HomeMy WebLinkAboutDepartment Report 07-21-204
JULY 21, 2020
2. Docket No. PZ-2020-00072 DP/ADLS: L’Etoile
The applicant seeks site plan and design approval for a mixed-use building with first floor office/retail (about
3,000 sq. ft.), apartments (12 per floor/60 total), and a parking deck (81 spaces). The building is 104,130 gross sq.
ft. and 6 stories/82’6” tall. The overall site is 0.78 acres in size. It is located at 833 Main Street and is zoned
UC/Urban Core. Filed by Dan Moriarity of Studio M Architecture on behalf of the owner, Aziz Mamaev.
Project Overview:
The proposed mixed-use building will offer co-working office space and possible retail spaces in the future, with
residential above. Parking is included through a parking deck on the rear portion of the site. This site previously had a
two-story office building on it, surrounded by surface parking. To the west is the Rosewalk on Main Senior Living
facility, zoned UR/Urban Residential. To the east is the Big O Tires building zoned UC/Urban Core. To the south is the
Guilford Trails Townhome subdivision, zoned UR/Urban Residential. To the north across Main Street is the Shell gas
station and convenience store, as well as other shops. It is zoned UC/Urban Core. Please see the Petitioner’s
Information packet for more details.
Unified Development Ordinance (UDO) Standards this project MEETS:
UC/Urban Core:
• Permitted uses – Multiple Family Dwellings – Upper
Floors Only, General Retail and Service uses – ground
floor only, General Office uses, parking garage
(accessory use)
• Maximum Front Yard – 2’ required and proposed
• Minimum Side Yard – 4’ required, 4.14’ proposed on
east, 4.76’ proposed on west
• Maximum Rear Yard – 20’ allowed, 5.14’ to 7.55’
• Maximum lot coverage – 100% allowed, 95% proposed
• Minimum living area per dwelling – average of 500 sq.
ft. required; 983 sq. ft. average proposed
• Minimum floor area – No project shall have more floor
area than the parking it can provide. This meets this
requirement by the number of units proposed does not
require more than 72 spaces. 81 are provided.
• Maximum building height – 5 stories + up to 3
additional if meeting Art. 5.16.B. – UC Height standards
section, which says if partially or fully within 800’ of a
Major Intersection, 2 additional stories are allowed. This
site is about 265’ from the center of Guilford and Main,
which is a Major Intersection.
• Minimum building height – 4 stories required,
6 stories proposed
• Street trees proposed
• Zero lot line façade for side yard, Agreement
provided from neighboring property owner
• Architectural requirements –
o Primary facades, ground floor façade has at
least 60% clear glazing, upper floor facades
have at least two windows
o Parking deck has architecturally significant
o High quality building materials are
• Stepbacks – only required when ROW is less
than 90’, 120’ Main Street ROW required
• Parking – 1.2 vehicle spaces per dwelling unit
(60 units) – 81 proposed, 72 required
• Bike parking – Short term – 0.1 space per
bedroom required, 80 bedrooms proposed, 8
spaces required and provided
• Bike parking – Long term – 0.5 spaces per
bedroom, 40 spaces required and 46 proposed
• Landscaping plan approved by Urban Forester
UDO Standards NOT MET, therefore variance must be requested or adjustments made:
• Lighting – no plan has been submitted for review yet
• Article 5.06.D.3 – Wide Lot width – at least two principal buildings required covering 85% of the frontage, only
one principal building, but covers 95% of the frontage
• Article 5.06.E. – Stepback – cannot have more than 3 stories in the same vertical plane (this contradicts Article
5.16.C UC Height Standards, which says stepbacks are only required if the public ROW is 90’ or less. The ROW
on Main Street is 120’.)
Site Plan, Parking and Engineering:
The site is square in shape, with access only from Main Street. The building and parking deck will take up to 95% of the
lot’s area. 100% lot coverage is allowed in the UC district. Site flow will direct vehicles to enter and exit on the far west
and east ends of the site. The west entrance will go directly to the first-floor parking area and the east entrance will go
directly to the second floor of the parking deck. 81 parking spaces are proposed within the garage. The UDO requires 1.2
spaces per dwelling unit, which means 72 spaces are required. 40 parking spaces on the first level and 41 spaces are on the
second level. On the second level of the parking deck, the Petitioner would like to utilize solar panels to provide shade for
the cars, but also provide power for the building. The Department is in support of these structures but would like to see
them visually represented on the renderings so we have a better idea of what they will look like.
