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Public Notice
Dear Neighbor: On behalf of The Old Town Companies, LLC, please find below public notice along with an enclosed location map in regards to the December 17, 2019 Carmel Plan Commission Meeting. NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING BEFORE THE CARMEL/CLAY ADVISORY BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS Docket Number:19110004 SW,19110005 SW, 19110006 SW,19110007 SW, 19110008 SW,19110009 SW,19110010 SW, Notice is hereby given that the Carmel Plan Commission meeting on 17'h day, December, 2019 at 6 P.M. in the City Hall Council Chambers, 1 Civic Square,Carmel, Indiana,46032 will hold a public hearing upon the Subdivision Waivers application to: gain design standard waiver approvals for street widths, sidewalks, perimeter landscaping, and wetland and stream buffers for a mixed use development on 27.84 acres, which includes apartments, townhomes, condominiums, single- family homes, urban garden space, amenity center, retail and office. The site is located in the Southwest Quarter of Section 24,Township 18 North, Range 3 East near the intersection of US 31 (N.Meridian Street)&Smokey Row Road in Carmel, IN. The property is in Clay Township. The application is identified with Docket Numbers: 19110004 SW, 19110005 SW, 19110006 SW, 19110007 SW, 19110008 SW, 19110009 SW,19110010 SW The real estate affected by said application is described as follows: Tax ID parcel numbers: 17-09-24-00-05-004.000 17-09-24-00-00-030.000 17-09-24-04-08-001.000 17-09-24-00-00-031.001 17-09-24-00-00-031.201 17-09-24-04-07-001.000 17-09-24-00-05-004.001 17-09-24-00-00-031.401 17-09-24-00-00-032.000 17-09-24-00-00-033.000 17-09-24-00-00-033.001 17-09-24-00-06-011.000 17-09-24-00-06-001.000 17-09-24-00-06-003.000 17-09-24-00-06-005.000 17-09-24-00-06-007.000 17-09-24-00-06-009.000 17-09-24-00-06-010.000 17-09-24-00-06-002.000 17-09-24-00-06-004.000 17-09-24-00-06-006.000 17-09-24-00-06-008.000 17-09-24-00-00-034.000 17-09-24-00-00-043.000 17-09-24-00-00-035.000 17-09-24-00-00-036.000 17-09-24-00-00-037.000 17-09-24-00-00-038.000 17-09-24-00-00-042.001 17-09-24-00-00-041.000 17-09-24-00-00-039.000 All interested persons desiring to present their views on the above application, either in writing or verbally, will be given an opportunity to be heard at the above mentioned time and place. Petitioner Name:The Old Town Design Group, LLC These waivers enable us to build a land plan that maximizes green space preservation and trail connectivity. Without these waivers, we could still construct the project but would lose some of the creative design elements. Please note that all of the above subdivision waivers are in response to the original, same land plan that has previously been shared at both plan commission and board of zoning appeals. If you have any questions, comments and/or concerns please feel free to contact Rebecca McGuckin at 317-496-7160. Sincerely, . Rebecca McGuckin The Old Town Companies, LLC I. Project Locution The site is located in the Southwest Quarter of Section 24, Township 18 North, Range 3 East near the intersection of US 31 (N, Meridian Street) & Smokey Row Road in Carmel, IN, The property is in Clay Township, • 1+4r fSt � . F. t ;RA I t- ,r� F. E 746th-t,'4 Smoke Row :,,,".`,/entz--:--::: *f. r . 7F46' S j a r i i Y4 LrtC ,�� y j�1 4. Monon *`~ l 4 . ..... _ " ^ .. —I l };„;� Hazel, . nett et ,} + E _ J Dr, t a 4ldJle - n Y( ` sigyr 6 \ 4fr r•-7•'6,- . f 01 7 7 Za: t d' PZ.ft ( r 0. f o _ •� 2 33 p x - aleii A A yg_ n ` '! e - G. f s _r— __ .e_MaiR SP = Mc:4 4 _ I 'Eft- `N` gg-e- 4 7. '- _,a`� _ ,a E - Qom. 47" : --.. or - '�" r fam Ave----' �. , ` �4 t � E � � � � g' � ,L--'c die [. larl Commission Public Notice SiviiProcedure: The petitioner shall incur the cost of the purchasing, placing, and removing the sign. The sign must be placed in a highly visible and legible location from the road on the property that is involved with the public hearing. The public notice sign shall meet the following requirements: 1. Must be placed on the subject property no less than 21 days prior to the public hearing 2. The sign must follow the sign design requirements: Sign must be 24" x 36" — vertical Sign must be double sided Sign must be composed of weather resistant material, such as corrugated plastic or laminated poster board The sign must be mounted in a heavy-duty metal frame 3. The sign must contain the following: • 12" x 24" PMS 288 Blue box with white text at the top. • White background with black text below. • Text used in example to the right, with Application type and Date* of subject public hearing * The Date should be written in day, month, and date format. Example: Tues., Jan. 17 4. The sign must be removed within 72 hours of the Carmel City Hall`` 6:00 P.M. For More Infomlatlon: (++eh) +k-+% W.catm el, in. soy mlu 571-2417 I (We) eL�XCC_1_Ae "C h •') do hereby certify that placement of the notice public hearing sign to consider Docket Numbe J q n 0..00 �']{,5 VJ , was placed on the subject property at least 21 E`1 ttl �cp�S' vie f lthad� 5�v 1q( I OC)C) Z 5(JJ P I i UU�� days prior to the date of the ubllc tiearmg t e a dress fisted below: I l O S f to,6O I b a.