HomeMy WebLinkAboutApplication ADLS / ADLS Amendment Application (ARCHITECTURE, DESIGN, LIGHTING/LANDSCAPING, and SIGNAGE) ADLS Fee: $1,099 (plus$144/acre when not accompanied by a Development Plan App.) ADLS Amend Fees: Sign only: $1 12,plus$27.50/sign Building/Site: $730,plus$69/acre (Fees are due after the docket number is assigned.) 12/3/2019 2O 0 j n,(i'� Date: Docket No. f Q tJ -4 ADLS Yes ADLS Amend DP Attached Previous DP? Yes_ _ No� The Rallyard at Midtown Apartments Name of Project: New Apartment Community Development Type of Project: 350 Monon Boulevard,Camel,IN 46032 Project Address: Project Tax Parcel ID#: 1 s _ o s _ 2 5 0 a _ 0 5 0 0 6 0 0 Legal Description: (Please use separate sheet and attach) Barrett&Stokely,Inc. Name of Applicant: 3755 E.82nd Street,Suite 300,Indianapolis,IN 46240 Applicant Address: Tom Mariani 317-845-4171 Contact Person: Phone: tmariani©barrettandstokely.com Contact Email: Eplan Review Contact Person: Phone: Email: Midtown Residential Partners,LLC tmarianicbarrettandstokeiy.com Iandowner Name: Email: 3.18 acres C2 N/A Plot Size: Zoning Classification: Overlay Zone: Mixed Use Present Use of Property: Mixed Use Proposed Use of Property: __ _ New Construction? Yes 1 ' 1 No r New/Revised Sign?Yes RI I No n_ Remodeled Construction?: Yes^No ✓ New Parking?Yes ✓ No C New Landscaping? Yes 171 No.[ (If Yes, an engineered and to-scale Landscape Plan must be submitted;see below.) Revised 1:22019 Filename. ADIS&:ADIS Amend 2019 Review PARKING No.of Spaces Provided:376 No. Spaces Required:N/A DESIGN INFORMATION Apartment/Retail/Parking 1 Type of Building: No.of Buildings: Square Footage:444,102 Height:40 No.of Stories Brick/Cement Panel/Glass/Metal Panel See Exhibit Exterior Materials: Exterior Colors: Various Retail/Apartment Maximum No,of Tenants: ,Type of Land Uses: Water by: Carmel Utilities Sewer by:Carmel Utilities LIGHTING See Lighting Plans Type of Fixture: _ _ Height of Fixture: No.of Fixtures: _Additional Lighting:_ *Plans to be submitted showing Foot-candle spreads at property lines,per the ordinance. LANDSCAPING *To-scale engineered Landscape Plans to be attached/submitted showing plant types,sizes, and locations. 3 Community Signs SIGNAGE 2 Blades and 1 Monument No. of Signs: Type of Signs: 2 Blades mounted on SE corner of building and 1 monument located on ground at NW of building. Location(s): 2 Blades are 243"x 48"each.Monument is 60"x 94.5". Dimensions of each sign: 2 Blades are 81SF each on each face.Monument Is 39.38SF on each face. Square Footage of each sign: 2 Blades are 243"each.Monument is 60". Total fIeight of each sign: Bellaire Brown,Ivory Memento,Cool Gray 11c,Corten Colors of each sign: Revised. 1,2/2019 Filename. ADLS&ADLS Amend 2019 AFFIDAVIT I the undersigned,to the best of my knowledge and belief,submit the above information as true and correct. Signature of 74 -oet_ _i General Counsel Applicant: Title: Thomas E.Mariani 12/3/19 Date: (Printed Name) ************************************************************************************* STATE OF INDIANA SS: The undersigned,having been duly sworn upon oath says that the above information is true and correct and he is informed and believes. (Signature of Petitioner) County of Marion Before me the undersigned,a Notary Public (County in which notarization takes place) Hamilton for County, State of Indiana, personally appeared (Notary Public's county of residence) Thomas E.Mariani and acknowledge the execution of the foregoing (Property Owner,Attorney,or Power of Attorney) instrument thi 19 s 3rd day of December , 20 (day) (month) car) Notary Public--Signature NOTARY C Teresa L.Lynch NOTARY EAL Notary y Pu blic--Please Print •. ' My commission expires: 16CNsi ' F �P �`�\ 8/1/2024 ************************************************************************************* Revised I/222019 Filename. ADLS&ADLS Amend 2019