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Drainage Report 06-26-20
W:\CalAtlantic Homes\2018-169 CalAtlantic- Rohrer Rd Townhomes\Design\Calcs\DrainRep\DrainRep-2018-169.docx STORMWATER DRAINAGE REPORT MONON CROSSING TOWNHOMES DEVELOPER: Lennar Homes of Indiana, Inc. 9025 North River Road, Suite 100 Indianapolis, IN 46240 PREPARED BY: HWC Engineering 135 N. Pennsylvania Avenue, Suite 2800 Indianapolis, IN 46204 HWC #2018-169 July 2, 2019 Revised: December 18, 2019 Revised: April 16, 2020 Revised: May 21, 2020 Revised: June 26, 2020 TABLE OF CONTENTS Stormwater Drainage Summary Appendix A Certificate of Liability Insurance Site Maps Appendix B Location Map USGS Topographic Map Floodplain Map Soils Map Wetlands Map Stormwater Detention Appendix C Existing Basins Map Proposed Basins Map ICPR Network Builder ICPR Peak Conditions ICPR Input Data Overflow Weir Calculations Depressional Storage Calculations ICPR Peak Conditions ICPR Input Data Water Quality Appendix D Water Quality Basins ICPR Peak Runoff Rate ICPR Input Data WQv - CNwq Calculations Diversion Manhole Calculations Diversion Manhole Details AquaSwirl details, sizing chart Storm Sewers Appendix E Storm Inlet Basins Map City of Carmel Rainfall Intensities Time of Concentration Calculations Hydraflow – Plan View Hydraflow – Rational Method Calculations Hydraflow – Pipe Design and HGL Calculations Gutter Spread Inlet Capacity STORMWATER DRAINAGE SUMMARY APPENDIX A STORMWATER DRAINAGE SUMMARY Project: Monon Crossing Townhomes Location: Carmel, IN Introduction The project includes the construction of 60 townhomes, along with an entrance drive, alleys, sidewalks, and two dry detention ponds. This site is located on the east side of Rohrer Road, approximately 400’ south of Nevelle Lane. Existing Conditions The existing site is composed of two large residential lots that includes an open grass field, some trees, and a wooded area along the rear property line. Stormwater runoff drains in all directions from the high point of the site which is in the center of the site. Two driveways connect to the adjacent street. A small ditch, the Hunters Creek Section 1 Ditch, running west to east along the northern property line, accepts runoff from a 42” culvert underneath Rohrer Road until it discharges underneath the Monon Trail. At the eastern portion of the site, adjacent to the Monon Trail, there is a low point. This area, and the upstream basin which drains to it, will be modeled as depressional storage in ICPR. This low point, once it becomes full, will spill north towards the existing ditch. Adjoining Land Conditions North: Petroleum Products Station Site South: Residential subdivision (Autumn Lake Overlook) East: Monon Trail West: Rohrer Road Soil Types Soils maps from the United States Department of Agriculture, Soil Conservation Service identify Brookston, Crosby and Miami soils on the subject site. Brookston (Br) and Miami (MmB2, MoXC3) are is classified in hydrologic group B, while Crosby (CrA) is classified in hydrologic group C. The split between group B and group C soils is approximately 65% B, 35% C for the site. Proposed curve number calculations will be based on the next less infiltrating category. Stormwater Detention The detention for the overall site will be provided by two interconnected dry detention ponds. These ponds are located along the eastern boundary of the site and will discharge to the existing ditch. Most of the site’s runoff will drain to the northeast pond, and in major storm events, stormwater will back up into the southeast pond via a 36” RCP equalizer pipe. The allowable discharge rates are established by the City of Carmel Stormwater Technical Standards Manual, which limit the release of storm water for these on-site drainage basins to 0.10 cfs/acre for the 10-year storm event and 0.30 cfs/acre for the 100-year storm event. The overall allowable discharge rate will be based on the portion of the existing site that drains to the north outlet, which is the only outlet point used for the proposed site. Allowable Discharge Rate Calculations Discharge Point Area (acres) Storm Event 10-year (x 0.10 cfs/ac) 100-year (x 0.30 cfs/ac) EX-N 2.12 0.21 0.64 EX-DS 1.89 0.19 0.57 Sum: 0.40 1.21 The basin EX-DS drains to a low spot before it drains north. This low spot was modeled in ICPR as depressional storage. When modeled the peak discharge rates exceeded the 0.10 / 0.30 general release rates so this basin will be limited to the general release rates. Therefore, the peak allowable release rates to the northern boundary are 0.40 /1.21 cfs during the 10/100- year storm events. Some low-lying disturbed areas will not be able to drain to the detention system as it is not possible to do so from a grade/elevation standpoint. In the northwest corner of the site, basin DIR-N (0.056 Acres), which is mostly the area disturbed to extend the existing 42” RCP culvert from the west under the proposed 10’ asphalt path, will discharge from the site directly to the Hunters Creek Section 1 Ditch. At the eastern boundary, grass and sidewalk areas (basin DEV-DS 0.15 Acres) will drain to the depressional storage area along the west side of the Monon Trail. Once this depressional area fills up (modeled in proposed ICPR model), it will discharge into a wooded swale along the west side of the Monon Trail and then tie into the Hunters Creek Section 1 Ditch. Basin 102 (0.09 acres), which is comprised of the back side of the Pond #1 grass embankment, will be directed via swales at the foot of the berm to discharge to storm structure #102, which is immediately downstream from the Pond #1 outlet control structure #103. The 12” RCP pipe out of structure #102 will have a 7.5” restrictor plate placed on the upstream end to help restrict the discharge rate from basin #102. The table below summarizes the proposed discharge rates. These rates are based on the ICPR simulation where small orifice sizes were used in the Pond #1 outlet box. The bottom orifice in the model was 2.5”, used for the 10-Year event. A secondary 5” orifice was set above the 10- Year Pond #1 staging elevation to restrict the 100-Year event. Additionally, at structure #102, a 9.5” restrictor plate was used on the 12” outlet pipe to slow down the release from direct discharge basin #102. In practice, 6” min orifices sizes will be installed in the Pond #1 outfall box to prevent clogging, and the restrictor plate at structure #102 will be decreased to 7.5” to accommodate the 6” orifice sizes. Proposed Basin Discharge Rate Summary Proposed Basin Storm Event 10 yr, 24 hr 100 yr, 24 hr Discharge Rate Allowable Rate Discharge Rate Allowable Rate Peak inflow to ICPR node BNDRY-N 0.52 0.40 1.50 1.21 The allowable discharge rates are exceeded due to two main factors. First, only a portion of the existing site drains to the north outlet, which drives down the allowable release rates available to use. Basins EX-SW (1.71 Acres) and EX-SE (0.34 Acres) drain south and contribute allowable release rates of 0.21 cfs for the 10-Year event and 0.62 cfs for the 100-Year event which cannot be utilized for the north outlet. Were all the existing ground to flow to the north outlet point, the allowable release rates would be 0.61 cfs for the 10-Year event and 1.82 for the 100-Year event. These release rates would be met by the proposed detention system, so the proposed detention is in line with most other standard sites. Secondly, the three low-lying direct discharge basins as discussed above, while small and mostly comprised of grass, make a larger impact when the allowable release