HomeMy WebLinkAboutDrainage Report 10-31-19
402 E 13th Street, Ste 101 • Jasper, IN 47546 • P: 812-634-5015 • F: 812-634-5017
Jasper • Evansville www.cashwaggner.com
October 31, 2019
City of Carmel
Department of Engineering
City Hall, One Civic Square
Carmel, IN 46032
Attention: Mr. Jeremy Kashman, PE
City Engineer
RE: Storm Water Drainage Report
Willow Haven Senior Homes – Memory Care Homes
13145 West Road
Our Project #: 19-3957
Dear Mr. Kashman,
In accordance with the requirements of The City of Carmel Stormwater Technical Standards Manual, this
drainage report is being submitted for your review and consideration for approval of the subject
development site. Below is a description of the proposed development for the subject site and a summary
of the drainage calculations for the above-referenced project. Copies of the calculations are also included.
Project Description
The project involves the construction of a new residential group home consisting of an office, twelve (12)
bedrooms for single occupancy, a kitchen and dining room, laundry room, and other necessary rooms.
Development of the site will also include construction of infrastructure required to support the proposed
facility. The new/improved infrastructure may include, but is not limited to, the following: a paved entrance
drive from West Road; parking spaces and sidewalks, including handicap parking and ramps; sanitary
sewer; potable water service; electrical service; a storm water management system consisting of vegetated
ditches/swales, storm sewer pipe, area drain inlets, positive grading of all areas, and a dry detention basin;
and other utilities as needed. The new construction will require demolition and removal of the existing
single story residential structure and crushed stone driveway, as well as minor regrading of portions of the
site. The layout of the proposed detention basin, vegetated ditches/swales, and other components of the
onsite storm water management system are depicted on the Grading & Drainage Plan drawing (sheet C-
Site Location
The project site comprises approximately 1.28 acres located on the east side of West Road, approximately
500 feet north of West 131st Street, on the far west side of the City of Carmel. The site is bounded by
residential parcels and subdivisions on all sides. The property legal description is as follows: part of the
Northwest Quarter of Section 30, Township 18 North, Range 3 East, in Clay Township, Hamilton County,
General Site Conditions
The proposed construction site presently contains a single story, brick residential structure with an attached
garage. There is also a small utility shed and a crushed stone driveway entering the property from West
Road to the west. The remainder of the site is covered with residential lawn grasses and other ground
Willow Haven Senior Homes 2
Memory Care Homes
CWA Project No. 19-3957
402 E 13th Street, Ste 101 Jasper, IN 47546 • Ph: 812-634-5015 Fax: 812-634-5017
Jasper Evansville | www.cashwaggner.com
cover vegetation, as well as various trees and shrubberies. There are no natural lakes, ponds, or major
water courses located on the project site. The surface of the site gently slopes from the southeast to the
northwest, toward West Road.
Soil Properties
The Soil Survey for Hamilton County, IN, as published by the United States Department of Agriculture
(USDA), Natural Resource Conservation Service (NRCS), and found online at
http://websoilsurvey.nrcs.usda.gov/app/, indicates that the following soils are present on the proposed site:
Brookston silty clay loam (Br), 0 to 2 percent slopes; Crosby silt loam, fine-loamy subsoil (CrA), 0 to 2
percent slopes; and Miami silt loam (MmB2), 2 to 6 percent slopes, eroded. According to the soil survey,
the Miami silt loam unit comprises just over 60 percent of the surface area. The hydrologic soil group
classification for each type is as follows: Brookston silty clay loam – B/D; Crosby silt loam – C/D; and Miami
silt loam – C. A soils map of the site is included in the Custom Soil Survey prepared from the USDA Soil
Survey for Dubois County.
Floodplain Data
The project site is located on Map Number 18057C0205G of the National Flood Insurance Program’s Flood
Insurance Rate Maps (FIRM) for Hamilton County, Indiana and Incorporated Areas, dated November 19,
2014. According to the information on the FIRM panel, no portion of the site lies within the limits of the 1%
chance annual flood zone, also known as the 100-year flood zone. There appear to be no defined
floodplains, flood fringes, or regulatory floodways located on any of the other immediately adjacent
Storm Water System Design
Design of the storm water system components was performed in accordance with the design standards
and criteria presented in The City of Carmel Stormwater Technical Standards Manual. All hydrologic and
hydraulic calculations were performed utilizing generally accepted methods in accordance with the
acceptable standards outlined in the HERPICC Storm Water Drainage Manual published by the Purdue
Research Foundation, West Lafayette, Indiana.
Pre-Developed Drainage Conditions
The 1.28 acre project site is bounded on the west side by West Road and a residential subdivision, an
individual residential parcel and a residential subdivision to the north, and by individual residential parcels
to the east and south. Presently, the surface area of the project site consists of single story, brick residential
structure with an attached garage. A crushed stone driveway enters the property from West Road and a
small utility shed is located near the northeast corner of the property. The remainder of the site is covered
with residential lawn grasses and other ground cover vegetation, as well as various trees and shrubberies.
Available topographic mapping indicates that the site generally slopes in a northwesterly direction toward
West Road. The majority of storm water runoff from the existing project site appears to exit the site along
the north property line as sheet flow or shallow concentrated flow. A small portion of runoff appears to exit
along the west property line, entering a shallow drainage ditch along the east side of West Road. After
exiting the site, storm water runoff will continue draining north-northwest until it enters a culvert beneath
West Road, which conveys the storm water to the west side of the road. The runoff continues flowing
northwest in an unnamed tributary (UNT) to Little Eagle Creek, which conveys it into Boone County to enter
the Little Eagle Creek channel.
For the purposes of the hydrologic and hydraulic (H&H) analyses, the total drainage area of approximately
1.282 acres of the pre-developed area was analyzed as two sub-basins. Sub-basin U-1 represents
approximately fifty-three percent (53%) of the site, containing approximately 0.681 acres. U-1 is comprised
mostly of the west portion of the parcel, including the West Road right-of-way. The sub-basin contains
Willow Haven Senior Homes 3
Memory Care Homes
CWA Project No. 19-3957
402 E 13th Street, Ste 101 Jasper, IN 47546 • Ph: 812-634-5015 Fax: 812-634-5017
Jasper Evansville | www.cashwaggner.com
approximately two-thirds of the residential structure roof and the entire gravel driveway. Storm water runoff
from U-1 drains in a west-northwest direction toward the roadway, where it is collected in a shallow roadside
ditch and flows north along the road before it enters an east-west storm culvert beneath the road,
approximately 230 feet north of the north property line of the parcel. The culvert discharges into a small,
unnamed tributary (UNT) to Little Eagle Creek, which conveys the storm water west into Boone County and
enters the main channel for Little Eagle Creek. The water is conveyed in a southerly direction to discharge
into the Eagle Creek channel, which continues south into Marion County.
