HomeMy WebLinkAboutL503 - Site Details24" Planting Soil #5 Rebar, 16" o.c. both ways, 3" min. clear Smooth Rubbed Finish C.I.P. Concrete. Refer to Specifications 1" Chamfer All Sides 3,500 psi CIP Standard Concrete Footing, typ. Refer to Specifications Adjacent Paving, Refer to Key Plan. CONCRETE SEAT WALL Scale: 1"=1'-0" Compacted #53 Crushed Stone Compacted Subgrade 1'-0" 1'-0" 2'-0"#5 Rebar, 16" o.c. both ways, 3" min. clear #5 Rebar,24" min. overlap 2'-3"1'-6"1'-0" 1'-0"2'-3" Expansion Joint Key 2 CAST IN PLACE CONCRETE WALL - ENLARGED PLAN Scale: 1/2" = 1'-0" 1 4 ' - 6 " 1 0 '-1 1 "10'-11"1 4 ' -6 " 2'-3"2'-3"R6'-6"R8'-9"R6'-6"R8'-9"Flagpole, Refer to Specifications8'-8" typ.1 05/27/20