rates are so small. There are some hardships here to meet the allowable release rate criteria that are very difficult to overcome. The below table summarizes the peak runoff rates from direct discharge areas and the discharge from Pond #1: Discharge Rate Summary (All Parts Working Separately) Proposed Basin Storm Event 10 YR 100 YR Basin Size, Acres Discharge Rate (cfs) Discharge Rate (cfs) DIR-N 0.058 0.18 0.37 102 0.09 0.16 0.37 DEV-DS Peak release from depressional storage area 0.02 0.65 Outlet from Pond #1 - 0.31 1.08 Pertaining to the chart above, an auxiliary ICPR simulation was run with the two pond basins completely turned off to isolate the impact of the direct discharge areas only. The peak inflow rates to the north boundary point from only the direct discharge basins is as follows: Q10 Peak 0.29 cfs vs. allowable of 0.40 cfs (direct discharge is 73% of allowable) Q100 Peak 1.12 cfs vs. allowable of 1.21 cfs (direct discharge is 93% of allowable) These numbers illustrate how damaging the direct discharge basins are when the allowable release rates are so tiny, even when the direct basins are very small, mostly grass areas. The total area of the direct discharge basins is 0.30 acres, which is only 5% of the developed 6.05 acres, yet these areas are taking up the majority of the allowable release rate. No economically reasonable detention system for this site can overcome this problem. Finally, the chart below shows the release rate comparison pre-post to the three site outlet points based on actual existing site runoff rates vs. proposed rates. For the north boundary point, the discharge has been reduced by 89% for the 10-year storm and 90% for the 100-year storm. Existing Runoff Rates vs. Proposed Discharge Rates Discharge Point Storm Event Discharge Rates Existing 2 yr, 24 hr 10 yr, 24 hr 100 yr, 24 hr Basin Existing Proposed Existing Proposed Existing Proposed EX-N & EX-DS BNDRY-N 0.88 0.36 4.75 0.52 14.64 1.50 EX-SE BNDRY-SE 0.14 0.00 0.42 0.00 1.25 0.00 EX-SW BNDRY-SW 0.87 0.00 2.39 0.00 6.70 0.00 Water Quality The proposed dry detention pond at the northeast corner of the site will provide water quality treatment for the site. Pre-treatment will be provided by an AquaSwirl AS-8 hydrodynamic separator. See Appendix D for more information. Storm Sewers The design of the proposed storm sewers (10-year event) is in compliance with the City of Carmel Stormwater Technical Standards Manual with regards to “c” values, rainfall intensities, pipe slopes, etc. Inlet capacities are sufficient to keep ponding depth to reasonable depths. See Appendix E for more information. Rohrer Road Culvert At the northwest corner of the site a 42” RCP culvert flows underneath Rohrer Road from west to east. From here, stormwater flows through the Hunters Creek Section 1 Ditch towards a 54” CMP culvert underneath the Monon Trail. The proposed site will intercept the existing 42” culvert at storm structure #160 and discharge to the Hunters Creek Section 1 Ditch east of the proposed 10’ asphalt path along the Rohrer Road R/W frontage. The peak discharge through the Hunters Creek Section 1 Ditch was modeled in HEC-RAS using TR-20. These calculations are included in a separate report. The upstream basin is approximately 98 acres, so our site contributes less than 5% of the basin area. The peak 100- year discharge through the Creek is 150 cfs and our proposed 100-year discharge from the site is 1.50 cfs, which is 1% of the total discharge during a 100-year event. SITE MAPS APPENDIX B 0 1,000 2,000 3,000Graphic Scale (Feet) 1 inch = 2,000 feet Sources: Esri, HERE, DeLorme, USGS, Intermap, INCREMENT P,NRCan, Esri Japan, METI, Esri China (Hong Kong), Esri Korea, Esri(Thailand), MapmyIndia, NGCC, © OpenStreetMap contributors, and theGIS User Community Ê Rohrer Road TownhomesAerial Location MapCarmel, IndianaMay 2019 0 400 800 1,200Graphic Scale (Feet) 1 inch = 800 feet Copyright:© 2013 National Geographic Society, i-cubed Ê Rohrer Road TownhomesUSGS Topographic Map Carmel, IndianaMay 2019 Sources: IndianaMap, Indiana Spatial Data Portal and WebSoilSurvey 0 300 600 900Graphic Scale (Feet) 1 inch = 600 feet MONON TRLROHRER RDN MERIDIAN STGR AC E D R S M O K E Y R O W R D N E V E L L E L N MARANA DR JOHN ST1ST AVEROSWELL DRLAREDO DRN MERIDIAN ST STTH ORNBERRY DR 8 T H S TEGLIN DRJEFFREY CTC I R C L E D R PERRIN DR1 0 T H S T STONEHEDGE DR OFFUTT DRLANGLEY DRW 146TH STW I N T E R C T BENNETT RD HOWE DRB E N N E T T C T BRIDLE CIR W A L T E R S T W 136TH ST KE NT L N 11 T H S T 9 T H S T H A G A N B U R K E T R L 3RD AVE2ND AVEPEARL STJOANN CT LO CK E RB IE P L B O U L D E R C T L E A F Y B R A N C H T R LGEORGE CTWALTER CTM E R ID IA N S T ROHRER RDN MERIDIAN STN MERIDIAN ST ST Source: Esri, DigitalGlobe, GeoEye, Earthstar Geographics,CNES/Airbus DS, USDA, USGS, AeroGRID, IGN, and the GIS UserCommunity Ê Rohrer Road TownhomesFloodplain Map Carmel, IndianaMay 2019 1% Annual Chance Flood Ha za rd Regulatory Floodway Spe cial Flood way Area of Unde termined Flood Hazard 0.2% Ann ual Chance Flood Hazard Future Con ditions 1% An nual Chance Floo d Hazard Area with Re duced R isk Due to Levee CrA MmC2MmB2 Br CrA BrMmB2 Sh Br Sh MmB2 MmB2 CrA MmC2 CrA MmC2 CrA Br W CrA MmD2 MmB2 MmB2 MmB2 MmD2 Br CrA MmC2 MmB2 MoC3 CrA Br Carmel £¤31 Source: Esri, DigitalGlobe, GeoEye, Earthstar Geographics,CNES/Airbus DS, USDA, USGS, AeroGRID, IGN, and the GIS UserCommunity 0 200 400 600Graphic Scale (Feet) 1 inch = 400 feet Ê Rohrer Road TownhomesSoils Map and LegendCarmel, IndianaMay 2019 Sources: IndianaMap, Indiana Spatial Data Portal and WebSoilSurvey Legend Project Area Corporate Limits Sources: IndianaMap, Indiana Spatial Data Portal and WebSoilSurvey S y m b ol N am eBrBrookston silty clay loam, 0 to 2 percent slopesCrACrosby silt loam, fine-loamy subsoil, 0 to 2 percent slopesMmB2Miami silt loam, 2 to 6 percent slopes, erodedMoC3Miami clay loam, 6 to 12 percent slopes, severely eroded Map symbols consist of a combination of letters or of letters and numbers. The first capital letter is the initial one of the soil name. The second letter is lowercase and separates map units whose names begin with the same letter. The third letter is a capital letter and indicates the class of slope. Symbols without a slope letter are for miscellaneous areas, Udorthents, or nearly level soils. Some symbols have a number at the end and are eroded phases. A final number of 2 indicates that the soil is moderately eroded, and a number 3 indicates that the soil is severely eroded. 