Sub-basin U-2 contains approximately 0.601 acres and comprises the east portion of the parcel. U-2
includes approximately one-third of the residential structure and the utility shed. Storm water runoff from
U-2 drains generally in a north-northwesterly direction toward residential property to the north. All of the
runoff drains across the north property line of the site and onto the north parcel. The majority of the runoff
appears to exit the site as sheet flow, although a portion of it exits as shallow concentrated flow in a small
natural swale/ditch which flows to the northwest toward West Road. The storm water enters the north-
south ditch along the east side of West Road to merge with the runoff from U-1 and continues north to the
storm culvert approximately 230 feet north of the site. The runoff is conveyed beneath West Road and
discharges into the UNT Little Eagle Creek and eventually into Eagle Creek.
Storm water runoff from off-site areas enters the site along the south and east property lines. The off-site
drainage areas which produce runoff which enters the project site have been delineated as three sub-basins
designated as OS-1, OS-2 and OS-3. OS-1 is a drainage area immediately south of the site and consists
of approximately 0.290 acres. Runoff from OS-1 enters the site as sheet flow and flows in a northwesterly
direction to enter the West Road ditch. OS-2 consists of approximately 1.274 acres and is situated south
and east of the project site. Most of the storm water runoff from OS-2 enters the site as sheet flow and
crosses the parcel to exit over the north property line. The runoff enters the shallow valley and flows in a
northwesterly direction to also enter the West Road ditch.
The layout of the pre-developed sub-basins is depicted on the attached exhibit drawing Ex-1. The off-site
sub-basins are delineated on aerial photographs with elevation contours from the Hamilton County GIS
website. They are included in the report.
Post-Developed Drainage Conditions
The proposed improvements to the project site will include the construction of the following new/improved
infrastructure: a paved entrance drive from West Road; parking spaces and sidewalks, including handicap
parking and ramps; sanitary sewer; potable water service; electrical service; a storm water management
system consisting of vegetated ditches/swales, storm sewer pipe, area drain inlets, positive grading of all
areas, and a dry detention basin; appropriate erosion and sediment control measures; and other utilities as
needed. The dry detention basin will be constructed on the west end of the project site to provide temporary
storm water storage for runoff from areas east of the basin. Appropriate temporary storm water detention
for the project site will be provided by the dry detention basin, which will be constructed as shown on the
Grading & Drainage Plan drawing.
The general topography of the site will not be noticeably altered to accommodate the proposed
improvements. The general drainage patterns of the site will remain essentially the same, with all of the
storm water runoff flowing over the site in a west and/or northwesterly direction. For the purposes of the
hydrologic and hydraulic (H&H) analyses, the developed site was divided into seven (7) delineated sub-
basins. The 7 sub-basins comprise the entirety of the 1.282 acre drainage area which comprises the project
site, including the West Road ROW.
Sub-basins D-3 and D-6 comprise the majority of the project site, containing 0.293 and 0.459 acres,
respectively, for a total of 0.752 acres. Storm water runoff from D-3 and D-6 will be directed into the dry
detention basin via positive grading of the site, an onsite storm sewer pipe, and a vegetated swale. Sub-
basin D-3 represents much of the north half of the site, comprised of a portion of the proposed building,
Willow Haven Senior Homes 4
Memory Care Homes
CWA Project No. 19-3957
402 E 13th Street, Ste 101 Jasper, IN 47546 • Ph: 812-634-5015 Fax: 812-634-5017
Jasper Evansville | www.cashwaggner.com
paved drive and parking, and the grassed patio area east of the building. Runoff from D-3 will be directed
to a storm inlet along the north side of the driveway and conveyed to the detention basin via a 12-inch
HDPE storm sewer. Sub-basin D-6 represents much of the south portion of the site, consisting of a portion
of the building, paved drive and parking, and side yard. Much of the runoff from D-6 will enter the detention
basin via a vegetated swale located along the south side of the site. The remaining runoff will enter the
basin as sheet flow.
The five remaining developed sub-basins will not be directed to the detention basin and will drain from the
project site undetained. Two of the five sub-basins (D-1 and D-2, totaling 0.155 acres) make up the majority
of the West Road ROW and will continue to drain north in the roadside ditch. Sub-basin 1A, totaling 0.030
acres, consists of a portion of the proposed paved driveway and will drain north into the West Road ROW
and into the ditch. Sub-basin D-4 represents a narrow strip of vegetated ground totaling approximately
0.058 acres which will border the north side of the paved driveway. Runoff from D-4 will exit the site as
sheet flow across the north property line. Sub-basin D-5 consists of approximately 0.286 acres of the
eastern portion of the project site. Runoff from D-5 will flow in a north-northwesterly direction to exit the
site across the north property line. All storm water runoff from the undetained 0.530 acres of the site will
enter the West Road ditch and enter the UNT to Little Eagle Creek.
The proposed storm water management system (detention basin, storm sewer, driveway culvert, swale)
has been designed to effectively handle the peak runoff from a minimum 10-year storm event. The
detention basin has also been designed to handle runoff from a 100-year storm event. Although runoff from
developed sub-basins D-1, D-1A, D-2, D-4 and D-5 will not enter the detention basin, the design of the
proposed storm water management system was designed to account for the peak discharge rates from the
undetained sub-basins and maintain the peak flow rates downstream for the 10-year and 100-year events
at or below the pre-developed rates.
Runoff from sub-basin D-3 will drain to a single curb inlet (CI 200) located along the north edge of the
driveway. A 12-inch storm pipe has been designed to convey the storm water to the detention basin. The
pipe was sized to carry the peak discharge rate for a 10-year storm event. Hydraulic grade line calculations
were performed for the storm pipe for the 100-year event.
The culvert beneath the driveway entrance will be an 18-inch RCP and will convey the peak discharge from
a 100-year storm event. The drainage area for the driveway culvert consists of sub-basins D-2 and OS-3.
It also includes the spillway outlet discharge from the detention basin.
The layout of the post-developed sub-basins is shown on the attached exhibit drawing Ex-2.
Storm Water Detention
The proposed storm water management system has been designed to provide temporary storage for the
10-year and 100-year frequency storm events under post-developed conditions. The dry detention basin
will provide the sufficient onsite storage and will be located on the site as depicted on the Grading &
Drainage Plan drawing (sheet C-102). The detention basin will capture runoff from approximately 0.752
acres of project site (Sub-basins D-3 and D-6) and 0.290 acres of off-site drainage (OS-1). Runoff from the
1.042 acres will be conveyed to the detention basin via direct sheet flow, the storm sewer beneath the
paved driveway, and the vegetated swale along the south side of the parcel. The basin has been designed
to provide temporary storage for the 100-year storm frequency event under post-developed conditions, as
well as the 10-year storm event. Runoff from the remaining onsite 0.530 acres will exit the site undetained
along the north and west property lines.
