HomeMy WebLinkAboutO&M Manual 08-03-20 OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE MANUAL for AT&T MAINTENANCE BUILDING AND SITE WORK – 96TH STREET GARAGE 4160 E. 96TH STREET INDIANAPOLIS, IN 46280 by EXP U.S. Services, Inc. 205 N Michigan Ave. Chicago, IL 60601 Project No. COL-00255676-A1 Date: August 3, 2020 Prepared By: Matt O’Boyle, E.I.T. Reviewed By: Chris Mills, P.E. 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS A. About the BMP 2 B. Contact Information for the BMP Owner 2 C. BMP Owner Acknowledgement Agreement 2 D. Right of Entry Statement 2 E. BMP Description & Operation 2 F. Maintenance Requirements 2 G. Site Drawings 3 H. Inspection Reports 3 Appendix A: 1. BMP Owner Acknowledgement Agreement Appendix B: 1. Right of Entry Statement Appendix C: 1. Site Drawings Appendix D: 1. Construction Site Inspection and Maintenance Log 2. Corrective Action Log 2 A. About the BMP Stormwater management best management practices (BMPs) are control measures taken to mitigate changes to both quantity and quality of urban runoff caused through changes to land use. BMPs are designed to reduce stormwater volume, peak flows, and/or source pollution through a variety of methods, including but not limited to, evapotranspiration, infiltration, detention, and filtration. B. Contact Information for the BMP Owner i. Nigel Downton ii. Address: 240 N. Meridian St., Room 120, Indianapolis, IN 46204 iii. Phone: (217) 265-4403 iv. Email: nd2147@att.com C. BMP Owner Acknowledgement Agreement See Appendix A. D. Right-of-Entry Statement Allows the City of Carmel to inspect and maintain the BMP structure as necessary. See Appendix B. E. BMP Description & Operation Detention basins temporarily store a portion of stormwater runoff following a storm event. They normally do not have a permanent water pool between storm events. The objective of these systems is to remove particulate pollutants and to reduce maximum runoff values associated with development to their pre-development levels. The detention basin for this project will include soil stabilization through geotextile erosion blankets and permanent vegetation. Required maintenance includes keeping the basin clear of debris, removing accumulated sediment in the sediment forebay every few years, and protecting the side slopes from soil erosion. Rip-rap will be included at all inlets and outlets of the detention basin to prevent erosion at the bottom of the flared-end sections. Additionally, a restrictor will be implemented in the 8” RCP outlet pipe to reduce the flow rate and velocity of the stormwater leaving the site. Lastly, a drainage swale will be placed in the northeast end of the site to covey water to the detention basin. The drainage swale will be constructed during grading operations. Maintenance includes keeping the swale clear of debris and accumulated sediment that impedes the stormwater conveyance. F. Maintenance Requirements 3 i. See sheets C-50001, C-50002, & C-50003 in Appendix C. ii. See sheets C-50002 & L-10001 in Appendix C. iii. See sheets C-50001, C-50002, & C-50003 in Appendix C. iv. See Maintenance Activity log in Appendix D. v. AT&T maintenance staff will be charged with maintaining BMPs. G. Site Drawings i. See sheets C-20001, C-30001, C-30002, C-40001, C-40003, C-50001, C- 50002, & C-50003 in Appendix C. ii. See sheet C-20001 in Appendix C. iii. See sheets C-40001 & C-40003 in Appendix C. iv. See sheets C-30001, C-30002, C-40001, C-40003, C-50003 in Appendix C. H. Inspection Reports The first inspection report is due one year after construction is completed, with subsequent reports due each year within the same month of the initial report. If there are any deficiencies found during the inspection, these should be addressed. If the inspection report is not received within the month it is due, if there are deficiencies which were not included in the report, or if any deficiencies included in the report are not addressed in a timely manner, the BMP owner faces enforcement action with the City. See appendix E for inspection form. A written yearly inspection report must be submitted to: City Hall – Department of Engineering Attn: Stormwater administrator One Civic Square Carmel, IN 46032 4 APPENDIX A: BMP Owner