HomeMy WebLinkAboutPacket for HO 05-26-20CARMEL BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS VARIANCE APPL CATION -NEARING OFFICER FEES: Single Family (Primary Residence) $194 for the first "nation plus $107 for each additional sai of Me ordinance being vaned. CommemNl and! Otbr $749 for the first vomenen plus $371 for each additional section of Me on inual teeing vaned. Wes Mwomy DOCKET NO. DATE RECEIVED: t) Applicant: MtG NAiL k 1>, 1 c[6 Animas. '1616 i A 86E7' h C. �' ARrrole f- 2k� N(o 33 3) Project Name: FEAJe6 REPLAcEINEAT Phone. Egicear/f r hilect -T-Bb Pixi e' ProjectOox Contact 3) Applies Seem:(Clceck the appropriate pone) (a)Tbe applicant's name is on the dead M Me property _ M) The applicant is the cortrect purchaser of Me property. (c)Other: 4) It Item 3)(c)is checked, please complete Me touching: Owner of Me limper inholvad' Camera address: $) RecoM 0Owne idis Been! Rook NoAn a ument No. Page. Purchamdale201-7 fi �/'T6P5F IZ S) CommonAtldressdsubjectprppeM: LN03 ABBE'/ hi, 6ikiL %s/EC WV yko33 Legal Descriyeen'. A eeia ia..DD s<.J+.». .2v foljg4 A'RgAg S vJl'sd-KAb(i{. P�3r Cdr99, r�.g.k Tax Parcel ID No.: I(r-k� �c'(9-Oo1-OS- (106 OM sad` T) Explanation of Development Stalldmds Variance request (State what you want M Be and she Me section numbers)of Me Unified Development Coasts a that applies anchor crates Me need for Mis respond. 9EPCACC A- (9' FEiUcE�6'RKU— B) Stau reasons supporting the Variance: (Additionally, complain the a1li question sheet eluded "Findings of Fact -Development Standards Vananee"). 'rHC- C f6J)02� <t5 A6007 AALF poNJIJ ROM A SidZN. Pat, 1012 nenemo-. Haaniq gr[ppeylpgreNSbdeM Vvarggppllubn MWUNaroZVlO hu fln IL21ve 9) Present zoning classification of Me pnlpedy: !FW(qLg' FAftLV 44lvC 9a) Overlay Zone of property lit applicable): a to) Size oflor/pi In question t {N/f &E$ dt 455 scres/sy. ft. it) Presentussofmidmi: Yn AAM N II..¢S /i.QNCt 12) oesciibeproposedusecfpioperN: p(.'HwlY 1'aS:�eM� 13) IS Me property: Owner bccupmd ✓ Ranter wedged! Other 14) Are there any restrictions, Iowa, covenants, vaMnces, spacial use, us signalslsafilled in connection with this Jbc� mbar Msbument no.Met muk! mists or . d c enft se for the "domd aW mdnentery are ific purpose of Mis onN IJAn9 if yes, give tlaa and 15) Has murk for mulch this application is being filed already threat? N answer ayes. give do its: Building Perot Number AM 16) If gromsed appeal is granted, �SRIPMa Acdc ommacmT 1T) If the proposed variance is granted, who rill operate and/or use Me promised improvement he which this application has been filetl't :�E I NOTE; Three modes of pudic notice are required. LEGALNOTICEshallbe Publishedin MINE PMERcrowdingioM Char)onmm6a MANDATORY 10 Mos pdorto Me Public heeling dale. The mMfed "Proof of PUMi"tM1 all for the newspaper must he available for insp flon by the night of Me hmrmg. LEGAL NOTICE to all aSonning and abusing prepeny, owners is also MANDATORY, two methods of nodm are m0mantled: 1) FIRST CLASS MAIL with CERTIFICATE OF MAILING sent to adjoining property owners. (The whim rowed slwuld be mamped by Me Post OMm m least 10 days Poor Me Public hearing date), OR 2) HAND DELNERED to adjoining and abutting property names (A receipt signed "a adjoining and abutting property owner acknowledging Me 10 day pnor noun shouN he kept for verification that the nc&e was completed) LEGAL NOTICE va a Nical0 Pul Hearing SIGN posmtl on Me propeM