In accordance with the design criteria contained in The City of Carmel Stormwater Technical Standards
Manual (Manual), calculations were performed to determine the allowable release rate from the proposed
project site and the adjacent off-site drainage areas. The design standards for the release rate state that
the post-developed rate for a site of this nature shall be equal to or less than 0.1 cubic feet per second (cfs)
Willow Haven Senior Homes 5
Memory Care Homes
CWA Project No. 19-3957
402 E 13th Street, Ste 101 Jasper, IN 47546 • Ph: 812-634-5015 Fax: 812-634-5017
Jasper Evansville | www.cashwaggner.com
per acre of the development site for the 10-year storm event and equal to or less than 0.3 cfs/acre for the
100-year storm event. Also, the calculated allowable release rates would have to be adjusted to account
for the peak discharge rates from any undetained areas of the project site. Due to the topography of the
site and the necessary layout of the proposed improvements to the site, it was determined that it would be
impossible to meet these design standards. After consultation with personnel from the City of Carmel
Engineering Department, it was agreed that the allowable release rates for the project site would be
determined as follows: the maximum release rate for the pos-developed 10-year event would be equal to
or less than the peak rate for the pre-developed 2-year event; and the maximum release rate for the post-
developed 100-year event would be equal to or less than the peak rate for the pre-developed 10-year event.
The final design release rates would then be determined by reducing the maximum allowable rates by
subtracting the peak discharge rates from the undetained, onsite sub-basins.
The peak runoff rates were calculated for each of the two pre-developed sub-basins (U-1 and U-2) for the
2-year and 10-year storm events. The combined peak runoff rate for the 1.282 acre site for the 2-year and
10-year storm events under pre-developed conditions were determined to be 1.57 cfs and 2.07 cfs,
respectively. These discharge rates were determined to occur at the primary points of exit from the project
site. These rates are the maximum allowable release rates from the site for the 10-year and 100-year storm
events under post-developed conditions.
The design release rates for the detention basin for the 10-year and 100-year post-developed events were
then determined by adjusting the maximum allowable rates to account for the release rates from the
undetained sub-basins. The peak discharge rates for the five undetained developed sub-basins were
calculated for the 10-year and 100-year storm events. The rates from all five sub-basins were combined
for each storm event to determine how much each allowable release rate would be reduced to produce the
design release rates. The resulting maximum design discharge rates were determined to be 0.46 cfs for
the 10-year post-developed storm and 0.42 cfs for the 100-year post-developed storm.
The maximum design discharge rates were utilized in calculations to determine the required storage
volumes for the 10-year and 100-year storm events. Iterative calculations were performed to determine the
necessary size of the spillway outlet to restrict the release rates to the maximum design discharge rates
and to achieve the storage volumes required for each design storm. Following the design procedure for
determining the basin storage volume outlined in the Manual, the calculations were performed for the 100-
year storm event. After a series of iterative calculations, the design release rate was reduced to 0.41 cfs
for the 100-year event. Using the design release rate of 0.41 cfs, the calculations resulted in a minimum
required storage volume of 4,472 cubic feet. The minimum storage volume was increased by ten percent
(10%) to 4,919 cubic feet in accordance with the Manual. It was determined that a 2.9 inch diameter orifice
with the invert elevation (IE) at 894.30 feet would produce a release rate of 0.41 cfs with a peak water
surface elevation of 897.90 feet and a storage volume of 5,096 cubic feet. The basin storage design
procedure was then applied to the 10-year storm event through a series of iterative calculations. The design
release rate for the 10-year event was reduced from 0.46 cfs to 0.35 cfs, which produced a minimum
required storage volume of 2,686 cubic feet. For the release rate of 0.35 cfs, the peak water surface
elevation of 897.00 feet produced a storage volume of 2,835 cubic feet. The final design release rates from
the detention basin were designed to ensure that the peak runoff rates from the entire site under post-
developed conditions would not exceed the peak rates for undeveloped conditions.
The principal spillway outlet will consist of a 12-inch diameter reinforced concrete pipe (RCP) with a flared
end section (FES). An orifice plate will be installed at the entrance to the first section of RCP pipe with a
6-inch diameter orifice opening through the plate with the IE at 894.30 feet.
The following table summarizes the discharge rates and storage volumes for each storm event for the
detention basin.
Willow Haven Senior Homes 6
Memory Care Homes
CWA Project No. 19-3957
402 E 13th Street, Ste 101 Jasper, IN 47546 • Ph: 812-634-5015 Fax: 812-634-5017
Jasper Evansville | www.cashwaggner.com
Design Summary Table
Description Notes
Release Rates
Pre-Developed 2-Year Peak Q 1.57 cfs Sub-basins U-1 and U-2
Combined Post-Developed 10-Year
Peak Q 1.11 cfs Undetained Sub-basins D-1,
D-1A, D-2, D-4 & D-5
10-Year Post-Developed Maximum
Allowable Release Rate 0.46 cfs
Pre-Developed 10-Year Peak Q 2.07 cfs Sub-basins U-1 and U-2
Combined Post-Developed 100-Year
Peak Q 1.65 cfs Undetained Sub-basins D-1,
D-1A, D-2, D-4 & D-5
10-Year Post-Developed Maximum
Allowable Release Rate 0.42 cfs
Detention Basin
Primary Spillway I.E. 894.30 ft. 2.9-inch Opening
Emergency Overflow Spillway I.E. 898.00 ft. Open-channel:
10-foot bottom, 3:1 ss
Minimum Top of Bank Elevation 898.50 ft.
100-Year Storm Event
Post-Developed Peak Inflow 3.64 cfs Sub-basins D-3 & D-6
Minimum Req’d Storage Volume 4,472 cu. ft.
Min. Storage Volume + 10% 4,919 cu. ft.
Peak Discharge 0.41 cfs 2.9-inch Orifice
Peak Storage Elevation 897.90 ft.
Storage Volume Provided 5,096 cu. Ft.
10-Year Storm Event
Post-Developed Peak Inflow 2.44 cfs Sub-basins D-3 & D-6
Minimum Req’d Storage Volume 2,686 cu. ft.
Peak Discharge 0.35 cfs 2.9-inch Orifice
Peak Storage Elevation 897.00 ft.
Storage Volume Provided 2,835 cu. Ft.
Final Design Primary Spillway I.E. 894.30 ft. 6-inch Dia. Orifice Opening
A trapezoidal-shaped emergency overflow spillway (EOS) will be provided over the embankment berm for
the basin. In the event that the primary spillway pipe would become inoperable, the emergency overflow
spillway will be capable of discharging the maximum 100-year inflow without exceeding the capacity of the
EOS. The EOS will have a 10-foot bottom width with 3H to 1V side slopes, minimum. The crest elevation
of the EOS for the basin is listed in the summary table above and depicted on the Grading & Drainage Plan.
The elevation-discharge relationship for the open channel emergency spillways was determined using
standard equations for channel flow and weir flow. The emergency spillway will only become engaged for
storm events in excess of the 100-year storm or if the principal spillway outlet becomes inoperative.
Printouts of the calculations for all the spillway system components are included with this report.