0 400 800 1,200Graphic Scale (Feet) 1 inch = 800 feet MONON TRLN MERIDIAN STROHRER RDE 146TH STN E V E L L E L N JOHN ST1ST AVEG R A C E D R W 146TH STS M O K E Y R O W R D KEYSTONE PKY5 T H S T 4 T H S T MARANA DRROSWELL DRN RANGELINE RDB E N N E T T R D H O W E D R LAREDO DRN MERIDIAN ST STUS 3 1 RAMPTH O R NBERRY D R 8 T H S TEGLIN DRJEFFREY CTC I R C L E D R PERRIN DR1 0 T H S TADIOS PASSSADDLEBACK DRPEARL STLANGLEY DRW I N T E R C T LARK DRB E N N E T T C T W A L T E R S T US 313RD AVESCOTT DRKENT LN 6 TH S T 11 T H S T 9 T H S T GREENFORD TRLCLAY TERRACE BLVDB R I D L E C T RO SE MI L L D RHARVEST C T KENSINGTON PLLO CK E RB IE P L B O U L D E R C T NE RO CT WALTER CTM E R ID IA N S T AUTUMN LAKE OVLKT R A I L S I D E D R 1ST AVEN RANGELINE RD8 T H S TROHRER RDN MERIDIAN ST STN MERIDIAN ST3RD AVESource: USFWS, Source: Esri, DigitalGlobe, GeoEye, EarthstarGeographics, CNES/Airbus DS, USDA, USGS, AeroGRID, IGN, and theGIS User Community Ê Rohrer Road TownhomesWetlands Area Map Carmel, IndianaMay 2019 Estuarine and Ma rine Wetland Freshwater Eme rg ent We tla nd Freshwater Fo re sted/Shrub Wetland Freshwater Pond Lake Oth er Riverine STORMWATER DETENTION APPENDIX C LANDCADD 1987 LANDCADD 1987 )))))) ) ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) 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Interconnected Channel and Pond Routing Model (ICPR) ©2002 Streamline Technologies, Inc.ROHRER ROAD TOWNHOMES - HWC #2018-169 - 6/19/2020PROPOSED CONDITIONSICPR NODE DIAGRAMNodesA Stage/AreaV Stage/VolumeT Time/StageM ManholeBasinsO Overland FlowU SCS Unit CNS SBUH CNY SCS Unit GAZ SBUH GALinksP PipeW WeirC ChannelD Drop StructureB BridgeR Rating CurveH BreachE PercolationF FilterX Exfil TrenchM:STR 110A:POND 2U:POND 2A:POND 1U:POND 1A:DSU:DEV-DST:BNDRY-NU:DIR-NA:102U:102P:P 110P:P 111D:D 103W:SPILLOVERP:102-P ROHRER ROAD TOWNHOMES - HWC #2018-169 - 5/21/2020PROPOSED CONDITIONSICPR NODE MAX COMPARISONSPOND #1 2.5" BOTTOM ORIFICE, 5.0" SECONDARY ORIFICE Max Time Max Warning Max Delta Max Surf Max Time Max Max Time Max Name Group Simulation Stage Stage Stage Stage Area Inflow Inflow Outflow Outflow hrs ft ft ft ft2 hrs cfs hrs cfs 102 DEV 002YR-24HR 12.19 832.25 835.50 0.00 113 12.12 0.31 12.19 0.30 102 DEV 010YR-24HR 12.18 832.47 835.50 0.00 113 12.12 0.43 12.18 0.41 102 DEV 100YR-24HR 14.58 835.42 835.50 0.00 113 12.17 1.18 14.58 1.10 BNDRY-N DEV 002YR-24HR 0.00 831.75 840.00 0.00 0 12.02 0.36 0.00 0.00 BNDRY-N DEV 010YR-24HR 0.00 831.75 840.00 0.00 0 12.02 0.52 0.00 0.00 BNDRY-N DEV 100YR-24HR 0.00 831.75 840.00 0.00 0 12.13 1.50 0.00 0.00 DS DEV 002YR-24HR 24.50 837.49 840.00 0.00 2076 12.03 0.23 0.00 0.00 DS DEV 010YR-24HR 13.44 837.54 840.00 0.00 2326 12.03 0.42 13.44 0.02 DS DEV 100YR-24HR 12.10 837.64 840.00 0.00 2794 12.02 0.87 12.10 0.65 POND 1 DEV 002YR-24HR 17.07 837.46 840.00 0.00 7543 12.00 6.68 17.07 0.26 POND 1 DEV 010YR-24HR 19.85 838.46 840.00 0.00 8709 12.00 9.00 19.85 0.31 POND 1 DEV 100YR-24HR 14.61 839.98 840.00 0.00 10609 12.02 16.89 14.61 1.08 POND 2 DEV 002YR-24HR 17.08 837.46 840.00 0.00 8261 12.03 1.29 12.60 2.01 POND 2 DEV 010YR-24HR 19.86 838.46 840.00 0.00 10036 12.03 2.57 24.96 3.63 POND 2 DEV 100YR-24HR 14.63 839.98 840.00 0.00 12698 12.02 5.74 28.72 4.76 STR 110 DEV 002YR-24HR 17.08 837.46 840.53 0.00 349 12.60 2.01 18.00 2.14 STR 110 DEV 010YR-24HR 19.85 838.45 840.53 0.01 157 24.96 3.63 11.59 0.52 STR 110 DEV 100YR-24HR 14.62 839.98 840.53 0.00 126 28.72 4.76 11.25 1.48Interconnected Channel and Pond Routing Model (ICPR) ©2002 Streamline Technologies, Inc.Page 1 of 1 ROHRER ROAD TOWNHOMES - HWC #2018-169 - 6/19/2020PROPOSED CONDITIONSICPR NODE MAX COMPARISONS6" MIN ORIFICE SIZES IN POND #1 OUTLET BOX Max Time Max Warning Max Delta Max Surf Max Time Max Max Time Max Name Group Simulation Stage Stage Stage Stage Area Inflow Inflow Outflow Outflow hrs ft ft ft ft2 hrs cfs hrs cfs 102 DEV 002YR-24HR 12.30 833.08 835.50 0.00 113 12.22 1.34 12.30 1.34 102 DEV 010YR-24HR 16.81 836.05 835.50 0.00 113 12.15 1.48 12.19 1.47 102 DEV 100YR-24HR 15.01 836.78 835.50 0.00 113 12.84 2.19 12.88 2.18 BNDRY-N DEV 002YR-24HR 0.00 831.75 840.00 0.00 0 12.27 1.35 0.00 0.00 BNDRY-N DEV 010YR-24HR 16.81 835.71 840.00 -0.01 0 12.03 1.52 0.00 0.00 BNDRY-N DEV 100YR-24HR 16.82 836.00 840.00 0.00 0 12.13 2.59 0.00 0.00 DS DEV 002YR-24HR 24.51 837.49 840.00 0.00 2076 12.03 0.23 0.00 0.00 DS DEV 010YR-24HR 13.43 837.54 840.00 0.00 2326 12.03 0.42 13.43 0.02 DS DEV 100YR-24HR 12.10 837.64 840.00 0.00 2794 12.02 0.87 12.10 0.65 POND 1 DEV 002YR-24HR 12.56 836.96 840.00 0.00 6933 12.00 7.69 12.56 1.30 POND 1 DEV 010YR-24HR 13.00 837.73 840.00 0.00 7862 12.00 10.31 12.56 1.39 POND 1 DEV 100YR-24HR 13.32 839.29 840.00 0.00 9737 12.00 17.00 12.98 2.15 POND 2 DEV 002YR-24HR 12.57 836.96 840.00 0.00 7019 12.03 1.29 12.96 1.40 POND 2 DEV 010YR-24HR 13.01 837.73 840.00 0.00 8828 12.03 2.57 12.39 2.73 POND 2 DEV 100YR-24HR 13.33 839.29 840.00 0.00 11378 12.02 5.74 17.04 4.96 STR 110 DEV 002YR-24HR 12.57 836.95 840.53 0.00 366 12.96 1.40 14.06 0.67 STR 110 DEV 010YR-24HR 13.01 837.73 840.53 0.01 326 12.39 2.73 12.39 2.25 STR 110 DEV 100YR-24HR 13.32 839.29 840.53 0.01 126 17.04 4.96 25.37 2.07Interconnected Channel and Pond Routing Model (ICPR) ©2002 Streamline Technologies, Inc.Page 1 of 1 ROHRER ROAD TOWNHOMES - HWC #2018-169 - 6/19/2020 PROPOSED CONDITIONS ICPR INPUT REPORT ========================================================================================== ==== Basins ============================================================================== ========================================================================================== Name: 102 Node: 102 Status: Onsite Group: DEV Type: SCS Unit Hydrograph CN Unit Hydrograph: Uh484 Peaking Factor: 484.0 Rainfall File: Storm Duration(hrs): 0.00 Rainfall Amount(in): 0.00 Time of Conc(min): 19.00 Area(ac): 0.09 Time Shift(hrs): 0.00 Curve Number: 76.10 Max Allowable Q(cfs): 999999.00 DCIA(%): 0.00 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: DEV-DS Node: DS Status: Onsite Group: DEV Type: SCS Unit Hydrograph CN Unit Hydrograph: Uh484 Peaking Factor: 484.0 Rainfall File: Storm Duration(hrs): 0.00 Rainfall Amount(in): 0.00 Time of Conc(min): 10.00 Area(ac): 0.15 Time Shift(hrs): 0.00 Curve Number: 81.90 Max Allowable Q(cfs): 999999.00 DCIA(%): 0.00 TIME OF CONCENTRATION IS ASSUMED ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: DIR-N Node: BNDRY-N Status: Onsite Group: DEV Type: SCS Unit Hydrograph CN Unit Hydrograph: Uh484 Peaking Factor: 484.0 Rainfall File: Storm Duration(hrs): 0.00 Rainfall Amount(in): 0.00 Time of Conc(min): 5.00 Area(ac): 0.06 Time Shift(hrs): 0.00 Curve Number: 82.50 Max Allowable Q(cfs): 999999.00 DCIA(%): 0.00 TIME OF CONCENTRATION IS ASSUMED ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: POND 1 Node: POND 1 Status: Onsite Group: DEV Type: SCS Unit Hydrograph CN Unit Hydrograph: Uh484 Peaking Factor: 484.0 Rainfall File: Storm Duration(hrs): 0.00 Rainfall Amount(in): 0.00 Time of Conc(min): 12.00 Area(ac): 4.69 Time Shift(hrs): 0.00 Curve Number: 89.50 Max Allowable Q(cfs): 999999.00 DCIA(%): 0.00 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: POND 2 Node: POND 2 Status: Onsite Group: DEV Type: SCS Unit Hydrograph CN Unit Hydrograph: Uh484 Peaking Factor: 484.0 Rainfall File: Storm Duration(hrs): 0.00 Rainfall Amount(in): 0.00 Time of Conc(min): 10.00 Area(ac): 1.08 Time Shift(hrs): 0.00 Curve Number: 77.70 Max Allowable Q(cfs): 999999.00 DCIA(%): 0.00 ========================================================================================== ==== Nodes =============================================================================== ========================================================================================== Name: 102 Base Flow(cfs): 0.00 Init Stage(ft): 831.85 Group: DEV Warn Stage(ft): 835.50 Type: Stage/Area Str. #102 Stage(ft) Area(ac) --------------- --------------- 831.85 0.000 835.50 0.000 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name: BNDRY-N Base Flow(cfs): 0.00 Init Stage(ft): 831.75 Group: DEV Warn Stage(ft): 840.00 Interconnected Channel and Pond Routing Model (ICPR) ©2002 Streamline Technologies, Inc.Page 1 of 6 ROHRER ROAD TOWNHOMES - HWC #2018-169 - 6/19/2020 PROPOSED CONDITIONS ICPR INPUT REPORT Type: Time/Stage Site boundary at Hunter's Creek South Regulated Drain Channel Time(hrs) Stage(ft) --------------- --------------- 0.00 831.75 100.00 831.75 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name: DS Base Flow(cfs): 0.00 Init Stage(ft): 836.70 Group: DEV Warn Stage(ft): 840.00 Type: Stage/Area Stage(ft) Area(ac) --------------- --------------- 836.70 0.001 836.80 