is also require l; see Page T. THE BURDEN OF PROOF FOR ALL NOTICES IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE APPLICANT. The apploothal wide will mot be assumed unM as swrownthat fterdayeamon has been submMed to harp Appikant Sigmare' Dam: The applicant mdlfes by s ipurg this myokaion that hehhs has been advireC that all mAmudab iom of de Dept of Commonly Services eras schmeste body and that dre applcant shouts rely on appropfam UnMkd Development ONimrlm standards ana rthe bagel advice ofhnyher mmmey Ppn2 N12 Ragre'. Xeavg bMsrCwNppnWSpMeNa Vefian¢Ppd'irellm insix,moNRtlN9w RmAKI m(N30 Al"I'l VN I hereby, swearMa I am the ownedcanhact purchaser a property invalretl M Me application and Mat Me foregoing signatures, sMlemen6 and answers herein contained and the information herewlM submitted! are In all respects We and correct to Me best a my knowledge and belie. I. Me undersgneq auNoruna the applicant to act on my behalf with regent to Mis application and subsequent hearings and tesb Signed Name: (Prop" Carl Attorney, or Power aAtlomey) STATE OF INoIMA b*1 Pnnred Name: 1 County of Before me Me undersigned, a Notary Public (County in which notarthadon takes p6ca) far County. Stale a Indiana. personalty appeared (Notary, Public's county of hammered and acknowledge Me eabonion of the foregoing instrument (Property Owner. Attorney. or Power of Attorney) the days 30 (dare) (march) (year) (SEAL) Notary Public -Signature Notary Public —Phase PnM Peg=earl RntbA1020 C RMEL ADVISORY BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS (Pbfine. M BO art 10 M Mnk6 Mlr) DATEDTNIS DAY OF ,20 Papa 1W 12 FAename. IMeny MWr Cnvnbgrmnl GaM,N Vam µp nlMMmn¢=3P Reriutl1N CARMEL ADVISORY BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS (Pedlkraar to fill out 1-9 Mast ties blanks) Docket No.: Petfialcr 1. The appmval of Mis variance will not be injurious M the public hea1M, safety, morals and general welfare or Me ij community because: I 11 �fkIr FEali$ ii lnl pk�. ;n mute kl¢CY U s ✓1 nG�r�l.., O�p_Q_�y.ra, O'di Galt nG I,,r Sda rrv� l 2. The use and value d Me me adjacent to the property included in Me variance will not be effected in a substantially Adverse manner because: _ VAJ re fe I el[ikik 4( "Rk�%Aw a. The strict application of Me arms d Me untied Development to the property will result In practroal difficultiesi^n Me use of Me property because: AV' H DECISION IT IS THEREFORE the decision of the Camel Board of Zoning Appeals MM Development Standards Variance Docket No, is granted subject to any conditions stated In Me minutes of this Board, which are incorporated herein by reference and made a pelt hereof Adopted this days HEARING OFFICER, Calmat Board dZoning Appeals SECREFARV, Carmel Board of Zoning Appeals 20 Conditions debarment ofs a Board deny, are listed on the Leli Grand papa 11 of 12 FlMname: Hearing g0a¢r parelopmenl elenOaNS Vananm Pppicalun Inprudime 2030Ew Rrvicetl 1020 CHECKLIST BevebomeM Standards Variance Hearing Officer A ificatfon Anification what inches line Winning applicable hundreds' Electronic copy of compared applk ¢fiat (win losable WA) sig N by Me owner of be subject ppperty or an statement agent, notabreq and filed at least 45 days pror b Pre next scheduled Puble real Electronic coot/ of Owner Annual briage 3) Electronic coot/ of Adherent Property Owners list confined! by Me Hamilton County "Ides OMce. Fmmal list request goes S credit Ilst may be acquired man the Hamilton County Real Bel# t mbamlbncpunlV'n a0v). Please allow3b 5days Mr Hbnilltn County b complete yourrrequmt Electronic wov of She Plan (with dimensional Ma01xIWea: 1. Existing and propmed principal structures and accessary, structures. 