Acknowledgement Agreement Owner Acknowledgement Agreement (“Agreement”) For good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, the undersigned owner (“Owner”) hereby submits this Operation and Maintenance Manual (“Manual”) to the City of Carmel, Indiana (“City”) as a written acknowledgement of Owner’s warranty and agreement to institute, maintain, and follow the water quality Best Management Practices (“BMPs”) listed below, and to follow and abide by the inspection schedule and maintenance activities listed in this Manual. The Owner also hereby agrees to provide, at Owner’s cost, all additional maintenance, repair, and/or replacement services reasonably necessary to maintain the function and longevity of the BMPs from and including the date this Agreement is executed by Owner to and including the date on which a new Agreement is filed with the City by another party who assumes all of the obligations and responsibilities of Owner as set forth herein. BMPs: ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ _______________________________ ________________________ Owner Signature Date _______________________________ ______________________________ Printed Name Company STATE OF INDIANA ) ) SS: COUNTY OF HAMILTON ) BEFORE ME, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for said County and State, personally appeared _________________________________ Owner subscribed and sworn before this ____ day of __________________, ________. ______________________________ ______________________________ County of Residence Signature ______________________________ Commission Expiration Date ______________________________ Printed Name 5 APPENDIX B: Right of Entry Statement 6 Right-Of-Entry Statement AT&T grants permission and allows the City of Carmel and their employees, contracted parties, and constituents the right-of-entry on 4160 E. 96th St. to inspect and maintain BMPs as noted on the construction plans. 7 APPENDIX C: Site Drawings 96th Street96th Street t: +1.614.744.4300 | f: +1.614.744.4350150 E. Gay StreetSuite 1510Columbus, OH 43215U.S.A.www.exp.comExp A/E, Inc.BUILDINGS EARTH & ENVIRONMENT ENERGYINDUSTRIAL INFRASTRUCTURE SUSTAINABILITYnorthSITE PLAN KEY NOTES " "LEGENDUTILITY CROSSINGS 96th Street96th Street t: +1.614.744.4300 | f: +1.614.744.4350150 E. Gay StreetSuite 1510Columbus, OH 43215U.S.A.www.exp.comExp A/E, Inc.BUILDINGS EARTH & ENVIRONMENT ENERGYINDUSTRIAL INFRASTRUCTURE SUSTAINABILITYnorthGENERAL NOTESLEGEND1UTILITY DETAIL1"=10'SITE PLAN KEY NOTES " " t: +1.614.744.4300 | f: +1.614.744.4350150 E. Gay StreetSuite 1510Columbus, OH 43215U.S.A.www.exp.comExp A/E, Inc.BUILDINGS EARTH & ENVIRONMENT ENERGYINDUSTRIAL INFRASTRUCTURE SUSTAINABILITYnorthSECTION1.5" (TYP.)1.5"(TYP.)ELEVATION16"NOTES:1. PLATE SHALL BE CURVED TO MATCH THE INSIDE RADIUS OF THE CATCH BASIN.2. THE RESTRICTOR PLATE AND FASTENERS SHALL BE FABRICATED IN STAINLESSSTEEL OR DUCTILE IRON.16"SEE PLANS FORINVERT ELEV.0.25"x16"x16" PLATE0.25"x16"x16" PLATECENTERED ON HALF TRAP4-1/2" DIA. EXPANSIONANCHORS WITH WASHERSAND HEX NUTSSEAL AROUND THEPLATE WITH EPOXYSEALANT2CONCRETE FLARED END SECTION W/ GRATEN.T.S.3RIP RAP PAD AT FLARED END SECTIONN.T.S.4OUTLET PROFILEN.T.S.5RESTRICTOR PLATEN.T.S.1STORMWATER BASIN DETAILN.T.S.6DEBRIS GUARDN.T.S.3.15" ORIFICE DIAMETERTO DISCHARGE 0.492 CFS 96th Street 96th Street t: +1.614.744.4300 | f: +1.614.744.4350150 E. Gay StreetSuite 1510Columbus, OH 43215U.S.A.www.exp.comExp A/E, Inc.BUILDINGS EARTH & ENVIRONMENT ENERGYINDUSTRIAL INFRASTRUCTURE SUSTAINABILITYnorthLEGENDEROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL KEY NOTES " "SESC GENERAL NOTES t: +1.614.744.4300 | f: +1.614.744.4350150 E. Gay StreetSuite 1510Columbus, OH 43215U.S.A.www.exp.comExp A/E, Inc.BUILDINGS EARTH & ENVIRONMENT ENERGYINDUSTRIAL INFRASTRUCTURE SUSTAINABILITYnorth1.HYDROLOGIC UNIT CODESWPPP FOR CONSTRUCTION SITES2.RECEIVING WATERS3.ESTIMATED PEAK DISCHARGE4.STORMWATER DISCHARGE POINTS5.POTENTIAL DISCHARGES TO GROUNDWATER6.SOILS MAP & SOIL DESCRIPTIONS7.POTENTIAL POLLUTANT SOURCES·······8.TEMPORARY & PERMANENT STORMWATER QUALITY MEASURES9.GENERAL CONSTRUCTION SEQUENCE10.SOIL STOCKPILE, BORROW AND/OR DISPOSAL11.TEMPORARY & PERMANENT SURFACE STABILIZATION12.EROSION CONTROL FOR INDIVIDUAL BUILDING