0.003 836.90 0.005 837.00 0.009 837.10 0.014 837.20 0.021 837.30 0.029 837.40 0.038 837.50 0.049 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name: POND 1 Base Flow(cfs): 0.00 Init Stage(ft): 834.80 Group: DEV Warn Stage(ft): 840.00 Type: Stage/Area Stage(ft) Area(ac) --------------- --------------- 834.80 0.001 835.00 0.012 836.00 0.119 837.00 0.160 838.00 0.187 839.00 0.215 840.00 0.244 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name: POND 2 Base Flow(cfs): 0.00 Init Stage(ft): 835.80 Group: DEV Warn Stage(ft): 840.00 Type: Stage/Area Stage(ft) Area(ac) --------------- --------------- 835.80 0.001 836.00 0.010 837.00 0.163 838.00 0.211 839.00 0.248 840.00 0.292 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name: STR 110 Base Flow(cfs): 0.00 Init Stage(ft): 835.30 Group: DEV Plunge Factor: 1.00 Warn Stage(ft): 840.53 Type: Manhole, Flat Floor Stage(ft) Area(ac) --------------- --------------- ========================================================================================== ==== Pipes =============================================================================== ========================================================================================== Name: 102-P From Node: 102 Length(ft): 13.00 Group: DEV To Node: BNDRY-N Count: 1 Friction Equation: Automatic UPSTREAM DOWNSTREAM Solution Algorithm: Most Restrictive Geometry: Circular Circular Flow: Both Span(in): 12.00 12.00 Entrance Loss Coef: 0.50 Rise(in): 12.00 12.00 Exit Loss Coef: 0.00 Invert(ft): 831.85 831.80 Bend Loss Coef: 0.00 Manning's N: 0.0013 0.0130 Outlet Ctrl Spec: Use dc or tw Top Clip(in): 9.5 9.5 Inlet Ctrl Spec: Use dc Bot Clip(in): 0.0 0.0 Stabilizer Option: None Interconnected Channel and Pond Routing Model (ICPR) ©2002 Streamline Technologies, Inc.Page 2 of 6 ROHRER ROAD TOWNHOMES - HWC #2018-169 - 6/19/2020 PROPOSED CONDITIONS ICPR INPUT REPORT Upstream FHWA Inlet Edge Description: Circular Concrete: Square edge w/ headwall Downstream FHWA Inlet Edge Description: Circular Concrete: Square edge w/ headwall ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: P 110 From Node: STR 110 Length(ft): 28.00 Group: DEV To Node: POND 1 Count: 1 Friction Equation: Automatic UPSTREAM DOWNSTREAM Solution Algorithm: Most Restrictive Geometry: Circular Circular Flow: Both Span(in): 36.00 36.00 Entrance Loss Coef: 0.50 Rise(in): 36.00 36.00 Exit Loss Coef: 1.00 Invert(ft): 835.30 835.20 Bend Loss Coef: 0.00 Manning's N: 0.0130 0.0130 Outlet Ctrl Spec: Use dc or tw Top Clip(in): 0.0 0.0 Inlet Ctrl Spec: Use dc Bot Clip(in): 0.0 0.0 Stabilizer Option: None Upstream FHWA Inlet Edge Description: Circular Concrete: Square edge w/ headwall Downstream FHWA Inlet Edge Description: Circular Concrete: Square edge w/ headwall ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: P 111 From Node: POND 2 Length(ft): 142.00 Group: DEV To Node: STR 110 Count: 1 Friction Equation: Automatic UPSTREAM DOWNSTREAM Solution Algorithm: Most Restrictive Geometry: Circular Circular Flow: Both Span(in): 36.00 36.00 Entrance Loss Coef: 0.50 Rise(in): 36.00 36.00 Exit Loss Coef: 0.00 Invert(ft): 835.80 835.35 Bend Loss Coef: 0.00 Manning's N: 0.0130 0.0130 Outlet Ctrl Spec: Use dc or tw Top Clip(in): 0.0 0.0 Inlet Ctrl Spec: Use dc Bot Clip(in): 0.0 0.0 Stabilizer Option: None Upstream FHWA Inlet Edge Description: Circular Concrete: Square edge w/ headwall Downstream FHWA Inlet Edge Description: Circular Concrete: Square edge w/ headwall ========================================================================================== ==== Drop Structures ===================================================================== ========================================================================================== Name: D 103 From Node: POND 1 Length(ft): 31.00 Group: DEV To Node: 102 Count: 1 UPSTREAM DOWNSTREAM Friction Equation: Automatic Geometry: Circular Circular Solution Algorithm: Most Restrictive Span(in): 12.00 12.00 Flow: Both Rise(in): 12.00 12.00 Entrance Loss Coef: 0.50 Invert(ft): 832.30 832.20 Exit Loss Coef: 0.00 Manning's N: 0.0130 0.0130 Outlet Ctrl Spec: Use dc or tw Top Clip(in): 0.0 0.0 Inlet Ctrl Spec: Use dc Bot Clip(in): 0.0 0.0 Solution Incs: 10 Upstream FHWA Inlet Edge Description: Circular Concrete: Square edge w/ headwall Downstream FHWA Inlet Edge Description: Circular Concrete: Square edge w/ headwall Primary Orifice: 2.5" (Q), 6" (Peak Stage) Secondary Orifice: 5.0" (Q), 6" (Peak Stage) 9.5" Orifice Plate @ Str. #102 Outlet *** Weir 1 of 3 for Drop Structure D 103 *** TABLE Count: 1 Bottom Clip(in): 0.00 Type: Vertical: Mavis Top Clip(in): 0.00 Interconnected Channel and Pond Routing Model (ICPR) ©2002 Streamline Technologies, Inc.Page 3 of 6 ROHRER ROAD TOWNHOMES - HWC #2018-169 - 6/19/2020 PROPOSED CONDITIONS ICPR INPUT REPORT Flow: Both Weir Disc Coef: 3.20 Geometry: Circular Orifice Disc Coef: 0.60 Span(in): 2.50 Invert(ft): 834.80 Rise(in): 2.50 Control Elev(ft): 834.80 *** Weir 2 of 3 for Drop Structure D 103 *** TABLE Count: 1 Bottom Clip(in): 0.00 Type: Vertical: Mavis Top Clip(in): 0.00 Flow: Both Weir Disc Coef: 3.20 Geometry: Circular Orifice Disc Coef: 0.60 Span(in): 5.00 Invert(ft): 838.50 Rise(in): 5.00 Control Elev(ft): 838.50 *** Weir 3 of 3 for Drop Structure D 103 *** TABLE Count: 1 Bottom Clip(in): 0.00 Type: Horizontal Top Clip(in): 0.00 Flow: Both Weir Disc Coef: 3.20 Geometry: Rectangular Orifice Disc Coef: 0.60 Span(in): 19.80 Invert(ft): 840.00 Rise(in): 24.00 Control Elev(ft): 840.00 ========================================================================================== ==== Weirs =============================================================================== ========================================================================================== Name: SPILLOVER From Node: DS Group: DEV To Node: BNDRY-N Flow: Both Count: 1 Type: Vertical: Mavis Geometry: Trapezoidal Bottom Width(ft): 0.50 Left Side Slope(h/v): 69.40 Right Side Slope(h/v): 8.50 Invert(ft): 837.510 Control Elevation(ft): 837.510 Struct Opening Dim(ft): 837.51 TABLE Bottom Clip(ft): 0.000 Top Clip(ft): 0.000 Weir Discharge Coef: 3.200 Orifice Discharge Coef: 0.600 ========================================================================================== ==== Hydrology Simulations =============================================================== ========================================================================================== Name: 002YR-24HR Filename: W:\CALATLANTIC HOMES\2018-169 CALATLANTIC- ROHRER RD TOWNHOMES\DESIGN\CALCS\ICPR\002YR-24HR.R32 Override Defaults: Yes Storm Duration(hrs): 24.00 Rainfall File: Scsii-24 Rainfall Amount(in): 2.66 Time(hrs) Print Inc(min) --------------- --------------- 36.000 1.00 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: 010YR-24HR Filename: W:\CalAtlantic Homes\2018-169 CalAtlantic- Rohrer Rd Townhomes\Design\Calcs\ICPR\010YR-24HR.R32 Override Defaults: Yes Storm Duration(hrs): 24.00 Rainfall File: Scsii-24 Rainfall Amount(in): 3.83 Time(hrs) Print Inc(min) --------------- --------------- 36.000 1.00 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: 100YR-24HR Filename: W:\CalAtlantic Homes\2018-169 CalAtlantic- Rohrer Rd Townhomes\Design\Calcs\ICPR\100YR-24HR.R32 Override Defaults: Yes Storm Duration(hrs): 24.00 Rainfall File: Scsii-24 Rainfall Amount(in): 6.46 Interconnected Channel and Pond Routing Model (ICPR) ©2002 Streamline Technologies, Inc.Page 4 of 6 ROHRER ROAD TOWNHOMES - HWC #2018-169 - 6/19/2020 PROPOSED CONDITIONS ICPR INPUT REPORT Time(hrs) Print Inc(min) --------------- --------------- 36.000 1.00 ========================================================================================== ==== Routing Simulations ================================================================= ========================================================================================== Name: 002YR-24HR Hydrology Sim: 002YR-24HR Filename: W:\CALATLANTIC HOMES\2018-169 CALATLANTIC- ROHRER RD TOWNHOMES\DESIGN\CALCS\ICPR\002YR-24HR.I32 Execute: Yes Restart: No Patch: No Alternative: No Max Delta Z(ft): 1.00 Delta Z Factor: 0.01 Time Step Optimizer: 10.00 Start Time(hrs): 0.00 End Time(hrs): 36.00 Min Calc Time(sec): 0.50 Max Calc Time(sec): 60.00 Boundary Stages: Boundary Flows: Time(hrs) Print Inc(min) --------------- --------------- 36.000 5.00 Group Run --------------- ----- DEV Yes ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: 010YR-24HR Hydrology Sim: 010YR-24HR Filename: W:\CalAtlantic Homes\2018-169 CalAtlantic- Rohrer Rd Townhomes\Design\Calcs\ICPR\010YR-24HR.I32 Execute: Yes Restart: No Patch: No Alternative: No Max Delta Z(ft): 1.00 Delta Z Factor: 0.01 Time Step Optimizer: 10.00 Start Time(hrs): 0.00 End Time(hrs): 36.00 Min Calc Time(sec): 0.50 Max Calc Time(sec): 60.00 Boundary Stages: Boundary Flows: Time(hrs) Print Inc(min) --------------- --------------- 36.000 5.00 Group Run --------------- ----- DEV Yes ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: 100YR-24HR Hydrology Sim: 100YR-24HR Filename: W:\CalAtlantic Homes\2018-169 CalAtlantic- Rohrer Rd Townhomes\Design\Calcs\ICPR\100YR-24HR.I32 Execute: Yes Restart: No Patch: No Alternative: No Max Delta Z(ft): 1.00 Delta Z Factor: 0.01 Time Step Optimizer: 10.00 Start Time(hrs): 0.00 End Time(hrs): 36.00 Min Calc Time(sec): 0.50 Max Calc Time(sec): 60.00 Boundary Stages: Boundary Flows: Time(hrs) Print Inc(min) --------------- --------------- 36.000 5.00 Group Run --------------- ----- DEV Yes ========================================================================================== ==== Boundary Conditions ================================================================= ========================================================================================== Name: 100YR-24HR Node: BNDRY-N Type: Stage Time(hrs) Stage(ft) Interconnected Channel and Pond Routing Model (ICPR) ©2002 Streamline Technologies, Inc.Page 5 of 6 ROHRER ROAD TOWNHOMES - HWC #2018-169 - 6/19/2020 PROPOSED CONDITIONS ICPR INPUT REPORT --------------- --------------- 0.000 831.000 16.820 836.000 24.000 831.000 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: 010YR-24HR Node: BNDRY-N Type: Stage Time(hrs) Stage(ft) --------------- --------------- 0.000 831.000 16.810 835.710 24.000 831.000 Interconnected Channel and Pond Routing Model (ICPR) ©2002 Streamline Technologies, Inc.Page 6 of 6 Model Plan: Monon Crossing 5/21/2020 Main Channel Distance (mi)Elevation (ft)LegendWS 100-year 24 hrWS 10-year 24 hrGround 0. 0.026 0.053 0.084 0.116 0.143 0.171 0.207 0.242 0.310 0.378 0.481 0.583 0.682 0.780 0.834 0.887 0.920 0.953 0.976 1.0 GLOBAL OUTPUT: 1 0.1 0.1 YN N NN N WinTR-20 Printed Page File End of Input Data List Hamilton County 100 year Name of printed page file: C:\Users\bgrotz\Documents\Monon Crossing.out STORM 100YR-1hr Area or Drainage Rain Gage Runoff ------------ Peak Flow ------------ Reach Area ID or Amount Elevation Time Rate Rate Identifier (sq mi) Location (in) (ft) (hr) (cfs) (csm) MononXing 0.153 1.503 0.90 150.2 981.47 OUTLET 0.153 1.503 0.90 150.2 981.47 STORM 100YR-2hr Area or Drainage Rain Gage Runoff ------------ Peak Flow ------------ Reach Area ID or Amount Elevation Time Rate Rate Identifier (sq mi) Location (in) (ft) (hr) (cfs) (csm) MononXing 0.153 2.071 0.80 135.5 885.31 OUTLET 0.153 2.071 0.80 135.5 885.31 STORM 100YR-3hr Area or Drainage Rain Gage Runoff ------------ Peak Flow ------------ Reach Area ID or Amount Elevation Time Rate Rate Identifier (sq mi) Location (in) (ft) (hr) (cfs) (csm) MononXing 0.153 2.338 1.02 118.8 776.48 OUTLET 0.153 2.338 1.02 118.8 776.48 STORM 100YR-6hr Area or Drainage Rain Gage Runoff ------------ Peak Flow ------------ Reach Area ID or Amount Elevation Time Rate Rate Identifier (sq mi) Location (in) (ft) (hr) (cfs) (csm) MononXing 0.153 3.057 1.43 92.3 603.55 OUTLET 0.153 3.057 1.43 92.3 603.55 STORM 100YR-12hr Area or Drainage Rain Gage Runoff ------------ Peak Flow ------------ Reach Area ID or Amount Elevation Time Rate Rate Identifier (sq mi) Location (in) (ft) (hr) (cfs) (csm) MononXing 0.153 3.584 4.95 58.5 382.12 OUTLET 0.153 3.584 4.95 58.5 382.12 STORM 100YR-24hr Area or Drainage Rain Gage Runoff ------------ Peak Flow ------------ Reach Area ID or Amount Elevation Time Rate Rate Identifier (sq mi) Location (in) (ft) (hr) (cfs) (csm) MononXing 0.153 4.091 16.82 42.9 280.59 OUTLET 0.153 4.091 16.82 42.9 280.59 Hamilton County 100 year Area or Drainage Rain Gage Runoff ------------ Peak Flow ------------ Reach Area ID or Amount Elevation Time Rate Rate Identifier (sq mi) Location (in) (ft) (hr) (cfs) (csm) MononXing 0.153 1.495 6.05 25.3 165.19 OUTLET 0.153 1.495 6.05 25.3 165.19 STORM 5YR-24hr Area or Drainage Rain Gage Runoff ------------ Peak Flow ------------ Reach Area ID or Amount Elevation Time Rate Rate Identifier (sq mi) Location (in) (ft) (hr) (cfs) (csm) MononXing 0.153 1.917 16.81 22.2 145.40 OUTLET 0.153 1.917 16.81 22.2 145.40 STORM 100YR-.25h Area or Drainage Rain Gage Runoff ------------ Peak Flow ------------ Reach Area ID or Amount Elevation Time Rate Rate Identifier (sq mi) Location (in) (ft) (hr) (cfs) (csm) MononXing 0.153 0.432 0.48 87.0 568.76 OUTLET 0.153 0.432 0.48 87.0 568.76 STORM 100YR-0.5h Area or Drainage Rain Gage Runoff ------------ Peak Flow ------------ Reach Area ID or Amount Elevation Time Rate Rate Identifier (sq mi) Location (in) (ft) (hr) (cfs) (csm) MononXing 0.153 0.900 0.64 149.3 975.53 OUTLET 0.153 0.900 0.64 149.3 975.53 STORM 10YR-1hr Area or Drainage Rain Gage Runoff ------------ Peak Flow ------------ Reach Area ID or Amount Elevation Time Rate Rate Identifier (sq mi) Location (in) (ft) (hr) (cfs) (csm) MononXing 0.153 0.736 1.00 78.3 511.89 OUTLET 0.153 0.736 1.00 78.3 511.89 STORM 10YR-24hr Area or Drainage Rain Gage Runoff ------------ Peak Flow ------------ Reach Area ID or Amount Elevation Time Rate Rate Identifier (sq mi) Location (in) (ft) (hr) (cfs) (csm) MononXing 0.153 2.373 16.81 26.8 174.89 OUTLET 0.153 2.373 16.81 26.8 174.89 WinTR-20 Version 3.20 Page 3 05/21/2020 9:23 Monon Crossing Townhomes HWC # 2018-169 Date: 6/19/2020 Proposed Drainage Basins Curve Numbers: BC D Lawn/Grass 61 74 80 Industrial 88 91 93 Gravel 85 89 91 1/8 Acre Lot 85 90 92 Roof/Pvmt 98 98 98 Notes: CN Values based on 65% soil group C, 35% soil group D Area Lawn/Grass Industrial Gravel 1/8 Acre Lot Roof/Pvmt Weighted (acres) (acres) (acres) (acres) (acres) (acres) CN POND 1 4.69 1.83 2.86 89.5 POND 2 1.08 1.00 0.08 77.7 DIR-N 0.058 0.04 0.017 82.5 DEV-DS 0.15 0.11 0.04 81.9 102 0.09 0.09 0.00 76.1 Basin W:\CalAtlantic Homes\2018-169 CalAtlantic- Rohrer Rd Townhomes\Design\Calcs\2018-169-ST 6/19/2020 12:52 PM Project: Monon Crossing TownhomesHWC Job #: 2018-169c = 0.60Orifice Flow:Weir Flow:Weir LocationDepth, d (ft)Bottom Width, b (ft) nSide Slope, y (H:V)Area, A (ft2)Wetted Perimeter, Pw (ft)Orifice Discharge, Q (cfs) Weir Discharge, Q (cfs)1.25*Max Inflow (cfs)Capacity CheckPOND 1 0.50 28.3 0.030 3 14.90 31.46 52.4235.7121.25 OKLake Overflow Weir Calculations6/20/2020𝑄ൌ𝑐∗𝐴∗2∗𝑔∗ℎ1/2𝑄ൌ2/3∗𝑐∗(2*g)1/2 ∗L∗h3/2 ROHRER ROAD TOWNHOMES - HWC #2018-169 - 5/21/2020 W:\CalAtlantic Homes\2018-169 CalAtlantic- Rohrer Rd Townhomes\Design\Calcs\ICPR\2018-169- DEV.ICP