Willow Haven Senior Homes 7
Memory Care Homes
CWA Project No. 19-3957
402 E 13th Street, Ste 101 Jasper, IN 47546 • Ph: 812-634-5015 Fax: 812-634-5017
Jasper Evansville | www.cashwaggner.com
The minimum top of bank elevation for the detention basin is also listed in the summary table above, which
will provide a minimum of one-half foot of freeboard above the 100-year storm storage elevation.
Storm Water Quality Control Measures
The dry detention basin will provide an effective measure of treatment to the storm water runoff from the
site by the filtering effect of the grass cover of the surface of the basin removing total suspended solids
(TSS) and other typical pollutants. A mixture of plant species will be used to vegetate the bottom and side
slopes of the basin that have been proven to be effective at filtering out silt, sediment and other pollutants.
During active construction, a rock check dam will be constructed to encircle the entrance to the FES of the
spillway pipe to allow sediment to settle out and not exit the basin during rainfall events. After completion
of construction and stabilization of the site, the check dam will be removed and excess sediment will be
excavated to return the basin to the final design configuration.
Calculations to determine the required Water Quality Volume (WQV) indicate that the minimum volume is
1,615 cubic feet. The peak volume available in the basin is 5,096 cubic feet at elevation 897.90 feet.
Please review this report and the attached calculations at your earliest convenience. If you have any
questions or comments, please contact Nathan Waggner at 812.634.5051 or me at 812.401-5561. Thank
Daryl J. Helfert, PE, CFM
Senior Water Resources Engineer
Cash Waggner & Associates , PC
cc: File
Encls. Drainage calculations
Grading & Drainage Plan, sheet C-102
Sub-Basin Exhibits Ex-1 and Ex-2
Willow Haven Senior Homes - Carmel - Onsite & Offsite Restricted
UNDEVELOPED RUNOFF RATE (O = Cu*Iu*A):0.41 CFS (0.3cfs/ac)
Td Id I(Td)O
(Cd*Id*A)(Cu*Iu*A)I(Td)-O (I(Td)-O)*Td/12
0.08 9.120 4.84 0.41 4.43 0.031
0.17 7.780 4.13 0.41 3.71 0.052
0.25 6.770 3.59 0.41 3.18 0.066
0.33 5.990 3.18 0.41 2.76 0.077
0.42 5.415 2.87 0.41 2.46 0.085
0.50 4.840 2.57 0.41 2.16 0.090
0.58 4.445 2.36 0.41 1.95 0.095
0.67 4.050 2.15 0.41 1.74 0.096
0.75 3.760 1.99 0.41 1.58 0.099
0.83 3.470 1.84 0.41 1.43 0.099
0.92 3.250 1.72 0.41 1.31 0.100
1.00 3.030 1.61 0.41 1.20 0.100
1.25 2.635 1.40 0.41 0.99 0.103
1.50 2.240 1.19 0.41 0.78 0.097
1.75 2.055 1.09 0.41 0.68 0.099
2.00 1.870 0.99 0.41 0.58 0.097
2.50 1.645 0.87 0.41 0.46 0.096
3.00 1.420 0.75 0.41 0.34 0.085
4.00 1.150 0.61 0.41 0.20 0.066
Willow Haven Senior Homes - Carmel - Onsite & Offsite Restricted
Td Id I(Td)O
(Cd*Id*A)(Cu*Iu*A)I(Td)-O (I(Td)-O)*Td/12
0.08 6.120 3.25 0.35 2.90 0.020
0.17 5.220 2.77 0.35 2.42 0.034
0.25 4.550 2.41 0.35 2.06 0.043
0.33 4.020 2.13 0.35 1.78 0.050
0.42 3.635 1.93 0.35 1.58 0.055
0.50 3.250 1.72 0.35 1.37 0.057
0.58 2.980 1.58 0.35 1.23 0.060
0.67 2.710 1.44 0.35 1.09 0.060
0.75 2.520 1.34 0.35 0.99 0.062
0.83 2.330 1.24 0.35 0.89 0.062
0.92 2.180 1.16 0.35 0.81 0.062
1.00 2.030 1.08 0.35 0.73 0.061
1.25 1.725 0.91 0.35 0.56 0.059
1.50 1.420 0.75 0.35 0.40 0.050
1.75 1.265 0.67 0.35 0.32 0.047
2.00 1.110 0.59 0.35 0.24 0.040
2.50 0.975 0.52 0.35 0.17 0.035
3.00 0.840 0.45 0.35 0.10 0.024
4.00 0.680 0.36 0.35 0.01 0.004
Average Incremental Cumulative Detention
Elevation HW Area Area Volume Volume Volume
I.E.894.30 0.00 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
894.40 0.10 50.6 25.3 2.5 2.5 2.5
894.50 0.20 101.2 75.9 7.6 10.1 10.1
894.60 0.30 151.7 126.5 12.6 22.8 22.8
894.70 0.40 202.3 177.0 17.7 40.5 40.5
894.80 0.50 252.9 227.6 22.8 63.2 63.2
894.90 0.60 303.5 278.2 27.8 91.0 91.0
895.00 0.70 354.1 328.8 32.9 123.9 123.9
895.10 0.80 463.8 408.9 40.9 164.8 164.8
895.20 0.90 573.6 518.7 51.9 216.7 216.7
895.30 1.00 683.4 628.5 62.8 279.5 279.5
895.40 1.10 793.1 738.2 73.8 353.4 353.4
895.50 1.20 902.9 848.0 84.8 438.2 438.2
895.60 1.30 1,012.6 957.8 95.8 533.9 533.9
895.70 1.40 1,122.4 1,067.5 106.8 640.7 640.7
895.80 1.50 1,232.2 1,177.3 117.7 758.4 758.4
895.90 1.60 1,341.9 1,287.1 128.7 887.1 887.1
896.00 1.70 1,451.7 1,396.8 139.7 1,026.8 1,026.8
896.10 1.80 1,523.1 1,487.4 148.7 1,175.5 1,175.5
896.20 1.90 1,594.4 1,558.8 155.9 1,331.4 1,331.4
896.30 2.00 1,665.8 1,630.1 163.0 1,494.4 1,494.4
896.40 2.10 1,737.2 1,701.5 170.1 1,664.6 1,664.6
896.50 2.20 1,808.6 1,772.9 177.3 1,841.9 1,841.9
896.60 2.30 1,879.9 1,844.2 184.4 2,026.3 2,026.3
896.70 2.40 1,951.3 1,915.6 191.6 2,217.9 2,217.9
896.80 2.50 2,022.7 1,987.0 198.7 2,416.5 2,416.5
896.90 2.60 2,094.0 2,058.3 205.8 2,622.4 2,622.4
897.00 2.70 2,165.4 2,129.7 213.0 2,835.4 2,835.4
897.10 2.80 2,242.4 2,203.9 220.4 3,055.7 3,055.7
897.20 2.90 2,319.3 2,280.8 228.1 3,283.8 3,283.8
897.30 3.00 2,396.3 2,357.8 235.8 3,519.6 3,519.6
897.40 3.10 2,473.2 2,434.8 243.5 3,763.1 3,763.1
897.50 3.20 2,550.2 2,511.7 251.2 4,014.3 4,014.3
897.60 3.30 2,627.2 2,588.7 258.9 4,273.1 4,273.1
897.70 3.40 2,704.1 2,665.6 266.6 4,539.7 4,539.7
897.80 3.50 2,781.1 2,742.6 274.3 4,813.9 4,813.9
897.90 3.60 2,858.0 2,819.6 282.0 5,095.9 5,095.9
EOS 898.00 3.70 2,935.0 2,896.5 289.7 5,385.6 5,385.6
898.10 3.80 3,016.4 2,975.7 297.6 5,683.1 5,683.1
898.20 3.90 3,097.8 3,057.1 305.7 5,988.8 5,988.8
898.30 4.00 3,179.2 3,138.5 313.9 6,302.7 6,302.7
898.40 4.10 3,260.6 3,219.9 322.0 6,624.7 6,624.7
TOB 898.50 4.20 3,342.0 3,301.3 330.1 6,954.8 6,954.8
(per ACAD)
Willow Haven Senior Homes
West Road
Carmel, IN
Main Detention Basin
Provided Detention Volumes
Q = C A (2g(h-d/2))1/2
C - orifice coefficient
h - height of water above invert of orifice opening
A - area of orifice opening
g - 32.2 ft/sec2
d - diameter of orifice opening
100-Yr Maximum Release Rate - 0.42 cfs
Pipe/orifice I.E. = 894.30 feet
Water Elev. = 897.90 feet
Allowable Q = 0.42 cfs
Cd =0.60
g = 32.20 ft/sec2
h =3.600 ft
d =2.900 in
A = 0.046 sq.ft.