2. Parking plan ladanoblles&bicycles). 3. Signage plan 4. UgMing plan ltapplcable 5. Existing and proposed public rights of way (internal and adjoining). 8. Iocalcn of easements (utility, Maine, landscape, access, etc.) ]. Building setback lines. //8JJgJg�� Building cmurage calculation, and Exiaeng and proposed unsay Structures and systems. EI of exterior archwhadured inglibrur fuesatonssnake ohob examples of subject site andlor buildings. O When applicable, pushers an electronic copy of an befimated commotion cost to comply with Me Tmnspodadon Plan per UBO Section 1.01(E) (Contact City Engineering Depb for more true, at 31]371-2441) D Eleclmnc cmvof Cove�nls atM Commitrnenk. if any. D When applicable,TAC nical Advisory Committee) members All documents must be legible and ofthe required size and scale. The omission of any of Me makdaliwicued in Me above checklist may lead to your petition being placed on a later docket or not accepted for filing. Pine 12 of 12 Rero,..n.acgmou Daoiwpm.m smodam. wo..w Aep�kao, otwOm: area doer a Sidi lui2o Procedure: The paMioner shall incur the cost of the purchasing, placing, and removing the sign. The sign must be placed in a highly visible and legible locagon from the road on the property that is involved with the public hearing. The public notice sign shall meet the following requirements: 1. Must be placed on der subject property no less the 2. Sign must follow the sign design requirements: • Must be 24"x 36'-vertical • Must he double sided • Must be composed of weather resistant material, such as Corrugated! plastic or laminated poster board • Must be mounted in a heavy-duty metal frame 3. The sign must contain the fallowing: • 12"x24" PMS 1805 Red box with white ten at the top • White background with black tan below. • Ten used in example to the rgM, with Application Type, Date", and Time of subject public healing ' The Dale should be written in day, month, and data format. Example: 'Mon., An, 23" 4. The sign must be removed within 72 hours of public hearing condusion n i u says poor m me PUDlic nearing • r Carmel Cop Hell For More Innovation M1Mwx'571-24l.in.gu• 591-�qlp Public Notice Sion Placement Affidavit: I(We)Al24dlAQ bwh�ejlc C� �civereby caddy that placement of the public notice sign to consder Docket No. P %-,a7OXO-(YO59 was placed on the subject property at least 10 days prior to the data of the public hearing, at the address listed below. STATEOFINDIANA,COUNTYOF 9AMTLTOd 88: The undersigned, having been duly swum, upon oath saysthatthe a e in nna6on Is true end correct as he is informed and believes. ( tiorx#sSgnature) Subscribed and sworn to before me thisl dayot MRc% ,20,0 . Notary Public, Signed Name'. Notary Public, Printed Name: My Commission Expires: Pna•+mrz Fft,me le"Offirm Iunure sa•eads wyraw Mawrwn inwalw. 2om d� RmW raao Public Notice Sion Placement Affidavit: I(We)Al24dlAQ bwh�ejlc C� �civereby caddy that placement of the public notice sign to consder Docket No. P %-,a7OXO-(YO59 was placed on the subject property at least 10 days prior to the data of the public hearing, at the address listed below. STATEOFINDIANA,COUNTYOF 9AMTLTOd 88: The undersigned, having been duly swum, upon oath saysthatthe a e in nna6on Is true end correct as he is informed and believes. ( tiorx#sSgnature) Subscribed and sworn to before me thisl dayot MRc% ,20,0 . Notary Public, Signed Name'. Notary Public, Printed Name: My Commission Expires: Pna•+mrz Fft,me le"Offirm Iunure sa•eads wyraw Mawrwn inwalw. 