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Carmel Board of Zoning Appeals
Regular Meeting
Monday, April 27, 2020
(Virtual Meeting)
Time: 6:00 PM
Location: A virtual meeting as authorized by executive orders issued by the Governor of the State of Indiana.
(Public access also available at Carmel City Hall Council Chambers, 2nd Floor, 1 Civic Sq., Carmel, IN 46032.)
How to Watch: http://carmelin.new.swagit.com/views/1
A. Call to Order
B. Pledge of Allegiance
C. Roll Call
D. Declaration of Quorum
E. Approval of Minutes of Previous Meetings
F. Communications, Bills, and Expenditures
G. Reports, Announcements, Legal Counsel Report, and Department Concerns
1. Request to suspend BZA Rules of Procedure for Zotec Sign Variances – public notice was made 10 days
prior to meeting, rather than 20.
H. Public Hearings
(V) Zotec Partners Signage.
The applicant seeks the following development standards variance approvals:
1. Docket No. PZ-2020-00024 V Bridges PUD Z-550-11, Section 9.4.B Roof/Ground sign types
not allowed, Ground Sign requested.
2. Docket No. PZ-2020-00026 V UDO Section 5.39.C.7 Sign only allowed on accessory
structure when structure is less than 8-ft tall and sign is less than 3 sq. ft., 111 sq. ft. wall sign on
east façade of parking garage requested.
The site is located at the southeast corner of Illinois St. and Fidelity Way, at 1 Zotec Way. It is zoned
Bridges PUD/Planned Unit Development (Ordinance Z-550-11). Filed by Doug Staley Jr. of Staley
Signs on behalf of the owner, ZP Investments, LLC.
TABLED TO TUES. MAY 26 - (UV, V) Extra Space Storage.
The applicant seeks the following use variance and development standards variance approvals for an
indoor self-storage facility:
3. Docket No. 20010016 UV UDO Section 3.66 Prohibited Uses in Overlay Zone.
4. Docket No. 20010017 V UDO Sections 3.75 & 3.79 Landscaping & Parking Standards
5. Docket No. PZ-2020-00018 V UDO Section 3.72.B Construction Materials, metal panel
as primary material requested, brick/stone/concrete required. The 0.91 acre site is located at 155
W. Carmel Dr. and is zoned I1/Industrial and Rangeline Rd. Overlay. Filed by Jim Shinaver of Nelson
& Frankenberger, LLC on behalf of Adams & French Property, LLC.
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Carmel Board of Zoning Appeals
April 27, 2020 Meeting Agenda
TABLED TO TUES. MAY 26 - (UV, V) Salsbery Brothers Landscaping, Amendment.
The applicant seeks the following use variance and development standards variance approvals for a new
pole barn:
6. Docket No. 20020006 UV UDO Section 2.09 Non-permitted use, commercial landscape
business expansion.
7. Docket No. 20020007 V UDO Section 5.19.F 30-ft wide East perimeter bufferyard
required, 15-ft requested.
8. Docket No. 20020008 V UDO Section 5.28.E Paved/curbed parking lots required, No
curbs in drive aisles requested.
9. Docket No. 20020009 V UDO Section 1.07 Transportation Plan Compliance, 60-ft half
right of way required, Keep existing 50-ft half requested.
10. Docket No. 20020010 V UDO Section 5.39.H Existing Ground Sign, ≥ 5-ft setback from
street right of way required, < 5-ft requested. The 10 acre site is located at 4317 E. 146th St. and is
zoned R1/Residential. Filed by Paul Reis & Kevin Buchheit of Krieg DeVault LLP on behalf of
Salsbery Brothers Landscaping Inc.
I. New Business
J. Old Business
K. Adjournment Filename: 4.27.2020 regular meeting
Dated: April 17, 2020
Joe Shestak, Secretary
Carmel Plan Commission
Please contact Joe Shestak or the City of Carmel Planning and Zoning Office for the
direct web link to this virtual meeting.