- r vv l� rr� (-ab STATE OF INDIANA, COUNTY OF � SS: The undersigned, having been duly sworn, upon oath says that the above information is true and correct as he is informed and believes. - (Signature of Petitioner) Subscribed and sworn to before me this d t day of /VOl�`�V - , 20 l% . .•+'"""1°'��.1 CASEY J SHINAVER Notary Public, State of Indiana i�{.GL.■ ~x.'SEAi. a Hamilton County i Notary Public Commission S 713975 A►�A�`~, My Commission Expires fill, ONO July 23, 2026 110, 'omniission Expires:LA �, d-{�b Page 2 of 6 File: Zoning Waiver Application 2019 Revised: 02/04/19 PETITIONER'S AFFIDAVIT OF NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING I (We) ' elO c co cAC k.n do hereby certify that notice of public hearing of the Carmel Plan Commission to consider Docket Number-s I 1 0a69 Syy was registered and mailed at least twenty-one (21) days prior to the date of the public hearing to the below listed adjacent property owners: �� l l 00 0 r,(9 S �, J 1 `l 11 000-7 S �, 1 R I I o00k'C W'/ OWNER(S) NAME (`► 11 0 UO 5 VJ r l�&NE Sw Owners to sign (or submit a copy of the list from County.) STATE OF INDIANA SS: The undersigned, having been duly sworn upon oath says that the above information is true and correct and he is informed and believes. (gignature of Petitioner) County of Before me the undersigned, a Notary (County in which notarization takes place) Public for Iry v` County, State of Indiana, personally appeared r (Notary Public's county of residence) s—Gurc.�.,,R •eLgLJand acknowledged the execution of the foregoing instrument (Property Owner, Attorney, orPower of A-ttQo_rm?y) this Pn day of I�! 6�.120 (day) (month) (year) Not Public--Sigrnature s p: G Notary Public, State of Indiana `�'j5511i�+�4�, ASEYJSHiNAVE11 i �a S� �V iSEAL " +� Hamilton County Commission N 713975 Not Public --Please Print i-A-,,A,¢;-' My COMMISSIon Expires July 23, 2026 4y conunissi n c ires: (Tip: Actual signatures of adjacent property owners must be submitted on this affidavit if the public notice was hand delivered to an adjacent property owner. Otherwise the names can be typed/written in.) Page 3 of 6 File: Zoning Waiver Application 2019 Revised: 02/04/19 ADJOININGWN IS I, , Auditor of Hamilton County, Indiana, certify that the attached affidavit is a true and complete listing of the property owners within 660 feet or two (2) property depths, whichever is less, as relating to Docket No. OWNER ADDRESS Hamilton County Auditor Date EXAMPLE ONLY: Formal list request sheet & official list may be acquired from the Hamilton County Auditor's Office (317-776-8401). SpeCiticany, the Hamilton C:o. Real Property Dept.( 770-4412) or www.Hamiltoncounty.in.gov Page 4 of 6 File: Zoning Waiver Application 2019 Revised: 02/04/19 Bart P. Griesenauer From: INTERNETGUEST Sent: Monday, November 25, 2019 2:28 PM To: Plat Auditor Subject: Online Adjoiner Request POSSE Job #: AR-2019-0333 Zoning Authority: Carmel Planning Parcel # of Property: 1709240005004000 Additional Parcel #:.. , , , , . , , , Owner: Old Town Companies Petitioner: Rebecca McGuckin Contact: Rebecca McGuckin Contact Phone: 3174967160 Contact Email: rebecca.mcguckin@gmail.com Hamilton Couft Ad ainer Notification List oast Parcel Owner Information and Tax Parcel 10 Numbers (31) 1.. O�Companies LLC (6) 11132 S. Rangellne Road, Suite 200 Carmel, IN 46032 2• VertuAssets Foundation Inc. (2) ': 11625 Rainwater Dr. Alpharetta, GA 30009 3. Daniel Joseph Audritsh (1) 408 W. Smokey Row Road Carmel. IN 46032 _ 4. Edward Freeland and Marcia Urich Freeland (1) . Living Trust 6 k d Parcel Numbers: }17-09-24-00-05-004.000 17-09-244XM-030.000 17-09-24-04-08-001.000 17-09-24-00-00-031.001 17-W24-00-00-031.201 _ 17-09-24-04-07-001.000_ Parcel Numbers: 17-09-24-00-05-004.001 17 -09- 2 4-00-00-031.401 Parcel Number: 17-09-24-00-00-032.000 Parcel Number. 17-09-24-00-00-033.000 41 W. Smo ey now Roa Carmel, IN 46032 T S. Larry and Jane Klutzke Parcel Number: (1) 444 W. Smokey Row 17409-24-00-00-033.001 _Road Carmel, IN 46032 6 Turtle Pond Partners LLC Parcel Numbers: { (11)I 410 N. Rangeline Road Carmel, IN 46032 17-M24-00-06-011.000 17-09-24-00-06-001.000 7. { Stuart and Sheila D. (4) I Gauntt 11952 W. Casandra Lane Westville, IN 46391 8. Michael Travis and Susan G. Pettijohn (1) 506 W. Smokey Row Road Carmel, IN 46032 9. W. James and Athena C. Mlles (1) 9466 Compton Street Indianapolis, IN 46240 10. J Tom W. and Christina L. Walden (3) 1 981 Hadkigh Pass Westfield, IN 46074 17-09-24-00-06-003.000 17-09-244)0-06-M.000 17-09-24-00-06-007.000 17-09-24400-06-009.000 17-09-24-00-06-010.000 17409-24-00-06-002.000 17-09-244X)- 004.000 17-09-24-00-06-006.000 17-09-24-00-06-008.000 Parcel Numbers: 17-09-24-004"34.000 17-09-24-00-00-043.000 17409-24-00-00-035.000 17-09-24-00-00-036.000 Parcel Number. 