & 5.21.STATE OFLA21000089R E GISTEREDINDIANALANDSCAPE ARCHI T ECT CA T HERINE PUCKETTNOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONPRELIMINARY MONON CROSSINGCROSS SECTIONCARMEL, INDIANAAUGUST 28, 2019Scale: 1" = 20'010'20'40' TAB 7 East Property Line/Monon Trail TAB 8 Autumn Lake Overlook – stub street TAB 9 TAB 10 Area Home Values Source: MIBOR/BLC average home sale price in last 24 months $310,000 $150,700 $272,600 $234,200 $314,400 $274,700 $234,200 $325,000 $266,200 $219,600 Area Home Values Source: BLC sales last 24 months Hamilton County Tax Records BLC Avg = $310,000 (2) AV Avg = $336,900 BLC Avg = $150,700 (3) AV Avg = $164,100 BLC Avg = $272,600 (8) AV Avg = $255,000 BLC Avg = $234,200 (10) AV Avg = $194,300 BLC Avg = $314,400 (8) AV Avg = $283,500 BLC Avg = $274,700 (4) AV Avg = $272,900 BLC Avg = $234,200 (6) AV Avg = $180,200 BLC Avg = $325,000 (3) AV Avg = $305,700 BLC Avg = $266,200 (10) AV Avg = $242,418 BLC Avg = $219,600 (4) AV Avg = $197,800 8/29/2019 Statistics Sheet https://matrix.miborblc.com/Matrix/Statistics.aspx?c=AAEAAAD*****AQAAAAAAAAARAQAAAFUAAAAGAgAAAAQ5MDMzBgMAAAACMTMGBAAAA…1/1 Market Analysis Status: Sold (1570) List Price Beds Baths Sqft M/U $/Sqft M/U Acres Year Built Sale Price SP/LP%DOM Min $75,000 0 1 0 $49.70 0.00 1860 $81,200 65.15% Max $3,995,000 9 14 13302 $543.48 13.71 2019 $3,000,000 127.42%582 Avg $453,630 4 4 2860 $150.86 0.48 1993 $441,443 97.91%47 Median $386,250 4 3 2701 $142.04 0.34 1996 $381,000 98.42%19 Criteria: Property Type is one of 'Residential', 'ResidentialLease' Status is 'Sold' Status Contractual Search Date is 08/29/2019 to 08/29/2018 Property Sub Type is 'Single Fam' School District is 'Carmel Clay Schools' TAB 11 TAB 12 STEVEN J. FEHRIBACH, P.E. PRESIDENT JOSEPH T. RENGEL, P.E. VICE PRESIDENT R. MATTHEW BROWN, P.E. VICE PRESIDENT 8365 KEYSTONE CROSSING, SUITE 201 – INDIANAPOLIS, INDIANA 46240 TELEPHONE (317) 202-0864 – FACISMILE (317) 202-0908 TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERING STUDIES ● TRAFFIC IMPACT ANALYSES STREET DESIGN ● HIGHWAY DESIGN ● TRAFFIC ENGINEERING PARKING LOT DESIGN ● TRANSPORTATION PLANNING STUDIES CONSTRUCTION OBSERVATION ● SITE ENGINEERING REGISTRATION INDIANA ILLINOIS IOWA KENTUCKY MICHIGAN OHIO MISSOURI FLORIDA MEMORANDUM DATE: 08/19/2019 TO: Stuart D. Huckelberry Land Development Manager Lennar – Indianapolis FROM: Matt Brown, PE/PTOE A&F Engineering Co., LLC RE: Proposed Monon Townhomes Development - Carmel, Indiana A&F Engineering has conducted a traffic analysis on behalf of Lennar for a proposed townhome development called “Monon Townhomes” that would be located along Rohrer Road south of Nevelle Lane in Carmel, Indiana. As part of this analysis, A&F Engineering conducted 24-hour traffic volume counts, trip generation estimates for the proposed development, assignment and distribution of generated traffic volumes, turn lane warrant analyses and level of service/capacity analysis calculations. The study area for this analysis includes the intersection of Rohrer Road & the Monon Townhomes proposed access drive. DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT The subject site is located along Rohrer Road, approximately 400 feet south of Nevelle Lane in Carmel, Indiana. The proposed development will consist of 64 townhomes. As proposed, the site will be served by a full access drive along Rohrer Road and an emergency vehicle only access drive via Autumn Lake Overlook to the south. Figure 1 is an area map showing the location and general layout of the proposed site. TRAFFIC IMPACT STUDY LENNAR - MONON TOWNHOMES CARMEL, IN AREA MAP FIGURE 1 2 3 EXISTING TRAFFIC DATA 24-hour traffic volume counts were collected along the segment of Rohrer Road between Nevelle Lane and Leafy Branch Trail during a typical weekday in August 2019 under good weather conditions and while school was in session. Based on