HomeMy WebLinkAboutM001Mechanical Symbols and Abbreviations Section number Detail numberDenotes detail D 1 M1 Denotes section S 1 M1 General Plan Notes: General Notes: 1 Note Designation Plan Notes: Motorized damper Drawing Symbols Temperature Control Symbols Room thermostat or sensor Room humidistat or sensor Exhaust fan ORH T Flexible connection Exhaust grille Return air grille Linear diffuser Supply register HS FD Supply duct riser Return duct riser Volume damper Supply diffuser OR Sheet Metal Symbols Fire damper Abbreviations OR M Specific information as indicated on a drawing Leader line of plan note referenced directed to item of plan note reference Circle with number indicates a plan note reference, with the number indicating the item number of the plan note referenced General information as it pertains only to the drawing it is on General information pertaining to all the drawings of the discipline it is on Denotes Construction Start point Sheet number Where detail Is located Arrow indicates Direction in which Section is cut Sheet number Where section Is located Mechanical General Notes #22.+%#$.'%1&'5#0&14&+0#0%'5 Provide all materials and equipment and perform all labor required to install complete and operable mechanical systems as indicated on the drawings, as specified and as required by code. Entire installation shall be in strict accordance with applicable codes and ordinances. Secure and pay for all required permits. Provide a minimum of 10'-0" between exhaust outlets, plumbing vents and all outside air intakes. Provide a minimum of 3'-0" between exhaust outlets and operable windows or doors. Contractor shall not locate any duct directly over any electrical panel, switchgear, transformer, etc. Coordinate locations of ducts with the Electrical Contractor to avoid these conflicts. #5Ä$7+.6&4#9+0)5 Contractor shall maintain a set of drawings that document field changes to these drawings, and shall submit them to the Architect/Engineer as part of the project close out. #4%*+6'%6 Contractor shall be guided by the Architect's reflected ceiling plan for exact location of diffusers, registers and grilles unless otherwise noted. Coordinate diffuser, register, and grille locations with architectural reflected ceiling plans, lighting, and other ceiling items and make minor duct modifications to suit. Exterior louvers are indicated for information only. Detailed descriptions are provided in the architectural specifications. Furnish all material and equipment as specified, except where specific substitution is proposed, and reviewed by the Architect/Engineer. )'0'4#. Do not operate new HVAC systems until drywall sanding is complete and primed, and jobsite dust is no longer significant. Construction dust is extremely detrimental to the long term operation of the HVAC system. Provide temporary heating or cooling/dehumidification systems during construction if it is desired or required. These drawings indicate required sizes and points of termination for piping, ductwork, conduit, etc. The equipment shown illustrates suggested routing, but all necessary offsets and fittings may not be shown. Contractor shall install his work in a manner that will conform with the structure. Contractor shall avoid obstructions, preserve head room and maintain maximum clearance without additional cost to the Owner. All dimensions shown on these plans are in feet and/or inches unless otherwise noted. Mechanical work shall be complete in every detail and all miscellaneous items of material and labor necessary to complete the work described, shown or reasonably implied on drawings or specifications, shall be included in the contract. Proposal shall be based on specified material and equipment. In order to promote competition, however, bidders may submit alternate proposals on any alternate materials and/or equipment they wish to propose, including any price changes affected by acceptance of alternatives. These must be provided in addition to the base bid, not in place of the base bid. Contract document drawings for mechanical work are diagrammatic and are intended to convey scope and general arrangement only. Install all mechanical equipment and appurtenances in accordance with Manufacturers' recommendations, contract documents, and applicable codes and regulations. Provide vibration isolation as specified for all mechanical equipment to prevent transmission of vibration to building structure. The location of existing underground utilities is shown in an approximate way only. The Contractor shall determine the exact location of all existing utilities before commencing work. The Contractor shall pay for and repair all damages caused by failure to exactly locate and preserve any and all underground utilities unless otherwise indicated. Coordinate construction of all mechanical work with Architectural, Structural, Civil, Electrical work, etc., shown on other contract document drawings. Each respective contractor shall be responsible for coordinating the installation of his work with the work of other contractors and trades prior to the installation. Maintain a minimum of 6'-8" clearance to underside of ducts, conduits, suspended equipment, etc., throughout access routes in mechanical rooms. All tests shall be completed before any mechanical equipment or piping insulation is applied. Work shall include startup of all systems, furnishing of operating and maintenance instructions and one (1) year guarantee, commencing on date of acceptance by the Owner or as otherwise specified. Testing, adjusting, and balancing agency shall be by a member of the Associated Air Balance Council (AABC) or the National Environmental Balancing Bureau (NEBB). Testing, adjusting, and