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Carmel Board of Zoning Appeals
Hearing Officer
Monday, October 28, 2019 Meeting
Time: 5:15 p.m.
Hearing Officer: Mr. Leo Dierckman
Location: Carmel City Hall Caucus Rooms, 2nd Floor, 1 Civic Square, Carmel, IN 46032
A. Call to Order
B. Reports, Announcements, Legal Counsel Report, and Dept. Concerns
C. Public Hearings
(V) Clay Center Rd. Elementary School.
The applicant seeks the following development standards variances:
1. Docket No. 19090010 V UDO Section 5.39 Signage. Max. 3 sq. f. tall traffic directional signs
allowed, 7 sq. ft. requested
2. Docket No. 19090011 V UDO Section 5.02.b.4 Ball field lighting. Max. 0.1 foot-candles at
property lines allowed, 5.1 requested along south. The site is located at 12025 Clay Center Rd. and is
35 acres in size. It is zoned S1/Residence and Silvara PUD/Planned Unit Development. Filed by Ron
Farrand of Carmel Clay Schools.
(V) Ashton Subdivision Perimeter Fence. (Transferred to full BZA due to defective public notice)
The applicant seeks the following development standards variance to replace an existing fence:
3. Docket No. 19090018 V UDO Section 5.09.B Max. 6’ tall fence with 6’ setback & plantings
required, 8’ tall vinyl fence with 0’ setbacks requested. The site is located at approximately 14589
Chelsea Ct., at the southwest quadrant of 146th St. and Hazel Dell Pkwy. It is zoned S1/Residence. Filed
by Dana Stout, Community Manager, on behalf of Ashton Homeowners Association.
(V) Browning Residence, Garage Setback.
The applicant seeks the following development standards variance approval for an accessory building:
4. Docket No. 19090025 V UDO Section 5.02.B Detached garage located 25’ behind house face
required, Garage 288’ in front of house requested. The site is located at 12650 Clay Center Rd. at B
& B Park Subdivision Lot 1. It is zoned S1/Residence. Filed by Joe Viewegh of Viewegh and Assoc.,
LLC, on behalf of Christian Browning, owner.
(V) Ranginani Residence, Front Setback.
The applicant seeks the following development standards variance approval:
5. Docket No. 19090026 V UDO Section 2.04 Min. 30’ front yard setback for neighborhood
allowed, 25’ requested. The site is located at 10465 Woodhall Ln. (Lot 8 in Woodhall Lane
Subdivision). It is zoned S1/Residence. Filed by Archana Ranginani, owner.
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October 28, 2019 Meeting Agenda
Carmel BZA Hearing Officer
(V) Ripberger Residence, Pergola Setback.
The applicant seeks the following development standards variance approval:
6. Docket No. 19090027 V Silvara PUD Sections 5.2 & 6.1 Min. 10’ side setback for primary
structure and 5’ setback for accessory structure required, 0-ft proposed. The site is located at
12094 Sigillary Way (Lot 19 in The Hamlet at Jackson’s Grant). It is zoned Silvara PUD/Planned Unit
Development. Filed by Craig Miles of McKenzie Homes.
(V) Minnaar Residence, Fence.
7. The applicant seeks the following development standards variance approval for a fence along Main St.:
Docket No. 19090028 V UDO Section 5.09.B.5 Max. 6’ tall fence allowed when set back
6’, 8’ fence proposed with 0’ setback. The site is located at 3 Ironwood Ct., also with frontage on E.
Main St. (Lot 199 in Cool Creek North Subdivision). It is zoned R1/Residence. Filed by Shannon and
David Minnaar, owners.
D. Old Business
E. New Business
F. Adjournment
Filename: 09.23.2019 hearing officer mtg.doc