EXISTING PEAK CONDITIONS Max Warning Max Delta Max Surf Max Max Name Simulation Stage Stage Stage Area Inflow Outflow ft ft ft ft2 cfs cfs BNDRY-N 002YR-24HR 831.00 840.00 -1.00 0 0.88 0.00 BNDRY-N 010YR-24HR 831.00 840.00 -1.00 0 4.75 0.00 BNDRY-N 100YR-24HR 831.00 840.00 -1.00 0 14.64 0.00 BNDRY-SE 002YR-24HR 831.00 840.00 -1.00 0 0.14 0.00 BNDRY-SE 010YR-24HR 831.00 840.00 -1.00 0 0.42 0.00 BNDRY-SE 100YR-24HR 831.00 840.00 -1.00 0 1.25 0.00 BNDRY-SW 002YR-24HR 831.00 840.00 -1.00 0 0.87 0.00 BNDRY-SW 010YR-24HR 831.00 840.00 -1.00 0 2.39 0.00 BNDRY-SW 100YR-24HR 831.00 840.00 -1.00 0 6.70 0.00 DS 002YR-24HR 837.59 840.00 0.00 2576 0.85 0.23 DS 010YR-24HR 837.72 840.00 0.00 3197 2.42 2.20 DS 100YR-24HR 837.85 840.00 0.00 3799 6.95 6.85 Interconnected Channel and Pond Routing Model (ICPR) ©2002 Streamline Technologies, Inc.Page 1 of 1 ROHRER ROAD TOWNHOMES - HWC #2018-169 - 5/21/2020 W:\CalAtlantic Homes\2018-169 CalAtlantic- Rohrer Rd Townhomes\Design\Calcs\ICPR\2018-169- DEV.ICP EXISTING PEAK CONDITIONS ========================================================================================== ==== Basins ============================================================================== ========================================================================================== Name: EX-DS Node: DS Status: Onsite Group: EX Type: SCS Unit Hydrograph CN Unit Hydrograph: Uh484 Peaking Factor: 484.0 Rainfall File: Storm Duration(hrs): 0.00 Rainfall Amount(in): 0.00 Time of Conc(min): 13.00 Area(ac): 1.89 Time Shift(hrs): 0.00 Curve Number: 67.30 Max Allowable Q(cfs): 999999.00 DCIA(%): 0.00 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: EX-N Node: BNDRY-N Status: Onsite Group: EX Type: SCS Unit Hydrograph CN Unit Hydrograph: Uh484 Peaking Factor: 484.0 Rainfall File: Storm Duration(hrs): 0.00 Rainfall Amount(in): 0.00 Time of Conc(min): 14.00 Area(ac): 2.24 Time Shift(hrs): 0.00 Curve Number: 66.50 Max Allowable Q(cfs): 999999.00 DCIA(%): 0.00 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: EX-SE Node: BNDRY-SE Status: Onsite Group: EX Type: SCS Unit Hydrograph CN Unit Hydrograph: Uh484 Peaking Factor: 484.0 Rainfall File: Storm Duration(hrs): 0.00 Rainfall Amount(in): 0.00 Time of Conc(min): 11.00 Area(ac): 0.34 Time Shift(hrs): 0.00 Curve Number: 65.60 Max Allowable Q(cfs): 999999.00 DCIA(%): 0.00 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: EX-SW Node: BNDRY-SW Status: Onsite Group: EX Type: SCS Unit Hydrograph CN Unit Hydrograph: Uh484 Peaking Factor: 484.0 Rainfall File: Storm Duration(hrs): 0.00 Rainfall Amount(in): 0.00 Time of Conc(min): 11.00 Area(ac): 1.71 Time Shift(hrs): 0.00 Curve Number: 67.50 Max Allowable Q(cfs): 999999.00 DCIA(%): 0.00 ========================================================================================== ==== Nodes =============================================================================== ========================================================================================== Name: BNDRY-N Base Flow(cfs): 0.00 Init Stage(ft): 832.00 Group: EX Warn Stage(ft): 840.00 Type: Time/Stage Time(hrs) Stage(ft) --------------- --------------- 0.00 831.00 100.00 831.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name: BNDRY-SE Base Flow(cfs): 0.00 Init Stage(ft): 832.00 Group: EX Warn Stage(ft): 840.00 Interconnected Channel and Pond Routing Model (ICPR) ©2002 Streamline Technologies, Inc.Page 1 of 4 ROHRER ROAD TOWNHOMES - HWC #2018-169 - 5/21/2020 W:\CalAtlantic Homes\2018-169 CalAtlantic- Rohrer Rd Townhomes\Design\Calcs\ICPR\2018-169- DEV.ICP EXISTING PEAK CONDITIONS Type: Time/Stage Time(hrs) Stage(ft) --------------- --------------- 0.00 831.00 100.00 831.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name: BNDRY-SW Base Flow(cfs): 0.00 Init Stage(ft): 832.00 Group: EX Warn Stage(ft): 840.00 Type: Time/Stage Time(hrs) Stage(ft) --------------- --------------- 0.00 831.00 100.00 831.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name: DS Base Flow(cfs): 0.00 Init Stage(ft): 836.70 Group: EX Warn Stage(ft): 840.00 Type: Stage/Area Stage(ft) Area(ac) --------------- --------------- 836.70 0.001 836.80 0.003 836.90 0.005 837.00 0.009 837.10 0.014 837.20 0.021 837.30 0.029 837.40 0.038 837.50 0.049 ========================================================================================== ==== Weirs =============================================================================== ========================================================================================== Name: SPILLOVER From Node: DS Group: EX To Node: BNDRY-N Flow: Both Count: 1 Type: Vertical: Mavis Geometry: Trapezoidal Bottom Width(ft): 0.50 Left Side Slope(h/v): 69.40 Right Side Slope(h/v): 8.50 Invert(ft): 837.510 Control Elevation(ft): 837.510 Struct Opening Dim(ft): 837.51 TABLE Bottom Clip(ft): 0.000 Top Clip(ft): 0.000 Weir Discharge Coef: 3.200 Orifice Discharge Coef: 0.600 ========================================================================================== ==== Hydrology Simulations =============================================================== ========================================================================================== Name: 002YR-24HR Filename: W:\CalAtlantic Homes\2018-169 CalAtlantic- Rohrer Rd Townhomes\Design\Calcs\ICPR-DS\002YR-24HR.R3 Override Defaults: Yes Storm Duration(hrs): 24.00 Rainfall File: Scsii-24 Rainfall Amount(in): 2.66 Interconnected Channel and Pond Routing Model (ICPR) ©2002 Streamline Technologies, Inc.Page 2 of 4 ROHRER ROAD TOWNHOMES - HWC #2018-169 - 5/21/2020 W:\CalAtlantic Homes\2018-169 CalAtlantic- Rohrer Rd Townhomes\Design\Calcs\ICPR\2018-169- DEV.ICP EXISTING PEAK CONDITIONS Time(hrs) Print Inc(min) --------------- --------------- 36.000 1.00 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: 010YR-24HR Filename: W:\CalAtlantic Homes\2018-169 CalAtlantic- Rohrer Rd Townhomes\Design\Calcs\ICPR-DS\010YR-24HR.R3 Override Defaults: Yes Storm Duration(hrs): 24.00 Rainfall File: Scsii-24 Rainfall Amount(in): 3.83 Time(hrs) Print Inc(min) --------------- --------------- 36.000 1.00 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: 100YR-24HR Filename: W:\CalAtlantic Homes\2018-169 CalAtlantic- Rohrer Rd Townhomes\Design\Calcs\ICPR-DS\100YR-24HR.R3 Override Defaults: Yes Storm Duration(hrs): 24.00 Rainfall File: Scsii-24 Rainfall Amount(in): 6.46 Time(hrs) Print Inc(min) --------------- --------------- 36.000 1.00 ========================================================================================== ==== Routing Simulations ================================================================= ========================================================================================== Name: 002YR-24HR Hydrology Sim: 002YR-24HR Filename: W:\CalAtlantic Homes\2018-169 CalAtlantic- Rohrer Rd Townhomes\Design\Calcs\ICPR-DS\002YR-24HR.I3 Execute: Yes Restart: No Patch: No Alternative: No Max Delta Z(ft): 1.00 Delta Z Factor: 0.01 Time Step Optimizer: 10.00 Start Time(hrs): 0.00 End Time(hrs): 24.00 Min Calc Time(sec): 0.50 Max Calc Time(sec): 60.00 Boundary Stages: Boundary Flows: Time(hrs) Print Inc(min) --------------- --------------- 10.000 15.00 16.000 1.00 48.000 15.00 Group Run --------------- ----- EX Yes ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: 010YR-24HR Hydrology Sim: 010YR-24HR Filename: W:\CalAtlantic Homes\2018-169 CalAtlantic- Rohrer Rd Townhomes\Design\Calcs\ICPR-DS\010YR-24HR.I3 Execute: Yes Restart: No Patch: No Alternative: No Max Delta Z(ft): 1.00 Delta Z Factor: 0.01 Time Step Optimizer: 10.00 Start Time(hrs): 0.00 End Time(hrs): 24.00 