174)9-24-00-00-037.000 Parcel Number: 17-09-24-00-00-038.000 Parcel Numbers: 17-09-24.00400.042.001 174)9-24-00-00-041.000 17409-24-004)0.039.000 HAMILTON CO UNTYA UDITOR I, ROBIN M. MILLS, AUDITOR OF HAMILTON COUNTY, INDIANA, CERTIFY MY OFFICE HAS SEARCHED OUR RECORDS AND BASED ON THAT SEARCH, ITAPPEARS THATTHE PROPERTY OWNERS MARKED AS NEIGHBORS ARE THE PROPERTY OWNERS THAT ARE TWO PROPERTIES OR 660' FEET FROM THE REAL ESTATE MARKED AS SUBJECT PROPERTY. THIS DOCUMENT DOES NOT CERTIFY THAT THE ATTACHED LIST OF PROPERTY OWNERS IS ACCURATE OR INCLUDES ALL PROPERTY OWNERS ENTITLED TO NOTICE PURSUANT TO LOCAL ORDINANCE. ANY PERSON SEEKING A MORE ACCURATE SEARCH OF THE REAL ESTATE RECORDS OF THE COUNTY SHOULD SEEK THE OPINION OF A TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY. ROBIN M. MILLS, HAMILTON COUNTY AUDITOR DATED: SUBJECT PROPERTY. 17-09-24-00-00-030.000 Subject Old Town Companies LLC 1132 S Rangeline Rd Ste 200 Carmel IN 46032 17-09-24-00-00-031.001 Subject Old Town Companies LLC 1132 S Rangeline Rd Ste 200 Carmel IN 46032 17-09-24-00-00-031.201 Subject Old Town Companies LLC 1132 S Rangeline Rd Ste 200 Carmel IN 46032 17-09-24-00-00-031.401 VertuAssets Foundation Inc 11625 Rainwater Dr Alpharetta GA Subject 30009 17-09-24-00-00-032.000 Subject Audritsh, Daniel Joseph 408 Smokey Row Rd Carmel IN 46032 Pursuarl to the provisions of Indiana Code 5-14-3-3(e), no person other than Morse authorized by the County may reproduce, grant access, deliver, or sell any information obtained from any department or oh,rn of the County to any other person, partnership, or corporation In addition any person who receives ,nfnrmalron from the County shall not be permitted to use any mailing list, addresses, or databases for the purpva of selling, advertising, or soliciting the purchase of merchandise, goods, services, or to sell, loan, gwo away, or otherwise deliver the information obtained by the request to any other person Page 1 of 5 17-09-24-00-00-033.000 Subject Freeland, Edward & Marcia Urich Freeland Living Trust 416 W SMOKEY ROW RD Carmel IN 46032 17-09-24-00-00-033.001 Subject Klutzke, Larry & Jane h&w 444 W Smokey Row Rd Carmel IN 46032 17-09-24-00-00-034.000 Subject Gauntt, Stuart L & Sheila D 11952 W Casandra Ln Westville IN 46391 17-09-24-00-00-035.000 Subject Gauntt, Stuart L & Sheila D 11952 W Casandra Ln Westville IN 46391 17-09-24-00-00-036.000 Subject Gauntt, Stuart L & Sheila D 11952 W Casandra Ln Westville IN 46391 17-09-24-00-00-037.000 Pettijohn, Michael Travis & Susan G Pettijohn 506 W SMOKEY ROW RD Carmel IN Subject 46032 17-09-24-00-00-038.000 Subject Miles, W James III & Athena C 9466 Compton St Indianapolis IN 46240 17-09-24-00-00-039.000 Subject Walden, Tom W & Christina L 981 Hadleigh Pass Westfield IN 46074 Pwsvanl to the provisions of Indiana Code 51433-(e), no person Whw thin those audiorized by the County may reproduce, granl acCess. deliver. or sell any inf xrrM9*n obtained km any depa owl or oRica of the Countyto ariy rather person. psrtrtarshlp. or corpwetlorl in addition any person who receives informnlion from ale Cpurdy shalt nol be pemrsled to use any mailing Ilsi. addresses, or databases for the purpose of selling, adverti song, w salioling the purchase M nwcfwndise goods_ servrcea, or Io sail, loan_ give away, or olharwise deliver the iMonnetion obtained by Ute request to any other person. Page 2 of 5 17-09-24-00-00-041.000 Subject Walden, Tom W & Christina L 981 Hadleigh Pass Westfield IN 46074 17-09-24-00-00-042.001 Subject Walden, Tom W & Christina L 981 Hadleigh Pass Westfield IN 46074 17-09-24-00-00-043.000 Subject Gauntt, Stuart L & Sheila D 11952 W Casandra Ln Westville IN 46391 17-09-24-00-05-004.000 Subject Old Town Companies LLC 1132 S Rangeline Rd Ste 200 Carmel IN 46032 17-09-24-00-05-004.001 Subject VertuAssets Foundation Inc 11625 Rainwater Dr Alpharetta GA 30009 17-09-24-00-06-001.000 Turtle Pond Partners LLC 410 N Rangeline Rd Carmel 17-09-24-00-06-002.000 Turtle Pond Partners LLC 410 N Rangeline Rd Carmel 17-09-24-00-06-003.000 Turtle Pond Partners LLC 410 N Rangeline Rd Carmel Subject IN 46032 Subject IN 46032 Subject IN 46032 Pursuant to the provisions of Indiana Code 51433{e), no person other than those authorized by the +county may reproduce, grant access, deliver, or sell any information obtained from any department or ofFice of the County to any other person, partnership, or corporation In addition any person who receives ,nrormatron from the County shall not be permitted to use any mailing list, addresses, or databases for the purpose of selling, advertising, or soliciting the purchase of merchandise, goods, services, or to sell, loan, give away, or otherwise deliver the information obtained by the request to any other person Page 3 of 5 17-09-24-00-06-004.000 Turtle Pond Partners LLC 410 N Rangeline Rd Carmel IN Subject 46032 17-09-24-00-06-005.000 Subject Turtle Pond Partners LLC 410 N Rangeline Rd Carmel IN 46032 17-09-24-00-06-006.000 Subject Turtle Pond Partners LLC 410 N Rangeline Rd Carmel IN 46032 17-09-24-00-06-007.000 Turtle Pond Partners LLC 410 N Rangeline Rd Carmel IN Subject 46032 17-09-24-00-06-008.000 Subject Turtle Pond Partners LLC 410 N Rangeline Rd Carmel IN 46032 17-09-24-00-06-009.000 Subject Turtle Pond Partners LLC 410 N Rangeline Rd Carmel IN 46032 17-09-24-00-06-010.000 Turtle Pond Partners LLC 410 N Rangeline Rd Carmel 17-09-24-00-06-011.000 Turtle Pond Partners LLC 410 N Rangeline Rd Carmel Subject IN 46032 Subject IN 46032 Pursuant to the