HomeMy WebLinkAboutC004 SPECIFICATIONSPLOT DATE: 10/7/2019 4:33 PMPLOT SCALE: 1:2.5849 EDIT DATE: 6/24/2019 EDITED BY: NHORGAN DRAWING FILE: P:\2018\02759\D. Drawings\Civil\Construction Documents\2018.02759.CE.C003.SPEC.dwg 9025 River Road, Suite 200 | Indianapolis, Indiana 46240TEL 317.547.5580 | FAX 317.543.0270www.structurepoint.comProject NumberCERTIFIED BYISSUANCE INDEXDATE:PROJECT PHASE:REVISION SCHEDULENO.DESCRIPTIONDATE04/17/2019DP/ADLS2018.02759INDIANAPOLISREHABILITATIONHOSPITAL1260 CITY CENTER DRIVECARMEL, INDIANA 46032WB DEVELOPMENT PARTNERS4441 W AIRPORT FREEWAYSUITE 330IRVING, TEXAS 75062PHONE: (214) 699-5137C004SPECIFICATIONSSUMMARY OF LATERAL INSTALLATION REQUIREMENTS1. Only one building may connect to the sewer main per lateral unless otherwise approved by TriCo.2. Foundation drains, sump drains, downspouts and other storm water drains shall never be connected to thesanitary sewer. Site dewatering systems shall never be discharged to the sanitary sewer.3. The existing sewer line from the building to the septic tank may only be reused if it is located under a buildingaddition, patio, porch or paved driveway, and the line passes an air test that is observed by TriCo. Contact TriCo formore information about air testing requirements. The property owner is responsible for testing costs.4.TriCo shall inspect all new laterals or lateral repairs in their entirety. Final connection to the sanitary sewer must beobserved by Trico. The property owner or contractor must notify TriCo prior to backfilling. Inspections must bescheduled at least 24 hours in advance. If an inspection fails and subsequent inspections are required, or if thecontractor is not on site for the scheduled inspection, a $100 fee will be assessed and must be paid prior toscheduling the reinspection.5. Septic system contents or effluent shall never be discharged to the sanitary sewer. Be advised that your countyhealth department regulates septic systems. Upon connection to sanitary sewer, a septic tank must typically beabandoned, pumped clean, and filled completely with earthen material. Contact your county health department formore information on septic system and abandonment requirements, and to notify the department of anyabandonment.6. The following materials are acceptable for use in gravity sewer lateral installation or repair:PVC pipe: SDR 35 or SDR 26, ASTM D3034, 6” diameterPVC pipe, pressure rated: SDR 21, ASTM D2241, 6” diameterPVC restrained joint pipe for directional drilling: Certaflo Greenline SDR 21, ASTM D2241, 6” diameterAll gasketed joints shall meet ASTM D3212All fittings shall be SDR26 or betterDuctile iron mechanical joint fittings with proper hardwareSDR 26 gasketed repair sleeves or Indiana Seal shear guardFernco and similar flexible couplings are only acceptable in certain circumstances and shall not be used withoutprior approval from TriCoCleanouts: 6” threaded PVC capsBedding: Use #8 crushed stone or fractured face aggregateThe following materials are acceptable for use in low-pressure sewer lateral installation or repair:HDPE pipe for directional drilling: DR 11 IPS, 1.25” diameter, PE4710Connections shall be made via electrofusion or using polypropylene or stainless steel compression fittingsElectrofusion high volume tapping tee, rated 200 psi, PE47101.25” IPS full port 1/4 turn fusible PE ball valve, rated 200 psiThreaded swing check valve, 316 stainless steel, rated 200 psiContact TriCo for acceptable pump station materials, equipment, pumps and other requirements7. For gravity and low-pressure systems, the line leaving the building shall not exceed 3’ in length before a cleanoutmust be added and the line is transitioned to 6” diameter SDR 35 PVC pipe. Glued joints are not allowed after 3’. Noadditional glued fittings are allowed between the building and the transition/cleanout. For all gravity lines, cleanoutsshall not be spaced more than 100’ apart between the building and the sewer main. See TriCo’s standard drawingsfor more information on cleanout installation.8. Bedding material shall be placed from at least 6 inches below to 12 inches above the pipe surface. The trench shallbe a minimum of 18” wide with at least 6” of clearance on both sides of the pipe. Material shall be placed over thepipe and tracer wire after inspection. Soft, unstable or unsuitable material found below and near the lateral,including any fill or foundation backfill material, must be removed and replaced with #8 stone. The contractor issolely responsible for establishing stable pipe bedding conditions.9. #10-AWG solid copper tracer wire shall be laid on top of and run the entire length of the lateral. All splicing of tracerwire shall use 3M splice kit model DBR/Y-6, King Innovation Dryconn Direct Bury Lug Aqua catalog #90220, or TriCoapproved equal.10. Laterals shall be installed at least 20’ from water wells unless PVC pressure grade pipe is used. Any proposedinstallation requiring pressure pipe shall be reviewed by TriCo prior to installation. Where a transition is madebetween SDR 35 pipe and pressure grade SDR 21 pipe, a ductile iron gasketed mechanical couplings must be used.11. Laterals less than 5’ deep shall be at least 24” from the property line. Laterals more than 5’ deep shall be at least 36”from the property line. Where the lateral runs in close proximity to the property line the property corners must beaccurately staked by a professional land surveyor prior to inspection.12. Laterals running parallel to a building or structure shall be at least 36” from the face of a crawl space or slab on gradefoundation and 60” from the face of a basement foundation wall. Spacing requirements also apply with respect tothe ancillary structure’s foundation depth. Ancillary structures (e.g. window wells) and other utilities shall not beplaced over or near the lateral. TriCo may adjust requirements where future access to the lateral may be obstructedby other utilities. The contractor should call to discuss further if he/she believes this could be an issue.13. All infrastructure connected to TriCo’s sewer system may be tested, inspected, or televised at TriCo’s discretion, andmust remain accessible and properly maintained.14. Call 811 or 1-800-382-5544 before you dig. For more information go to www.indiana811.org.If you have any questions or if you want to request an exception to standards and specifications, please contact TriCoduring normal business hours at 317-844-9200 prior to completing the work and scheduling an inspection. Go towww.trico.eco to view standard drawings and specifications.Revised 3/19/2019 PLOT DATE: 7/10/2019 11:11 AMPLOT SCALE: 1:2.5849 EDIT DATE: 7/10/2019 EDITED BY: KMOORHEAD DRAWING FILE: P:\2019\00265\D. Drawings\Civil\Construction Documents\2019.00265.CE.C001.TS.dwg 7260 Shadeland Station | Indianapolis, Indiana 46256TEL 317.547.5580 | FAX 317.543.0270www.structurepoint.comProject NumberCERTIFIED BYISSUANCE INDEXDATE:PROJECT PHASE:REVISION SCHEDULENO.DESCRIPTIONDATE07/10/2019CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS2019.00265POST ROADDEVELOPMENTPost Road &Prospect StreetIndianapolis, IN 46239CONSTRUCTION9775 Crosspoint BlvdSuite 105Indianapolis, IN 46256317.567.61008801 River Crossing BoulevardSuite 300Indianapolis, IN 46240C004SPECIFICATIONS””