Min Calc Time(sec): 0.50 Max Calc Time(sec): 60.00 Boundary Stages: Boundary Flows: Interconnected Channel and Pond Routing Model (ICPR) ©2002 Streamline Technologies, Inc.Page 3 of 4 ROHRER ROAD TOWNHOMES - HWC #2018-169 - 5/21/2020 W:\CalAtlantic Homes\2018-169 CalAtlantic- Rohrer Rd Townhomes\Design\Calcs\ICPR\2018-169- DEV.ICP EXISTING PEAK CONDITIONS Time(hrs) Print Inc(min) --------------- --------------- 10.000 15.00 16.000 1.00 48.000 15.00 Group Run --------------- ----- EX Yes ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: 100YR-24HR Hydrology Sim: 100YR-24HR Filename: W:\CalAtlantic Homes\2018-169 CalAtlantic- Rohrer Rd Townhomes\Design\Calcs\ICPR-DS\100YR-24HR.I3 Execute: Yes Restart: No Patch: No Alternative: No Max Delta Z(ft): 1.00 Delta Z Factor: 0.01 Time Step Optimizer: 10.00 Start Time(hrs): 0.00 End Time(hrs): 24.00 Min Calc Time(sec): 0.50 Max Calc Time(sec): 60.00 Boundary Stages: Boundary Flows: Time(hrs) Print Inc(min) --------------- --------------- 10.000 15.00 16.000 1.00 48.000 15.00 Group Run --------------- ----- EX Yes Interconnected Channel and Pond Routing Model (ICPR) ©2002 Streamline Technologies, Inc.Page 4 of 4 Monon Crossing Townhomes HWC # 2018-169 Date: 5/21/2020 Existing Drainage Basins Curve Numbers: BC D Lawn/Grass 61 74 80 Industrial 88 91 93 Gravel 85 89 91 1/8 Acre Lot 85 90 92 Roof/Pvmt 98 98 98 Notes: CN Values based on 65% soil group B, 35% soil group C Area Lawn/Grass Industrial Gravel 1/8 Acre Lot Roof/Pvmt Weighted (acres) (acres) (acres) (acres) (acres) (acres) CN EX-DS 1.89 1.79 0.10 67.3 EX-N 2.24 2.17 0.07 66.5 EX-SE 0.34 0.34 65.6 EX-SW 1.71 1.61 0.10 67.5 Basin W:\CalAtlantic Homes\2018-169 CalAtlantic- Rohrer Rd Townhomes\Design\Calcs\2018-169-ST.xlsx 5/21/2020 10:48 AM Time of Concentration WorksheetPROJECT: Monon Crossing Townhomes Based on TR-55JOB #: 2018-169Overland Flow Channel Flow short grass 0.15 grass 0.03 farm, > 20% cover 0.17 concrete 0.015 2 year, 24 hour rainfall = 2.66 inches dense grass 0.24 rip-rap 0.035minimum T_c = 5.00 minutes pavement 0.011 Overland flowseg. 1 Overland flowseg. 2 Shallow Concentrated Flow Channel Flow T_cBasin Length S n T_t Length S n T_t Length S Paved/Un Vel. T_t Length a Pw r S n Vel. T_tname (ft) % (min) (ft) % (min) (ft) % (P or U) (ft/s) (min) (ft) (s.f.) (ft) (ft) % (ft/s) (min) (min)Typical values for Manning's n4/16/20W:\CalAtlantic Homes\2018-169 CalAtlantic- Rohrer Rd Townhomes\Design\Calcs\[2018-169-ST.xlsx]TCEX-DS 100 4.41 0.24 11 191 1.60 U 2.04 213EX-N 100 2.91 0.24 13 135 6.97 U 4.26 114EX-SE 100 5.33 0.24 11 44 3.27 U 2.92 011EX-SW 100 5.48 0.24 10 105 3.37 U 2.96 111 WATER QUALITY APPENDIX D LANDCADD 1987 LANDCADD 1987 )))))) ) )))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))PPPP)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))35'STR 1154.13 ACCARMEL, IN3/18/2020WATER QUALITY BASINROHRER ROAD TOWNHOMES0'(IN FEET)GRAPHIC SCALE30'60'90' MONON CROSSING TOWNHOMES - HWC #2018-169 - 3/13/2020 W:\CalAtlantic Homes\2018-169 CalAtlantic- Rohrer Rd Townhomes\Design\Calcs\ICPR-WQ\2018- 169-WQ.ICP WATER QUALITY RUNOFF RATES Simulation Basin Group Time Max Flow Max Volume Volume hrs cfs in ft3 WQ-24HR STR 115 BASE 12.02 3.63 0.66 9870 Interconnected Channel and Pond Routing Model (ICPR) ©2002 Streamline Technologies, Inc.Page 1 of 1 MONON CROSSING TOWNHOMES - HWC #2018-169 - 3/13/2020 W:\CalAtlantic Homes\2018-169 CalAtlantic- Rohrer Rd Townhomes\Design\Calcs\ICPR-WQ\2018- 169-WQ.ICP WATER QUALITY RUNOFF RATES ========================================================================================== ==== Basins ============================================================================== ========================================================================================== Name: STR 115 Node: BNDRY Status: Onsite Group: BASE Type: SCS Unit Hydrograph CN Unit Hydrograph: Uh484 Peaking Factor: 484 Rainfall File: Storm Duration(hrs): 0.00 Rainfall Amount(in): 0.00 Time of Conc(min): 10.00 Area(ac): 4.13 Time Shift(hrs): 0.00 Curve Number: 96.40 Max Allowable Q(cfs): 999999 DCIA(%): 0.00 ========================================================================================== ==== Nodes =============================================================================== ========================================================================================== Name: BNDRY Base Flow(cfs): 0.000 Init Stage(ft): 830.000 Group: BASE Warn Stage(ft): 999.00 Type: Time/Stage Time(hrs) Stage(ft) --------------- --------------- 0.00 830.00 100.00 830.00 ========================================================================================== ==== Hydrology Simulations =============================================================== ========================================================================================== Name: WQ-24HR Filename: W:\CalAtlantic Homes\2018-169 CalAtlantic- Rohrer Rd Townhomes\Design\Calcs\ICPR-WQ\WQ-24HR.R32 Override Defaults: Yes Storm Duration(hrs): 24.00 Rainfall File: NRCS-II-24 Rainfall Amount(in): 1.00 Time(hrs) Print Inc(min) --------------- --------------- 24.000 1.00 Interconnected Channel and Pond Routing Model (ICPR) ©2002 Streamline Technologies, Inc.Page 1 of 1 Monon Crossing Townhomes HWC # 2018-169 Date: 3/12/2020 Water Quality Basins Water Quality Volume:(P)(Rv)(A) 12 where:WQ v = water quality volume (ac-ft) P = 1 inch Rv =volumetric runoff coefficient = 0.05 + 0.009(I) I = percent impervious cover A = area in acres Water Quality CN: where:CNwq = adusted curve number for water quality flow rate calculation P = 1 inches (rainfall for water quality storm event) WQa =water quality volume in inches = 1.0 inch(Rv) Rv = volumetric runoff coefficient = 0.05 + 0.009(I) I = percent impervious cover Area Percent Roof/Pvmt WQ v (acres) Impervious (acres) (ac-ft) STR 115 4.13 67% 2.78 0.23 0.66 96.4 CNwq WQ v = Basin WQa CNwq = 1000 [10 + 5P + 10WQa - 10(WQa 2 + 1.25WQaP)1/2] W:\CalAtlantic Homes\2018-169 CalAtlantic- Rohrer Rd Townhomes\Design\Calcs\2018-169-ST.xlsx 3/12/2020 3:29 PM Culvert Report Hydraflow Express Extension for Autodesk® AutoCAD® Civil 3D® by Autodesk, Inc. Tuesday, Mar 17 2020 2018-169 STR 115: AS-8 BMP Invert Elev Dn (ft) = 835.54 Pipe Length (ft) = 5.00 Slope (%) = 0.20 Invert Elev Up (ft) = 835.55 Rise (in) = 15.0 Shape = Circular Span (in) = 15.0 No. Barrels = 1 n-Value = 0.012 Culvert Type = Circular Culvert Culvert Entrance = Smooth tapered inlet throat Coeff. K,M,c,Y,k = 0.534, 0.555, 0.0196, 0.9, 0.2 Embankment Top Elevation (ft) = 839.00 Top Width (ft) = 0.50 Crest Width (ft) = 4.00 Calculations Qmin (cfs) = 3.63 Qmax (cfs) = 3.63 Tailwater Elev (ft) = (dc+D)/2 Highlighted Qtotal (cfs) = 3.63 Qpipe (cfs) = 3.63 Qovertop (cfs) = 0.00 Veloc Dn (ft/s) = 3.42 Veloc Up (ft/s) = 4.58 HGL Dn (ft) = 836.55 HGL Up (ft) = 836.32 Hw Elev (ft) = 836.70 Hw/D (ft) = 0.92 Flow Regime = Inlet Control 0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0 11.0 12.0 13.0 14.0 Elev (ft)Hw Depth (ft)Profile 834.00 -1.55 835.00 -0.55 836.00 0.45 837.00 1.45 838.00 2.45 839.00 3.45 840.00 4.45 Reach (ft) Embankment 5.00 Lf of 15(in) @ 0.20 % HwHGL WATER QUALITY DIVERSION STRUCTURE #115 MONON CROSSING TOWNHOMES CARMEL, IN MARCH 17, 2020 Phone (888) 344-9044 Fax (423) 826-2112 www.aquashieldinc.com Aqua-Swirl Concentrator Model AS-8 Horseshoe HDPE Standard Detail AS-8 STD 03/25/15 Scale: Drawn By: Document: Date: JCW 1:30 U.S. Patent No. 6524473 and other Patent Pending Aqua-Swirl High Density Polyethylene (HDPE) Stormwater Treatment System * Please see accompanied Aqua-Swirl specification notes. * See Site Plan for actual system orientation. **2ULHQWDWLRQPD\YDU\IURPRU custom angles to meet site conditions. 