this count, the existing peak hour traffic volumes were obtained. The AM peak hour along the segment occurs between 8:00 AM and 9:00 AM and the PM peak hour occurs between 4:45 PM and 5:45 PM. Table 1 summarizes the existing peak hour traffic volumes. Table 1 – Peak Hour Existing Traffic Volumes: Rohrer Rd (BT) Nevelle Rd & Leafy Branch Trail AM PEAK PM PEAK NB SB NB SB 57 93 212 96 GENERATED TRAFFIC DATA FROM PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT An estimate of the generated traffic volumes from the proposed Monon Townhomes development was conducted per the 10th Edition of the ITE Trip Generation Manual 1. Table 2 shows the summarized peak hour generated trips from the proposed development. Table 2 – Total Generated Trips for Proposed Development DEVELOPMENT INFORMATION GENERATED TRIPS LAND USE ITE CODE SIZE AM PEAK PM PEAK ENTER EXIT ENTER EXIT MULTI-FAMILY HOUSING 220 64 DU 7 24 25 15 The attached Figures 2, 3 and 4 illustrate the assignment and distribution of generated trips for the proposed development, the total peak hour turning movement traffic volumes from the proposed development, and the sum of existing traffic volumes and generated traffic volumes from the proposed development respectively. 1 Trip Generation Manual, Institute of Transportation Engineers, Tenth Edition, 2017. TRAFFIC IMPACT STUDY LENNAR - MONON TOWNHOMES CARMEL, IN FIGURE 2 OF GENERATED TRAFFIC VOLUMES ASSIGNMENT & DISTRIBUTION FROM PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT XX = INBOUND TRAFFIC XX = OUTBOUND TRAFFIC * = NEGLIGIBLE 430%30%70%70% TRAFFIC IMPACT STUDY LENNAR - MONON TOWNHOMES CARMEL, IN FIGURE 3 FROM PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT GENERATED TRAFFIC VOLUMES XX = A.M. INBOUND TRAFFIC (XX) = P.M. INBOUND TRAFFIC * = NEGLIGIBLE XX = A.M. OUTBOUND TRAFFIC (XX) = P.M. OUTBOUND TRAFFIC 52 (8)7 (5) (17) 517 (10) TRAFFIC IMPACT STUDY LENNAR - MONON TOWNHOMES CARMEL, IN FIGURE 4XX = A.M. PEAK HOUR (XX) = P.M. PEAK HOUR * = NEGLIGIBLE VOLUMES AND GENERATED TRAFFIC SUM OF EXISTING TRAFFIC VOLUMES FROM PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT 62 (8)7 (5) (17) 517 (10)93 (96)(212) 57 7 TURN-LANE WARRANT ANALYSIS A right-turn and left-turn lane analysis was conducted at the proposed access drive for the sum of existing traffic volumes and generated traffic volumes from the proposed development. This analysis showed that neither a left-turn lane nor a right-turn lane is warranted along Rohrer Road at the access drive. However, a right-turn lane should be considered along Rohrer Road at the access driveway in order to provide safe movement of traffic into the development. The turn lane warrants and figures depicting the necessary criteria from the INDOT Driveway Permit Manual are included as an attachment to this memorandum.  CAPACITY ANALYSIS The "efficiency" of an intersection is based on its ability to accommodate the traffic volumes that approach the intersection. It is defined by the Level-of-Service (LOS) of the intersection. The LOS is determined by a series of calculations commonly called a "capacity analysis". A LOS A is considered to be the highest (best) grade while LOS F is the lowest (worst) grade. A capacity/level of service analysis was conducted for the peak hours at the intersection of Rohrer Road & Proposed Access Drive using the sum of existing traffic volumes and generated traffic volumes from the proposed development (see Figure 4). The following table summarizes the level of service results. Table 4 – Level of Service: Rohrer Road & Proposed Access Drive MOVEMENT AM PEAK HOUR PM PEAK HOUR Southbound Left-Turn A A Westbound Approach A B Note: The level of service results above are based on the following intersection conditions:  Construction of the access drive with at least one inbound lane and one outbound lane.  