Design Q =0.41 cfs
Use 2.90" Circular Orifice Opening at 894.30
10-Yr Maximum Release Rate - 0.46 cfs
Target Release Rate = 0.25-0.35 cfs
Pipe/orifice I.E. = 894.30 feet
Water Elev. = 897.00 feet
Target Q = 0.46 cfs
Cd =0.60
g = 32.20 ft/sec2
h =2.700 ft
d =2.900 in
A = 0.046 sq.ft.
Design Q =0.35 cfs
Use 2.90" Circular Orifice Opening at 894.30
Vertical Orifice Calculations
Willow Haven Senior Home
13145 West Road
Carmel, Hamilton County, IN
Dry Detention Basin
Primary Spillway Orifice Outlet
Max Q100 =4.31 cfs
Qreqd =5.39 cfs
Trapezoidal Weir
SOLVE FOR Q = CW x W avg x D1.5
BW =10 ft.
SS =3
D =0.5 ft.
TW =13 ft.
Wavg = 11.5
CW = 3.3
Q=13.42 CFS
Willow Haven Senior Homes
13145 West Road
Carmel, Hamilton County, IN
Detention Basin
Emergency Spillway
Peak Developed Discharge
Rv =0.05 + 0.009(I)
I =41.8607 % impervious
P =1 inch
Rv =0.427
A =1.042 acres
WQv =0.037 acre-feet
=1,615 cubic-feet
WQV-Avail =0.117 acre-feet
=5,096 cubic-feet
Water Quality Volume
Willow Haven Senior Home
Carmel, Hamilton County, IN
Volume Provided in Basin to Elevation 897.90 Ft.
13145 West Road
Total Detained Onsite + Offsite - 1.042 Ac.
(0.436 ac. Impervious)
Project:Willow Haven Senior Homes
Design Return Period:10 Years
Project #:19-3957
Mannings 'n':0.013 Date:Oct. 2019
NO.NO.STR. NO.INV. ELEV.STR. NO.STR. NO.INV. ELEV.(ft)(ac.)(min)(min)(in/hr)(cfs)(in)(ft/ft)(cfs)(ft/sec)(min)
1 D-3 200 895.50 201 202 895.25 48 0.664 0.293 0.195 0.195 10.42 10.42 5.164 1.01 12 0.0052 2.57 3.27 0.24
Design Return Period:100 Years
2 D-2 0.506 0.115 0.058 0.058 5.71 5.71 8.930 0.52
2 OS-3 0.350 2.868 1.004 1.062 19.19 19.19 6.231 6.62
2 Basin Outlet 207 893.70 208 209 893.50 40 Peak Discharge = 0.41 cfs 7.03 18 0.0050 7.43 4.20 0.16
(Entrance Culvert)
Project:Willow Haven Senior Homes
Design Return Period:100 Years
Project #:19-3957
Mannings 'n':0.013 Date:Oct. 2019
NO.NO.STR. NO.INV. ELEV.STR. NO.STR. NO.INV. ELEV.(ft)(ac.)(min)(min)(in/hr)(cfs)(in)(ft/ft)(cfs)(ft/sec)(min)(ft)(ft)(FT.)
1 D-3 200 895.50 201 202 895.25 48 0.664 0.293 0.195 0.195 10.42 10.42 7.695 1.50 12 0.0052 2.57 3.27 0.24 898.14 897.90 898.33
Undeveloped Basin No.:U-1 Total Area =29,659.0 S.F.
Willow Haven Senior Homes 0.681 Acres
Surface C N
Paved Streets, Lots, Drives and Sidewalks =1,316.0 S.F. =0.03 Ac.0.85 0.020
Roofs =1,277.0 S.F. =0.03 Ac.0.90 0.020
Gravel =2,734.0 S.F. =0.06 Ac.0.85 0.100
Lawns (Slightly pervious)=24,332.0 S.F. =0.56 Ac.0.25 0.250
Unimproved - Woods, Meadow, etc.=S.F. =0.00 Ac.0.25 0.600
Water =S.F. =0.00 Ac.1.00 0.000
Weighted c = 0.360
Weighted N = 0.216
L =19 Ft.
H =0.25 Ft.
S =0.0134 Ft./Ft.
t1 =1.43 Minutes
L =120 Ft.
H =4.00 Ft.
S =0.0333 Ft./Ft.
t1 =8.96 Minutes
L =0 Ft.
H =0.00 Ft.
S =#DIV/0!Ft./Ft.
v =#DIV/0!Ft./sec.Paved - 20.3283; Unpaved - 16.1345
t2=0.00 Minutes
L = Ft.
H = Ft.
s =#DIV/0!Ft./Ft.
A =Ft.2
Pw =Ft.
r =#DIV/0!Ft.
n =
V =#DIV/0!Ft./Sec.
Tt =0.00 Minutes
tc =10.38 Minutes (Min. 5 minutes)
I(2) =3.911 In./Hr.
I(5) =4.584 In./Hr.
I(10) =5.169 In./Hr.
I(25) =6.060 In./Hr.
I(100) =7.703 In./Hr.