provisions of Indiana Cods 5-1433(e), no person other than those authorized by the County may reproduce, gram access, deliver, or sell any information obtained from any department or office of the County to any other Person, partnership, or corporation. In additlort any parson who receives information from the County shall not be permitted to use any mailing list, addresses, or databases for the purpose of selling, advertising, or soliciting the purchase of merchandise, goods, services, or to sell, loan, rive away, or otherwise deliver the information obtained by the request to any other person. Page 4 of 5 17-09-24-04-07-001.000 Old Town Companies LLC 1132 S Rangeline Rd Subject Carmel IN 46032 17-09-24-04-08-001.000 Subject Old Town Companies LLC 1132 S Rangeline Rd Carmel IN 46032 Puts"t to the provisions of Indiana Code 5r14413 9), no person odor flan those authun; ed by Ute County may reproduce. grant access, deliver. or &all any information obtained from any aepan,nent or office of the County to any other person partnership. or corporation In addition arty person who receives information from the County Mall not be penntaed to use arty mailing list, addresses, or databases for the purpose of selling. ad+ pwrkg. or soliciting the purdase of merchandise, goods, services, or to sell. can, give away, or o@Wwdse deliver the information obtained by the request to any odw parson Page 5 of 5 HAMILTON COUNTYNOTIFICATIONLIST PLEASE NOTIFY THE FOLLOWING PERSONS 16-09-24-00-00-022.000 Neighbor Carmel Cemetery P O Box 4031 Carmel IN 46082 16-09-24-00-00-023.000 North Union Realty Inc 620 A Rangeline Rd S Carmel IN 16-09-24-00-00-025.000 Carmel Cemetery P O Box 4031 Carmel IN 16-09-24-00-01-002.000 Ginther Green LLC 13827 Driftwood Dr Carmel IN 16-09-24-00-01-004.000 Ginther Green LLC 13827 Driftwood Dr Carmel IN 16-09-24-00-02-002.000 Ginther Green LLC 13827 Driftwood Dr Carmel IN Neighbor 46032 Neighbor 46082 Neighbor 46033 Neighbor 46033 Neighbor 46033 16-09-24-00-02-999.999 Neighbor <null> <null> <null> <null> <null> 16-09-24-00-02-999.999 <null> Neighbor Page 1 of 10 <null> <null> <null> <null> 16-09-24-04-01-005.000 Neighbor Musgrave, Julie A 32 Circle Dr Carmel IN 46032 16-09-24-04-01-005.001 Neighbor Butler, Mark W 34 Circle Dr Carmel IN 46032 16-09-24-04-01-007.000 Neighbor Butler, Mark W 34 CIRCLE DR Carmel IN 46032 16-09-24-04-01-008.000 Neighbor Pahs, Michael J & Tamatha 38 Circle Dr Carmel IN 46032 16-09-24-04-11-002.000 Neighbor Millard, Gerald C 467 Leafy Branch Trl Carmel IN 46032 16-09-24-04-11-003.000 Klutznick, Michael M & Kelly A 455 Leafy Branch Trl Carmel IN 16-09-24-04-11-004.000 Shropshire, N Charlene 443 Leafy Branch Trl Carmel IN Neighbor 46032 Neighbor 46032 16-09-24-04-11-006.000 Neighbor Cross, Jonathan L & Amanda 431 Leafy Branch Trl Page 2 of 10 Carmel 16-09-24-04-11-006.000 Krinn, Lisa Ann 422 Leafy Branch Trl Carmel IN 46032 Neighbor IN 46032 16-09-24-04-11-025.000 Homeowners of Autumn Lake Inc 1950 E Greyhound Pass Ste 18-106 Carmel IN 16-09-24-04-11-026.000 Homeowners of Autumn Lake Inc 1950 E Greyhound Pass Ste 18-106 Carmel IN Neighbor 46033 7787 Neighbor 46033 7787 16-09-24-04-12-142.000 Neighbor Centex Homes 11590 N Meridian St Ste 530 Carmel IN 46032 16-09-24-04-12-152.000 Neighbor Centex Homes 11590 N MERIDIAN ST STE 530 Carmel IN 46032 16-09-24-04-12-153.000 City of Carmel 1 Civic Square Carmel IN 16-09-25-00-00-006.101 Behaviorcorp Inc 697 Pro Med Inc Carmel IN 16-09-25-00-00-011.000 Quinet, Philip A 445 Smokey Rd W Neighbor 46032 Neighbor 46032 Neighbor PREPARED BY THE HAMILTON COUNTY AUDITORS OFFICE, DIVISION OF TAX MAPPING Page 3 of 10 Carmel IN 46032 16-09-25-00-00-012.000 Neighbor Quinet, Philip A 445 Smokey Rd Carmel IN 46032 16-09-25-00-02-004.000 Neighbor Village Green Homeowners Association Inc 5702 Kirkpatrick Way Indianapolis IN 46220 16-09-25-00-03-007.000 Village Green Homeowners Association Inc 5702 Kirkpatrick Way Indianapolis IN 16-09-25-00-04-007.000 Village Green Homeowners Association Inc 5702 Kirkpatrick Way Indianapolis IN Neighbor 46220 Neighbor 46220 16-09-25-00-07-003.000 Neighbor Mosey, Brent A & Susan T 624 Greenford Trl W Carmel IN 46032 16-09-25-00-07-004.000 Neighbor Lyons, Robert P & Julie A h&w 622 Greenford Trl W Carmel IN 46032 16-09-25-00-07-006.000 Neighbor Cantrell, Jason Alan & Debra me 9426 Greenthread Ln Zionsville IN 46077 16-09-25-00-09-001.000 Neighbor Sanders, Linda A 692 Greenford Trl N Carmel IN 46032 Page 4 of 10 16-09-25-00-09-002.000 Neighbor Milliken, John S III & Katrina B 686 Greenford Trl N Carmel IN 46032 16-09-25-00-09-003.000 Neighbor Pearce, Jason A & Jenny E h&w 680 Greenford Trl N Carmel IN 46032 16-09-25-00-09-004.000 Neighbor Skinner, James & Gwen Ashby jtrs 674 Greenford Trl N Carmel IN 46032 16-09-25-00-11-001.000 Davis, James W & Louanne W 724 Greenford Trl N Carmel IN 16-09-25-00-11-002.000 Avrutin, Michael D & Tatyana A 718 Greenford Trl N Carmel IN Neighbor 46032 Neighbor 46032 16-09-25-00-11-003.000 Neighbor Warren, Simon JP 712 Greenford Trl N Carmel IN 46032 16-09-25-00-11-004.000 Neighbor Sutton, Ryan 706 Greenford Trl N Carmel IN 46032 16-09-25-00-11-006.000 Neighbor Hirschinger, Charles L & Michelle D 700 Greenford Trl N Carmel IN 46032 PREPARED BY THE HAMILTON COUNTY AUDITORS OFFICE, DIVISION OF TAX MAPPING Page 5 of 10 16-09-25-01-04-001.000 Neighbor Kerr, Virginia L & David C jtrs 13595 Kensington PI Carmel IN 46032 16-09-25-01-04-002.000 Neighbor Sanders, David L & Patricia L 13587 KENSINGTON PL Carmel IN 46032 5360 16-09-25-01-04-003.000 Neighbor Ayers, Cheryl L & Paul W w&h 13581 Kensington PI Carmel IN 46032 16-09-25-01-04-004.000 Neighbor Ledlie, Penny M & Joseph B CoTrustees of Penny M Ledlie Revocable Living Trust 13575 KENSINGTON PL Carmel IN 46032 16-09-25-01-04-006.000 Neighbor Englin, Rebecca M & Robert G w&h 1477 Queensborough Dr Carmel IN 46033 16-09-25-01-04-006.000 Neighbor Thorp, Blair R & Lori A h&w 13565 Kensington PI Carmel IN 46032 16-09-25-01-04-007.001 Neighbor Doxtater, Gary D & Cynthia L 13559 KENSINGTON PL Carmel IN 46032 16-09-25-01-04-008.001 Neighbor Jordan, James W & Linda h&w 13553 Kensington PI Carmel IN 46032 PREPARED BY THE HAMILTON COUNTY AUDITORS OFFICE, DIVISION OF DLY MAPPING Page 6 of 10 16-09-25-01-04-010.000 Neighbor Kensington Place Homeowners Association Inc PO Box 231 Carmel IN 46082 16-09-25-01-04-014.001 Neighbor Moore, D Scott & Dorothy Elizabeth h&w 13540 Kensington PI Carmel IN 46032 16-09-25-01-04-015.001 Neighbor Herron, Jon L & Beverly K Trustees of Jon L & Beverly K Herron Revocable Living Trust w/LE to each 13544 KENSINGTON PL Carmel IN 46032 16-09-25-01-04-016.000 Neighbor Pirkle, Philip F & Janna H 13550 KENSINGTON PL Carmel IN 46032 16-09-25-01-04-017.000 Neighbor Thompson, Martin L Declaration of Trust 13554 KENSINGTON PL Carmel IN 46032 16-09-25-01-04-018.001 Neighbor Blackwell, John & Laura h&w 9 Deer Hill Dr Ridgefield CT 06877 16-09-25-01-04-019.000 Neighbor Ranck, Mary Jane 13568 KENSINGTON PL Carmel IN 46032 16-09-25-01-04-020.000 Neighbor Norman Alter, Michelle L 13572 Kensington PI Carmel IN 46032 16-09-25-01-04-021.001 Neighbor PREPARED BY THE HAMILTON COUNTYAUDITORS OFFICE, DIVISION OF TAX MAPPING Page 7 of 10 Geise, Conrad David 13578 Kensington PI Carmel 6 16-09-25-01-04-022.001 Miller, James R & Nancy G 13584 Kensington PI Carmel IN 16-09-25-01-04-023.001 Kerr, Virginia L 13595 Kensington PI Carmel IN 46032 Neighbor 46032 Neighbor 46032 16-09-25-01-05-001.000 Neighbor Justus at Woodland Terrace LLC 1398 N SHADELAND AVE Indianapolis IN 46219 17-09-24-00-00-031.000 Neighbor Moffett, Elijah C & Katherine h&w 340 W Smokey Row Rd Carmel IN 46032 17-09-24-00-00-031.101 Neighbor Moffett, Elijah C & Katherine h&w 340 W Smokey Row Rd Carmel IN 46032 17-09-24-00-00-031.301 Neighbor Moffett, Katherine Brookie & Elijah C 340 W Smokey Row Rd Carmel IN 46032 17-09-24-00-00-040.000 Neighbor Butts, Jennifer S 540 Smokey Row Rd W Carmel IN 46032 17-09-24-00-00-044.004 Neighbor PREPARED BY THE HAMILTON COUNTY AUDITORS OFFICE, DIVISION OF TAX MAPPING Page 8 of 10 Brixmor HTG SPE 5 LLC P O Box 4900 Scottsdale AZ 17-09-24-00-00-044.101 Brixmor HTG SPE 5 LLC P O Box 4900 Scottsdale AZ 17-09-24-00-00-046.000 City of Carmel 1 CIVIC SQUARE Carmel IN 17-09-24-00-03-032.000 Hunters Creek Homeowners Association Inc 5702 Kirkpatrick Way Indianapolis IN 17-09-24-00-05-001.000 Hannon, Timothy & Denise 200 W Smokey Row Rd Carmel IN 17-09-24-00-05-002.000 Orendi, Joshua & Denise 204 Smokey Row Rd W Carmel IN 17-09-24-00-05-003.000 Moffett, Justin W & Jennifer K 208 Smokey Row Rd W Carmel IN 17-09-24-04-06-001.000 Blackwell Park Development Partners LLC LLC 1132 Rangeline Rd S Carmel IN 17-09-24-04-09-002.000 Duke Energy Indiana LLC 85261 4900 Neighbor 85261 4900 Neighbor 46032 Neighbor 46220 Neighbor 46032 Neighbor 46032 Neighbor 46032 Neighbor 46032 Neighbor PREPARED BY THE HAMILTON COUNTY AUDITORS OFFICE, DIVISION OF TAX MAPPING Page 9 of 10 550 S Tryon St DEC-41 B Charlotte NC 28202 PREPARED BY THE HAMILTON COUNTY AUDITORS OFFICE, DIVISION OF TAX MAPPING Page 10 of 10 Adjoiner Notification Map 9 047 046 1 ~� 03 p 045 b35 L 048 --- 044 036. 032 _ 043 037 031.- 02 O4 .042 036 030 - 021 041 039 029 022., 01 003 - 040 028 023'. ff11 ) 004 027 p24 ' 012 014'005 009 025 ' 013 006 008 026: 014 . 007 007 010 x015 028 006 011 . 016 .02729 005 . 012 :017 026 025 03( 004 - 013 018 -- - 0141� 022 031 015 ( . 021 023� 024 032 0` 20 : 017 .: 018, oi9 + 044.101 �l 018 019.001 001 001 001 002 021 020 013 023 018 015 024 017 016 O1 002' 001 001 002 0031 004 005 006 007 . 008 009 COO 002 003 005 006 011 002 004 007 0 7 013 ' � ❑11 I010 001-00. 045 003 p1 f 009008 ;.. '002 004 1 012 011 005 007 �•'a� •� +. 0101 + OU5-0Ui 00 025 022 • 007 006 005 r 1 may. 025 i 023 002 002- �02 +01 030 004 _ �T 001 , 152 033 • 034 i 04_ p1 ! 