balancing shall be performed in accordance with the AABC standards. Where two or more items of the same type of equipment are required, the product of one Manufacturer shall be used unless otherwise noted. Coordinate all equipment connections with Manufacturers' certified drawings. Coordinate and provide all duct transitions required for final equipment connections to furnished equipment. Field verify and coordinate all duct dimensions before fabrication. The locations of all items shown on the drawings or called for in the specifications that are not definitely fixed by dimensions are approximate only. The exact locations necessary to secure the best conditions and results must be determined by the project site conditions and shall have the approval of the Engineer before being installed. Do not scale drawings. All miscellaneous steel required to ensure proper installation and/or as shown in details for ductwork, and equipment shall be furnished and installed by the Mechanical Contractor. Provide access panels for installation in walls and ceilings, where required, to service dampers, valves, smoke detectors, and other concealed mechanical equipment. Access panels shall be turned over to General Contractor for installation. All equipment, ductwork, etc., shall be supported as detailed, specified, and/or required to provide a vibration free installation. All ductwork and equipment supported from structural steel shall be coordinated with the General Contractor. All attachments to steel bar joists, trusses, or joist girders shall be at the upper member. Provide beam clamps meeting MSS standards. Welding to structural members shall not be permitted. The use of c-clamps shall not be permitted. Mechanical equipment, ductwork shall not be supported from metal deck. All roof mounted equipment curbs for equipment provided by the Mechanical Contractor shall be furnished by the Mechanical Contractor and installed by the General Contractor. Locations and sizes of all floor, wall, and roof openings shall be coordinated with all other trades. All openings in fire walls due to ductwork, piping, conduit, etc., shall be fire stopped with a product similar to 3M or equal. Product shall be listed by UL or FM and meet the requirements of local and state codes. Refer to typical details for ductwork and equipment installation. Furnish and install all equipment and material required to complete the installation as shown on the drawings. Equipment sizes, weights, power, geometry and service space requirements may vary between different Manufacturers. Consult approved Manufacturer drawings as submitted and coordinate with these drawings. It shall be the Contractor's responsibility to bear the costs associated with this coordination. Locate all mechanical equipment (wall heaters, exhaust fans, etc.) for unobstructed access to unit access panels, controls, and valving. Refer to mechanical details for additional equipment requirements. *8#%5*''6/'6#. Certain items such as rises and drops in ductwork, access doors, volume dampers, etc., are indicated on the contract document drawings for clarity for a specific location requirement and shall not be interpreted as the extent of the requirements for these items. All ductwork dimensions, as shown on the drawings, are internal clear dimensions. Keep all ductwork, duct system and equipment openings covered with adhesive duct protective wrap like VentureTape 1512, until system start-up. This is to prevent intrusion of construction dirt and debris into the duct system, and HVAC equipment. Provide flexible connections in all ductwork systems (exhaust) connected to air fans, and other equipment which require vibration isolation. Flexible connections shall be provided at the point of connection to the equipment unless otherwise noted. Unless otherwise noted, all ductwork is overhead, tight to the underside of the structure, with space for insulation. Runs of flexible duct shall not exceed 5'-0". Flexible duct shall not be used as an elbow. Provide sheet metal elbow at diffuser neck where tap is not out of the bottom of the supply main. Refer to details. All ductwork shall be coordinated with all trades involved. Offsets in ducts, including divided ducts and transitions around obstructions, shall be provided at no additional cost to the Owner. Provide access doors in ductwork to provide access for all smoke detectors, fire dampers, smoke dampers, volume dampers, humidifiers, coils, and other items located in the ductwork which require service and/or inspection. See specifications for ductwork gauges, bracing, hangers, and other requirements. Contractor shall not locate any duct directly over any electrical panels, switchgear, transformer, etc. Coordinate locations of ducts and piping with the Electrical Contractor to avoid these conflicts. All ducts penetrating shaft walls shall be sealed airtight with firestop. All ductwork shall be sealed per the specifications and shall not be accepted with total duct leakage rates in excess of 10%. Furnish and install rain hoods on flues and intake ducts above roof. Provide companion opposed blade volume dampers with all diffusers mounted in drywall ceilings. Do not provide companion volume dampers with diffusers mounted in lay-in tile ceilings. Provide manual volume dampers in the branch ducts serving diffusers located above lay-in tile ceilings. Diffusers, registers, and grilles mounted in drywall ceilings shall have plaster frames. Unless otherwise noted all ductwork above ceilings shall be insulated with 112" ductwrap. Ductwrap shall be .75 lb / cu ft. density. Unless otherwise noted all ductwork in unconditioned spaces shall be insulated with 2" ductwrap (Min R6). Ductwrap shall be .75 lb / cu ft. density. Refer to Mechanical Detail Sheets for additional equipment requirements. Phenolic duct by Pal-Duct or Kool-Duct is an acceptable alternative to sheetmetal duct and insulation in concealed spaces. Use flanged joints. Submit detailed duct drawings for engineer review. 