HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes PC 09-17-19 ii. Docket No. 19050015 V:ZO Chapter 5.07(D)(3)—Meridian Corridor Architectural Standards,Massing
requiring two principal buildings on a lot with over 300' in width,requesting one principal building
iii. Docket No. 19030003 DP/ADLS: Riverview Health—US 421 —Approved 4-0
iv. Docket No. 19060019 DP/ADLS: Franciscan Orthopedic Center of Excellence—Cont. to Oct. 1
b. Residential:
i. Docket No. 18010004 Z: Westbridge PUD Rezone—Tabled to Oct. 1 Committee mtg.
ii. Docket No. 18090012 Z: Sherman Drive Townhomes Rezone(R-2 to UR)—Cont.to Oct. 1
Docket No. 18090013 DP/ADLS: Sherman Drive Townhomes.
iii. Docket No. 19050017 Z: Monon Crossing Townhomes Rezone R-1/Residential to UR/Urban Residential.
Docket No. 19050018 DP/PP/ADLS: Monon Crossing Townhomes—Cont.to Oct. 1
Brad: Explained the Rules of Procedure for a public hearing.
Public Hearings:
1. Docket No. 19050029 Z: Smokey Row UR&P1 Rezone.
The applicant seeks to rezone 13 parcels located on the north side of Smokey Row Road,between the Monon
Greenway and Meridian Street,from the PUD/Kensington Green Planned Unit Development and R1/Residence
District to the UR/Urban Residential and P1/Park&Recreation Districts,respectively. The properties comprise
the Kensington Green subdivision as well as 2 parcels adjacent to the Monon Greenway. Filed by the
Department of Community Services on behalf of the Cannel Plan Commission.
Petitioner: Adrienne Keeling:
• Presented an aerial map to show the proposed rezone areas along Smokey Row Road and the Monon
• It was questioned at last month's meeting if proper public notice was given. I am here to confirm that public
notice occurred in compliance with the Plan Commission's Rules of Procedure.
• We did a publication in the Current in Cannel,posted signs on the property,and mailings to the adjacent property
owners, from the certified list provided by Hamilton County
• Staff is looking to refine the zoning at the edges of the subject area. Any development proposals will be
reviewed under the zoning standards of the UR district.
• We recommend the PC forwards this to City Council with a favorable recommendation
Public Comments:
Tim Hannon,200 W Smokey Row Road: I did receive proper notice. I'm in favor of this rezone after talking to my
neighbor,and the developer of this project,Justin Moffett. I did not know this was zoned UR when I bought my
property.It makes sense to clean this up with the same zoning. I'm concerned in making this an allocation district. It's a
massive residential development that will put stress on the utilities and parks.
Rebuttal to Public Comments: None
Department Report: None
Committee Comments:
John: Is everything shown on your map already zoned UR except the parcel in questioned(Kensington PUD)?
Adrienne Keeling: Yes
Brad: Is the area where Dr.Hannon and Justin Moffett excluded from this rezone?Adrienne Keeling: Yes
Brad: Is all the land between US 31 and Rohrer Road belong to INDOT? Adrienne Keeling: There's no parcel and it's
the ROW.
John Molitor: The UR was created when the UDO was passed by the Plan Commission in 2017 and adopted by the
Council in January 2018. Brad: So this area wasn't rezoned,but the UR took over the existing district in this area.
Plan Commission Meeting Minutes 9-17-19
Alan: Once this designation goes to P1,will this be designated as part of a land trust? Adrienne Keeling: The
ownership is already designated into a land trust. With the proximity to the Monon,we decided to designate this area as
IP1.There's a flood zone in this area. Alan: So this area will not be changed or developed? Adrienne Keeling:
Correct. It will remain as is and not be developed into residential.
A Motion by Alan and seconded by Josh to forward Docket No. 19050029 Z to City Council with a Favorable
Approved 8-0,absent Kegley
2. Docket No. 19060018 DP: Carmel Hotel and Office.
The applicant seeks site plan approval for two building pads and associated parking on 2.96 acres. The site is
located at 12166 N.Meridian Street. The site is zoned MC/Meridian Corridor. Filed by Brad Schrage of
American Structurepoint on behalf of Michael Garvey of Diversified Land Acquisitions,LLC.
Petitioner: Brad Schrage:
• I apologize for our mishap of the public notice in the Current in Cannel
• This is a development of the former ADT site
• Presented an updated site plan
• We are proposing two separate buildings: A 48,000 sq. ft., 3 story office building and 125 room hotel
• Access will be off of Illinois Street and Frontage Road
• We have added additional pedestrian connectivity throughout the site
• The largest shift of hotel employees at a time will be 25
• Two variances will be proposed at the next BZA meeting; building frontage and setback
• On site we will have 133 parking spaces and also have a shared parking agreement with the Ritz Charles
Public Comments:
William Wilhelm,Spring Lake Estates: I live about 300' directly west of the site. I submitted a letter to Staff. I'm
concerned for all the mature trees that are currently on this site. The trees cover the entire western side of this parcel.
The woods provide a good buffer from the sounds and sights. I ask the developer to preserve as many trees as possible.
Rebuttal to Public Comments: Brad Schrage:
• The City requested the developer to densify this area.By providing the current parking plan, we won't be able to
save as many trees.
Department Report: Rachel Keesling:
• They will come back for ADLS approval for each of the buildings
• They have an agreement with the Ritz Charles for shared parking and access
• The hotel will have 127 rooms,and 127 parking spaces are required
• They need to provide parking for the largest shift of employees which was mentioned as 25 employees
• Shared parking is allowed in the MC
• Urban Forester still has outstanding comments regarding the landscaping on this site
• We are in support of their variance requests
• A variance for hotel use on the first floor was approved previously and will be used for this hotel
• We recommend sending this to Oct. 1 Commercial Committee for further review
Committee Comments:
Alan: Did The Hyatt Place come to an agreement with the Ritz Charles for shared parking? Are we going to see a
Isituation where the Ritz,Hyatt,and this hotel will be using the same spaces?We will run out of spaces? Have the
parking counts been done? Rachel Keesling: I believe it's only 9 spaces(the Hyatt needed).I'll double check the shared
spaces of The Hyatt and The Ritz Charles. Brad Schrage: The office parking will not be in use during the same time of
The Ritz and The Hyatt. Alan: Can you provide the math for the parking spaces at the Committee? Rachel Keesling:
Plan Commission Meeting Minutes 9-17-19