Q(2) =0.96 CFS
Q(5) =1.12 CFS
Q(10) =1.27 CFS
Q(25) =1.49 CFS
Q(100) =1.89 CFS
Sheet Flow - Impervious
Sheet Flow - Lawn
Shallow Concentrated Flow - Paved
Open Channel Flow - Grass
Undeveloped Basin No.:U-2 Total Area =26,195.0 S.F.
Willow Haven Senior Homes 0.601 Acres
Surface C N
Paved Streets, Lots, Drives and Sidewalks =S.F. =0.00 Ac.0.85 0.020
Roofs =599.0 S.F. =0.01 Ac.0.90 0.020
Gravel =S.F. =0.00 Ac.0.85 0.100
Lawns (Slightly pervious)=25,596.0 S.F. =0.59 Ac.0.25 0.250
Unimproved - Woods, Meadow, etc.=S.F. =0.00 Ac.0.25 0.600
Water =S.F. =0.00 Ac.1.00 0.000
Weighted c = 0.265
Weighted N = 0.245
L =0 Ft.
H =0.00 Ft.
S =#DIV/0!Ft./Ft.
t1 =0.00 Minutes
L =165 Ft.
H =3.70 Ft.
S =0.0224 Ft./Ft.
t1 =11.40 Minutes
L =0 Ft.
H =0.00 Ft.
S =#DIV/0!Ft./Ft.
v =#DIV/0!Ft./sec.Paved - 20.3283; Unpaved - 16.1345
t2=0.00 Minutes
L = Ft.
H = Ft.
s =#DIV/0!Ft./Ft.
A =Ft.2
Pw =Ft.
r =#DIV/0!Ft.
n =
V =#DIV/0!Ft./Sec.
Tt =0.00 Minutes
tc =11.40 Minutes (Min. 5 minutes)
I(2) =3.807 In./Hr.
I(5) =4.462 In./Hr.
I(10) =5.032 In./Hr.
I(25) =5.899 In./Hr.
I(100) =7.497 In./Hr.
Q(2) =0.61 CFS
Q(5) =0.71 CFS
Q(10) =0.80 CFS
Q(25) =0.94 CFS
Q(100) =1.19 CFS
Sheet Flow - Impervious
Sheet Flow - Lawn
Shallow Concentrated Flow - Paved
Open Channel Flow - Grass
Developed Basin No.:D-1 Total Area =1,770.0 S.F.
Willow Haven Senior Homes 0.041 Acres
Surface C N
Paved Streets, Lots, Drives and Sidewalks =1,281.0 S.F. =0.03 Ac.0.85 0.020
Roofs =S.F. =0.00 Ac.0.90 0.020
Gravel =S.F. =0.00 Ac.0.85 0.100
Lawns (Slightly pervious)=489.0 S.F. =0.01 Ac.0.25 0.250
Unimproved - Woods, Meadow, etc.=S.F. =0.00 Ac.0.25 0.600
Water =S.F. =0.00 Ac.1.00 0.000
Weighted c = 0.684
Weighted N = 0.084
L =20 Ft.
H =0.40 Ft.
S =0.0200 Ft./Ft.
t1 =1.34 Minutes
L =37 Ft.
H =3.20 Ft.
S =0.0865 Ft./Ft.
t1 =4.14 Minutes
L =Ft.
H =Ft.
S =#DIV/0!Ft./Ft.
v =#DIV/0!Ft./sec.Paved - 20.3283; Unpaved - 16.1345
t2=0.00 Minutes
L = Ft.
H = Ft.
s =#DIV/0!Ft./Ft.
A =5.00 Ft.2
Pw =8.33 Ft.
r =0.60 Ft.
n =0.03
V =#DIV/0!Ft./Sec.
Tt =0.00 Minutes
tc =5.48 Minutes (Min. 5 minutes)
I(2) =4.565 In./Hr.
I(5) =5.353 In./Hr.
I(10) =6.034 In./Hr.
I(25) =7.069 In./Hr.
I(100) =8.991 In./Hr.
Q(2) =0.13 CFS
Q(5) =0.15 CFS
Q(10) =0.17 CFS
Q(25) =0.20 CFS
Q(100) =0.25 CFS
Sheet Flow - Impervious
Sheet Flow - Lawn
Shallow Concentrated Flow - Paved
Open Channel Flow - Grass
Developed Basin No.:D-1A Total Area =1,328.0 S.F.
Willow Haven Senior Homes 0.030 Acres
Surface C N
Paved Streets, Lots, Drives and Sidewalks =1,328.0 S.F. =0.03 Ac.0.85 0.020
Roofs =S.F. =0.00 Ac.0.90 0.020
Gravel =S.F. =0.00 Ac.0.85 0.100
Lawns (Slightly pervious)=S.F. =0.00 Ac.0.25 0.250
Unimproved - Woods, Meadow, etc.=S.F. =0.00 Ac.0.25 0.600
Water =S.F. =0.00 Ac.1.00 0.000
Weighted c = 0.850
Weighted N = 0.020
L =52 Ft.
H =1.62 Ft.
S =0.0312 Ft./Ft.
t1 =1.89 Minutes
L =Ft.
H =Ft.
S =#DIV/0!Ft./Ft.
t1 =0.00 Minutes
L =Ft.
H =Ft.
S =#DIV/0!Ft./Ft.
v =#DIV/0!Ft./sec.Paved - 20.3283; Unpaved - 16.1345
t2=0.00 Minutes
L = Ft.
H = Ft.
s =#DIV/0!Ft./Ft.
A =5.00 Ft.2
Pw =8.33 Ft.
r =0.60 Ft.
n =0.03
V =#DIV/0!Ft./Sec.
Tt =0.00 Minutes
tc =5.00 Minutes (Min. 5 minutes)
I(2) =4.630 In./Hr.
I(5) =5.430 In./Hr.
I(10) =6.120 In./Hr.
I(25) =7.170 In./Hr.
I(100) =9.120 In./Hr.
Q(2) =0.12 CFS
Q(5) =0.14 CFS
Q(10) =0.16 CFS
Q(25) =0.19 CFS
Q(100) =0.24 CFS
Sheet Flow - Impervious
Sheet Flow - Lawn
Shallow Concentrated Flow - Paved
Open Channel Flow - Grass
Developed Basin No.:D-2 Total Area =5,004.0 S.F.
Willow Haven Senior Homes 0.115 Acres
Surface C N
Paved Streets, Lots, Drives and Sidewalks =2,136.0 S.F. =0.05 Ac.0.85 0.020
Roofs =S.F. =0.00 Ac.0.90 0.020
Gravel =S.F. =0.00 Ac.0.85 0.100
Lawns (Slightly pervious)=2,868.0 S.F. =0.07 Ac.0.25 0.250
Unimproved - Woods, Meadow, etc.=S.F. =0.00 Ac.0.25 0.600
Water =S.F. =0.00 Ac.1.00 0.000
Weighted c = 0.506
Weighted N = 0.152
L =Ft.