2om d� RmW raao CARM0. BOARD OF ZON W G APPEALS I(WE) M,14(P ie'e1L E C:AP>itLC 00 HEREBY CERTIFY THAT NOTICE OF (P Wnee's Name) PUBLIC HEARING BEFORE THE CARMEL BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS CONSIDERING DOCKET NO. WAS REGISTERED AND MAILED AT LEAST fa• DAYS PRIOR TO THE DATE OF THE PUBLIC HEARING TO THE BELOW LISTED ADJACENT PROPERTY OWNERS: QWNER ADDRESS Tid A Ae6 V USG SSE LAsr PAc� �,.rs STATE OF INDIANA SS The undarsigneq having been duly sworn upon oa1M1 sa s at the above iota tlan'a true and conect and he is informed add believes. ', � ff IS" nature MPatibi connry of l�ftW1�L"tGAI Before nee Me undersigned, a Neely Public TjC.un' In wblde nMr@alion fakes Place) for Courty, State of Indiana, pemanally appeamtl (Nd1elry, Publich cwrdy of residence) Iln c-ft'rStA�-� and ackewMeUge the execution of Me foregcirg InsWment (Pmearly Owecer, Model a Po(w�r�W AAtJfomay) this IA day of III Ei I 20 (day) (mpMN) (year) No" PublicSigeeafure Notary Public -Please Nut MY caenmieson eaPieea: 'Only 10 days prloribuWk ratite repuNcef Mir BZA Hearve Officer MaetNgs Pop ad 12 Fpmn nn90fimr bP"aM 110MVamnm Apptlmlw l rehuc*ft8 0d1m viewed lryla NOTICEOF PUBLIC HEARMO BEFORE THE CARMEL BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS HEARING OFFICER Dooket No. PZ-2020-00059 V Notice is hereby given That the Carmel Board of Zoning Appesla Hearing Oflicermeeting on Was, 261 2020 at 5 or 5:30 pm, TBDj p.m. in the City Hall Commit Cbembem, 2n° FIT., I Civic Sq., Cannel, IN 46032, will hold a Virtual Public Hearing upon a Development Standards Variance application to: Our concert fence was severely damaged in a high wind storm. We are replacing 160' of our backyard fence line that=a parallel to Main Street. We believe the installation of a T will provide additional privacy, lower traffic noise, and help us keep peace of mind with younger children. For property being known as 4408 Abbey Dr. Carmel IN 46031 Therealeatamaffe bysaidapplicationisdescribedwfollows:16-10-29-04-05-006000 The petaion may be examined onthe City's wcWiro, through Public Documents- Laser Fiche This will be a vinnil meeting bssad atCarmel City Hell. It is recommendedthat parsom wishivg ro view this meetingdo so online via the City's website or on Carmel TV. However, a limited number of Famous Chamber. more than 10) shall favors dM ri voter City Hell and watch th above aon screens in en Council Chamber. All ien co and comments, up desiring to present theh views in the above application are encouraged to submit written comments, up m 2:00 p.m, the day of@e meaning, via email to Ice Shestak adminiWetive assistant isLesmk(durmel.in.vov. Mirhael C'arsmak AI m Celle Cawtick-PETITIONERS. � m 2 C) �� ^ r� ». Ld \ 2 9� §` \ m. ....wa�-- � 6� \� OR Q !if \ it § ƒ \ % \ E | \ %| I have received the Notice of Public Hearing before the Carmel Board of Zoning Appeals Hearing Officer for Michael & Danielle Capstick Docket # PZ-2020-0059 ^ Signatu eyG/ / t�C� Date: Signature: Dale: S1,41ZO / D SignalureV'"ir/� Date' �% Z Signature: Date: 1 Signature: Date: if Signature: d' // Dale: c5 L