HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda TAC 03-18-20 RevisedPage 1 of 2
Date: Wednesday, March 18, 2020
Place: Dept. of Community Services Conference Room, 3rd Floor, Carmel City Hall.
Time: 9:00 a.m. (Approximate start times for each item are listed below)
9:00 a.m. Docket No. PZ-2020-00002 SP: North End Secondary Plat, Phase 1.
The applicant seeks secondary plat and construction plans approvals for 24 lots on 12 acres. The site
is located near 416 W. Smokey Row Rd. and is zoned UR/Urban Residential. Filed by Rebecca
McGuckin of Old Town Companies LLC on behalf of North End Land Development LLC
9:10 a.m. (UV, V) Salsbery Brothers Landscaping Inc., Amendment.
The applicant seeks the following use variance and development standards variance approvals for a
new pole barn:
Docket No. 20020006 UV UDO Sec. 2.09 Non-permitted use, Commercial landscape business
Docket No. 20020007 V UDO Sec. 5.19.F 30-ft wide East bufferyard required, 15-ft requested.
Docket No. 20020008 V UDO Sec. 5.28.E Paved/curbed parking lots required, No curbs in
drive aisles requested.
Docket No. 20020009 V UDO Sec. 1.07 Transportation Plan Compliance, 60-ft half right of
way required, Keep existing 50-ft half requested.
Docket No. 20020010 V UDO Sec. 5.39.H Existing Ground Sign, ≥ 5-ft setback from street
right of way required, < 5-ft requested.
The 10 acre site is located at 4317 E. 146th St. and is zoned R1/Residential. Filed by Paul Reis &
Kevin Buchheit of Krieg DeVault LLP on behalf of Salsbery Brothers Landscaping Inc.
9:20 a.m. Docket No. 20020016 TAC: Clay Terrace Utility Relocates
The applicant seeks TAC only approval to begin the installation of storm sewer, sanitary sewer
main, water main, and dry utilities in anticipation of future redevelopment of Clay Terrace. The site
is located generally at the SW corner of 146th Street and US 31. It is zoned Clay Terrace PUD Z-
386-02. Filed by Bill Butz, P.E. of Kimley-Horn on behalf of the owner, Washington Prime Group.
9:30 a.m. Docket No. PZ-2020-00006 OA: Clay Terrace PUD Amendment
The applicant seeks PUD Amendment approval to modify the existing Clay Terrace PUD in order to
foster redevelopment of a portion of the site. The site is located generally at the SW corner of 146th
Street and US 31. It is zoned Clay Terrace PUD Z-386-02. Filed by Steven Hardin of Faegre
Drinker Biddle & Reath LLP.
9:45 a.m. Docket No. PZ-2020-00008 OA: Silvara PUD Amendment, Exmoor Standards
Docket No. PZ-2020-00009 CA: Silvara Commitment Amendment, Exmoor Standards
The applicant seeks PUD Amendment and Commitment Amendment approval for the Silvara PUD
in order to amend the standards for the Exmoor Neighborhood at Jacksons Grant. The site is located
west of Spring Mill Rd. and north of Jacksons Grant Blvd. It is zoned Silvara PUD Ordinance Z-
553-11. Filed by Steven Hardin of Faegre Drinker Biddle & Reath, LLP on behalf of Jacksons
Grant Real Estate Company, LLC.
Technical Advisory Committee
March 18, 2020 Meeting Agenda
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9:55 a.m. Docket No. PZ-2020-00007 ADLS: Carmel Medical Office
The applicant seeks ADLS approval for a new medical office building. The corresponding
Development Plan was previously approved under Docket No. 19060018 DP. The building will be 3
stories and 50’ tall. It will have 43,057 sq. ft. and be constructed of brick, stone, and metal. The site
is located at 12166 N. Meridian Street, just north of the Ritz Charles. It is zoned MC/Meridian
Corridor. Filed by Jeff Shively of Cornerstone Companies, Inc.
10:10 a.m. Docket No. PZ-2020-00012 PPA: Newark Village Revised, Lot 77, Primary Plat Amendment
Docket No. PZ-2020-00013 V: UDO Sec. 2.10: 10,000 sq. ft. Min Lot Area, 9,632 sq. ft.
Requested for Lot 77B
Docket No. PZ-2020-00014 V: UDO Sec. 2.10: 35 ft. Front Setback, 22.5 ft. Requested
Docket No. PZ-2020-00015 V: UDO Sec. 2.10: 20 ft. Rear Setback, 5 Requested for Lot 77A
Docket No. PZ-2020-00016 V: UDO Sec. 2.10: 35% Max Lot Coverage, 38% Requested for Lot
The applicant seeks primary plat amendment approval and variance approval to split 1 parcel into 2
residential lots. The site is located at 811 Pawnee Rd. and is zoned R-2/Residential. Filed by Troy
Terew, with True North Surveying, LLC on behalf of Steve Caress, owner.
TAC members - Please note that the items listed below won’t be at a TAC meeting; however, the petitioner should have
submitted plans to each TAC member to gain review comments and approvals.
(SE) Malone Short Term Residential Rental.
The applicant seeks the following special exception approval for a STRR unit:
Docket No. PZ-2020-00003 SE UDO Section 2.11 Permitted Uses, Residential Special Exception.
The site is located at 210 1st Ave SE. It is zoned R3/Residence and Old Town Overlay Zone, Character Subarea. Filed by
Tyler Malone on behalf of Ronald & Heidi Malone, owners.
Docket No. PZ-2020-00005 SP: Carmel Hotel and Office Secondary Plat.
The applicant seeks secondary plat approval for 2 lots on 2.96 acres. (Construction documents were approved with Docket
No. 19060018 DP). The site is located at 12166 N. Meridian St. and zoned MC/Meridian Corridor. Filed by Kevin
Buchheit of Krieg DeVault LLP on behalf of Lauth Property Group