4'.#6'&'.'%64+%#.#0&2.7/$+0) Unless otherwise noted all low voltage wiring (24 volts) shall be provided and installed by the Mechanical Contractor. This includes fans, radiant heaters, rooftop units, etc. Unless otherwise noted line voltage wiring (120 volts or greater) shall be provided and installed by the Electrical Contractor. Wiring should be concealed at all times unless otherwise noted on the plans. Contact the Engineer if concealment is not possible. All control wire and conduit shall comply with the National Electric Code (NEC) and Division 16/26 of the specifications. Condensate drain pipe run out shall be full size to the nearest drain. Refer to "P" sheets for routing. Coordinate installation of gas piping for HVAC units with Plumbing Contractor. Furnish and install a gas cock at each unit connection. Refer to electrical and plumbing drawings for additional coordination with these drawings. Any unit supplied with natural or LP gas shall be furnished with pressure regulators by Unit Manufacturer. #22'#4#0%' All equipment should be installed with great regard to a neat finished product. Whenever possible, wiring should be routed in such a way as to minimize visibility. Piping should be tight to structure whenever possible, and orthogonal. Eliminate the need for condensate pumps if possible. Contact the Engineer prior to installing any equipment that will not be able to be installed in a neat, first class manner, consistent with the Manufacturer's installation instructions. 4'.#6'&)'0'4#.%105647%6+10 Exterior louvers are indicated for information only. Louver sizes, locations, and details shall be coordinated with the General Contractor. 57$56+676+105 Cost of any changes required by this, or other trades, due to substitution of equipment other than the basis of design, shall be included in the Mechanical Contractor's proposal. 76+.+6+'5 Unless otherwise noted the local gas company shall provide gas to the building and furnish and install the meter. Connection to the meter and extension of the piping shall be made in accordance with the utility company requirements. Contact local utility company to arrange for gas meter installation. Furnish and install piping and specialties as required to receive meter. Verify local conditions at the site. 4'.#6'&%10641.5 Unless otherwise noted, locate all room thermostats and humidistats 4'-0" (centerline) above finish floor. Notify the Engineer prior to installation of any rooms where the above location cannot be maintained or where there is a question on location. All control wiring and related control components should be concealed unless otherwise noted on the plans. Contact the Engineer if concealment is not possible. 6'/214#4;5'48+%' Equipment provided as part of this contract should not be used for heating/cooling/ventilation of the project prior to all sanding being complete, and at least 1 coat of paint on all surfaces. The intent of this is to prevent the infiltration of construction dust into the heating / cooling coils and causing long term performance or reliability issues. ACC air cooled condenser ACCU air cooled condensing unit AFF above finish floor AHU air handling unit AS air separator B boiler (hot water or steam) BCC branch circuit controller BDD backdraft damper BOD bottom of duct C chiller CC cabinet convector CD ceiling diffuser (supply air) CEF ceiling exhaust fan CFM cubic feet per minute CUH cabinet unit heater (electric or hw) CHWP chilled water pump CHWR chilled water return CHWS chilled water supply CT cooling tower CP condensate pump (steam) CW cold water DB dry bulb DOAS dedicated outdoor air system DSAC ductless split air conditioner Ø diameter EDB entering air dry bulb EWB entering air wet bulb EBR electric baseboard radiation EC Electrical Contractor ECH electric cabinet heater ECR eggcrate grille EDC electric duct coil EF exhaust fan EG exhaust grille EH exhaust hood ER exhaust register ERV energy recovery ventilator ESP external static pressure EVC evaporative cooler EWH electric wall heater F furnace FD fire damper SD fire and smoke damper FLA full load amps FPM feet per minute FPVAV fan powered variable air volume box FT foot FTR fin tube radiation G gas GC General Contractor GPM gallons per minute H humidifier HDR heavy duty register or grille HRB heat recovery box HRU variable refrigerant heat recovery unit HP heat pump HWP hot water pump HWR hot water return HWS hot water supply HX heat exchanger IN inch KEC kitchen equipment contractor LAT leaving air temperature LS linear slot diffuser MAN manual MAU make up air unit MFR Manufacturer MBH 1000 BTUh MC Mechanical Contractor O/A outside air OAL outside air louver PD plaque diffuser PSI pounds per square inch RA return air RD round diffuser RG return air grille RPM revolutions per minute RTU roof top unit SA supply air SBCC sub branch circuit controller SDG spiral duct grille SP static pressure SR supply register SVK solenoid valve kit TCC Temperature Control Contractor TSP total static pressure UH unit heater VAV variable air volume box VD volume damper WB wet bulb WT weight XT expansion tank Square Elbow with Turning Vanes Rectangular to round duct transition PROF E SS IONA L E N G NIEERSA M U E L L.HU R TINDIA N A 0 N EP1 6 .o 01087 ATS FOET R E TEGIS D ERGNIBMULP·LACITCELE·LACINAHCEM R2410 Executive Drive - Suite 100 Indianapolis, Indiana 46241 317.636.3941 YYY6'%Ä/'2EQO THEENGINEERING C O L L A B OR A T I VE