035 001 ion ;009 041 ` 038 0361 003 010 033.001 ' © OOG 040 0391 0371 �-Ob8 — 01 'r 002 • 02]..0 1 fl.Q3 001 02b 004 1005 01$-4 ihOfi *.. o �`- 017 Qi17-001 -A,..l031,201031.001 t0017 032 003 031-..t 01 1 002 1� 035.401 i _ 031 .g37.001 001 001 -- 0Orl ao Q001 o1z ,Q 007 " 0 100 lama Oii �r��r�rir�r�i�a r�wr�wr+rir�rir�rirrflEl4' 005.101 005 004 010 001 005.301 003 001 005.201 002 /q01 001 10 Legend 021 008 011 016 015 009.001 009 001 010 10 0.0 001 011 001 002 RO 010 012 013 009 008 002 003 014.001 014 007 001 02 001 C Subject Parcel(s) 001 Parcel Number N Notification Parcel(s) Parcel Boundary rrr� Buffer Prescribed by State Board of Accounts General Form No. 99P (Rev. 2009) _Old Town Design Group To: Current Publishing (Governmental Unit) 30 S Rangeline Rd, Carmel, IN 46032 Hamilton County, Indiana PUBLISHER'S CLAIM LINE COUNT Display Master (Must not exceed two actual lines, neither of which shall total more than four solid lines of the type in which the body of the advertisement is set) -- number of equivalent lines Head - number of lines _5 Body -- number of lines _27_ Tail -- number of lines _1 Total number of lines in notice 33 COMPUTATION OF CHARGES _33_lines, 2 columns wide equals _66_equivalent lines at .5614 Additional charges for notices containing rule or tabular work (50 per cent of above amount) . $_0.00 Charge for extra proofs of publication ($1.00 for each proof in excess of two) TOTAL AMOUNT OF CLAIM $ _37.05 DATA FOR COMPUTING COST Width of single column in picas.: _9p3 Size of type-7—point. Number of insertions 1x Pursuant to the provisions and penalties of IC 5-11-10-1,1 hereby certify that the foregoing account is just and correct, that the amount claimed is legally due, after allowing all just credits, and that no part of the same has been paid. 1 also certify that the printed matter attached hereto is a true copy, of the same column width and type size, which was duly published in said paper 1 time. The dates of publication being as follows: Tuesday, November 261h, 2019 Additionally, the statement checked below is true and correct: ......Newspaper does not have a Web site. x..Newspaper has a Web site and this public notice was posted on the same day as it was published in the newspaper. Newspaper has a Web site, but due to technical problem or error, public notice was posted on Newspaper has a Web s"te, but refuses to post the public notice. x... < �l�lr ......._..........................- Date .......... Tues y, November 26'h, 2019..................... Tit3e_.._ ... Legals Advertising .............I............. Parenthetical thoughts on tots and Roombas Commentary by Curtis Honeycutt I need a Roomba. OK, maybe "need" is a strong word, but I need a Roomba. I just crunched the numbers, and getting a Roomba to robotically clean my floors would make my life approx- imately 4.5 percent better. Feel free to disagree with me, but Rosie (I just named my Roomba Rosie) will in- crease my quality of life. If anyone is wondering what to buy me for Christ- mas this year, now you know. Feel free to disagree with me on this as well: Parentheses make writ- ing stronger. It's OK if you don't agree with my stance because — after all — we all have our faults. Let's examine some rules on using parentheses accurately. Parentheses block off information that either clarify your writing or are used as an aside. To use parenthe- ses to clarify the contents of your sentence, you could write: Americans consume 70 million pounds of tater tots per year (or the equivalent of five Eiffel Towers). Here's an example of how to use parentheses as an aside: Tater tots (or, as I like to call them, potato toddlers) are the best food in the world. If your parenthetical clause ends your sentence, insert the period after your parentheses (not before). In fact, I just illustrated the point. To take things to the next level (like dipping your tots in srjracha ketchup), let's discuss punctuation inside your parentheses. If the contents of your parenthetical clause form a complete sentence, add punctuation! The brand name Tater Tots is trademarked by Ore -Ida (they were "invented" in 1953 by Ore -Ida co-founders F. Nephi Grigg and Golden Grigg.). That being said, you can certainly overuse parentheses in your writing. This would be like running your Room- ba all day, every day; instead of en- hancing your life, it would just get in the way. If my Roomba (Rosie) sucked up the tater tots I left on the floor (I promise I was going to eat them later.), I'd have to sternly (in binary language, of course) reprimand her. This over -utilization of parentheses gets in the way of an already inter- esting sentence. And —just like your relationship with your robot vacuum — never let parentheses (or tater tots) get in the way of a good thing. Curtis Honeycutt is a national award -winning, syndicated humor writer. Connect with him on Twitter (@curtishoneycutt) or at curtishoneycuttcom. Petitioner named Vicky Vuong Pham in an intent to Divorce Dam Dzoanh Vu (Respondent) has been filed with the Clerk of Courts in Hamilton County Indiana on November 30, 2017 CAUSE NO. 29D01-1711-DC-01082. To date Petitioner service of all legal notices pertaining has gone unanswered by Respondent. Whereabouts of Respondent is unknown. This publication serves as final notice to Respondent to contact Hamilton County Indiana Clerk of the Courts regarding this urgent matter. The Peoples State Bank submits Application to FDIC for new branch in Carmel, IN The Peoples State Bank, headquartered at 601 East Temperance Street, Ellettsville, IN 47429, has submitted a formal application to the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) to establish a new limited service banking