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Packet for HO 05-26-20
PZ-2020-00056 V Ascension Heart Hospital Directional Sign 10580 N. Meridian Street This petition is regarding a new directional sign for the Ascension St. Vincent Heart Hospital. We are seeking a variance of development standards to allow for (1) directional sign that is 4’ tall and 5 square feet. Directional signs are exempt in the UDO if they are a maximum of 3’ tall and 3 square feet. We believe that the BZA should grant the variance because the proposed sign is crucial in directing patients and visitors to the appropriate entrance. On this campus, there are three entrances. They are are the Medical Office Building entrance, the Hospital Building entrance, and the Heart Emergency. The proposed sign will be located at point where it is important that patients understand which way to go for there particular need. The required height of 3’ and 3 square feet are simply too small to allow for proper visibility of a sign that designates three different locations. The letter height on the proposed sign is 1.5”. This has an approximate visibility from 15’. If the lettering were smaller, the visibility would decrease to under 10’ and would not be visible to someone in their vehicle from a safe distance. Directional Sign Location Sign Recommendation Ascension Brand Moments MapRegulatory MapInteriors MapEntrances MapWayfinding MapIdentity MapOverview MapBrand Moments MapRegulatory MapInteriors MapEntrances MapWayfinding MapIdentity MapOverview MapRecommended - Side A Recommended - Side B Existing Sign Type: Quantity: Location: Illumination: Approx. Size: H: W: OAH: Comment: H OG: None Existing Context Detail Side A Detail Side B Rendering Z W N (V oa't to to 1 PLAN VIEW 1'-53/8" 3/8" 2" 1' - 3" CABINET 5 16" LEFT JUSTIFY 04 TO MATCH PANTONE 285C'MEDIUM BLUE' ©: TO MATCH PANTONE 1788C'RED' TO MATCH PANTONE 361C'A5CEN510N WF GREEN' 6 COLOR LEGEND 1 N.TS. FABRICATED ALUM. CABINET 15 PAINTED 2" MAP TO MATCH 5HERWIN WILLIAMS OW7567 'NATURAL TAN' W/ CLEAR COAT SATIN FIN15H ON ALL EXP05ED SURFACES © ARROW & CIRCLE ARE SURFACE APPLIED DIGITAL PRINT W/ SCOTCHCAL LUSTER OVERLAMINATE 8519 HEART TO MATCH PER COLOR LEGEND -ARROW TO BE'WHITE' EMERGENCY 0 Main Entrance 0 Medical Office Buildi a FRONT ELEVATION PVC REVEAL PAINTED MAP TO MATCH SHERWIN WILLIAMS SW7567 'NATURAL TAN' ON ALL EXPOSED SURFACES COPY 15 SURFACE APPLIED DIGITAL PRINT PRINTED TO MATCH'PANTONE 504C -COPY STYLE IS WHITNEY 5EMI13OLD ALUM. P05T AND CAP PAINTED MAP TO MATCH SHERWIN WILLIAMS SW6300 BURGUNDY ON ALL EXP05ED SURFACES GRADE 3 RIGHT 51DE VIEW NOTE5: 1.) MU5T BE PACKAGED IN CARDBOARD BOX NO WOODI 2.) 51TE IN102 - CARMEL HEART H05PITAL LOCATION5: N01 1'-53/8" 3/8" V-3" 2" 5 16" LEFT JUSTIFY HEART EMERGENCY Main Entrance 0 Medical Office Building 4 REAR ELEVATION 1/a" = r Project Title A ASCENSION Date 03.27.20 AGI EoR .JRA Lead Draftsman ,JRA Drawn By MPK Project Mgr. D. SIMMONS General Sign Specifications ❑ Interior Exterior ❑ Single Faced Double Faced Non -Illuminated ❑ Illuminated Volts Amps(+/-) Location INDIANAPOLIS, IN Windload This document is the sole property of AG I, and all design, manufacturing, reproduction,use and sale rights regarding the same are expressly forbidden. It is submitted under a confidential relationship, for a special purpose, and the recipient, by accepting this document assumes custody and agrees that this document will not be copied or reproduced in whole or in part, nor Its contents revealed in any manner or to any purpose for which it was tendered, nor any special features peculiar to this design be incorporated in other projects. Code Type IN102 I C 2655 International Parkway Virginia Beach, VA 23452 Sign Type PG #: CUST-WF- N01 1 1 I cz 1'-53/8" 3/8" 2" 1' - 3" CABINET 1/6" ALUM. CAP WELD TO TOP OF TUBE 2" X 2" X 1/8" ALUM. TUBE UPRIGHT 1 13/16" AGI ALUM. CHANNEL FRAME WELD TOGETHER ALL 51DE5 TYE 3/8" THK. X 1 1/2" WIDE PVC 5PACER VEP51LOKED BETWEEN ALUM. CABINET & TUBE UPRIGHT J 1 ItUli 1 Ur%r%L. GL.GYr%I IJN 2 1/8" = 1" .090" ALUM. FACE VER5ILOKED 2 PLAN SECTION 2 3/16" = 1" Project Title A ASCENSION Date 03.27.20 AGI EoR URA Lead Draftsman URA Drawn By MPK Project Mgr. D. SIMMONS General Sign Specifications ❑ Interior Exterior ❑ Single Faced Double Faced Non -Illuminated ❑ Illuminated Volts Amps(+/-) Location INDIANAPOLIS, IN Windload N LU LU J ir Q F Z_ K 0 � LL c � m � U � 0 N N C O N N y R M : T to m Y � c a 3 3 0 o aaaaaaaaaa This document is the sole property of AGI, and all design, manufacturing, reproduction,use and sale rights regarding the same are expressly forbidden. It is submitted under a confidential relationship, for a special purpose, and the recipient, by accepting this document assumes custody and agrees that this document will not be copied or reproduced in whole or in part, nor Its contents revealed in any manner or to any purpose for which it was tendered, nor any special features peculiar to this design be incorporated in other projects. Code Type IN102 C 2655 International Parkway Sign Type PG #: Virginia Beach, VA23452 ICUST-WF- N01 1 2 13" PZ-2020-00056 V Doug Staley, Jr. The proposed sign will be manufactured and installed to meet industry standards. The proposed sign will not be visible from surrounding streets or properties. Furthermore, the sign is designed to match other freestanding signs and be complimentary to building colors. Three different entrances need to be identified in this directional sign. If the sign were to meet the required size and height, the copy would not be readable and or effective in directing patients to the correct location. PZ-2020-00056 V Doug Staley, Jr.