Stop-sign control intersection with proposed access drive stopping for Rohrer Road.  Construction of a northbound right-turn lane along Rohrer Road at the access drive. 8 CONCLUSIONS / RECOMMENDATIONS Based on the data and analysis, it can be concluded that the additional traffic added by the proposed Monon Townhomes will not significantly impact the surrounding roadway network. The following proposed intersection conditions are recommended at the intersection of Rohrer Road and the Monon Townhomes Access Drive:  Construction of the access drive with at least one inbound lane and one outbound lane.  Stop-sign control intersection with proposed access drive stopping for Rohrer Road.  Construction of a northbound right-turn lane along Rohrer Road at the access drive. 5%Left Turns10%Left Turns15%Left Turns20%Left Turns25%Left Turns30%Left Turns35%Left Turns40%Left TurnsWarrant?800 313 256 228 199 171 142 113 84Advancing Volume (Va)123600 410 305 265 225 213 200 187 175Opposing Volume (Vo)45400 510 380 328 275 260 245 230 215Left‐turn Volume2200 640 470 410 350 328 305 282 260Left‐turn %2%100 720 515 453 390 365 340 315 290Advancing Volume (Va)92Opposing Volume (Vo)196Left‐turn Volume8Left‐turn %9%Rohrer Road & Proposed Access Drive ‐ Existing + ProposedOperating Speed (mph)Opposing Volume (veh/h)Advancing Volume (veh/h)30INPUTNONOAMPM5% LT10% LT20% LT30% LT40% LT01002003004005006007008000 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800Vo ‐Volume OpposingVa ‐Volume AdvancingLeft‐Turn Lane Warranton Two‐Lane Roadway(30 MPH )5% Left‐Turns10% Left‐Turns20% Left‐Turn30% Left‐Turns40% Left‐TurnAMPMLeft‐Turn Not Necessary Time Met?Total Volume RT VolumeRT Volume50 120Total Volume45600 40RT Volume17700 40Total Volume196Existing + Proposed ‐ Rohrer Road & Proposed Access DriveInputAM NOPM NO20304050607080901001101200 100 200 300 400 500 600 700Right‐Turn Volume During DHVTotal DHV, Vehicles Per Hour, In One DirectionRohrer Road & Proposed Access DriveRT VolumeAMPMRight‐Turn Lane Should Be ConsideredRight‐Turn Lane May Not Be Necessary TAB 13 Monon Crossing Subdivision Waiver Request Explanation Lennar Homes of Indiana, Inc. (“Lennar”) is the applicant concerning parcels of real estate generally located at 1101 Rohrer Road, Carmel, IN 46032 and identified as Parcel Nos. 17-09-24- 04-10-002.000, 17-09-24-04-10-001.000, 17-09-24-04-10-001.001, and 17-09-24-00-00-019.001 with the Hamilton County Auditor’s Office (the “Real Estate”) Lennar is seeking to develop a townhome community to be known as “Monon Crossing” and has filed zoning applications identified as: (i) Docket Number 19050017 Z seeking to rezone the Real Estate from its current R-1 Residential District zoning classification to the UR: Urban Residential District zoning classification; and, (ii) Docket No. 19050018 DP/PP/ADLS seeking Development Plan, Primary Plat, and ADLS approval for the “Monon Crossing” townhome community (collectively, the “Zoning Applications”). In conjunction with the Zoning Applications, Lennar is also requesting approval of a Subdivision Waiver Request pertaining to the Unified Development Ordinance, Article 7.25 E.3. A “Connectivity” (when a proposed development abuts land that has an established and existing stub street that the proposed development provide a connection to the existing stub street). To this end, a stub street exists on the northside of the Autumn Lake Subdivision (the stub street is known as “Autumn Lake Overlook”) and this stub street is adjacent to the southern boundary of the Monon Crossing Real Estate. Lennar is not proposing to construct a full street connection from its Real Estate to the Autumn Lake Overlook stub street, but instead is proposing a “gated” emergency drive connection to this stub street which will effectively address public safety and will allow an opportunity for additional tree preservation in the area around the existing stub street.