H =Ft.
S =#DIV/0!Ft./Ft.
t1 =0.00 Minutes
L =35 Ft.
H =1.00 Ft.
S =0.0286 Ft./Ft.
t1 =5.22 Minutes
L =80 Ft.
H =2.30 Ft.
S =0.0288 Ft./Ft.
v =2.74 Ft./sec.Paved - 20.3283; Unpaved - 16.1345
t2=0.49 Minutes
L = Ft.
H = Ft.
s =#DIV/0!Ft./Ft.
A =5.00 Ft.2
Pw =8.33 Ft.
r =0.60 Ft.
n =0.03
V =#DIV/0!Ft./Sec.
Tt =0.00 Minutes
tc =5.71 Minutes (Min. 5 minutes)
I(2) =4.533 In./Hr.
I(5) =5.316 In./Hr.
I(10) =5.992 In./Hr.
I(25) =7.021 In./Hr.
I(100) =8.930 In./Hr.
Q(2) =0.26 CFS
Q(5) =0.31 CFS
Q(10) =0.35 CFS
Q(25) =0.41 CFS
Q(100) =0.52 CFS
Sheet Flow - Impervious
Sheet Flow - Lawn
Shallow Concentrated Flow - Unpaved
Open Channel Flow - Grass
Developed Basin No.:D-3 Total Area =12,780.0 S.F.
Willow Haven Senior Homes 0.293 Acres
Surface C N
Paved Streets, Lots, Drives and Sidewalks =8,812.0 S.F. =0.20 Ac.0.85 0.020
Roofs =S.F. =0.00 Ac.0.90 0.020
Gravel =S.F. =0.00 Ac.0.85 0.100
Lawns (Slightly pervious)=3,968.0 S.F. =0.09 Ac.0.25 0.250
Unimproved - Woods, Meadow, etc.=S.F. =0.00 Ac.0.25 0.600
Water =S.F. =0.00 Ac.1.00 0.000
Weighted c = 0.664
Weighted N = 0.091
L =55 Ft.
H =0.55 Ft.
S =0.0100 Ft./Ft.
t1 =2.53 Minutes
L =50 Ft.
H =1.00 Ft.
S =0.0200 Ft./Ft.
t1 =6.71 Minutes
L =155 Ft.
H =1.80 Ft.
S =0.0116 Ft./Ft.
v =2.19 Ft./sec.Paved - 20.3283; Unpaved - 16.1345
t2=1.18 Minutes
L = Ft.
H = Ft.
s =#DIV/0!Ft./Ft.
A =5.00 Ft.2
Pw =8.33 Ft.
r =0.60 Ft.
n =0.03
V =#DIV/0!Ft./Sec.
Tt =0.00 Minutes
tc =10.42 Minutes (Min. 5 minutes)
I(2) =3.907 In./Hr.
I(5) =4.580 In./Hr.
I(10) =5.164 In./Hr.
I(25) =6.054 In./Hr.
I(100) =7.695 In./Hr.
Q(2) =0.76 CFS
Q(5) =0.89 CFS
Q(10) =1.01 CFS
Q(25) =1.18 CFS
Q(100) =1.50 CFS
Sheet Flow - Impervious
Sheet Flow - Lawn
Shallow Concentrated Flow - Paved
Open Channel Flow - Grass
Developed Basin No.:D-4 Total Area =2,516.0 S.F.
Willow Haven Senior Homes 0.058 Acres
Surface C N
Paved Streets, Lots, Drives and Sidewalks =S.F. =0.00 Ac.0.85 0.020
Roofs =S.F. =0.00 Ac.0.90 0.020
Gravel =S.F. =0.00 Ac.0.85 0.100
Lawns (Slightly pervious)=2,516.0 S.F. =0.06 Ac.0.25 0.250
Unimproved - Woods, Meadow, etc.=S.F. =0.00 Ac.0.25 0.600
Water =S.F. =0.00 Ac.1.00 0.000
Weighted c = 0.250
Weighted N = 0.250
L =Ft.
H =Ft.
S =#DIV/0!Ft./Ft.
t1 =0.00 Minutes
L =25 Ft.
H =1.50 Ft.
S =0.0600 Ft./Ft.
t1 =3.75 Minutes
L =Ft.
H =Ft.
S =#DIV/0!Ft./Ft.
v =#DIV/0!Ft./sec.Paved - 20.3283; Unpaved - 16.1345
t2=0.00 Minutes
L = Ft.
H = Ft.
s =#DIV/0!Ft./Ft.
A =Ft.2
Pw =Ft.
r =#DIV/0!Ft.
n =
V =#DIV/0!Ft./Sec.
Tt =0.00 Minutes
tc =5.00 Minutes (Min. 5 minutes)
I(2) =4.630 In./Hr.
I(5) =5.430 In./Hr.
I(10) =6.120 In./Hr.
I(25) =7.170 In./Hr.
I(100) =9.120 In./Hr.
Q(2) =0.07 CFS
Q(5) =0.08 CFS
Q(10) =0.09 CFS
Q(25) =0.10 CFS
Q(100) =0.13 CFS
Sheet Flow - Impervious
Sheet Flow - Lawn
Shallow Concentrated Flow - Paved
Open Channel Flow - Grass
Developed Basin No.:D-5 Total Area =12,453.0 S.F.
Willow Haven Senior Homes 0.286 Acres
Surface C N
Paved Streets, Lots, Drives and Sidewalks =S.F. =0.00 Ac.0.85 0.020
Roofs =S.F. =0.00 Ac.0.90 0.020
Gravel =S.F. =0.00 Ac.0.85 0.100
Lawns (Slightly pervious)=12,453.0 S.F. =0.29 Ac.0.25 0.250
Unimproved - Woods, Meadow, etc.=S.F. =0.00 Ac.0.25 0.600
Water =S.F. =0.00 Ac.1.00 0.000
Weighted c = 0.250
Weighted N = 0.250
L =Ft.
H =Ft.
S =#DIV/0!Ft./Ft.
t1 =0.00 Minutes
L =200 Ft.
H =3.50 Ft.
S =0.0175 Ft./Ft.
t1 =13.22 Minutes
L =Ft.
H =Ft.
S =#DIV/0!Ft./Ft.
v =#DIV/0!Ft./sec.Paved - 20.3283; Unpaved - 16.1345
t2=0.00 Minutes
L = Ft.
H = Ft.
s =#DIV/0!Ft./Ft.
A =Ft.2
Pw =Ft.
r =#DIV/0!Ft.
n =
V =#DIV/0!Ft./Sec.
Tt =0.00 Minutes
tc =13.22 Minutes (Min. 5 minutes)
I(2) =3.622 In./Hr.
I(5) =4.244 In./Hr.
I(10) =4.789 In./Hr.
I(25) =5.611 In./Hr.
I(100) =7.130 In./Hr.
