HomeMy WebLinkAboutDepartment Report PC 05-19-203
MAY 19, 2020
4. Docket No. PZ-2020-00012 PPA: Newark Village Revised, Lot 77, Primary Plat Amendment
5. Docket No. PZ -2020-00013 V: UDO Sec. 2.10: 10,000 sq. ft. Min Lot Area, 9,632 sq. ft. Req. for Lot 77B
6. Docket No. PZ-2020-00014 V: UDO Sec. 2.10: 35 ft. Front Setback, 22.5 ft. Requested
7. Docket No. PZ-2020-00015 V: UDO Sec. 2.10: 20 ft. Rear Setback, 5 Requested for Lot 77A
8. Docket No. PZ-2020-00016 V: UDO Sec. 2.10: 35% Maximum Lot Coverage, 38% Requested for Lot 77B
The applicant seeks primary plat amendment approval and variance approval to split 1 parcel into 2 residential
lots. The site is located at 811 Pawnee Rd. and is zoned R-2/Residential. Filed by Troy Terew, with True North
Surveying, LLC on behalf of Steve Caress, owner.
Project Overview: The Petitioner seeks to subdivide one lot into two lots at the southeast corner of Pawnee Rd. and
Winona Dr. The existing home will remain on one lot and a new home will be built on the southern lot. The property is
zoned R-2 and is within the Newark Village subdivision. To the north, east, south and west are single family residential
homes zoned R-2. To the northwest is Ace Hardware which is zoned C-2/Mixed Use. Please see the Petitioner’s
Information Package for more details.
UDO Standards this project MEETS:
5. Minimum Side Yard Setback – 5 ft.
6. Minimum Aggregate of Side Yard – 15 ft.
7. Minimum Lot Width – 80 ft.
8. Maximum Height – 35 ft.
UDO Standards NOT MET:
1. Minimum 10,000 sq. ft. lot area required, 9,632 sq. ft. proposed. Variance requested.
2. Minimum 35 ft. Front Setback along Pawnee, 22.5 ft. proposed. Variance requested.
3. Minimum 20 ft. Rear Setback, 5 ft. pr oposed for Lot 77A, Variance requested.
4. Maximum 35% lot coverage required, 38% proposed. Variance requested
Comprehensive Plan Analysis:
The Comprehensive Plan calls for this area to be an Area for Special Study. However, if the existing Newark Village
Subdivision was classified through the Land Classification Plan, it would be considered Suburban Residential because it is
single family detached residential and the proposed density is less than 4 lots/acre. The design guidelines for Suburban
Residential include: one-story homes are encouraged with a maximum of two stories, attached garages with either side,
rear, or courtyard loading, and front façade facing a public right -of-way. The proposed replat meets these goals of the
Comp. Plan and is therefore considered a Best Fit next to the surrounding area of the Newark Village Subdivision.
Additional Analysis:
Site Plan and Engineering: The existing home was recently built on the northern proposed lot and has a driveway off of
Pawnee Rd. with the front door facing Winona Dr. The new lot will also have a driveway off of Pawnee Rd and will face
Pawnee. The setback along Pawnee Rd. was originally platted at 10 ft. and the existing house that was recently built is
setback at 22 ft. The home on the southern lot will have a minimum setba ck to match the home on the northern lot. The
current standards of the UDO require a 35’ front setback, thus the need for the variance.
Active Transportation: A 5’ sidewalk is required along Pawnee Rd. and Winona Dr. per the Thoroughfare Plan. The
petitioner plans to contribute the cost of constructing the sidewalk into the Non-Reverting Thorough Fund instead of
building it now, as there is no sidewalk along these sections of street for the sidewalk to connect to.
Landscaping: Since this is a replat of an existing single family lot into two single family lots, no additional buffering is
required. The Urban Forester has no outstanding comments for this project. The petitioner has stated they would like to
preserve the large tree in the front yard of the southern lot.
Variances: The proposed variances are minor and should not have a negative effect on surrou nding properties. The
minimum lot area is not being reduced by very much. The minimum front setback for the future home will match the
setback of the current home on the northern lot. The r ear setback for Lot 77A is being reduced, but this is a corner lot and
so it has two front yards. Per the UDO Definitions, the southern property line of Lot 77A is the rear yard, but the lot will
still have a 20 ft. setback on the east side of the lot which will act more like the rear yd. The lot coverage is being
increased slightly for only the southern lot, but the overall lot coverage for both properties combined will not go over
35%. The Department is in support of these variance requests.
DOCS Remaining Comments/Concerns : The Dept. does not have any major concer ns with the proposed Primary Plat
Amendment or Variances. We have requested some minor tweaks be made to the Plat like changing some labels, adding
the zoning standards to the plat, and adding the Docket Number.
If all comments can be addressed, the Department of Community Services recommends the Plan Commission votes to
suspend the rules of procedure and Approve this item.