HomeMy WebLinkAboutLetter #108 Charles Bookwalter
Shestak, Joe
From:Charles Bookwalter <charliebookwalter@icloud.com>
Sent:Wednesday, June 3, 2020 12:55 PM
To:Shestak, Joe
Subject:PRO Jackson's Grant Village PUD 19120002
Follow Up Flag:Follow up
Flag Status:Completed
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My name is Charles Bookwalter. My wife and I are building a house at 12212 Hobby Horse Drive. We appreciate how
well designed the current Jackson’s Grant is, and are looking forward to living in such a beautiful neighborhood.
We appreciate the many trails in the neighborhood. Those along Williams Creek are particularly attractive and peaceful.
We are already enjoying walking them even as our house is being built.
The idea of having a quiet destination at the end of these walks, other than our home, is quite appealing. Eating a
breakfast or sandwich at a small shop sounds good. Those opposing this PUD point out that The Bridges offers lots of
dining opportunities. This would add quite a bit of distance to get to a destination. The problem is that we would have
to cross not one but two very busy streets in order to get there. Crossing these two roads is quite frankly frightening,
and you literally are taking your life into your hands crossing these multi-lane crosswalks as traffic speeds through these
I understand that there is some sort of overlay along 116th Street requiring 3-acre residential lots. This is ludicrous.
What person would want to build a residence with (1) a large temple that is lit at night across from you, (2)
approximately 300,000 square feet of commercial caddy-corner to you, and (3) the hospitals PUD that is unknown but at
a minimum is townhomes. To those who chant “no commercial west of Springmill”, name me another corner that has
zoning anywhere similar to this. Besides, there already is commercial in The Village of West Clay.
Republic’s plan for this corner makes sense. It addresses the transition from major commercial on one side to
residential on the other. I fervently hope the Planning Commision recommends that this PUD should be approved.
Thank you.