facility at 1905 S New Market St; Suite 155, Carmel, IN 46032. Any person wishing to comment on this application may file his or her comments in writing with the regional director of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation at the appropriate FDIC office (300 South Riverside Plaza Suite 1700, Chicago, IL 60606) no later than 15 days after the publication of this article. The non -confidential portions of the application are on file at the appropriate FDIC office and are available for public inspection during regular business hours. Photocopies of the non -confidential portion of the application file will be made available upon request. Current in Carmel �- 23 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING BEFORE THE CARMEL Plan Commission Docket Number: 19110004 SW, 19110005 SW, 19110006 SW, 19110007 SW, 19110008 SW, 19110009 SW, 19110010 SW Notice is hereby given that the Plan Commission meeting on December 17, 2019 at 6:00pm in the Carmel City Hall Council Chambers, 1 Civic Square, 2nd Fir, Carmel, Indiana 46032 will hold a Public Hearing upon a/an Subdivision Waivers in order to: gain approval for design standard waivers for street widths, sidewalks, perimeter landscaping, and wetland and stream buffers associated with a mixed use development on 27.84 acres, which includes apartments, townhomes, condominiums, single-family homes, urban garden space, amenity center, retail and office The site is located in the Southwest Quarter of Section 24, Township 18 North, Range 3, East near the intersection of US 31 (N. Meridian St) & Smokey Row Road in Carmel, IN. The property is in Clay Township. The application is identified as Docket Nos. Subdivision Waivers: 19110004 SW, 19110005 SW, 19110006 SW, 19110007 SW 19110008 Sw, 19110009 SW, 19110010 SW The petition may be examined at the Department of Community Services Office. The real estate affected by said application is described as follows: 17-09-24-00-05-004.000 17-09-24-00-00-030.000 17-09-24-04-08-001.000 17-09-24- 00-00-031.001 17-09-24-00-00-031.201 17-09-24-04-07-001.000 17-09-24-00-05-004.001 17-09-24-00-00-031.401 17-09-24-00-00-032.000 17-09-24-00-00-033.000 17-09-24-00-00- 033.001 17-09-24-00-06-011.000 17-09-24-00-06-001.000 17-09-24-00-06-003.000 17-09- 24-00-06-005.000 17-09-24-00-06-007.000 17-09-24-00-06-009.000 17-09-24-00-06-010.000 17-09-24-00-06-002.000 17-09-24-00-06-004.000 17-09-24-00-06-006.000 17-09-24-00-06- 008.000 17-09-24-00-00-034.000 17-09-24-00-00-043.000 17-09-24-00-00-035, 000 17-09- 24-00-00-036.000 17-09-24-00-00-037.000 17-09-24-00-00-038.000 17-09-24-00-00-042.001 17-09-24-00-00-041.000 17-09-24-00-00-039.000 All interested persons desiring to present their views on the above application, either in writing (prior to or at the meeting) or verbally, will be given an opportunity to be heard at the above mentioned time and place. Petitioner: Rebecca McGuckin, Old Town Companies,. LCC NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING BEFORE THE CITY OF CARMEL PLAN COMMISSION Docket No. 19100008 DP/ADLS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Carmel of Carmel Plan Commission will conduct a meeting on the 17th day of December, 2019 at 6:00 o'clock p.m., at the Carmel City Hall, Council Chambers, One Civic Square, 2nd Floor, Carmel, IN 46032, to hold a Public Hearing regarding an application identified by the Docket Number 19100008 DP/ADLS (the "Request"). The property that is the subject of the Request is located south of and adjacent to West Carmel Drive, has a common address of 635 West Carmel Drive, Carmel, IN 46032, is approximately 1.57 acres in size and is identified by the Hamilton County Auditor's Office as Tax Parcel Identification Number 16-09-36-00-02-005,000 (the "Real Estate'). The Real Estate is zoned pursuant to the Atapco Planned Unit Development Ordinance, Ordinance Number Z-581-13 and is not located in any overlay zone. The Request seeks site plan and design approval for a new research and development building which will be approximately 20,000 square feet in size. A copy of the Request that is described above and the accompanying plans, including the site plan, landscape plan, signage plan and lighting plan, are on file for examination at the Department of Community Services, Carmel City Hall, One Civic Square, Carmel, IN 46032, telephone 317-571-2417. All interested persons desiring to present their views on the proposal, either in writing or verbally, will be given an opportunity to be heard at the above -mentioned time and place. Written comments filed with the Department of Community Services prior to or at the Public Hearing will be considered, and oral comments will be heard at the Public Hearing. The Public Hearing may be continued from time to time as may be found necessary. CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA Joe Shestak, Secretary, City of Carmel Plan Commission Carmel City Hall One Civic Square Carmel, IN. 46032 Phone: (317) 571-2417 Email: jshestak@carmel.in.gov APPLICANT Atapco Carmel, Inc. c/o David Lazas 1 South Street, Suite 2800 Baltimore, MD 21202 ATTORNEY FOR APPLICANT Jim Shinaver, Attorney Jon Dobosiewicz, Professional