20’ of right-of-way will be dedicated to bring this portion of Main Street up to the required 60’ half right-of-way required
by the Thoroughfare Plan. (Main Street is a Parkway Arterial Street which requires 120’ total right-of-way.) Stormwater
for the site will be handled by underground detention chambers. A bioswale area is proposed along the street for added
water filtration. The Engineering Dept. is working with the Petitioner to finalize these plans.
The front patio will have pavers in the seating area sections and concrete for the sidewalks. A low fencing/wall will be
placed along the edge of the patio area between it and the asphalt path. Tables, chairs, planter boxes, and a fire pit are
proposed. Bike parking spaces are also proposed within the front patio area. Trash will be handled on the interior of the
building/parking deck, with multiple containers/units for the residents to utilize.
Active Transportation:
A 10’ wide asphalt path is proposed along Main Street, which will connect to the sidewalks on the neighboring parcels.
Bicycle parking will be provided with 4 racks (8 spaces) for short term spaces in the front of the building. 46 long term
(26 of those will be secured) spaces are proposed within the garage and building.
Architectural Design:
The 6-story building is proposed to be entirely brick and glass. There will be two colors of brick – a dark gray and a light
gray/almost white. Recessed balconies are proposed for most of the units and will help provide relief and create visual
interest along the facade. (The center studio units of each floor will not have a balcony.) The brick work will be very
detailed throughout the entire building. There are tall pilasters (like a column) on both the west and east facades, some
areas will have protruding rows of bricks, and some areas will be recessed to give definition and variety. There will also
be soldier course rows (bricks standing on end) to provide additional details over the windows and first floor spaces.
These details mentioned in the brick design are important because there are no stepback required for the façade, meaning
each floor is right above the other. In the UDO, there are two sections that mention a stepback requirement. One is in the
Architectural Standards section for the UC District, and there is a requirement there. It states that the 4th and higher floors
must be stepped back at least 12’. However, in the Height section for the UC District in the UDO, it says that facade
stepbacks are only required when the street right-of-way is less than 90’. The Main Street right-of-way is 120’, therefore,
the Petitioner designed according to this section and without stepbacks. Both sections are in conflict and need to be
revised. This was an oversight of the Department when switching to the UDO and we have plans to fix this in our next
“Patch” ordinance. The Petitioner will seek a variance to not comply with the Architectural Standards section.
The other variance the Petitioner will seek is also from the Architectural Standards section – for not having two buildings
on this lot. The site is about 155’ wide, which puts it into the Wide Lot Width category. This category requires two
principal buildings which take up at least 85% of the lot’s frontage. The Petitioner is proposing for one building to occupy
95% of the lot frontage. Staff is in support of this variance as the proposed building meets the intent of this section, it is
just not feasible to have two buildings.
A lighting plan has not yet been submitted for review. Petitioner, please provide lighting details as soon as possible.
Staff will be focusing on lighting on top of the parking structure. It must to be down-cast and preferably on timers, to
contain light trespass as much as possible. We do not want it to negatively affect nearby neighbors, as we have experience
in some other projects recently.
Street trees will be provided along Main Street, along with bushes, grasses, and other shrubs to enhance the patio seating
area and front entrance to the building. The remaining yards – about 5’ on the west, east, and south – will have shrubs
planted. The Urban Forester has signed off on the Landscape Plan.
No signage is proposed at this time, however, could be submitted in the future for retail or office tenants seeking signage.
ADLS Amendment would be required and could be handled administratively by DOCS. Petitioner, please provide
safety and directional information on signage for the parking garage, i.e. enter/exit, height restrictions, etc.
DOCS Remaining Comments/Concerns:
1. Submit variance applications for items not able to meet
2. Add solar panel shading structures to renderings
3. Lighting plan needed
4. Additional info needed on safety/parking identifying signage for the garage
5. Address outstanding TAC review comments through Project Dox
The Department of Community Services recommends the Plan Commission sends this item to the Commercial
Committee meeting on Thursday, August 6, 2020 for further review and discussion and gives the Committee final
voting authority.