Q(2) =0.26 CFS
Q(5) =0.30 CFS
Q(10) =0.34 CFS
Q(25) =0.40 CFS
Q(100) =0.51 CFS
Sheet Flow - Impervious
Sheet Flow - Lawn
Shallow Concentrated Flow - Paved
Open Channel Flow - Grass
Developed Basin No.:D-6 Total Area =20,004.0 S.F.
Willow Haven Senior Homes 0.459 Acres
Surface C N
Paved Streets, Lots, Drives and Sidewalks =2,963.0 S.F. =0.07 Ac.0.85 0.020
Roofs =6,173.0 S.F. =0.14 Ac.0.90 0.020
Gravel =S.F. =0.00 Ac.0.85 0.100
Lawns (Slightly pervious)=10,868.0 S.F. =0.25 Ac.0.25 0.250
Unimproved - Woods, Meadow, etc.=S.F. =0.00 Ac.0.25 0.600
Water =S.F. =0.00 Ac.1.00 0.000
Weighted c = 0.539
Weighted N = 0.145
L =Ft.
H =Ft.
S =#DIV/0!Ft./Ft.
t1 =0.00 Minutes
L =40 Ft.
H =1.20 Ft.
S =0.0300 Ft./Ft.
t1 =5.50 Minutes
L =100 Ft.
H =1.00 Ft.
S =0.0100 Ft./Ft.
v =2.03 Ft./sec.Paved - 20.3283; Unpaved - 16.1345
t2=0.82 Minutes
L = 90 Ft.
H = 0.90 Ft.
s =0.0100 Ft./Ft.
A =5.16 Ft.2
Pw =8.32 Ft.
r =0.62 Ft.
n =0.04
V =2.71 Ft./Sec.
Tt =0.55 Minutes
tc =6.87 Minutes (Min. 5 minutes)
I(2) =4.376 In./Hr.
I(5) =5.131 In./Hr.
I(10) =5.783 In./Hr.
I(25) =6.777 In./Hr.
I(100) =8.619 In./Hr.
Q(2) =1.08 CFS
Q(5) =1.27 CFS
Q(10) =1.43 CFS
Q(25) =1.68 CFS
Q(100) =2.14 CFS
Sheet Flow - Impervious
Sheet Flow - Lawn
Shallow Concentrated Flow - Paved
Open Channel Flow - Grass
Sub-basin Area (SF)C Area x C Sub-basin Area (SF)C Area x C Sub-basin Area (SF)C Area x C
U-1 29,659.0 0.360 10,674.80 D-1 1,770.0 0.684 1,211.10 D-3 12,780.0 0.664 8,482.20
U-2 26,195.0 0.265 6,938.10 D-1A 1,328.0 0.850 1,128.80 D-6 20,003.0 0.539 10,790.71
D-2 5,004.0 0.506 2,532.60
D-4 2,516.0 0.250 629.00
55,854.00 17,612.90 D-5 12,453.0 0.250 3,113.25 32,783.0 19,272.91
23,071.00 8,614.75
Predeveloped Onsite Area = 1.282 ac.Onsite Undetained Area = 0.530 ac.Onsite Detained Area = 0.753 ac.
Existing Wt'd 'c' = 0.315 Developed Wt'd 'c' = 0.373 Developed Wt'd 'c' = 0.588
Offsite Offsite Offsite
Sub-basin Area (SF)C Area x C Sub-basin Sub-basin
OS-1 12,620.0 0.304 3,842.70 OS-2 55,517.0 0.363 20,133.00 OS-1 12,620.0 0.304 3,842.70
OS-2 55,517.0 0.363 20,133.00 OS-3 137,547.0 0.350 48,141.45
OS-3 137,547.0 0.350 48,141.45
205,684.00 72,117.15 193,064.00 68,274.45 12,620.00 3,842.70
Offsite Area = 4.722 ac.Offsite Undetained Area = 4.432 ac.Offsite Detained Area = 0.290 ac.
Wt'd 'c' = 0.351 Developed Wt'd 'c' = 0.354 Developed Wt'd 'c' = 0.304
Total Drainage Area = 261,538.0 sq. ft.Total Undetained Area = 205,517.0 sq. ft.Total Detained Area = 45,403.0 sq. ft.
Total Drainage Area = 6.004 ac.Total Undetained Area = 4.718 ac.Total Detained Area = 1.042 ac.
Wt'd 'c' = 0.343 Wt'd 'c' = 0.347 Wt'd 'c' = 0.509
Willow Haven Senior Homes
13145 West Road
Carmel, IN
Sub-Basin Summary
Undetained Sub-Basins Detained Sub-Basins Weighted 'C'
Predeveloped Sub-Basins Developed Sub-Basins
Willow Haven Senior Homes - Carmel
Sources: Esri, HERE, Garmin, Intermap, increment P Corp.,
GEBCO, USGS, FAO, NPS, NRCAN, GeoBase, IGN, Kadaster NL,
Ordnance Survey, Esri Japan, METI, Esri China (Hong Kong), (c)
OpenStreetMap contributors, and the GIS User Community
Other Municipality
Clay Terrace
City Boundary
10' Contours
5' Contours
<all other values>
Free Representation
2' Contours
<all other values>
Free Representation
1' Contours
<all other values>
Free Representation
2019 Photography
Red: Red
Green: Green
Blue: Blue
October 31, 2019
0 0.01 0.030.01 mi
0 0.03 0.050.01 km
ArcGIS WebApp Builder
Willow Haven Senior Homes - Carmel
Sources: Esri, HERE, Garmin, Intermap, increment P Corp.,
GEBCO, USGS, FAO, NPS, NRCAN, GeoBase, IGN, Kadaster NL,
Ordnance Survey, Esri Japan, METI, Esri China (Hong Kong), (c)
OpenStreetMap contributors, and the GIS User Community
Other Municipality
Clay Terrace
City Boundary
10' Contours
5' Contours
<all other values>
Free Representation
2' Contours
<all other values>
Free Representation
1' Contours
<all other values>
Free Representation
2019 Photography
Red: Red
Green: Green
Blue: Blue
October 31, 2019
0 0.01 0.030.01 mi
0 0.03 0.050.01 km
ArcGIS WebApp Builder
Willow Haven Senior Homes - Carmel
Sources: Esri, HERE, Garmin, Intermap, increment P Corp.,
GEBCO, USGS, FAO, NPS, NRCAN, GeoBase, IGN, Kadaster NL,
Ordnance Survey, Esri Japan, METI, Esri China (Hong Kong), (c)
OpenStreetMap contributors, and the GIS User Community
Other Municipality
Clay Terrace
City Boundary
10' Contours
5' Contours
<all other values>
Free Representation
2' Contours
<all other values>
Free Representation
1' Contours
<all other values>
Free Representation
2019 Photography
Red: Red
Green: Green
Blue: Blue
October 31, 2019
0 0.01 0.030.01 mi
0 0.03 0.050.01 km
ArcGIS WebApp Builder