Land Planner Nelson & Frankenberger, LLC 550 Congressional Blvd., Suite 210 Carmel, IN 46032 J PUBLISHER'S AFFIDAVIT State of Indiana ) =SEALc- )ss-ral, ,Greenberg Public, State of Inaiana Hamilton Counly Hamilton County )ssion Number 545606 Commission Expirnss cember 28, 2021 Personally appeared before me, a notary public in and for said county and state, the undersigned Brian Kelly who, being duly sworn, says that he is Publisher of Current in Carmel newspaper of general circulation printed and published in the English language in the city of Carmel in state and county afore -said, and that the printed matter attached hereto is a true copy, which was duly published in said paper for one (1) time(s), the dates) of publication being as follows: 11/26/19 Subscribed and sworn to before me this November 26th, 2019. Notary Public My commission expires: 11 ' 2' / . W I Publisher's Fee: $37.05 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING BEFORE THE CARMEL PLAN COMMISSION Docket Number: k'4 1 t 0 C_ b> H S UJ) I c� 11 000Sj S W ,, �e C- �rGcit�o� 1 c )UU (D S v�, I I 1 OUo_7s W, Notice is hereby given that the Carmel Plan Commission meeting on ( Date) at _P.M. in the City Hall Council Chambers, 1 Civic Sq.,2nd Flr, (Time) Carmel, Indiana 46032 will hold a Public Hearing upon a/an (Application Type) in order to: The application is identified as Docket 191f oclu_st,JJ J 9 (1 000(7 S Wj oo10_ 4J The property address is: The real estate affected by said application is described as follows: (Insert Legal Description -or- Tax ID parcel number(s)) All interested persons desiring to present their views on the above application, either in writing or verbally, will be given an opportunity to be heard at the above mentioned time and place. Petitioner name: (Note: When mailing out public notices to adjacent property owners, include a location map, too.) Page 5 of 6 File: Zoning Waiver Application 2019 Revised: 02/04/19 Dear Neighbor: On behalf of The Old Town Companies, LLC, please find below public notice along with an enclosed location map in regards to the December 17, 2019 Carmel Plan Commission Meeting. NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING BEFORE THE CARMEL/CLAY ADVISORY BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS Docket Number: 19110004 SW, 19110005 SW, 19110006 SW, 19110007 SW, 19110008 SW, 19110009 SW, 19110010 SW, Notice is hereby given that the Carmel Plan Commission meeting on 'lPh day, December, 2019 at 6 P.M. in the City Hall Council Chambers, 1 Civic Square, Carmel, Indiana, 46032 will hold a public hearing upon the Subdivision Waivers application to: gain design standard waiver approvals for street widths, sidewalks, perimeter landscaping, and wetland and stream buffers for a mixed use development on 27.84 acres, which includes apartments, townhomes, condominiums, single- family homes, urban garden space, amenity center, retail and office. The site is located in the Southwest Quarter of Section 24, Township 18 North, Range 3 East near the intersection of US 31 (N.Meridian Street) & Smokey Row Road in Carmel, IN. The property is in Clay Township. The application is identified with Docket Numbers: 19110004 SW, 19110005 SW, 19110006 SW, 19110007 SW, 19110008 SW, 19110009 SW, 19110010 SW The real estate affected by said application is described as follows: Tax ID parcel numbers: 17-09-24-00-05-004 000 17-09-24-00-00-030 000 17-09-24-04-08-001.000 17-09-24-00-00-031.001 17-09-24-00-00-031 201 17-09-24-04-07-001.000 17-09-24-00-05-004 001 17-09-24-00-00-031 401 17-09-24-00-00-032 000 17-09-24-00-00-033.000 17-09-24-00-00-033 001 17-09-24-00-06-011.000 17-09-24-00-06-001.000 17-09-24-00-06-003 000 17-09-24-00-06-005 000 17-09-24-00-06-007 000 17-09-24-00-06-009.000 17-09-24-00-06-010.000 17-09-24-00-06-002.000 17-09-24-00-06-004 000 17-09-24-00-06-006 000 17-09-24-00-06-008.000 17-09-24-00-00-034.000 17-09-24-00-00-043 000 17-09-24-00-00-035.000 17-09-24-00-00-036.000 17-09-24-00-00-037 000 17-09-24-00-00-038.000 17-09-24-00-00-042.001 17-09-24-00-00-041 000 17-09-24-00-00-039.000 All interested persons desiring to present their views on the above application, either in writing or verbally, will be given an opportunity to be heard at the above mentioned time and place. Petitioner Name:The Old Town Design Group, LLC These waivers enable us to build a land plan that maximizes green space preservation and trail connectivity. Without these waivers, we could still construct the project but would lose some of the creative design elements. Please note that all of the above subdivision waivers are in response to the original, same land plan that has previously been shared at both plan commission and board of zoning appeals. If you have any questions, comments and/or concerns please feel free to contact Rebecca McGuckin at 317-496-7160. Sincerely, Rebecca McGuckin The Old Town Companies, LLC -14 f '— ...afiln St• Lee Ot ' a OF �r .,., - �•- .- i � � Di•' � :. r i� 'n- - - �� $.trie•Cr-�N— '_ � �• 1_ � �� •�' "c _ __ FCC - p o 916 Y �� I ��• � i �� r.i .�,�1... - _ 1'7..' I. s�� ,j _� a Ei, 0 �' - a fu 45, C,... 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