4 1/2" [114 mm] 1/2" [13 mm] 1" [25 mm] Manhole Frame & Cover Detail NTS For Non-Traffic Areas Only Soil 1" [25 mm] Unless other traffic barriers are present, bollards shall be placed around access riser(s) in non-traffic areas to prevent inadvertent loading by maintenance vehicles. Soil Place small amount of concrete [3,000 psi [20 MPa] (min)] to support and level manhole frame. DO NOT allow manhole frame to rest upon riser. Riser Frame Cover 48" [1219 mm] Min. 12" [305 mm] Wrap Compressible Expansion Joint Material to a minimum 1-inch [25 mm] thickness around top of riser to allow transfer of inadvertent loading from manhole cover to concrete slab. Backfill (90% Proctor Density) Concrete Concrete8" [203 mm] Gravel Backfill Gravel Backfill 119" [3023 mm] 119" [3023 mm]InletVent 106 3/4" [2711 mm] A 18" [457 mm] OD Max Plan View Pipe coupling by Contractor. 12" [305 mm] long Stub-out by Manufacturer. Arched Baffle Octagonal Base Plate Structural Rail 32" [813 mm] OD Grade (Rim) Manhole Frame and Cover by Manufacturer. (See Details) Rim elevations to match finished grade. HDPE risers can be field cut by Contractor. Varies Riser Vent Swirl Inlet Structural Rail 114" [2896 mm] 68" [1727 mm] Section A-A Phone (888) 344-9044 www.aquashieldinc.com Arched Baffle Backfill (Sand or Crushed Stone) Bedding Undisturbed Soil 12" [305 mm] 24" [610 mm] Gravel Backfill shall extend at least 2 feet [610 mm] outward from Swirl Concentrator and for the full height of the Swirl Concentrator (including riser) extending laterally to undisturbed soils. (See MH Detail Below) Swirl Outlet 4 1/2" [114 mm] Gravel Backfill 1/2" [13 mm] 1" [25 mm] Manhole Frame & Cover Detail NTS For H-20 Traffic Loading Areas Concrete Paving 1" [25 mm] Wrap Compressible Expansion Joint Material to a minimum 1-inch [25 mm] thickness around top of riser to allow transfer of traffic loading from manhole cover to concrete slab. Backfill (90% Proctor Density) Support and Level manhole frame with concrete pad. DO NOT allow manhole frame to rest upon HDPE riser. Riser Frame Cover Gravel Backfill Concrete Paving 3" [76 mm] Typ. 12" [305 mm]12" [305 mm] If traffic loading (H-20) is required or anticipated, a concrete pad must be placed over the entire Stormwater Treatment System per concrete design as calculated by Engineer. Sample details of concrete pad available upon request.OutletA 18" [457 mm] OD Max Pipe coupling by Contractor. 12" [305 mm] long Stub-out by Manufacturer. 78" [1981 mm] City of Indianapolis Stormwater Quality Unit (SQU) Selection Guide Pg. 2 10/14/16 Version 11.8 Manufactured SQU SQU System Model Max Treatment Flow (cfs) 7000 5.66 9000 7.59 11000 9.88 16000 15.59 PC1319 or 1319 CIP 19.04 PC1421 or 1421 CIP 22.92 1522 CIP 27.23 1624 CIP 32.00 1726 CIP 37.24 1827 CIP 42.96 1929 CIP 49.17 2030 CIP 55.90 2131 CIP 63.15 2233 CIP 70.94 2334 CIP 79.28 2436 CIP 88.18 2538 CIP 97.66 2639 CIP 107.72 2740 CIP 118.37 2842 CIP 129.64 2943 CIP 141.53 3045 CIP 154.05 3146 CIP 167.21 3349 CIP 195.49 3958 CIP 296.83 4060 CIP 316.23 AS-2 0.26 AS-3 0.50 AS-4 0.98 AS-5 1.47 AS-6 2.32 AS-7 3.40 AS-8 4.75 AS-9 6.38 AS-10 8.30 AS-11 10.54 AS-12 13.10 Aqua-Swirl™ 2,3,4 AS-13 16.00 STORM SEWERS APPENDIX E LANDCADD 1987 LANDCADD 1987 )))))) ) ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))1160.18 AC1170.11 AC1180.38 AC1310.27 AC1210.06 AC2450.22 AC1300.07 AC2340.17 AC1470.31 AC1230.13 AC2510.21 AC1380.27 AC1370.14 AC2410.17 AC1270.35 AC1260.10 AC1250.08 AC1510.19 AC1450.20 AC1340.14 AC1410.14 AC1580.32 AC1630.33 AC1520.030 AC1480.022 AC1460.029 ACCARMEL, IN3/18/2020STORM SEWER BASINSROHRER ROAD TOWNHOMES0'(IN FEET)GRAPHIC SCALE30'60'90' Time of Concentration Worksheet PROJECT: Monon Crossing Townhomes Based on TR-55 JOB #: 2018-169 Overland Flow Channel Flow short grass 0.15 grass 0.03 farm, > 20% cover 0.17 concrete 0.015 2 year, 24 hour rainfall = 2.66 inches dense grass 0.24 rip-rap 0.035 minimum T_c = 5.00 minutes pavement 0.011 Overland flow seg. 1 Overland flow seg. 2 Shallow Concentrated Flow Channel Flow T_c Basin Length S n T_t Length S n T_t Length S Paved/Un Vel. T_t Length a Pw r S n Vel. T_t name (ft) % (min) (ft) % (min) (ft) % (P or U) (ft/s) (min) (ft) (s.f.) (ft) (ft) % (ft/s) (min) (min) 116 10 1.00 0.24 3 5 117 10 1.00 0.24 3 5 118 20 1.00 0.24 6 50 0.73 P 1.74 0 6 121 15 1.00 0.24 5 65 1.30 P 2.32 0 5 123 15 1.00 0.24 5 65 0.70 P 1.70 1 5 125 20 1.00 0.24 6 6 126 20 1.00 0.24 6 6 127 15 1.00 0.24 5 130 1.00 U 1.61 1 6 130 15 1.00 0.24 5 65 1.30 P 2.32 0 5 131 15 1.00 0.24 5 100 1.00 U 1.61 1 6 134 20 1.00 0.24 6 60 1.02 P 2.05 0 6 234 20 1.00 0.24 6 60 1.02 P 2.05 0 6 137 15 1.00 0.24 5 65 0.70 P 1.70 1 5 138 15 1.00 0.24 5 110 1.00 U 1.61 1 6 141 20 1.00 0.24 6 60 1.02 P 2.05 0 6 241 20 1.00 0.24 6 60 1.02 P 2.05 0 6 145 20 1.00 0.24 6 65 1.04 P 2.07 1 6 245 20 1.00 0.24 6 65 1.04 P 2.07 1 6 147 20 1.00 0.24 6 140 1.00 U 1.61 1 7 151 20 1.00 0.24 6 65 1.01 P 2.04 1 6 251 20 1.00 0.24 6 65 1.01 P 2.04 1 6 158 15 1.00 0.24 5 20 1.00 U 1.61 0 5 161 25 5.00 0.24 4 400 1.00 U 1.61 4 8 163 100 1.30 0.24 19 300 1.30 u 1.84 3 21 Typical values for Manning's n 6/21/20 W:\CalAtlantic Homes\2018-169 CalAtlantic- Rohrer Rd Townhomes\Design\Calcs\[2018-169-ST.xlsx]TC Q = Flow = cfs Project: Monon Crossing TownhomesN = (asphalt) Job #: 2018-169Z = ft/ft Date: T = ft/ft BY: GMMS = Longtudinal Slope = ft/ftD = Depth = ft * Double InletsStreet OpenAboveAbove OpenInlet Width, ft Total Left Right Left Right Comb. Lane Status Inlet Pvmt Inlet Comb. Lane Status121 0.24 0.24 0.00 3.76 0.00 0.06 0.00 0.00130 0.28 0.00 0.28 0.00 3.98 0.07 0.00 0.00123 0.52 0.26 0.26 3.96 4.61 0.11 0.04 1.74137 0.56 0.28 0.28 4.74 4.07 0.11 0.04 2.00125 0.31 0.19 0.12 3.39 3.36 0.08 0.01 0.24126 0.39 0.14 0.25 3.56 3.76 0.09 0.02 0.83Q, cfs Spread,ft25 7.74'----Gutter Spread & Ponding Depth Calculations Roughness = 1/Transverse Slope = Transverse Slope =0.01600.020848.00 09/30/19--Gutter Spread38 7.15' 30.85' > 10' OK17.26' > 10' OK37 9.35' 27.65' > 10' OK> 10' OK33.26' > 10' OK36.93' > 10' OK25.00'Ponding DepthSpread, ft0.00'3.74'1.07'W:\CalAtlantic Homes\2018-169 CalAtlantic- Rohrer Rd Townhomes\Design\Calcs\2018-169-ST.xlsxGS PROJECT: Monon Crossing Townhomes DATE: 3/17/2020 JOB #: 2018-169 COMPUTED BY: GMM W:\CalAtlantic Homes\2018-169 CalAtlantic- Rohrer Rd Townhomes\Design\Calcs\[2018-169-ST.xlsx]IC Area (ft^2) Perimeter (ft) Neenah R-3405 1.5 7.9 Neenah R-3287-10V 2.1 5.5 Neenah R-2510-A 1.1 5.8 Neenah R-4342 2.0 6.0 Neenah R-3010-S 1.0 4.6 Cw = 3.3 Cw = Coefficient of weir flow Q weir = CwLH1.5 Cd = 0.6 Cd = Coefficient of orifice flow Q orifice = CdA(2gh)0.5 L = Weir length (ft) A = Open area (ft2)C w source:Neenah Foundary Co. H = Head (ft) Q Area Perimeter Hweir Horifice (ft3/sec) (ft 2)(lf) (ft) (ft) 116 R-3287-10V 0.88 1.05 2.75 0.21 0.03 117 R-3405 0.44 0.75 3.95 0.10 0.01 118 R-3405 1.35 0.75 3.95 0.22 0.14 127 R-2510-A 0.94 0.55 2.90 0.21 0.12 131 R-2510-A 0.88 0.55 2.90 0.20 0.11 134 R-3405 0.62 0.75 3.95 0.13 0.03 234 R-3405 1.38 0.75 3.95 0.22 0.15 138 R-2510-A 0.88 0.55 2.90 0.20 0.11 141 R-3405 0.62 0.75 3.95 0.13 0.03 241 R-3405 0.76 0.75 3.95 0.15 0.04 145 R-3405 0.87 0.75 3.95 0.16 0.06 245 R-3405 0.96 0.75 3.95 0.18 0.07 147 R-2510-A 0.98 0.55 2.90 0.22 0.14 151 R-3405 0.85 0.75 3.95 0.16 0.05 158 R-2510-A 0.86 0.55 2.90 0.20 0.10 251 R-3405 0.94 0.75 3.95 0.17 0.07 Comments Paved Area Inlet Casting Type Inlet Capacity - Proposed Basins - Inlet Curb Inlet Beehive Inlet Beehive Inlet Curb Inlet * 50% clogged Casting Type