LOTS13.MATERIAL HANDLING AND SPILL PREVENTION······14.CONTACT INFORMATION15.CURRENT REVISION DATE ON ALL SHEETSSWPPP FOR POST-CONSTRUCTION1.POTENTIAL LAND USE POLLUTANTS2.TEMPORARY & PERMANENT STORMWATER QUALITY MEASURES3.STORMWATER QUALITY MEASURE IMPLEMENTATION SEQUENCE4.STORMWATER QUALITY BMPS5.OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE MANUAL t: +1.614.744.4300 | f: +1.614.744.4350150 E. Gay StreetSuite 1510Columbus, OH 43215U.S.A.www.exp.comExp A/E, Inc.BUILDINGS EARTH & ENVIRONMENT ENERGYINDUSTRIAL INFRASTRUCTURE SUSTAINABILITY2SILT FENCEN.T.S.3EROSION CONTROL BLANKETN.T.S.4CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCEN.T.S.1INLET PROTECTIONN.T.S.5CONCRETE WASHOUTN.T.S. t: +1.614.744.4300 | f: +1.614.744.4350150 E. Gay StreetSuite 1510Columbus, OH 43215U.S.A.www.exp.comExp A/E, Inc.BUILDINGS EARTH & ENVIRONMENT ENERGYINDUSTRIAL INFRASTRUCTURE SUSTAINABILITY1TREE PRESERVATION DETAILNTS2DECIDUOUS TREE PLANTING DETAILNTS3SHRUB PLANTING DETAILNTS 8 APPENDIX D: Construction Site Inspection and Maintenance Log & Corrective Action Log Date: _____________________________________ Project: ___________________________________ Inspected by: _______________________________ Type of Inspection: Scheduled Weekly Rain Event Weather at time of Inspection: _____________________________________________________________ CONSTRUCTION SITE INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCE LOG (To be completed by Property Owner or Agent) Yes No N/A 1. Is the site information posted at the entrance? 2. Are all necessary permits attained and special provisions being implemented? 3. Is a construction entrance installed and functioning properly? 4. Are construction staging & parking areas restricted to areas designated on the plans? 5. Are public and private streets clean of sediment, debris and mud? 6. Are appropriate practices installed where storm water leaves the site? 7. Are all discharge points (outfalls) free of erosion or sediment transport? 8. Has all silt fence been installed properly and being maintained? (entrenched - upright - fabric not torn - terminated to higher ground - properly joined at ends) 9. Are sediment basins & traps installed according to plan & pipe or rock spillways functional? 10. Are other sediment control barriers in place and functioning properly? 11. Is the earthwork for erosion control practices properly graded, seeded and/or mulched? 12. Are diversion swales and/or waterbars installed to plan & protected? 13. Do perimeter practices have adequate capacity & do they need to be cleaned out? 14. Is inlet protection installed properly on all functioning inlets & being maintained? 15. Is catch basin insert protection installed where required & being maintained? 16. Have swales and ditches been stabilized or protected? 17. Are storm water outlets adequately stabilized? 18. Has temporary stabilization of disturbed ground been addressed? (dormant for 15 days?) 19. Is permanent stabilization of disturbed ground progressing on all completed areas? 20. Has hard or soft armoring been installed where natural vegetation will erode? 21. Do water pumping operations have a protected outlet and discharge clear water? 22. Are all dewatering structures functioning properly? 23. Is a designated equipment washout area established, clearly marked and being utilized? 24. Is solid waste properly contained & a stable access provided to the storage & pickup area? 25. Are fuel tanks and other hazardous materials safely stored and protected? 26. Is spill response equipment on-site and easily accessible? 27. Are temporary soil stockpiles in approved areas & properly protected? If you answered “no” to any of the above questions, describe any corrective action which must be taken to remedy the problem and when the corrective actions are completed. Corrective Action Log Date Location Correction Needed Date Completed Initials Notes Notes: I certify under penalty of law that this document was completed to the best of my knowledge and belief on the date listed below per my signature. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fine and imprisonment for knowing violations. Signature of Inspector: ________________________________________Date: ______________________